

“Oooh..God,” Tony moaned. He was about to cry out again, when Brian covered his mouth with a kiss. Brian ran his hand down Tony’s chest, along his belly, briefly stopping at Justin’s blonde tresses where he guided the bobbing head up and down Tony’s cock. The sight of Justin’s ass hoisted in the air was just too inviting to resist. Brian positioned himself behind the inviting mounds, and eased his cock inside.

“Ahhh!” Justin gasped.

“Don’t stop, princess.” Tony panted, and guided his dick back inside Justin’s mouth.

Justin obliged, moving his head faster. He could feel every capillary in Tony’s dick straining, engorging itself for a final climax. The creamy explosion filled Justin’s mouth, and the young man swallowed deeply. Speaking of deeply, Brian’s chest was glistening from the sweat that trickled down his body. While Tony was trying to catch his breath, Brian was shifting into second gear, plunging in and out of Justin’s ass like a well oiled piston machine. Tony reached down and began to jerk his happy young recipient. “Ohh, shit!’ Justin cried out……

“Oh, here it comes.” Brian pounded Justin’s ass even harder. Tony rolled underneath the young man, and replaced his hand with mouth. With Brian working his ass, and Tony now blowing him, Justin could barely steady himself on all fours. It didn’t take long before he was cumming buckets.

The Royal Trio fell back onto the bed in a sweat drenched heap. What a way to start a Monday.



“Good Morning Pittsburgh!” Local morning show moderator, Peter Dominick, greeted his live studio audience, as well as his viewers at home. “In case you were away this weekend, or living on a remote area of the planet, Pittsburgh saw its first polygamist gay marriage this past Saturday.”

A round of boos echoed from the audience.

“With us this morning to discuss this new phenomenon is Reverend Ted Haggard, pastor of the Colorado Springs-based, New Life Church, and Elizabeth Browning representing Pittsburgh’s own Gay & Lesbian Center. Ms Browning, let me start with you,” Peter Dominick began…………….

“Well as I live, and fucking breath, if it isn’t the man of the hour!” Debbie greeted Brian as he walked through the diner door.

“I’m always the man of the hour.” Brian stumbled over to the Debbie’s section of the breakfast counter. “Coffee, black,” he ordered. “Has anybody heard from Michael, and Ben? Their plane should have landed three hours ago.”

“No, not yet. No doubt they’re checking out their honeymoon suite.” Debbie poured the thick java. “Imagine, honeymooning in Jamaica. It’s so romantic. What about you three, have you decided where you’re going on your honeymoon?”

“As soon as we find time, Justin wants to go to Vegas. Right now he’s in the middle of midterms, not to mention that we have more pressing issues at hand, like where are we going to live.” Brian took a sip of his coffee, and looked up at the overhead television screen at the high-browed lesbian seated beside reverend Haggard.

“Our goal at the Gay & Lesbian Center is acceptance into mainstream society, not exclusion by perpetuating the myth that all gays are promiscuous, and unable to maintain loving, monogamous relationships,” she said………

Reverend Haggard held his Bible high in the air. “God’s word is sufficient!” he exalted. “When we start picking, and choosing, and disregarding parts of it, we make a mockery of his word. When it comes to homosexuals, God’s law is very, very clear. Marriage was created for one man, and ONE woman!”……..

“Let me play devil’s advocate here,” Peter Dominick interrupted. “Some relationship therapists would argue that monogamy for most humans is a fantasy, that we’re genetically wired to seek out different partners.”

“Genetically wired? That’s for people like you, who believe that you came from monkeys.” Haggard pointed his finger at the television host. “I didn’t come from dumb animals. I was genetically wired, and created in the image of God. I came from creatures with a soul, and the ability to know right from wrong. First they want same sex marriage, now they want plural marriages. What’s next, sex with babies, or animals? When will the floodgates close? You can color it up, and give it a fancy name, but homosexuality is still an abomination, and a shame before God that this country will eventually have to pay for!”

“You think maybe this guy has had too much caffeine?” Brian chuckled.

“I think so.” Debbie laughed along with him.

A stranger picking up his carry-out interrupted their levity. “This is all just a big joke to you, isn’t it, Brian,” he said. “We’re fighting an upstream battle to prove to the straight world that our relationships are worthy of the privilege of marriage, then someone like you comes along, and trivializes it into little more than a backroom romp.”

“And who the fuck are you again?” Brian turned toward the stranger.

“I’m the man who’s been in a monogamous relationship with my partner for 7 years,” the stranger said. “I’m the man who wanted to adopt the foster child we’ve been raising for the last year, but thanks to you, and promiscuous faggots like you, we’re back at square one.”

“Now just a minute, how dare you…?” Debbie attempted to come to Brian’s defense.

“How dare I?” the stranger continued. “Mr. Kinney, gay parents have to be better than straight parents, just to be considered as good. All of the publicity around your threesome marriage has now brought doubt in our ability to control our natural urges in front of a young child. A social worker and a county sheriff are coming for our son tomorrow morning. They have graciously given us 24hours to say goodbye to him.”

Brian was at a loss for words. This was a backlash he had not anticipated. He watched helplessly as the man with tear-filled eyes paid for his meal and exited the diner.



