The Ride Revisited


Justin broke away from the kiss, chest heaving, breath quickened, his eyes already darkened with lust, a bright smile plastered across his face as Brian ground against him. "Mm, you know the saying, absence makes the heart grow fonder?"

Brian nodded slightly and Justin's smile widened mischievously.

"Well, I think they should have included the part about making the dick grow harder."

A burst of air rushed through Brian's nose in a semi-grunt and was just as quickly sucked back in as he gasped at the feel of Justin's hand slipping down the front of his jeans, taking hold of his throbbing cock. A few quick strokes and his brows furrowed, searching out his lover's face as the busy digits shifted focus. "What are you doing?"

Justin's eyes turned upward, meeting Brian's, his fingers continuing to softly drift up and down the man's rigid shaft and over the mushroomed head and he grinned. "I was just wondering how chaffed he was, you know, from all the extra curricular fucking you've been doing while I've been gone. I'm sure that two months without my tight, puuurrfect ass wrapped around him had him searching out other means of satisfaction."

Instantly two thoughts shot through Brian's somewhat hazy mind…the first being that two fucking months were definitely way too long to go without a taste of Justin's ass, perfect as it was, he had to agree…and secondly, he realized that while their relationship…a sense of pride washed over him for the mere fact that he hadn't felt the need to shove his finger down his throat and make a gagging motion from just thinking the 'r' word…had greatly advanced in the last while, even with Justin's adventures out in California, he didn't feel that it was necessary to share the knowledge with the little twat that what he'd said about absence wreaking havoc on the heart really wasn't a myth. How it seemed to have had the same affect on certain other major organs, namely his dick, which for some reason had an outward aversion to being stuck up the nameless, faceless hordes of available asses. Not that he'd been celibate. But in the past several months that Justin had been away, he could count the minimal number of times that he'd been with a trick on one hand.

"Bri, you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great," Brian whispered, brushing his thumb across his lover's soft, sun-kissed cheek. And then he smiled…all coherent thoughts fading as Justin's hand traveled south, taking his balls in a firm grip as his other hand made quick work of freeing Brian's straining member, and the reunion began.

Several orgasms later both men lay sweaty and pleasantly sated in each other's arms.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I've got a surprise."

"Uh?" Justin grunted on the verge of sleep.

"Okay, I can tell from the wash of color spread over your entire body that you obviously spent way too much time in the sun while you were away…and the exact details of why you don't have any tan lines are being put aside for the moment…but I'd swear that all that heat must have affected your hearing, because I just used the word surprise, and you're not bouncing around like a fucking puppy on acid."

Yawing loudly and rather ungraciously, Justin shifted so that his head was on the pillow beside Brian's, his eyes focused on the man's hazel eyes staring back at him. "Sorry, I guess I'm kinda jet lagged and after all that fucking, you wore me out." Justin laughed, enjoying Brian's puzzled expression. "Hah, you finally wore me out. That's a first."

Grinning wickedly, Brian whispered teasingly, "Oh, baby, it's alright if your age is finally beginning to show. You know, after twenty it's all downhill."

"Fuck off," Justin huffed with smile, swatting his lover's arm.

"Anyway," Brian offered, rather dramatically, "do you wanna know what the surprise is, or not?"

"Right, surprise, yeah, okay, what is it?"

"Shit, could you be anymore excited?" the older man asked sarcastically.

"Brian," Justin whined before he noticed the rather obvious gleam in his partner's eyes, and he realized that the man really wanted to share something important with him. So, he shook his head, took a deep cleansing breath and offered his undivided attention. "Really, tell me, what is it?"

Picking up on the change in Justin's attitude, Brian smiled, resting his hand at the top of the younger man's spine, sweeping downward along the silken skin of his back and up again in a soothing manner, needing the connection as he laid himself emotionally bare.

Clearing his throat, he began. "I know how much you wanted to go on the Liberty Ride with me…with all of us…and I understand that sometimes business comes first." His eyes shifted back and forth, taking in the blueness staring back at him as he continued, deciding that once and for all the air needed to be cleared. "Just like with our trip to Vermont." Brian felt Justin's body tense at the mention of the aborted trip, but he didn't stop. "It was business. Just like California."

"Brian, I…"

"No, don't start and don't try to reason anything, it was business, and sometimes when there's no other choice, it has to come first. I always knew that, and now I hope that you do, too."

Justin's eyes shifted downward and he realized that what had happened then and now really weren't any different, except for the fact that Brian had understood his need to modify their plans while he had pulled a complete three-sixty on the man. But he also realized that things were different then and unfortunately Brian hadn't explained himself, hadn't shared the information of the dire need of his business trip and the potential disastrous effects if he didn't come through. Justin knew that if he had, he would have been much more supportive…at least he hoped that he would have been. But then the thought flew through his head that things were different now, they were a couple, no matter how averted Brian was to the term, and they had a real relationship, a partnership, and it made everything between them seem more a part of each other.

