Proposition 14

Part 1

"This is Sylvia Perez reporting to you live, outside of St. Sabina's church where inside Michael Novotny, and Benjamin Bruckner, two gay men will defy Pittsburgh's band on gay marriage. Proposition 14, the referendum to ban same sex marriage passed by an overwhelming vote last Tuesday, despite the efforts of Pittsburgh's gay community that came out to vote in record numbers. We have here with us reverend Ted Haggard, pastor of the Colorado Springs-based, New Life Church. Thank you for speaking with us reverend Haggard." Sylvia held the microphone for the religious leader.

"It's a pleasure to be here to speak for the moral majority of Christians in this fair city who decided on Tuesday, to keep marriage between a man and a woman, just as God planned it." Reverend Haggard smiled for the camera.

Sylvia continued. "Reverend Haggard, there has been a wave of violence in this city since Tuesday's vote. Several gay establishments have been vandalized, and there have been numerous random attacks on gay citizens…"

"We do not condone these acts of violence." Haggard interrupted her.

"But members of the Christian vigilante group known as Beziers have aligned themselves with your ministry, and have taken credit for injuries to the minister who was supposed to perform the ceremony here today. Reverend Tom, pastor of St. Sabina is still listed in serious, but stable condition at St. Mary Hospital at this hour." Sylvia informed him.

"Our church does not teach hate. Our lord teaches us to love the sinner, but hate the sin." Haggard continued to smile for the camera.

"So why are you here?" the reporter asked.

"Several members of my flock and I are here in the name of God, to pray for the heathens inside St. Sabina." Haggard said.

"Heathen is a rather harsh word, wouldn't you say so, reverend?" Sylvia asked.

"I didn't name them that." Haggard reminded her. "That's what they're called in the Bible. People who do not acknowledge God are heathens. My group and I are here to pray on behalf of the good citizens of Pittsburgh, who by their vote have chosen to uphold the law of God, yet are powerless to stop the abomination that is about to take place inside what is supposed to be a holy place……………"

Fearing a longwinded sermon coming on, Sylvia Perez turned back to the camera. "Thank you, Reverend Haggard. As you folks at home can see behind me, there are more cars still arriving here at St. Sabina. I believe I see Anthony Massey, owner of The Plaza Hotel getting out of that black limousine. Let's see if we can have a word with him."

The seasoned reporter left Reverend Haggard and took off toward Tony's limo, followed by her own camera crew, and a slew of other reporters who had flown to Pittsburgh to cover the human interest story. "Mr. Massey, I understand that you're credited for much of the financial backing for the ceremony that is about to take place inside!" Sylvia shoved her microphone in Tony's face.

"No comment." Tony pushed it away.

"Can you tell us who will be performing the ceremony today?" another reporter tried.

"No comment." Tony said again.

"Mr. Massey, who is the young man with you? Is that Justin Taylor, the young man who was attacked at his prom?"

"He said, no comment!" Daniel, Tony's head of security at The Plaza bulldozed a path for his boss through the reporters, up to the front door of the church.

"Friends of the groom, or the groom?" Emmett greeted them.

"We're here for both of the grooms. Thank you very much." Justin swaggered past him.

"Then by all means, walk this way." Emmett led the royal couple through the church vestibule, and opened the door to the sanctuary.

Ever the detail conscious entrepreneur, Tony scanned the decorated church. "The place looks great, Emmett," he approved. "I especially like what you did with the flower arrangements along the pulpit, and that arch. I love that arch."

"Why thank you, Mr. Massey. I was going for that outdoor-indoor garden party effect." Emmett grinned. The proud wedding planner then proceeded to escort his guests down the center aisle, to their seats near the front of the church.

"Debbie?" Justin gasped. "I almost didn't recognize you. You look gorgeous!"

"Isn't she pretty?" Carl proudly placed his arm around his best girl.

Debbie posed in her new hat. "We Novotnys clean up pretty damn good when we want to," she glowed.

"Indeed you do." Tony gave Michael's mother a princely kiss on the hand, before taking his seat.

"Hey, Tony, Justin!"

"Gus!" Lindsey, and Melanie tried to catch their rambunctious son, as he raced down the center aisle.

"Hey, Tiger! My, don't you look handsome." Tony smiled.

"My mom made me wear a tie." Gus sat down in the seat next to Justin.

"I like it, and I like your suit too. It makes you look so grownup." Justin said, much to Gus's delight.