For Justin, it had been a long hott weekend, and an even hotter morning. Professor Dailey had already begun his lecture when the exhausted newlywed eased into a seat in the back of the classroom unnoticed, or so he thought. “Mr. Taylor, or shall we call you Mr. Kinney, or is it Mr. Massey now?” Professor Dailey said sarcastically. “It’s good of you to finally join us. May I continue?”

“Yes sir. I’m sorry, sir,” Justin said.

Professor Dailey resumed his lecture. “The Renaissance. Its roots began in Italy, then later spread throughout Europe. The Renaissance period, which spanned roughly from the 14th, thru the 17th century was more than just an art form……..”

Justin placed his hand over his mouth in an attempt to cover a wide yawn. He could barely keep his eyes open. Maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea to have both of his princes that morning. Justin yawned again. If he could just close his eyes for a few moments………………………”Zzzzzzzzz.”

“Mr. Taylor!”



Justin’s eyes flew open. “Sir?”

“The class and I are waiting for your answer,” Professor Dailey said.

Justin ignored the snickers from his classmates. “I’m sorry, sir, could you repeat the question please?” he said.

Professor Dailey looked over the class. “Will someone who has been awake for the last 45minutes please repeat the question for Mr. Taylor, or Kinney, or Massey, or whoever this person now is?”

The whole class broke out into laughter, until one conscientious student repeated the question. “The Renaissance period was a way of life that was given credence through polymaths such as Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci. Professor Dailey’s question was, what is a polymath?”

Justin sat momentarily dumbfounded, as he searched his still half asleep mind for the answer. Luckily he was saved by the bell.

“Class is dismissed for everyone, except Mr. Taylor.” Professor Dailey sneered at Justin. He waited until everyone was gone before turning to his slacker student. “I understand you’ve had a very interesting weekend,” he said.

“Yes sir. I got married.” Justin smiled.

Professor Dailey’s face remained stone-like. “Your political views, and sexual preference is of no concern to me. If you want to tell yourself that your little ménage a trois is a marriage, then you go right ahead, but let’s get something straight right now. I don’t give a damn who you’re fucking. The next time you fall asleep in my class, I’m having you kicked out of this facility. There’s a waiting list of qualified students, with checkbooks as thick as your two sugar daddies’, just itching to take your place, and you can become a full time golddigger. Have I made myself clear, Mr. Taylor?”

Justin sat momentarily at a loss for words. This was a backlash he had not anticipated. Golddigger, was that what he had become? Was that what he appeared to be?

“Have I made myself clear, Mr. Taylor?” Professor Dailey repeated himself.

“Yes, sir.” Justin picked up his book bag, and exited the classroom.



A small group of the faithful vehemently chanted their Bible verses for the television cameras, outside of The Plaza Hotel. Tony wisely avoided them by using the employees’ kitchen entrance. “Good morning, Mr. Massey….Good morning, Mr. Massey.” A barrage of workers greeted him. Some Tony recognized, others were just nametags to him. It was the first Monday of the month, and the priority business at hand was the monthly staff meeting. As usual Tony first privately went over the specifics with his head lawyer, Kenneth Davenport, before addressing the rest of his supervisory staff in the large conference room.

Kenneth placed his briefcase on Tony’s desk and opened the locks. “Well, we’ve got good news, and we’ve got bad news. Which one do you want first?” He cut straight to the chase.

Tony rounded his desk, and took a seat in his oversized, executive chair. “Give me the bad news first,” he said.

“Businesses and guests have been canceling their reservations left and right. It seems that no one wants to have their names associated with a polygamist,” Kenneth informed him.

“Polygamist? I’m not a polygamist,” Tony said.

“You’re married to two men,” Kenneth reminded him.

“Bullshit! I’m a gay man committed to two men. Same sex marriage is against the law in Pittsburgh, remember? How can I be a polygamist if I’m not allowed to marry?” Tony wanted to know.

“Semantics.” Kenneth dismissed the petty. “The newspapers and tabloids are calling it a marriage, and so are the women’s magazines.”

“Women’s magazines?”

“Don’t ask me why, but for some reason you’ve become extremely hott with straight women. Go figure.” Kenneth shrugged his shoulders.

“So what’s the good news?” Tony asked.

“The good news is that this marriage of yours isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. You say the word, and I can make it all go away with the stroke of a pen and a paper shredder,” Kenneth promised.

Tony thought for a moment. “But I don’t want it to go away,” he said.

“Now you’re not being reasonable. This isn’t like you. Do you understand that you could lose everything that you’ve worked so hard for?” Kenneth tried to hammer home his point, but Tony wasn’t budging.

“But do you understand that I can’t be reasonable? For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m where I should be. Justin and Brian are my family now. I love them both, and whatever sacrifices that have to be made, I’ll do it to keep us together,” Tony insisted.

“In that case, I need you to sign these.” Kenneth opened his briefcase, and pulled out several manila folders.

“What’s this?” Tony looked at the documents scattered across his desk.

“These are resignation papers, and severance paychecks for employees who refuse to work for a polygamist,” Kenneth said.

Tony was suddenly at a loss for words, but the expression on his face told the whole story. Visibly moved by some of the names on the list, this was a backlash he had not anticipated. Kenneth watched as his boss bravely held back the tears. “May I borrow your pen, Ken? I seem to have forgotten mine,” Tony said.




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