Warnings: OOC
Author's notes: After reading Rhiannonheros Fairy Dust, I could not get the image of Justin in a dress out of my head. I know. I know. I'm going to hell. Do I think this would ever happen? No, I really dont. I just know I had to write this story and get it out of my system.
Thanks: Once again, a huge thanks to Robin for reading and being honest.
Dedication: For Vickie, because she likes Justin with long hair.
On a Friday night, in the summer of their sixth year, Brian comes home to find Justin wearing a gown. Its a long sapphire silk that trails leisurely behind him.
What times the party? Obviously theyre going to some kind of costume party, and hes forgotten all about it.
Theres no party. I just felt like wearing it.
Justin spins elegantly, and the fabric flows like water around his pale ankles.
Do you like it?
As long as theres a cock under there, I dont give a fuck what you wear.
Brian unbuckles his belt and nods toward the sofa. Grinning, Justin mock-salutes then drapes himself obediently over the low leather. It isnt long before he feels Brians hands on his hips.
Pull it up.
Justin gathers the material loosely around his waist. He wears nothing underneath, and Brian wastes no time entering him.
Did you . . . and . . . Shanda Leer . . . have fun . . . playing . . . Barbies? Brian asks between thrusts.
Its . . . not . . . Darrens . . . I bought it . . . last week.
You get . . . kinkier . . . by the . . . day, dont you . . . Sun . . . shine?
Justins answer is lost to the exquisite thrust that lifts him off the floor. Again. And again. And again. He hears Brian make a noise hes never made before, and Justin comes, mouth open, feet jerking in midair. As he falls away into darkness, a secret smile adorns his lips.
Three weeks later, Brian calls Justin to tell him to meet him at Woodys after work. Justin is silent for a moment, then apologizes and says he cant.
Why not?
Im in a fashion show tonight. At Boy Toy.
Since when? Brian reaches for a cigarette, lights it and flicks the match away in a long and graceful arc.
I signed up a week ago.
Why didnt you tell me? I could have helped you pick out something totally worthy of Milan.
Darren helped me.
Theres no reply except for the casual inhale and exhale of Brian smoking. Justin is about to speak, when Brian asks, Is it a drag show?
What time?
Ill be there.
Boy Toy is packed, but Brian manages to get a good spot at the bar. Reputation will do that.
One by one, colorful, glossy boys strut and preen their way across the stage. Theyre in full plumage tonight - lacquered nails, sparkly jewels, and spiky, wicked heels. Brian decides he likes the look of opera gloves.
He orders another double and flirts with the bartender to pass the time. Hes nearly finished with his drink when the room erupts around him. Instinctively, he turns toward the stage.
Justin is breathtaking in a simple champagne sheath thats criminally sheer. He stands regally in the spotlight and smiles for the crowd. They roar their approval, and Justin rewards them by striking pose after pose after pose. He teases expertly - a flash of calf, a sultry smile, a sexy, lazy wink. Hes shameless, and its clear that hes the favorite.
Too soon, he disappears behind the curtain, and Brian is seized by a sudden longing - for something he once glimpsed, almost had, but wasnt quick enough to catch. He orders two shots and a Margarita with extra salt. The scarred mahogany bar is steady and solid against his back.
Finally, he spies a glimmer of gold and watches as Justin works his way through the admiring crowd. When he arrives at Brians side, hes flushed and beaming. Did you see? Were you-
His words are cut off by a rough, raw kiss that goes on so long, it earns them a chorus of cat calls and whistles. Laughing, Justin struggles out of the embrace and reaches for his drink. Brian reluctantly lets him go and proposes a toast. To the next Lady Chablis.
Justin laughs delightedly and vamps a pose. You really think so?
They were creaming their fucking jeans. Besides, as your manager, Ill make a goddamn fortune.
Justin smiles wryly and raises his glass in acknowledgment. He drinks deeply, exposing his lovely throat, and Brian stares at the drop of sweat that glides languidly down Justins neck. Without thinking, he laps it up, and then he cannot stop touching Justin - he tugs at his hair, caresses the swell of his ass, licks a bare and fragrant shoulder. Justin tastes exotic and . . . new.
Is there a back room in this place? Brian is surprised by the urgency he feels.
Blue eyes twinkling, Justin nods solemnly. Follow me.
Its January, and the Vermont winter is dug in deep.
Brian heaps more wood on the fire and lays back down, cradling Justin close. The flames flare brightly, and he admires the play of light in Justins hair. Its long now; it hasnt been cut in two years.
I wish we had a fireplace, Justins tone is wistful as he slides a smooth heel up Brians shin.
Well see.
I said, Brian rolls him onto his back, well see. So, do you like your present?
You know I do.
You havent tried it on yet. Theres a hint of reproach in his voice.
Justin traces a finger along one of Brians eyebrows and asks, Would you like me to perform for you Mr. Kinney?
Brian bites his nose gently, and its clear that the answer is yes.
After fifteen minutes, Brian decides hes waited long enough. He wraps himself in the fur throw and goes into the bedroom. He finds Justin in front of the mirror.
Ah, vanity. My second favorite sin.
Brian. Fuck. Its . . . Justin looks at Brians reflection and says quietly, Thank you.
Youre welcome. Brians voice is gruffer than hed like.
He tries again. There are better ways to show appreciation. There. Thats better.
Justin nods knowingly and drops to his knees, the black taffeta whispering slyly about bewitchment and surrender. Brian is momentarily dizzied by the tableau at his feet: boyish limbs and a sirens smile. Innocence steeped in perversion - its his cocktail of choice these days, and he never refuses.
