Proposition 14

Part 2

Two hours, and four paddy wagons after the raid on St. Sabina, there was standing room only at the 12th district police station. The normally quiet precinct's two holding cells were filled to the brim with wedding guests who had refused to go quietly, and those who couldn't manage to get away before the foray began. Newlywed Michael sat between his husband, and his best friend on the concrete floor.

"This certainly wasn't what I had in mind for my wedding day." Michael grumbled.

"You said you wanted it to be memorable." Brian reminded him.

"At least Hunter was able to get away. He's probably scared to death. God knows where he's going to spend the night." Ben worried.

"He's probably gone home to throw a party. I know that's what I would do if both of my parents were going to be away for the night." Brian grinned.

"Shut up Brian!" Michael frowned.

Tony braced his arm across his chest, and shifted his position on the hard floor. "Shit. I think that fucking pig cracked one of my ribs with his nightstick," he groaned.

Brian wasn't making matters any better. "You know, Tony, you really should learn to control your temper. You're too old to be getting into fights, especially with the police."

"Shut up, Brian!" Tony winced.

Justin sat between his two princes. "The main thing is that we defied Proposition 14. Michael and Ben's wedding will go down in Liberty Avenue history as the ultimate fuck-you to anyone who dares to tell us how to live our lives."

"Thank you, Abby Hoffman." Brian said facetiously.

"Speaking of Abby Hoffman, this reminds me of the civil rights rallies from the1960s, when followers of Dr. King were thrown into jail for civil disobedience." Ben said.

Thaddeus was seated on the floor, on the other side of Tony. "Well I'm not Dr. King!" the good reverend snapped. "If these pigs think I'm going to turn the other cheek…I've got another cheek for them. They can kiss my ass!"

"Well it's certainly not hard to see where Tony got his temper from." Brian noted.

Tony reached over, and took his father's hand. "Take it easy, dad," he said.

"Dad? You just called me dad." Reverend Thaddeus C. Daniels melted.

Debbie's boyfriend, detective Carl Horvath escaped being thrown into the slammer by the skin of his badge. He took advantage of that privilege by watching out for improprieties from overzealous officers, and acting as a liaison between the prisoners and what was happening upstairs in the booking area.

"Everybody please relax, and try to keep it down. The officers are working as fast as they can on getting you all booked, and released in a timely manner." Detective Horvath assured them.

Across the way in the women's holding pen, Lindsey pressed her face through the bars. "Carl, where's Gus!" she worried.

"Gus is fine. He's with one of our female officers." Carl said.

"What about my guys? Where's my guys!" Tony called out from his sitting position on the floor.

"Your lawyer, Kenneth Davenport is with them. He's already posted their bail, and seen to it that Daniel and the rest of The Plaza's security have been taken to the hospital to get checked out. Like I said, the officers are working as fast as they can. Be patient. Hopefully, most you will be out of here shortly." Carl returned upstairs to the booking area.

Tony continued to brace his arm across his chest, while he rested his head against the wall behind him. As quiet as it was kept, he knew that his health was rapidly becoming more and more fragile. Maybe it was time to listen to his cardiologist, and make some serious changes in his life. Certainly it was time to listen to Brian, and stop getting into fights with policemen and nightsticks.

"Are you ok?" Justin leaned over, and nuzzled Tony's shoulder.

"I'm ok, princess, just tired." Tony closed his eyes. He was just about to doze off when…

"I WANT ALL OF YOUR BADGE NUMBERS! YOU'RE ALL GOING TO BE HEARING FROM MY LAWYER!" A noisy newcomer was added to the already crowded cell.

Tony's eyes flew open. "Who the hell is that?"

"That's our father-in-law-to-be." Brian said.

Justin stood up from the floor, and maneuvered his way through the bodies. "Dad, I was worried about you. Are you alright?"


"Craig, honey, remember your blood pressure!" Jennifer called from the women's holding cell on the other side of the room.


"SIDESHOW?" Debbie took offense.

"Take it easy, Deb." Melanie calmed her cellmate down.


"Charming, isn't he?" Brian turned to Tony.

"Indeed." Tony said.

"Why don't you go over, and introduce yourself." Brian suggested.

"Maybe later." Tony thought not.

"Come on, don't let that type-A personality intimidate you. He's just pissed off right now. Old Craig is a really nice guy, once you get to know him. Go on over and introduce yourself. I'm sure he's just dying to meet you." Brian said innocently.

Ben, Michael, and Ted watched along with Brian as Tony stood up, and walked over to where Craig and Justin was standing. "Mr. Taylor, my name is Anthony Massey. I'm sorry we're not meeting under more auspicious circumstances." He extended his hand.

"This ought to be good." Brian chuckled.

Craig turned around, and slowly looked Tony up, and down. "I expect this kind of behavior from Brian, but I never thought a man of your stature would ever be involved in a fiasco like this. I just want you to know that I'm suing you too!" he hissed.

"Dad!" Justin frowned.

"Hi, dad!" Brian waved from his sitting position on the floor.

"God is going to get you for that one, Brian." Ted warned him.

Tony withdrew his handshake. "I'm sorry you feel that way, Mr. Taylor, but this wedding is far from a fiasco," he said. "We've made history here today. Not only that. This is a day that Michael and Ben will look back on with the fondest of memories, for the rest of their lives. This is a day they'll be able to laugh at, and tell their grandchildren about. I only hope that Brian and I will be able to give Justin these same kinds of memories."

Justin's eyes suddenly lit up. "You can give me those same kinds of memories," he said. "Let's get married right now."

"Now?" Tony's jaw dropped.

"Now?" Craig's eyes widened.