As Justin's eyes met Brian's again, the older man sighed with relief, the acceptance and understanding so clear in his lover's gaze. The whole Vermont mess had always been a sore spot between them and Brian was sure that it had begun the downfall of everything. He was glad that they had finally put it behind them.

"Now, on to the good stuff. As I was saying, I know how much you wanted to go, but couldn't, and since Rage finished shooting a few weeks earlier than you'd anticipated, leaving you with some spare time off before you start back at school…"

Again, Brian felt his lover tense and wondered what the fuck the problem was about school now…but pushed the question aside…

"So, I made plans for us. I figured I'd give you a few days to settle back in, go see the family and your mom and Molly, then I'm on vacation and so are you."

"What?" Justin asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yep, you and me, I'm taking you away."

"You are?" The blond was almost giddy with excitement.

"Are you gonna keep asking me questions or fucking let me tell you about our trip?" Brian quipped, trying to keep from smiling at his lover's unabashed happiness. Shit, the boy was just too easy.

"No, sorry, tell me where we're going…what we're doing…when…for how long…are we…"

Brian placed his hand over Justin's mouth, cutting off any further interruptions, losing the battle as a satisfied smile turned up the corners of his mouth. "Are you gonna listen now?"

Justin nodded emphatically.

"Are you gonna let me finish?"

Again, an eager nod.

"Okay, I'm taking my hand away, but one word…" Brian left the threat hanging between them as he pulled his hand away, gasping at the sensation as Justin's tongue came out and licked across his palm erotically as it inched away. "Bad, bad boy," he scolded, and Justin smiled, licking his lips silently. Brian's cock pulsed and for a moment he couldn't remember what they'd been talking about…right, the trip…

Taking a deep breath and slowly willing his rising hard-on down, Brian said, "I rented us motorbikes. I would've loved to have gotten motorcycles, but you need a special drivers permit for those, but not for the bikes, so…"

Justin opened his mouth to ask Brian how big they were? Did he need to take lessons to learn how to drive it? How were they going to get to Toronto and would they pick up the bikes there? What color did he get? But the instant warning shooting off his lover's eyes stopped him cold and he abruptly snapped his mouth shut.

Running his fingers up and down Justin's spine again, sensing the blond's concerns, Brian continued. "Don't worry, you'll be able to handle it. It's just like a bike, only you don't have to pedal. We're booked in for a lesson where I rented them and I'm sure you'll be a pro before we're done. There's a chain that runs through parts of Canada and the States, so we can pick the bikes up in Toronto and drop them back off here in the Pitts. Oh, and I got you a blue one. Mine's black."

Justin rolled his eyes and smirked. Of course Brian would get black…please…and then he smiled, batting his lashes, letting the man know that he knew exactly why he'd chosen blue for him.


Justin just nodded.

"We're gonna follow the same route as the Liberty Ride, pretty much. I figured that I'd make it as authentic as possible. Well, without the two-hundred and forty-nine other fags riding along beside us. And I'm certain we can do without Deb…and Michael and Ben…and Ted and Emmett."

Brian's eyes shifted sideways before settling back on his lover's face. "But, um, I've made two slight changes from the original ride."

Justin's puzzled expression silently asked the question and Brian continued.

"I know that I couldn't go through the whole ordeal of riding a bike those three-hundred and twenty-two miles again…"

Justin cringed, remembering the way his lover had looked as he barely made it to the end of the race and knew that he'd forgo the entire trip if it meant never having to see Brian in that state again. Brian's voice pulled him from his dismal memories.

"…and I don't think that I could handle the camping out under the stars shit either." Brian saw the fallen look on his partner's face and quickly explained. "I know I wanted to make it just like the first time…"

Both men smiled at the implication of those few little words, memories flooding their brains and Brian couldn't help but reach out and run his thumb caressingly across Justin's cheek, enjoying the way the man leaned into his touch.

Wanting to finish, Brian said, "But once in a lifetime laying on that fucking hard ground, damp and chilled to the bone is enough for me…and no shower for two whole days, shit, that was torture. So, I booked us into some little motels along the way, nothing fancy, I'd guess not even a one-star, so as far as I'm concerned, that's roughing it."

Justin smiled, knowing how much Brian was trying to make him feel like he didn't miss out on everything, and if certain changes had to be made, big fucking deal. The real thing that mattered was that they were gonna be together, just them, and that Brian had thought enough about his feelings to make the effort.

"So, are you surprised?"

Brows raised, eyes wide, Justin's head bobbed up and down.

Brows furrowed, eyes narrowed, Brian tilted his head to the side.

"That's it? That's all I get? After all the shit I went through planning this for you, for us?"

Daring Brian's wrath, Justin huffed, "But you told me I couldn't speak!"

Throwing his hand up in frustration, his other hand trapped between their bodies, Brian said, "Well, now you can. Speak, gush, fawn, praise…and feel free to do it all with your mouth on my cock if you must."

