Man on the Side


With the vote on Proposition 14 less than two months away, in an unprecedented display of unity, Pittsburgh's LGBT community was banning together to defeat the amendment that would forbid same sex marriage. Justin and Daphne had volunteered to work the evening commute at the train station. "Vote no to Proposition 14." Justin handed a flyer to a passersby.

"I can't believe your father actually said that he approved of your lifestyle." Daphne made conversation, as they went about their tasks. "Vote no to Proposition 14."

"He didn't say that he approved of it, he said that he has learned to accept it." Justin handed out another flyer. "Vote no to Proposition 14."

"That's still a huge turn around, Justin. What made your dad change his mind?" Daphne handed out another flyer.

"My mom changed his mind. I think they're fucking again." Justin said.

"No way!" Daphne gasped.

"Yes way." Justin assured her. "Dad's not seeing the brunette that he met at the housewares show anymore, and he asked mom out to dinner last night."

"Just because they went out to dinner doesn't mean they're back together again." Daphne said.

Justin stopped, and looked at Daphne. "Molly says mom didn't come home all night."

"Oh shit." Daphne handed out another flyer.

"I can't fuck it up for them this time, Daph, especially now that my dad is willing to meet me half way. If he's willing to accept that I'm gay, the least I can do is honor the values he, and my mom have taught me, and settle down with just one partner. That's why we have to defeat Proposition 14. I want to get married, Daph." Justin handed out another flyer.

"So who are you going to marry?" Daphne asked.

"Brian, or course!" Justin said.

Daphne stopped, and looked at Justin. "But what about Tony?"

"Daph, Brian is my real boyfriend. Tony and I have always had the understanding that he's just my man-on-the-side." Justin made the distinction.

"Yeah, right." Daphne begged to differ. "If Tony is just your man-on-the-side, then why is it that whenever you're in trouble, Tony is the first one that you call?"

"He is not!" Justin denied.

"Bullshit!" Daphne said. "When Brian was still whoring around, it was Tony who gave you the attention that you needed, and let's not forget that it was Tony that you ran to when Kevin raped you. Tony was the one that you called to help Brian get his job back at VanGuard….."

"Alright, alright!" Justin stopped her. "I know I've got a difficult decision to make."

"Difficult decision? Justin, you've got a fucking dilemma on your hands! You're in love with two men who adore you, but you can only marry one. You say that Brian is really the one that you love, but it seems to me that Tony is the one that you need. How are you going to give up either one of them?" Daphne proposed the million dollar question.

"The fuck if I know." Justin passed out another flyer.

Daphne continued. "You know how Brian feels about what he calls the bankrupt institution of marriage. What makes you think that he's going to abandon all of his principles just to marry you? Let me give you some sound womanly advice my blonde, male friend. First, you don't give up your man-on-the-side until you're certain that your boyfriend is going to act right. Secondly, always leave your options open. How does Tony feel about marriage?"

"I don't know. We've never discussed it." Justin said.

"What?" Daphne shook her head. "You've got a lot to learn about manipulating men Justin. Here's what you do. Tonight when you're done fucking them, and they're both all relaxed, and vulnerable, that's the best time to make your move. That's when you bring up the subject of marriage. Remember you're not looking for a commitment. That'll scare them both away real fast. What you want to do is just casually bring up the conversation. You're just testing the waters."

"What if they don't want to talk about it?" Justin said.

"That's ok if they don't want to talk about it right then, and there." Daphne said. "What you've done is planted the seed of competition in each man's head. All you have to do is sit back, and let the best man win."

"You're a genius, Daph." Justin said.

"I know." Daphne smiled, and handed out another flyer. "Vote no to Proposition 14."


"Hurry up baby! We're going to start without you!" Brian called from the bedroom.

"I'll be there in a minute!" Justin called back to him.

Justin swiped his hand across the bathroom mirror, and wiped away the condensation from the glass. He looked at the golden chain, with the diamond pave clasp around his neck, a reminder of his eighteenth birthday. That was the year Jennifer, and Molly took him to "Nordic Hills Country Club" for dinner. They were done eating, and Jennifer had signaled for the check, when Justin excused himself to go the washroom. As he opened the door to step inside, the young man was stopped by a million dollar smile. It was Anthony Massey………………………..........