Justin makes his own demand, Say it. Its a game theyve been playing forever.
Choke on my motherfucking cock, you fashionable little whore.
Justin kisses a honeyed flank and swallows him to the root.
Hours later, they lie among the wreckage.
Ill buy you another one.
You said it was one of a kind.
Havent I taught you anything? Flash enough cash, and you can have whatever the fuck you want.
The nouveau riche are so crass.
You goddamn wasps can kiss my ass.
Justin opts for tickling instead, and its too late when he realizes this isnt a good idea. Brian is bigger and stronger, and Justin is easily overpowered. The little that remains of his present is soon in tatters, but Justin doesnt mind.
He has something better.
He has the memory of being worshiped, savagely and with a violent joy. He has the memory of being devoured - eagerly, greedily. He has the memory of being opened and opened, until hes completely and thoroughly undone.
Haute couture can go to hell.
Its the autumn of their twelfth year, and Venice has been their home for the past two. Shes a clever mistress, well versed in the art of seduction, and they never really stood a chance.
Their villa is filled with wide, curving stairs and windows that face the sea. Brian finds it strangely appealing that the city will sink into the Adriatic one day. Justin has produced the best art of his life here.
Its Friday, and tonight theyre hosting a masquerade. Like previous fetes, it will probably make the society page, to Brians delight and Justins chagrin.
Brian hangs up from his conference call and goes in search of his partner. He finds him on an upper terrace reviewing a proposal from a gallery in Rome.
What times the band getting here?
Orchestra, and theyll be here at eight. They need an hour to set up.
Seven thirty.
What about-
Brian. Relax. Everythings taken care of.
Brian nods and glances at his watch. Its almost six. Time enough for a long fuck and a quick shower.
What are you wearing tonight?
Justin scribbles a note in the margin as he replies. Its a surprise.
Brian takes the pencil out of Justins hand, mid-scrawl, forcing him to look up. He finds Brian staring at his crotch. I can see your underwear.
Justin doesnt bother looking down. The vintage lace does have a habit of riding up.
Im glad the glasses are working out so well. Now, is there anything else? Id like to finish this today. He holds his hand out and waits for the pencil.
Brian smiles and continues to stare between Justins legs.
Justin sighs. Brian. Again? Though he feigns annoyance, Justin is secretly thrilled. Its the third time today.
Brian wants to do it on the floor of Justins studio. Its his favorite place to fuck. They have barely enough time to dress before the caterer arrives.
Later that night, Justin stands on the balcony outside their bedroom. The wrought-iron is cool beneath his hands as he takes in the view - a sweep of sky, the lights of distant ships, and the water, blue-black and brilliant with the shine of a thousand stars. He never tires of it, and hell paint it again tomorrow.
He turns and contemplates their bedroom; the walls are awash in orange and gold. Brian made good on his promise - Justin has not one, but many fireplaces in his new home.
Brian is reading, sprawled majestically on the cayenne-colored bedclothes. His legs are spread and his dark sex beckons. Justin climbs onto the bed and crawls toward its center, cock heavy and full.
He takes the book out of Brians hands. You up for four?
In response, Brian slides a hand up Justins thigh and seeks out the softest part - its inside and up high.
Come here. Justin bends down, and Brian releases the silver clasp at his nape.
His eyes quicken as the dress cascades into Justins lap revealing the white and cream of his skin. His nipples are rouged tonight. Theyre stained shocking and ripe, and Brians reaction is immediate. Justin is utterly and perfectly crushed by the weight of his desire.
Its nearly dawn when Justin wakes, all tangled and half-trapped. He lies still for a moment, enjoying the warm breath on his belly before pulling his legs free. Shivering, he hurries across the marble floor and shuts the doors against the morning fog. He places several pieces of wood into the hearth and wakes Brian long enough to get them both under the covers.
Justin is almost asleep when he feels Brians arms tighten around him. You looked beautiful tonight. Justin murmurs a sleepy reply and presses a kiss to the exact center of Brians palm before settling the hand securely in place.
Grunting softly, Brian pushes closer and buries himself in the veil of Justins hair. Its his favorite place to sleep, and tonight he dreams of the garden and the dance they shared after the last guest had gone.
In the dream, they dance to the sounds from the fountain - a green, translucent water music. The melody is complemented by Justins liquid laughter, and in this flawless song, Brian thinks he can hear eternity. He lifts Justin off his feet and spins him round and round under the pale and yellow moon.
Its early spring, and the rains have been falling for days. The power failed at four, and its anybodys guess when it will return. Venice is not known for its efficiency in such matters.
Justin sits at the top of the stairs and waits for Brian. He can hear him locking doors and latching windows as he moves from room to room. The stained glass casts a mosaic of deep-colored light onto the landing, and Justin moves his hand back and forth, watching it change from violet to scarlet to rose.
He hears Brians tread before he sees the glow of the candle he carries. Brian is startled to find Justin in near-darkness, but his surprise is quickly forgotten when Justin slips out of the ivory satin, leans back on his elbows and parts his legs slightly.
Was that you bitching about a sore ass less than an hour ago?
Justin shrugs and blames it on the rain. They fuck on an old tapestry surrounded by sleek wood nymphs and well-hung centaurs. The sex is messy and loud, and the frescoed revelers leer their approval.
After, Brian helps Justin off the floor and brushes stray bits of wool and thread out of his hair. They make their way through the shadowed halls and talk quietly of tomorrows plans. As they enter the last passageway, a sudden draft swirls around them and threatens to extinguish the candle. The flame leaps and sputters but manages to stay lit in the shelter of Brians hands.
It burns steadily for the rest of the night and into the next morning.
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