Forcing Brian onto his back with a grunt, Justin jumped on top of him, straddling his hips. Slowly he began to rock his ass back and forth and Brian gasped, his cock trapped between the blond's firm cheeks. Justin leaned forward, wrapping his arms around his lover's neck, their faces mere inches apart and he whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Now fuck me."

"You always know just what to say."


Both men came through with flying colors at their motorbikes lessons. Justin had a little trouble with the turns at first, but the instructor told him not to lean in so much and not turn as sharply, so he did, and after that it was a breeze.

Packed…all their gear checked and double-checked…the necessary good-byes said…the obligatory last minute business details taken care of…and the boys were ready to hit the road.

"You sure you've got everything?"

"Yes, Brian, I'm sure," Justin muttered, his patience wearing thin.

"You sure?"

"Fuck, Brian, yes, I'm sure. God, if you're so worried then you check them over again."

"No, no, I trust you, it's just that, well, we wouldn't want to be caught out in the wilderness without the essentials…" and Brian considered that slumming in a sleazy motel was pretty much as dismal as sleeping on the rock-hard ground in a tent, but he kept that part to himself.

Huffing a great, put-upon sigh, Justin rambled off, "Clothes, some energy bars, snacks, water, first aid kit, toiletries…wallets…" Justin's eyes shifted as he slowed down, trying to remember if there was anything else.

"Is that it? Is that everything?"

Going back over things in his head, the younger man nodded. "Yeah, that's it. I think."

"So you're sure you've got it all?"

"Yes, Brian, yes, I've got it all."

"Okay, good. But what the fuck about condoms and lube? Were you planning on being celibate on our little vacation?"

"Shit, fuck, damn, I forgot. How the hell could I forget THAT?"

Shaking his head, a wide grin in place, Brian was wondering the same thing, and as he watched Justin's perfect ass as the man quickly dodged across the room to gather the items for their trip, he realized that their ride was gonna be nothing like the Liberty Ride…because this time the most important thing that had been missing that first time was going to be right there along side him.


The flight to Toronto was uneventful.

Well, except for the fact that through most of the short flight Brian was pissed, which only served to set Justin on edge…which did nothing for the man who sat one aisle down and one seat over who kept on shooting them dirty looks the entire way.

At first Brian brushed it off with his typical scowl and threatening look, but that didn't seem to detour the man in the slightest.

When it became so overtly obvious that the burly, fucking poor dressed excuse for a waste of homophobic space was not willing to back down and mind his own goddamned business, Brian shared a few choice words with him…and the rest of the cabin…and still no change.

So they were forced to sit through the flight being judged by a man who probably had a horrible marriage, bratty kids and shitty job…which made him feel the need to harass and prey upon anyone who fell into his category of what he deemed immoral.

For a split second Brian wondered if maybe the guy was single and was interested in getting fixed up with his mother. What a lovely couple they'd make. But as the flight wore on his thoughts turned toward other scenarios…like what the likelihood would be of the plane going down if he shoved the asshole head first through one of the fucking windows, disturbing the precious balance of the cabin pressure.

Finally they landed, and as Brian and Justin made their way out of the airport, duffle bags in tow, they couldn't help but notice their grim cabin mate as his equally grim wife and their equally grim children greeted him rather unceremoniously as he made his way toward them.

Turning away from the sight the two men joined hands and proudly walked out of the airport, leaving the sad, pitiful man in their wake.


Strapping a duffle bag to each of the motorbikes, pulling on their helmets, making sure they were fastened properly and taking one final excited glance at each other before climbing onto their respective bikes, Brian and Justin turned the key and revved the engine as side by side they pulled away from the curb outside the rental place and their journey began.

"This is so great!" Justin shouted, trying desperately to be heard above the loud roar of the motorbikes.

"You don't have to shout. There's a microphone built into your helmet," Brian replied, turning his head slightly so that his partner wouldn't miss the exasperated look on his face.

"Oh, sorry," Justin blushed brilliantly enough that even with the shield of the visor covering most of his face, Brian caught it. "So," the blond started at a more tolerable level, "what's the route?"

"Don't worry, just follow me."

"Right, okay, I guess you've got the map memorized or something, how Ragian of you."

Brian scoffed, which came off as more of a snort and Justin laughed, realizing that while his partner's variety of off-the-cuff responses came off strange at the best of times, through the sound system that was now encompassing his head the man's response sounded downright ridiculous.

"What?" Brian huffed, looking at Justin like he was the twelve-year old child that most people mistook him for.

"Nothing…nothing." Taking a deep cleansing breath, Justin tried again. "So are you gonna share the details of our excursion or keep them locked up in that pretty little head of yours?"

Immediately Brian launched into one of his mocking tones. "While brilliance IS part of my key makeup…"

"And modesty, of course."

Brian ignored the little interruption and continued, "…even I couldn't memorize every single twist and turn of the route. That's what this is for."