It had been over a month since Tony and Justin had last spoken. At that time a decision had been made, and Justin had chosen to remain with Brian. Tony always knew his position in the relationship, and as expected of him, had conducted himself as a proper man-on-the-side. No unsolicited phone calls, or unexpected visits on his part, and so it was by complete chance that the illicit lovers were brought back together, and oh what a reunion it was. Tony was looking as fantastic as ever, dressed in a tailored to perfection, black suit, and emitting that heated aura that drove Justin crazy.

"I'm here with my mom and my sister for my birthday." Justin had informed him.

"Is today your birthday? You never told me." Tony replied, then began to search his person for an impromptu gift. He first looked at the Rolex on his wrist, then the gold bracelet next to it. Finally Tony loosened his tie, unfastened the top button of his shirt, and removed the chain from around his neck. "Happy birthday, princess." He placed it around Justin's neck……………………………….........................................................

"Justin, you're missing all the fun!" Brian called from the bedroom again.

"Coming!" Justin called back.

Justin continued to gaze into his bathroom mirror, as he ran his finger along Tony's chain, down to Brian's medallion. The night prior to Justin's birthday, Brian had struck out miserably when he brought home a hustler wrapped in red ribbon as his birthday offering. After much scolding from Lindsey for being an insensitive prick, Brian managed to redeem himself with a belated shopping trip to "Delano Jewelers.........................

"Close your eyes, baby." Brian had ordered him.

Justin could still remember the ooohs, and ahhhs of approval from the other customers in the shop when Brian unwittingly slipped his revised gift, a nickel size gold medallion with diamond rim onto Tony's chain, then secured it around Justin's neck. Justin recalled opening his eyes, and beholding the brilliance. Together the two birthday gifts created a fireworks effect that danced around his neck.

"Do you like it?" Brian had asked ever so cautiously.

"I love it." Justin said………………………………................................................................................................................................................

By now Justin could hear the low sounds of Tony's moans emanating from the bedroom. Indeed the party had started without him. The young man quickly tossed the damp towel from around his waist into a nearby hamper, and hurried off to join his lovers, only to be stopped dead in his tracks by a most breathtaking sight. It was Tony laying belly down across the bed, clutching the pillow that rested under his head. Brian was straddling him, with his elbows locked, and his hands braced against the back of Tony's massive shoulders. Justin could feel his cock swelling as he watched Brian's dick gingerly gliding in, and out of Tony's ass.

"Do you want to take over, baby?" Brian looked up at him, and smiled.

"Yeah, I'll take it from here." Justin climbed onto the bed.


The wee hours of the morning found the three spent lovers wrapped in cum-soaked sheets, and panting for air. With Brian to his right, and Tony laying at his left, Justin decided that this would be a good time to bring up the subject of marriage. "Daphne and I were working the train station today……" he began.

"Working the train station? What's the matter, did your sugar-daddy forget to give you your allowance this month? Tony, where's your checkbook?" Brian took the cheap shot.

Tony pulled one of the pillows from behind his head, and tossed it across Justin, onto Brian's face. "Shut the fuck up. Don't pay any attention to him, princess. What happened at the train station?" Tony yawned.

Justin began again. "Well…Daphne, and I were thinking…."

"That's never a good sign." Brian rolled over onto his side.

"We were thinking that once Proposition 14 is defeated, there could come a time when I have to choose one of you to be my life partner." Justin continued. "You know I love you both, and…..and… I know you both love me, and I know how you feel about marriage, Brian. It's a bankrupt institution created by heteros for the purpose of breeding, but I don't see it that way. I see marriage as the ultimate act of love. Imagine committing yourself to just one person, offering them the stability that comes along with the marriage vows. Who knows, maybe some day I'll…………….."

"Zzzzzzzz, zzzzzzzz…."


Justin was about to shake his boyfriend, when his man-on-the-side reached over, and in his slumber instinctively pulled his princess close to his chest. "Goodnight, princess." Tony sighed.

NEXT WEEK: Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

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