Justin came into the loft and found it completely dark except for the light over Brian's desk. Brian was working late once again. Justin sighed, having hoped that they could go out that night. It'd been weeks since the last time they went out and he was starting to get tired of going out alone. Finally, he decided to give Brian a little test. He walked over to the desk and stood there for a minute until Brian looked up.


"Hey," the older man said.


"Hey." Justin smiled and they exchanged a quick kiss. Brian then went back to work. Justin remained beside the desk until Brian once again looked up.


"Can I help you?" he asked with a smirk.


"Brian, do you think I'm hot?" he asked only half sincerely.


"Nope," Brian replied. Justin frowned almost immediately.


The blond decided to try a different tactic. "Do you want to be with me?" He wasn't sure exactly where the question came from and it was obvious that Brian was confused as well, but Justin felt compelled to ask so he did.


Brian was silent for a minute, then shook his head. "Nope."


Justin once again frowned. He was starting to get angry. "If I walked out of your life right now, would you even cry?" Justin asked.


"Nope, can't say that I would," Brian replied.


Justin glared at him, then pushed away from the desk, starting to walk away. Brian grabbed his wrist and Justin turned to look at Brian. If looks could kill he'd have been dead on the spot.


"Justin.....I don't think you're hot because there's no word to describe your beauty. I don't want to be with you, I need it with every fiber of my being. And if you walked out of my life right now I wouldn't cry because I'd be devastated beyond the ability to shed tears."


Justin's expression softened immediately and he practically tackled Brian in the chair, kissing him with an all consuming passion. Brian never did get back to work that night.



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