Justin looked over to see what Brian was pointing to and only then did he notice a small version of a detailed map affixed to the bottom of the clear shield atop the front of Brian's bike. "What's the highlighted colors for?"

"You expect me to divulge all my secrets already?"

"Bri-annnnnnn," Justin whined…

And Brian cringed. "Shit, if I wanted to take Mikey on this trip, I would have."

That shut Justin right up. He knew that sometimes he could put Michael's whining to shame, and decided that this wasn't the time to confirm that speculation. "Please, tell me?" he tried again, his tone soft and sweet. He knew that while acting like a brat would get him nowhere, his sweet talk usually got him just what he wanted.

Brian felt his cock stir from the rather intimate tone of his lover's words, certain that the man knew exactly what he did to him. "Fucker," he muttered under his breath.



Justin smiled, noticing the little shift of Brian's body, pleased that he hadn't lost his touch. "So?"

"Alright, stop badgering me," Brian teased, feeling his dick respond further when Justin's gentle laugh surrounded his head. 'Shit,' he thought, 'he's gonna kill me before the trip's done.' Deciding to let his partner in on his ingenious map, if he did say so himself, he said, "Each color represents something. The blue, that's the route we have to follow…the red, that's the detours that I've planned out for us…and the yellow, that's where the motels are…and the green, some restaurants…and the…"

"It looks like you've got the Pride flag covered."

"Always thinking of the community," Brian countered in his best mocking tone.

But Justin knew that whether he'd admit it or not, Brian had changed quite a bit in the past months since the whole Stockwell thing, and that the man did think about the community. He'd played a big part in saving their proverbial asses more than once, and he was sure that Rage's services would be called into action a time or two in the coming years, and he knew without a doubt that he wouldn't let them down.

A little put off by Justin's silence, rather used to the man defending him when he took his, "I'm not part of any community, I just fuck men…" attitude, Brian looked over at his partner and received a bright smile in return, and he knew that the man didn't buy his bullshit for even a second.

It was comforting.


The first day's ride was rather uneventful.

They saw lots of beautiful country-side, roaming hills and green pastures, and Justin couldn't help but comment on the fact that it was strange that the Liberty Ride had set itself up to pass so many farms along its way. Seeing as how fags and the outdoor, pig-feeding life just didn't seem to go together so well in his mind.

And Brian couldn't help but remind him of the many nature-boys that he'd had the pleasure to fuck over the years, all rippled muscles from tending to the farm, tanned and ready for action, with the stamina to go all night, which he began to expand on…in detail...

And Justin smiled innocently and couldn't help but remind Brian to fuck off.

Following the map's outline they took the exit marked and headed towards their motel for the night.

Pulling up to the less than stellar lodging, Brian couldn't contain his rather contemptuous, "Fuck!" as they threw open the door to their room and took in its humble décor.

"Oh, come on, it's not THAT bad."

Deciding to temp fate Brian followed Justin inside, closing the door behind them, thankful that it had a lock that worked, and a peep-hole, deciding that when that nut-job from Psycho came knocking in the middle of the night, at least they'd have a few seconds warning before he murdered them in their tacky surroundings.

"So you still think that sleeping a tent outside would be worse than this?"

Brian pondered the question for a second, then walked toward a slightly gaping door near the back of the room, peeked inside and found a passable tub with a not so vile shower curtain, a toiled and a sink and confirmed, "Yes."

Justin just laughed and shook his head. "What a queen."

"Hey," Brian grumbled, grabbing Justin around the waist, pulling him down to the bed where they landed with an exaggerated, "Umph!"

"Hmph, does that mean that if you're a queen, then I'm the king? That's sounds about right," Justin finished with a smirk and a nod.

"Fuck you, there's only room for one ruler in this relationship…"

And both men couldn't help but notice that Brian didn't stumble or keel over dead from the use of the dreaded 'r' word…

"…and that's ME."

Feeling his lover's cock grow hard against his leg, pressing into it with a familiar need, Justin smiled, pressing his lips firmly against Brian's with another familiar need and no more words were necessary.


"Is THAT what you're wearing?"

Looking down at himself then back up at Brian, Justin frowned. "What's wrong with this?"

"Shit, Justin, even if I did manage to find a gay bar out here in the middle of 'whereeverthefucksville', I think that still, that the best example of, 'just jumped out of bed and threw the only thing on that smelled remotely clean off the floor' look that I've ever seen."

"What? What's wrong with this?" Again Justin looked down at what he'd put on. Jeans, okay, a little loose, but still, his ass filled them out nicely. Shirt, so maybe the small hole that looked like a moth had gone to lunch on the hem may have been a little much, and the not so faded spaghetti-sauce stain just below his right pec may have clashed with the t-shirts lime-green color, but…


Justin's gaze met Brian's and he could tell from the man's tone and the hard-set of his face that the command was not debatable…so…he changed.

