Christmas Traditions Challenge

The O.C.  Chrismukkard by Twinflower

Seth and Ryan think about a new tradition.

QAF  I'll Be Home For Christmas by Arwensong

The truths Danny has learned about his family set off an unexpected chain of events. From the Better Friends and Lovers Universe.

QAF  I'll Be Home For Christmas - Part II by Arwensong

Continues the events set in motion in the previous story.

QAF  I'll Be Home For Christmas - Part III by Arwensong

Continues the events set in motion in the previous story.

QAF  I'll Be Home For Christmas - Part IV by Arwensong

Continues the events set in motion in the previous story.

QAF  I'll Be Home For Christmas - Finale by Arwensong

Continues the events set in motion in the previous story.

New - Feb. 24th 2009

QAF  All I Want For Christmas Is ... You by Arwensong

Brian learns some hard truths as he is visited by Christmas ghosts. From the Better Friends and Lovers Universe.

QAF  Things Remembered by Dale

Justin is surprised at Brian's favorite Christmas tradition.

QAF  Traditions by O.G. Walton

Based on O.G.'s Fantasy Seasons, Justin follows a family tradition.

The Sentinel  More Than a Tradition! by Sabina

Jim and Blair take a moment to reflect on their true blessings.

QAF  Mashed Potatoes and Gravy by Thyme

Brian is coerced into doing something he doesn't want to do.

QAF  A Sweet Tradition by Cheryl

Justin introduces Brian to a sweet tradition.

Original  Underneath the Mistletoe by Arwensong

Daphne's mother connects with one of the O'Keefe brothers. From the Better Friends and Lovers Universe with guest appearances by some QAF characters.

Gorgeous Carat  Envelope by Astra Plain

An envelope appears for Florian.

QAF  Traditions by Lady Raven

A memory.

QAF  Out With the Old... by Wren

The boys are in the new house and Christmas is coming.

QAF  Out - Damned Spot by Dale

A wine spot threatens Justin's Christmas spirit.

QAF  It Is Tradition! by Sabina

Brian wants to change a Christmas tradition.

QAF  The First Day of Christmas by Thyme

Brian is called upon to honor a Christmas tradition.

QAF  More Than Meets the Eye by Dale

Justin develops some enthusiasm for an unwanted job.

Original  Let There Be Peace On Earth by Arwensong

A member of the O'Keefe family faces fires and his sexuality.

X-Files  A Traditional Time of Year by Sabina

Set in the Rat and Bear Universe, Alex and Walter start a new tradition.

QAF  The Promise by Shadownyc

Will Justin have to break one of his most important promises to Brian?

QAF  Just Another Miracle on 34th Street by Arwensong

Justin bumps into Chris Kringle in NY.  Written for Queer As Christmas on LJ.

QAF  Christmas Eve at the Liberty Baths by Thyme

Brian falls back on his old tradition of spending Christmas Eve at the Liberty Baths, while Justin is working on Rage in Hollywood.


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