The Love Poem





Brian was getting bored with Babylon. He’d taken a couple of guys to the back room and gotten his dick sucked, but he now wanted to go home. He’d found that actually picking up a trick had less and less appeal to it as time went by. The fact that he and Justin had only been back together for about five months was the only explanation he had for the fact that he was actually still doing it. He decided just to take a cab home rather than calling Michael and waking him up to drive him back to the loft. He wanted to get home and fuck the living daylights out of a certain blond twink. Justin had moved back into the loft the week prior.


The only problem was that Justin wasn’t going to be in the loft when Brian got home. Justin was in New York with Daphne at the moment. Something to do with school or some such nonsense. Brian wasn’t really paying attention to the reason Justin was leaving for the weekend, he just knew that he was and where to contact him if he needed to. The blond was gone only about twenty minutes when Brian found himself missing him. That was Thursday afternoon and Justin wasn’t supposed to be back until late Sunday evening.


The large amount of alcohol coursing through Brian’s veins prevented him from noticing the suitcase sitting just inside the door as he entered the loft. He went over to the refrigerator, got a bottle of water and downed about half of it in one gulp before putting the bottle down on the counter. He started to walk to the bedroom when he stopped. There on the dining room table was one of Justin’s sketchbooks. He went over and sat down in the chair, noticing the pencil beside it.


Brian started to flip through the drawings, missing Justin more and more with each page. He hated the fact that Justin wasn’t there, but he also hated the fact that he was actually missing him as much as he was. Brian fucking Kinney was not supposed to be this lost for someone. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but it had. Somehow Justin wormed his way into Brian’s heart and Brian hadn’t done anything to stop it. He flipped the book to a clean page, picked up the pencil and stared at the page for a minute. There were rare occasions when Brian was drunk that he would reach a moment of sudden clarity, enough to accomplish a specific task. This was one of those times. Brian’s hand started to fly across the page as he did not draw, but wrote.


When Justin came out of the bathroom, having finished his shower, he was half tempted to just go to bed. He saw the light in the living room on and he could have sworn that he’d turned it off. Going to do so, he stopped when he saw Brian. The older man was passed out at the dining room table. Justin had a curious expression as he looked at his lover. He had his head resting on the table, arms splayed out beside him. As Justin moved closer he noticed something in Brian’s right hand. Moving even closer he saw that it was one of his pencils. That’s about when he noticed the sketchbook laying there between Brian’s face and hand. He looked at it and saw something written in Brian’s handwriting. It was a little wobbly, proving Brian was drunk. Justin picked it up and started reading, his eyes going wide as he read.




To simply say I love you is like saying heaven is just okay.

From the moment I first saw you, you took my breath away.

My life is naught without you and I hope that you will see,

I'll love you forever; you'll have my heart eternally.

My days go by in misery until comes the time,

that I once again can touch you, your lips locked with mine.

When we're not together my life is like a haze,

I can think only of you, in a constant daze.

I hope that some day soon there will come a day,

when we will never be apart, together we shall stay.

I'll love you 'til the day I die, and when we are apart,

know that there will be no other, for you will always own my heart





Justin couldn’t believe it. Brian had actually written him a love poem. And a damn good one at that. He reached up and wiped away the tears that suddenly threatened to roll down his cheeks. He gently removed the pencil from Brian’s hand, sat down and started to sketch. What most would have considered a severely unattractive pose, even for Brian, was one that Justin wanted to capture on paper forever. He continued to sketch his lover until the sun came up.


When Brian opened his eyes, he had to blink against the sunlight streaming in the large windows. His back ached from lying stretched out over the dining room table all night long. His head was pounding from the hangover he was suffering through. He wanted to just take a shower and get back into bed. Brian sat up, scrubbing his hands over his face before running his fingers through his hair. When he dropped his hands he almost jumped out of the chair, seeing Justin mere inches from his face.


“Christ, Justin. Are you trying to give me a heart attack or something?” he asked. Justin smiled and set a cup of coffee down in front of the older man before kissing his cheek.


“Sorry,” he said before going back into the kitchen. Brian noticed the aroma of what smelled like bacon and eggs coming from that general direction and his stomach growled.


“When did you get home?” Brian asked before lifting the coffee mug to his lips.


“While you were out last night,” Justin answered with a smile, though Brian couldn’t see it.


“And you let me sleep at the fucking table?” Brian arched an eyebrow at his lover’s back. Justin turned and looked at him with an identically arched eyebrow.


“Like I could pick you up and carry you to bed?”


“Good point,” Brian conceded with a nod. He was trying to remember what happened after he got home to see if there was a clue that the blond had returned, but he couldn’t remember a thing after getting in the cab to come home. When Justin sat down with their plates, Brian noticed the smile on his face. “You’re never this chipper at this time of morning, what’s up?” he asked.


“Nothing,” Justin smirked.


“Nothing my ass, what’s going on?” Brian asked again. Justin continued to smirk as he went to get something off his desk. He came back with a wooden frame. It was one that had lain empty in the loft for God only knew how long and Justin finally found a use for it. In the frame was what looked like a hand written poem with some hearts and flowers and other sickeningly sweet romantic shit drawn around it. He recognized that Justin had done the sketching. It took a second for Brian to recognize his own handwriting, however. His head snapped up and he stared at the blond across from him with wide eyes.


“You don’t remember, do you?” Justin asked with a chuckle.


“No,” Brian said, then looked back down at the frame in his hand. Had he truly been so drunk as to compose a love poem for the blond? Justin got up and took the frame from Brian before he could destroy the evidence, though Justin didn’t really think he would. Brian simply sat there in shock, watching his lover. The younger man came back with a sketchbook and placed it in front of Brian. On the page was a drawing of him sitting at the dining room table, passed out drunk and looking drooly and disgusting.


“That’s how I found you when I came out of the shower,” Justin answered Brian’s unspoken question.


“Why the fuck did you draw this? You’re planning on blackmailing me, aren’t you?” Brian tried to act angry but he couldn’t keep the smile from tugging at the corners of his lips. Justin sat down in his lap, wrapping his arms around Brian’s neck and looking him in the eye.


“I drew it so that I can always remember exactly how you looked the first time you told me you love me,” Justin said with a smile. Brian rolled his eyes, then returned the smile, his hands moving to Justin’s hips. Justin moved in and lightly kissed Brian before sitting back a little and looking him in the eye. There was an evil gleam to the blue eyes that Brian wasn’t sure if he liked or not. The blond got up and started walking toward the bedroom. He swayed his hips slightly as he went causing Brian’s mouth to water and his cock to twitch. Justin stopped at the top of the steps into the bedroom. “Now that you’ve officially told me how much you love me, why not come show me?” He wiggled his hips one more time, slipping off his shirt before disappearing into the bedroom. Brian was up and in the bedroom in seconds.




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