"You look much better. At least now I know that you're good enough to be seen out in public with me."

The blond just snorted…

"Oh, very becoming. Maybe I'll rethink my last comment."


"Fine, you can come. But try to keep the barnyard sounds to a minimum. Even out here, I do have my reputation to think about." And with that, Brian wrapped his arm around Justin's shoulder as he lead him into the bar.

They instantly froze in their tracks.

"Damn, I don't remember it saying anything about this being a biker's bar."

"Um, Brian, how'd you find out about this place?" Justin asked, shifting slightly so that he was somewhat behind Brian.

"On the net, but I guess you can't believe everything you read," Brian answered, rather miffed at the turn of events.

Justin moved back beside his lover and fixed him with a stunned look. "No, you, the master of advertising just realized that?"

Deciding to forgo words, Brian's hand slid down and planted a firm smack against the man's plentiful ass.


And now all eyes in the rather questionable bar were focused on them.

Tongue firmly planted in cheek, Brian drawled, "Nice going, twat."

Justin just smiled…and tried not to wet himself.

"Look what the wind blew in," one of the rougher looking leather-clad men piped out, waving in the newcomer's direction.

"Mmm, looks like dinner's served…and dessert," another one added.

"I'll take that small one, you guys can have the other."

Brian's eyes narrowed, following the voices to the attached faces and what he saw on the last man's caused his hackles to rise, along with his temper. The man was practically drooling over Justin, and while Brian knew that he could take care of himself and Justin in most situations, making his ownership overtly clear, taking a look around the crowded bar, not missing the matching leather attire of most of the clientele, at that moment he wasn't too sure.

But he'd go out trying.

"Why don't you come on over here, sweet cheeks, and plant yourself down on old Barney's lap?" Justin's admirer called out, patting his rather large thigh.

Not missing the way his lover's body tensed, Justin decided to try and diffuse the situation. Smiling his sweetest smile, Justin replied, "Um, no thanks."

"Always the peacemaker."

"Hey, it's either that or we resign ourselves to the idea of becoming their biker-bitches."

Brian cringed at the images of him riding along on the back of one of their bikes and the countless other duties that came along with the title and said, "I'm right behind you."

"Aren't you always."

Brian's hand moved to plant another firm slap on his lover's behind for the comment but stopped mid-swing, noticing the eyes still focused on them and decided that maybe… it wasn't such a good idea.

"Aw, come on. I won't bite. Well, at least not until I get to know you a little better," Barney chuckled.

Justin smiled and wondered if they made a run for it, would the bar suddenly pile out in chase? He decided that maybe…it wasn't such a good idea.

Taking hold of Brian's arm Justin guided him to a nearby table and sat down, plunking Brian into the chair opposite him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Brian whispered harshly. "We should leave."

Looking around him, not missing the hungry look on the biker's faces, Justin said, "I have a feeling that if we tried, it wouldn't go over very well."

Following his lover's gaze, Brian realized that Justin was probably right. But then something akin to anger started bubbling up inside of him, and he decided that fuck them, he wasn't going to let anyone intimidate him. He'd been through hell and back too many times to count in his life and he wasn't about to let some gang of back-wood bikers play their mind games with him now. Justin was his, and he planned to make that point loud and clear.

Leaning forward, Brian shocked Justin when he planted a not so gentle kiss on him, pulling back with a rather loud smacking sound, which seemed to resonate throughout the small room.

Justin looked back stunned, deciding that fuck it, maybe if they ran really fast one of them could get away.

But Brian met his lover's expression with one that the blond was all too familiar with.

"Oh shit, Brian, no, not now, don't go all caveman on me."

Taking in the younger man's almost panicked expression, Brian leaned forward again, huffing out a laugh when Justin instantly pulled back in his chair. "Relax. They're not so tough. It's all an act. Trust me, I know all about making people see what you want them to."

Justin nodded. It was true. Everyone, including their extended family, thought Brian was an asshole, because that's what he wanted them to see. Only Justin and Gus knew the truth. What Brian appeared to be and what he truly was were two completely different things. Justin relaxed…slightly…until he heard a shuffle and looked upward to find Barney standing over him…then he tried to remember how to breathe.

"I haven't seen anything as pretty as you in eons. How about you let me take you for a ride…and then for a ride," Barney laughed, pleased with himself.

Brian jumped out of his chair.

"Oh fuck," Justin finally took a breath.

"Incase you hadn't noticed, HE'S with ME," Brian not so gently pointed out, getting up in the other man's face, and luckily towering over him by several inches.

"Oh, I noticed alright, but you see, I really wasn't that concerned," Barney countered, matching Brian's bravado.

"Well if I were you…" Brian paused, pulling back slightly, making a show of letting his eyes travel the full length of the man's leather-clad body before moving back in on him. "Which I'm fucking thankful I'm not," he punctuated. "I'd get my skanky ass back over there," he motioned to the man's group of friends, "and mind my own goddamned business."