Justin looked around at the standing room only congregation. From drag queens, to leather daddies, friends, and family alike had dressed-to-the-nines, and gathered together to show their support for Ben and Michael. Among them was Jennifer Taylor, sitting over in the PFLAG section. Seated next to her was a very uncomfortable-looking Craig Taylor.

"Oh look, even my parents are here!" Justin waved frantically.

"Hi, Justin!" Jennifer smiled, and waved back.

"Oh god, Tony, this is fantastic. You have to promise me that our wedding will be exactly like this." Justin beamed.

"I promise princess." Tony smiled.


They met in junior high school. Funny how gay boys always manage to find each other. Even before they were certain of their own orientation, Brian Kinney and Michael Novotny had become instant friends. Over the years the two had seen each other through the best, and the worst of times. Together they had explored, and come to terms with their own sexuality. It was Michael who snuck into Babylon with Brian on prom night, and it was Brian who coaxed Michael to venture into Babylon's infamous backroom for the first time. Michael had weathered the storm of violence with Brian at the Kinney house, while Brian defended the whiny outcast from the violence in gym class. Michael was there for Brian when his father died, and Brian had been Michael's rock when his baby daughter, Jenny Rebecca passed away in an angel's sleep. In short the best friends had been a part of every major, and minor, event in each other's lives, sharing secrets, fantasies, and dreams for over a decade. And so it was on this day that Brian would stand once again with Mikey, this time to hand him over to the man of his dreams, Benjamin Bruckner.

"Nervous?" Brian calmly straightened his best friend's tie.

"I'm sweating bullets!" Michael hyperventilated.

Brian nonchalantly dabbed Michael's forehead with his handkerchief. "Relax. There's only a few hundred family, friends, and reporters waiting to see you," he said.

"Thanks." Michael continued to try to catch his breath.

Brian stepped back, and did a quick turn. "How do I look?" he asked.

"Beautiful as usual." Michael smiled. "Did you ever think we'd live to see this day?"

"Not really." Brian refolded his handkerchief, and placed it back in the breast pocket of his suit jacket.

"I guess this means we're all grown up now." Michael said.

"Speak for yourself." Brian smiled.

"So when are you and Justin, and Tony going to get married?" Michael asked.

"We're not in any hurry. Justin hasn't even been measured for his gown yet." Brian said.

"Leave it to Brian Kinney to come up with his own version of marriage." Michael chuckled. "I still wish Ben, and I were getting married for real," he sighed.

"This is real." Brian said.

"You know what I mean." Michael explained. "Why does our relationship have to be called anything less than what it is? Domestic partnership, that sounds so defeated. That's a name that breeders gave us to remind us that we'll never be considered as equals. We'll always be less than them."

Brian walked over to Michael, and looked into his friend's eyes. "Your marriage will be real to everyone that matters, Michael," he said. "It'll be real to you, to the people that love you, and most of all, it'll be real to God. Who the fuck cares what breeders call it?"

"Since when did you become religious?" Michael smirked.

"Since I started seeing miracles." Brian said.

"Miracles?" Michael looked confused.

Brian attempted to explain. "I remember when my parents used to make me go to Sunday school. I'd sit there, and listen to all the stories about Noah's Ark, burning bushes, Christ walking on water, and giving sight to the blind, and every night I would pray for one of those miracles. Not a big one. I didn't want lightning bolts to fall from the sky. I didn't want to be rich. I didn't even want to be a rock star. I only wanted to be normal."

"You mean straight?" Michael asked.

"At that time, that's what I considered to be normal." Brian confessed. "I always thought that if I were only like the other boys, my father wouldn't hate me so much."

"Your father didn't hate you, he hated life. Jack Kinney was an alcoholic who drank to get away from life, then became violent when drinking didn't work for him. It had nothing to do with you, Brian." Michael assured him.

Brian shrugged his shoulders. "It doesn't matter now, because I finally got my miracle." He smiled. "Justin, Tony, and Gus."

"Michael, it's time!" Emmett knocked on the door.

Brian placed his arm around his best friend's shoulder. "Come on, Mikey, they're playing your song," he said.


Reverend Thaddeus C. Daniels looked out over the unconventional congregation seated before him. There were men dressed like women on his right, women dressed like men to his left, leather clad bikers were seated in the center pews, right next to the tastefully dressed, PFLAG parents. Finally Thaddeus looked over in the second row at his own gay son.

"Thank you." Tony mouthed to his father.

