Kodak Moment

Lindsay smiled as she washed the late night dinner dishes. Mel had been wrong about Brian. Sure he may at times lose his way, and get sidetracked by a trick, but Lindsay knew that deep down in the heart of Brian Kinney was the soul of a father who loved, and wanted to see his son. Why else would Brian have shown up at her house after midnight with the flimsy excuse of wanting to taste her forty cloves chicken?

Lindsay dried the last dish, and placed the leftover chicken in the refrigerator. "What the hell was that sound?" She paused to listen. Was it a sick dog, or cat outside? No, the faint wails seemed to be coming from the living room. Lindsay stood at the end of the hallway, and listened. Oh my, it sounded as if someone was ill. Brian, Gus??? She hurried down the hall, then stopped short at the living room entrance.

"Sunny day

Sweepin' the clouds away

On my way to where the air is sweet

Can you tell me how to get

How to get to Sesame Street .."

Brian was in full voice, with Gus laying on his chest. The infant's eyes were wide open as he listened to his father.

"Come and play

Everything's A-okay

Friendly neighbors there

That's where we meet

Can you tell me how to get

How to get to Sesame Street ."

Lindsay thought for a moment. Where was her camera when she needed it? Would anyone believe her if she shared this story? Better yet would she even want to share this moment with anyone else?

Lindsay smiled, and quietly tiptoed back to the kitchen.

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