Barney just laughed.

And his buddies joined in.

And Justin silently prayed.

And Brian was ready to explode.

"What the fuck…"

"Hey, take it easy," Barney interrupted, taking a step back, placing his hands on Brian's shoulders, which Brian quickly knocked off. "I like a man with balls, and you, my friend, have got boulders."

Brian and Justin exchanged a look.

"We were just having some fun with you, you know, we don't get strangers in here too often. It's nice to have some fresh meat to toy with."

"Yeah, fun, that's exactly what I was thinking," Brian replied sarcastically, feeling his anger receding slightly.

"Come on, have a seat and let me buy you boys a beer."

Taking another look around, noticing this time that the menacing looks on the men's faces didn't seem all that threatening anymore, Brian sat back down, and didn't miss Justin's thankful sigh.

Shifting his gaze toward Justin, Barney said, "But you, I wasn't kidding. You are fucking beautiful."

Justin blushed and Brian felt his anger returning.

Turning back to Brian, Barney finished, "Lucky you." And then the man left their table and rejoined his own, smiling as the bartender placed an unopened beer down in front of each of them.

"Thanks," Justin offered, smiling brightly.

Brian just nodded, twisted the cap off his beer and downed half.

"Maybe this place isn't so bad after all," Justin said cheerily.


When they made it back to their room, both men were pleasantly buzzed.

"Fuck, this shit-hole doesn't look so bad after about twenty beers," Brian mused.

"You didn't have twenty. God, and Barney turned out to be such a great guy after all."

"Right, if you count trying to cop a feel of your pretty little ass about a zillion times a nice guy, then fuck it, you're right."

Justin laughed, enjoying the fact that while his lover claimed to not be jealous…"I don't DO jealous," he'd heard the man recount on numerous occasions…Brian was one hell of a jealous and possessive son of a bitch.

And Justin couldn't have been happier about it.

So he decided to prove it to his lover…over and over again.

And when they woke in the morning, the burn in both of their asses reminded them rather clearly of the fact.


"So, what's the plan for today?" Justin asked over breakfast at the little greasy spoon connected to their motel.

Taking the last sip of his surprisingly good coffee, Brian smiled and stuck his tongue out. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

Justin laughed out loud.

The day was off to a great start.

Brian tried not to wince as he climbed aboard his bike. Looking over at Justin he frowned as the man almost jumped onto his seat and plopped right down. Shaking his head, he asked, "I know that you've got all that extra padding built in, but still, doesn't your ass hurt like a motherfucker?"

Smiling, watching as his partner gingerly adjusted his position, Justin answered, "Poor little bottom. Not used to it, huh? Well, I think that maybe we're gonna have to do something about that. Toughen you up."

Brows raised, Brian smirked…"Fuck you!"

"Anytime, big boy…anytime."

And with a soft chuckle Justin started his bike and pulled away, Brian following closely behind.


"Shit, can you fish one of the bottles of water out for me."

"Sure." Justin pulled the water out of his duffle and handed it to Brian.

Unscrewing the cap, Brian poured the clear liquid into the steaming spout, listening to the hissing sound it made as the cool water filled the empty tank.

"You think that'll work?"

Nodding, Brian picked up the hot, metal cap with the hem of his t-shirt and screwed it back on, thankful that the radiator had stopped smoking. Lifting his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead he looked around, noticing that they really were right smack dab in the middle of nowhere. He hoped the water worked.

Feeling a familiar stir at the sight of his lover's firm stomach and the little peek at his well-developed pecs, Justin glanced around, noticing that the only thing that seemed to be around for miles and miles was grass…green, green grass. Smiling, plan in mind, he headed off the road, figuring their bikes would be safe, and took the rather steep slope that led to the barren field.

"Where the fuck are you going?"

Wiggling his ass, Justin called back, "Let's play follow the leader. I lead and you follow."

"Justin," Brian warned.

"Oh, come on, I know you want to," the blond teased, turning around, walking backward through the tall grass. He smiled then turned back around and continued on.

Looking to the right, then the left, realizing that the likelihood of someone coming along was, well, not likely, Brian shook his head and growled, following his insane lover's trail.


"Some trekker you'd make," Brian laughed out, tackling Justin, landing on top of him as they fell to the ground.

"Fuck, Brian, next time warn me," Justin complained, rubbing at the back of his head that he'd banged against the ground.

"Shit, fuck, are you okay? Damn, Justin, I'm sorry." Brian's hands wrapped around the back of the blond head, rubbing soothingly against the man's scalp.

"I'm fine."

"Did you hit it hard?"

The concern and fear in Brian's voice was too much for Justin to handle. "Brian…Brian."

Meeting his lover's eyes, images of a cold cement floor and red, flowing liquid filling the cracks kept flooding his mind.

"Brian, I'm alright. Okay?"

Getting no response, he tried again.

"Brian, I'm fine."

