Gentlemen's Agreement

Part 1


Michael felt a strange sense of revenge upon discovering Tony’s birthday present from Brian parked in David’s driveway. Finally, something was going wrong for the man who fucked everybody, with no apologies, and no regrets. What divine reciprocity. Michael remembered how Brian had ridiculed him, calling him a whiny, little schoolgirl when Michael learned that David was still cruising the baths during the time they lived together. Brian had been equally as unsympathetic when he admitted to fucking Ben at a circuit party that they both attended some years ago. It was going to be interesting to see how diplomatic Mr. Kinney would be now that the shoe was on the other foot.

Michael checked his watch. It was almost 8am. If memory served him right, David would be leaving for the office soon. The jilted lover needed to make his getaway before he was discovered. Michael remembered the warm croissants, with whipped butter, freshly brewed coffee, and strawberries, as he drove past David’s home. No doubt, inside the custom built, multimillion dollar duplex, the after sex, early morning, breakfast in bed ritual was currently taking place. That goddamn Anthony Massey! Michael couldn’t wait to tell Brian.



Dr. David Cameron lightly dusted a bowl of fresh strawberries with powdered sugar, and placed them next to a warm croissant, with whipped butter. “Do you still take your coffee black?” he asked his unexpected, early morning guest.

“Yes, please.” Tony said.

David poured two cups, and placed one in front of Tony, before rounding his kitchen table to take a seat. “This is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect you to come to your senses so quickly.” He took a sip.

“I haven’t come to my senses. I’m still as crazy as ever.” Tony reached over, and touched the side of David’s face. “How’s your jaw?”

“I’ll live.” David smiled.

“I’m sorry about what happened at Babylon.” Tony said.

“Not as sorry as I am.” David said. “What the fuck is going on, Lucky? How the hell did you get hooked up with Brian Kinney?”

“It’s a long story.” Tony said.

“A long story, or a short, blonde story?” David suspected.

“A short, blonde story.” Tony admitted. “You know me too well.”

David sat back in his chair, and looked at his friend. “Is this some kind of middle age crisis that you’re going through? Since when did you start dining on chicken, and cheap things?”

“Justin is well over the age of consent, and Brian is not a cheap thing.” Tony said.

“Are you kidding me? Alright, I can understand how you could be attracted to Justin. He’s a gorgeous kid, a very bright, young man. But BRIAN?” David laughed. “Come on Lucky, give me a break. They don’t come much cheaper than Brian Kinney, that Auntie Mame, ass-raider. He’s one step up from a common rover, for Christ sake!”

“Bitter.” Tony said, and he wasn’t referring to his coffee.

“I’m not bitter!” David refuted the allegation.

“Jealous?” Tony popped a strawberry into his mouth.

“Hardly.” David said smugly.

“Then what is it? I’ve never seen you this upset over anybody I’ve fucked before, and the only other person who can discombobulate Brian Kinney to the point of loosing his cool in public is me. Do you and Brian have a history together?” Tony suspected.

“No.” David said.

“Do you want one?” Tony asked.

“Don’t insult me.” David said.

“Then what is it? Is It Michael? I give you my word that Michael will never find out about us.” Tony assured him.

“Oh, I don’t give a damn about Michael. I’m so over him. I just don’t want you with Brian. He’s no good for you, Lucky, and neither is Justin, not after hanging with Brian for the past few years.” David said.

Tony reached across the table, and took David’s hands into his. “David, we’ve been friends for a long time,” he began. “In fact, of all the people in the world, with the exception of Mary, you may very well, know me best. You know that I’ve built my fortune, and lived my life on hunches and long-shots. I went into this three-way marriage with my eyes wide open. My decision to be with Brian and Justin is final, but it would hurt me very much, if my best friend didn’t give me his blessing.” Tony said….

Dr. David Cameron, wealthy, successful, handsome, once married, and father of one son. It had taken David years to come to terms with himself, and what he was, a fag. Living “the life” in a predominantly hetero world was difficult enough. As a doctor, with a specialty in chiropractic sports medicine, David’s biggest fear was that he would be ostracized in the super-homophobic world of professional sports. Hence, Dr. Cameron quietly went about his practice, keeping his private life in the closet, but for an occasional married trick who stood to lose just as much as him, if their secret ever got out. It wasn’t until Anthony Massey came along that David’s whole world changed.

It was at a Blackjack table in Vegas, where Tony kept hitting twenty-one, and David first looked into the deepest brown eyes he’d ever seen. That night David gave Tony the nickname, Lucky, and the two men hooked up for what was supposed to be just another one-night-stand. Instead, it turned into a lifelong friendship. It was Tony who introduced David to his special circle of friends, with some very remarkable benefits. The first rule of gay etiquette is knowing when to keep your mouth shut, “gentlemen’s agreement”. While Tony made it very clear that he was not the relationship type, he was not opposed to getting together, as per gentlemen’s agreement, whenever he was in town……………

David reluctantly stood up, and walked around the table to hug his friend. “For the record, I want you to know that I’m doing this under protest,” he said.

“So noted.” Tony said.

David paused to look into Tony’s eyes, the same way he had done a thousand times before. “Those are still the prettiest brown eyes I’ve ever seen,” he said, then leaned in for a kiss.

Tony instinctively opened his mouth, to greet David’s tongue. Ummm, he savored the taste of the now forbidden fruit.

“You have my blessing, Lucky.” David practically moaned.

Tony could feel his dick moving, readying itself in anticipation of David’s next move. He had overstepped his boundaries. The question now was, had he already reached the point of no return? “I think I’d better go.” Tony said.

David smiled, and released his weakened prey from his embrace. He watched in amusement as Tony stumbled backward, knocking against the kitchen chair, and bumping into furniture in a sudden, urgent need to get away. Who does Tony think he’s kidding? This relationship was far from over.

“By the way, you know that I’m always here for you, if you need to talk, or if you just want a change of pace, gentlemen’s agreement of course.” David said.

“Of course.” Tony smiled.



Michael couldn’t wait to deliver the bad news. Anthony Massey was cheating with David. Oh, this was going to be good. He wondered how long Tony was at David’s place. Had he been there all night? What lie did Tony use to get away from his husbands? Michael smiled to himself as he dialed Brian’s cell phone again. “Answer your phone, Brian. Let’s see who whines like a schoolgirl now,” he smirked.

“Yeah?” Brian’s voice came over the line.

“Brian, where have you been? I called your office. They said you weren’t there. I need to talk to you.” Michael said.

“I can’t talk to you right now, Mikey.” Brian said.

“It’s really important.” Michael insisted. “I’ll be over tonight.”

“We’re going to Justin’s tonight.” Brian said.

“So when can we get together? It’s really important.” Michael was adamant.

“I’ll stop by the comic book store on my way back to the office.” Brian closed his cell phone.

“As I was saying, Brian, the good news is that we found the cancer right away. Your treatment options include surgery to remove the affected testicle, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. Today, I’d like to send you for some more blood work, and get you booked for surgery on Monday morning.” Dr. Sharma said.

“So soon?” Brian asked.

“It’s really in your best interest to take care of this as quickly as possible.” Dr. Sharma said.

Brian took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. “Alright, Monday morning it is,” he said.

NEXT WEEK: Gentlemen’s Agreement, pt 2


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