"Let us begin." Thaddeus smiled. "Reverend Martin Luther King once said that's it's not the silence of your enemies that you'll remember, but the silence of your friends. Lately I've asked myself how can we as Christians hide behind our high moral walls, and keep silent while our friends and loved ones are being persecuted on the other side. I've decided that I cannot, and so it is for that reason that I stand before you today to celebrate love. I stand before you today to celebrate the love, and to join in holy matrimony Michael Novotny and Benjamin Bruckner."

"Oooh." Emmett began to weep. Ted reached over, and placed his arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Young men, the bond and covenant of marriage was established by God the creator, and his son." Thaddeus continued. "Our lord and savior Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by his presence, and first miracle at a wedding in Galilee. The union of marriage was established for the help, and comfort given to one another, and when it is God's will, the rearing of children. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly, or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God."

"Ooooh!" Emmett cried out again. This time he was joined by Debbie. Carl reached over, and placed his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder.

"Into this holy union Michael Novotny and Benjamin Bruckner have come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be married, speak now, or forever hold your peace!" Thaddeus looked out over the congregation.

"ADAM, AND EVE, NOT ADAM, AND STEVE!" As if on cue, the chant outside began.

Thaddeus pretended to ignore them. "I require, and charge you both here in the presence of God that if either of you, Benjamin or Michael, know of any reason why you may not be united in marriage, you do now confess it."

"FAGGOTS!" One angry voice outside rose above the other protesters.

Thaddeus continued. "Michael, will you have this man, Benjamin, to be your partner in life, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him for as long as you both shall live?"

At that moment a brick came through one of the balcony's stained glass windows, sending guests scrambling to move out of the way of flying debris.

"Michael….Michael!" Brian whispered.

"I….I will." Michael said.

"ADAM, AND EVE, NOT ADAM, AND STEVE!" The protesters continued outside.

Tony got up, and walked to the back of the church. "What the fuck is going on?" he whispered to Daniel.

"The situation outside is becoming more and more volatile, sir. The protesters have started smashing out car windows. The police have already been called. I've telephoned The Plaza for backup, and I've called your lawyer." Tony's head of security informed him.

"Benjamin, will you have this man, Michael, to be your partner in life, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him for as long as you both shall live?" Thaddeus continued.

"I will." Ben said.

"May we have the rings, please?" Thaddeus looked over at Brian.

With escalating voices, and the piercing sounds of sirens outside, Michael's best man reached inside his breast pocket, and handed two gold bands to the presiding minister. "Can we hurry this along a little, reverend?" Brian whispered to Thaddeus.

"Indeed." Thaddeus nodded. "Michael, repeat after me. Benjamin, with this ring, I thee wed."

"Ben, with this ring I thee wed." Michael slipped the band onto Ben's finger.

The ruckus outside had now reached the church vestibule. "What's happening?" Gus whimpered.

"I don't know, sweetheart." Lindsey comforted her son.

Justin got up, and went in search of Tony. Carl followed him, as Thaddeus continued on with the ceremony. "Benjamin, repeat after me. Michael, with this ring, I thee wed."

Ben slipped the gold band onto Michael's finger. "Michael, with this ring I thee wed," he said.

Carl stopped short at the sanctuary door. "Let me handle this, Justin. You stay inside here. I'll go find out what's going on," he said.

The veteran cop stepped out into the church vestibule to find Tony engaged in a heated argument with a police officer. "What seems to be the problem here, officer? I'm detective Horvath of the 4th district." Carl intervened.

"This assembly is in violation of codes 221 and 463, unlawful assembly, and inciting a riot," the policeman said.

"Bullshit!" Tony barked.

"Shhh!" Carl grabbed Tony's arm.

"Officers, I can assure you that this is a peaceful gathering." Carl said.

"I have my orders. You will immediately cease and disperse this illegal gathering, or we're going to start arresting people." The cop gave his final warning.

"Fuck you!" Tony hissed. "Now round up the rest of your livestock, and go harass the donut shop down the street!"

The officer's face turned crimson red. "Put your hands behind your back!" He placed his hand on Tony's shoulder.

Daniel immediately reacted. Within moments the Pittsburgh police and The Plaza Hotel security were engaged in an all out brawl. Brian and the rest of the congregation turned toward the loud sounds coming from the back of the church.

"THEY'RE TRYING TO COME INSIDE! SOMEONE COME HELP ME!" Justin braced his back against the sanctuary door.

Gus was the first to leap from his seat. With his mommies in hot pursuit, the youngster bolted back down the center aisle, positioned himself next to Justin, and pushed with all of his 6yr old might.


The pews began to empty, and rush to the back of the church. "EVERYBODY PUSH!" Justin called out.


NEXT WEEK: Proposition 14, pt.2

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