Coming out of his haze Brian nodded in understanding and tried to smile, succeeding only in slightly lessening the pained expression spread across his face.

"I'm fine." And with that, he pressed his lips against Brian's, needing to convince him fully. Sensing that his lover finally got it as the man deepened the kiss, searching out every inch of his mouth with his tongue, tasting and teasing and driving him wild. Unable to control himself, Justin began to rut against Brian, pushing his stiff dick into the man's stomach, craving the contact, grunting in response.

Pulling back breathless, needing to see the warm-blue eyes that he adored, Brian felt lost. Lost in their depths and the man that possessed them…and him.

Mindless of their surroundings, pulling off clothes, tossing them aimlessly aside, within seconds both men were buck naked and sporting matching erections.

"Shit, lube…condom…" Brian scrambled for his jeans now several feet away, digging in his pocket, coming up empty handed. "Fuck…fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"What's wrong?" Justin asked, lifting his head.

"No supplies. I fucking don't have anything."

Both men seemed rather puzzled by the admittance.

Brian looked longingly back toward the area where they'd left their bikes.

And Justin looked at Brian with astonishment. Since when did Brian forget to carry condoms and lube? To the man they were necessities of life, something you automatically had on you when you left the house, like clean underwear, because you never knew when a hot man would cross your path and you'd need to fuck.

"What?" Brian asked, resettling his gaze back on his partner.

Shaking his head wordlessly Justin got up on all fours and crawled toward his own jeans, routing around in the front pocket, retrieving the required objects. "Got 'em," he called out, holding the two little packets up in the air as he turned back in the direction from which he'd come.

But as Brian watched his lover's ass sway back and forth as the man crawled innocently along the grass, he felt a wave of lust crash over him and instantly moved toward his intended goal, startling the other man when he turned around.

"Fuck, you scared me!"

Brian didn't answer. He grabbed the packets out of Justin's hand and flipped him over onto his back, making sure to place his hands under the man's head before he did, removing them gently once he was settled.

Ripping the lube open with his teeth he smiled as Justin swung his leg over Brian, spreading them wide around him in offering. Placing the small packet against his lover's hole Brian squeezed and watched as the blond gasped and jumped slightly as the cool liquid shot out against him.

"It'll heat up."

Both men smiled.

The other item got the same treatment and was quickly ripped, retrieved and rolled down Brian's throbbing shaft.

Not missing the fact that Brian hadn't spent the time loosening him up with his fingers let Justin know just what kind of fuck it was going to be…hard and fast. He was thrilled.

Sliding in with some resistance had both men panting and groaning. Justin tensed slightly and Brian waited, fighting the urge to move.

"Okay," Justin breathed, quickly followed by a loud moan when Brian pulled out and slammed back in.

Within seconds the men were bucking hard against each other, and Justin smiled, looking up at the dusky-blue sky above him. Instantly he was torn between the feelings that surrounded him as they fucked outside under the budding stars…and the ones inside him, the ones that only Brian could create.

"Oh, God," Brian groaned and Justin's own moans answered back as his body reacted…his neck arching sharply, his ass tightening as his balls drew upward when the head of his lover's cock nudged against his prostate.

"Close, fuck, close," Brian whispered.

"Now, Brian, now."

And Justin's body exploded into a bevy of bright lights and pure bliss, carrying Brian along for the ride.

Shifting off to the side, breath finally calming, Brian looked up and smiled, only then realizing that they must have spent a bit more time than he'd thought on their little sidetrack. "Sunshine, you got your stars."


Waiting until Justin turned his head toward him, Brian motioned upward and watched as the blond head turned and a beautiful smile, rivaling the brightness of the stars now shining above them, broke out across the man's perfect face.

"Hot, passionate sex under the stars," Justin whispered, his hand reaching out to find Brian's, his smile growing impossibly wider when the man entwined their fingers and gave a gentle squeeze.

"Hey, you alright out there?"

"What the fuck?" Brian grunted, bolting upright, turning toward the road and the light blazing down at them.

"You boys okay?" came the voice again.

Even though it wasn't pitch black outside it was dark enough that neither man could make out the figure attached to the voice looming down from the top of the road as a flashlight shinning in their direction blinded their view.

"Shit, get dressed."

"Should I come down there? Do you need some help?"

Searching around quickly, Justin decided that underwear weren't really necessary and tugged on his jeans, t-shirt and sneakers, watching as Brian did the same, shouting, "No, no, we're fine. Be right there."

"Well, alright."

Pulling Justin along behind him they made their way back through the grass back to the spot where they'd parked their bikes, the bright light following their every move.

When they came to the top of the incline, they stopped dead in their tracks.

Standing before them was a tall, middle-aged policeman, his parked cruiser a foot or so behind.

'We're fucked…we are so goddamned fucked!' kept playing through both of their heads.

"What were you boys doing down there in the middle of the field?"

Deciding once again that he should answer for both of them, Justin smiled his most sweet and innocent smile and said, "Nothing."