"Now." Justin smiled.

Brian looked at Michael. "Am I hearing right? Did Justin just say that he wanted to get married NOW?"

"Oh Brian, that's a great idea!" Michael beamed. "Just think, our anniversaries will be on the same day!"

"Wait a minute….!"

"I told you God was going to get you." Ted reminded him.

"Shut up, Theodore!" Brian leaped to his feet, and hurried over to Justin. "Baby….we can't get married now…" he said.

"Why not?" Justin wanted to know.

"Because it's insane, that's why!" Craig intervened.

"No dad, it's not insane. Everybody that I love is here, including you and mom." Justin rationalized.

"Oh, this is so romantic." Emmett began to weep.

"Molly!…What about Molly? You don't want to get married without your sister present." Brian tried again.

"And Mary!" Tony added. "She'd kill me if I got married, and she wasn't there!"

"We can call them, and they can watch the wedding on our cell phones!" Michael suggested.

"Shut up, Michael!" Brian barked.

"Justin…princess …there are things that need to be taken care of before people get married." Tony attempted to reason with him.

"Like what?" Justin asked.

"Well, there's prenuptials, and…."

"You think I'm marrying you for your money?" Justin immediately took offense.

"No…no I didn't say that!" Tony backed off.

"Gus. I need to have Gus here!" Brian came to Tony's aid. "I can't get married without my son."

"Carl can go get Gus!" Debbie called out.

"Oh, this is so romantic." Emmett wailed again.

Justin looked at his two alter-shy princes, both of whom were rapidly exhausting all of their excuses. "Prenuptials, postnuptial, I'll sign whatever you want me to sign," he said.

"But what about your big wedding, princess? I promised you that." Tony reminded him.

Justin wrapped his arms around Tony's waist, and hugged him close. "Oh, but you would be giving me my big wedding. How could it get any bigger than this, with the eyes of the world watching us? Don't you understand that this is our time? Right here, right now. Come on, I need you both to be brave with me. What do you say?" Justin reached over, and took Brian's hand.

Tony and Brian looked at each other. "Alright, let's do this." Tony said………………

Wedding planner, Emmett, pulled himself together long enough to gather the boys of Liberty Avenue around. There needed to be lots of witnesses to this historic event. No one was going to believe that Brian Kinney got married. Across the way, in the women's cell, Jennifer was already crying. Debbie placed her in front, nearest the bars, while the rest of the female St. Sabina wedding guests moved in closer to hear. Word of the impromptu wedding quickly spread throughout the 12th precinct, and several of the officers followed Carl and Gus downstairs to the holding cells. As suggested, cell phones were used to transmit the ceremony for Tony's housekeeper Mary, and Justin's sister Molly.

"This is crazy. JEN, ARE YOU GOING TO JUST STAND THERE, AND LET HIM GO THROUGH WITH THIS? SAY SOMETHING!" Craig refused to give up his one-man protest.

"SHUT UP, CRAIG!" Jennifer blew her nose.

For the second time that day, Reverend Thaddeus C. Daniels looked out over the unconventional congregation before him. "Tony, Justin, and Brian, will the three of you please hold hands?" he began. "What a glorious day this is, and what remarkable young men you are to go against every conventional law and listen to your own hearts. How proud I am to stand here before you to say to you the same that I told Michael and Ben earlier today. The covenant of marriage was established by God the creator, and his son Jesus, for the help and comfort given to one another, and when it is God's will the rearing of children. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God."

"Oooh." This time it was Ted who began to weep. Michael reached over and placed his arm around his friend's shoulder, as Thaddeus continued.

"Into this holy union Anthony, Brian, and Justin have come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they should not be married, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

"You'd better not say a goddamn word." Emmett discretely whispered in Craig Taylor's ear.

"Brian, Anthony, and Justin will you love each other, comfort each other, and honor each other? Will you take care of each other in sickness and in health? Will you forsake all others, and remain faithful to each other for as long as you live?" Thaddeus put forth the question.

Much to everyone's surprise, it was Brian who answered first. "I will," he said.

"Yes, I will." Tony seconded.

"I will." Justin agreed.

Thaddeus smiled. "Before I pronounce you, is there anything that you would like to say to each other?" he asked.

Like the wedding itself, Thaddeus's last question had caught Tony and Brian off guard. While both men racked their brains for something wonderful to say on such a special occasion, Justin decided to go first.

"Brian, my love. Tony, my heart. I still can't believe that I'm here with both of you. I'm so ready to share the rest of my life with you. May our world never become boring, and predictable. May we never grow tired of each other, and end up just going through the motions. Together, let's rewrite the blueprint for love, and show everybody how it's done. My two marvelous, valiant princes, when you look at me I want you to always see your princess, and your baby, and when I look at you, I'll always see my home." Justin smiled.

There wasn't a dry eye in the cellblocks when Tony opened his mouth to speak. Try as he may, the words just wouldn't come out. Completely overwhelmed by what his princess had just said, Tony looked over at Brian for help. Unfortunately, his precious one wasn't faring too much better himself. Justin had already said it all. What more could Brian say?

Gus reached between the bars, and yanked his father's pant leg. "Say I love you, pop!" he whispered.

Brian looked at Justin, and Tony. "I love you," he said.

The wedding guests broke into laughter as Thaddeus stretched out his arms. "By the power invested in me by the one true God, I pronounce you Anthony, Brian, and Justin partners in life. Let no man, nor women, nor Proposition 14 put asunder. Please feel free to seal your union with a kiss………………….."

NEXT WEEK: To be continued in Fantasy Season 10.

Fantasy Season 10 will begin on Friday, November 2nd, 2007.

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