Fickle Finger of Fate

February 2005

The posh office of orthopedic surgeon Dr. Marshall Jones

Come in Mr. Taylor.

"Doctor I hope there isn't a problem with my surgery date because my knee is killing me. I can't believe that slipping on an icy sidewalk could do so much damage."

"No Mr. Taylor, your surgery date is still set, but there is a problem with your pre-operative tests."

"What kind of problem?  I feel fine."

"Well there is no easy way to say this…"

"Get to the point doctor. What's wrong?"

The doctor takes a deep cleansing breath and solemnly says, "Mr. Taylor you are HIV positive."

"That can't be.  I'm careful.  I practice safe sex and…"

"Mr. Taylor.  There is no mistake.  I had the lab run the test twice.  You are HIV positive."

Reeling from the shock the next 30 minutes are a blur of doctor's names, numbers and counselors…then nothing.  Just numbness and disbelief.

"Mr. Taylor we will still do the knee repair as scheduled. That is totally up to you.  Just call my assistant within the next week and let me know your decision."

"Thank you doctor.  I'll call in a few days."

Once in his car the tears start.  "How can this be?"

Composing himself Craig Taylor slowly pulls out of the doctor's parking lot and into the unknown.

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