The officer's eyes roamed the younger man's body, taking in his crumpled jeans, tousled hair with the odd blade of grass sticking out of it, inside-out and backward t-shirt with the label resting just under the man's chin so blatantly staring him back in the face…then shifted his eyes along the taller man's frame, receiving a rather similar visual… and he smiled, not so innocently.

"Well, you boys best be on your way. Don't want to run into any trouble out here."

Both men nodded…vigorously.

"You know where you're headed?"

Clearing his throat, trying to swallow the boulder lodged in his esophagus, Brian answered, "Yeah, to a little motel just down the way."

"Good, okay, so…" And the policeman turned toward his car and climbed in…and waited.

Trying to NOT take notice of the eyes still focused on them from behind the glass Brian and Justin pulled on their helmets, climbed onto their bikes and turned their keys, thankful that Brian's started without any problems. Pulling off Justin waved and Brian nodded, watching in the side mirror as the officer's car pulled away in the opposite direction, only then did they start to breathe again.

"Shit, that was, fuck, I don't know what the hell that was." Justin sighed with a small laugh.

"It was close is what it was. While I did miss you while you were gone, my idea of another unavoidable separation is NOT having you in one cell and me in another."

Justin smiled. Brian had said he'd missed him. Although the man had come a long way in communicating his feelings…okay, so maybe a long way was pushing it, but he had made some strides in dealing with the dreaded emotions coursing around inside him…he didn't usually make those type of comments just out of the blue like that, but when he did, a rush of warmth spread over Justin and the man couldn't help but fall more in love with the big lug all over again.

Justin's silence got Brian's attention. "What?"


Brian recognized the tone, all sweet and mushy and then realized what he'd said, and for some reason, he couldn't help but smile.


"Let's get going. We need to get back on the road."

"Urgh, do we have to rush out so early?" Justin groaned, pulling the covers back over his head.

"No we can stay here all day, or we can get up, grab a shower in the rather dismal bathroom which is somehow even worse, which I didn't think was possible by the way, than the room we stayed in last night, and get on with our vacation."

Whipping off the covers with a dramatic flair Justin slithered out of bed, muttering loud enough for his lover to hear he shared his rather strong opinion that not only was Brian the biggest queen he'd ever had the displeasure of meeting but that the man was also a fucking slave driver who should take his whip and stick it up his ass. Then he stomped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Brian just laughed.


"Oh-my-God!" Justin gasped, smiling as they pulled into the parking lot of a beautiful resort. Blooms of every color marking the landscape, the marble pillars standing proudly at the entrance to the large building incredibly breathtaking and the lush trees littered across the grounds providing a scene just begging to be sketched. His head spun toward Brian. "Are we staying here?"


"But I thought…"

"I know, and I hope you're not upset. I know that while it doesn't exactly fit into the whole idea of re-creating the Liberty Ride, I thought that since we were out this way we'd treat ourselves to something special."

Climbing off his bike, setting the helmet on the vacant seat, Justin took his lover's face between his hands and brushed his lips against Brian's. Pulling back just enough so he could look in the man's hazel-eyes, he whispered, "Thank you."


"Fuck, this room, I never want to leave here, like, EVER."

Brian laughed, pleased with his lover's response, watching as the man tossed himself down on the large, plush bed.

"Two nights, that's how long we're here for."

"Really?" Justin's head popped up, astonishment written all over his face. He'd expected that they were only staying for the night.

"Two nights," Brian confirmed with a nod. "I didn't think that one would give you enough time to sketch everything, besides, they have a killer spa."

"But I didn't bring a sketchbook or anything. I didn't really think that I'd have the time or inclination along the road," Justin pouted, realizing all he'd miss, not having packed any supplies with him.

Wordlessly Brian moved across the room and pulled open the top drawer of the regal looking desk, taking out a sketchbook…then another…a set of top of the line charcoals and even a set of rather impressive looking pastels.

Instantly the man's arms were full of a very happy blond littering kisses along his face and neck. "Thank you…thank you…thank you!"

Brian smiled, reveling in the attention.





"Fuck, Brian!" Justin jumped, startled.

"I kept calling you."

"Sorry, you know, this place is so incredible. I can't wait to get home so that I can do a painting of the landscape."

"So, you're in a rush to get home then?"

Realizing what he'd said, but also knowing that his lover was just playing with him, Justin nodded, then answered, "Yep, you know, it's been fun, this trip, but really, I think that life back in Pittsburgh is just so much better. You know, early morning classes at school that make me drag my tired ass out of bed at an ungodly hour…endless arrays of assignments that work me until my eyes can't focus anymore…oh, and soon it'll be winter and you know how much I love the fucking freezing snow and ice…and…."

"Alright, I get it. Pittsburgh…bad. Time alone with your adoring boyfriend on the open road, seeing the sights and taking in all the world has to offer…good," Brian said with conviction. He was pleased that Justin had answered a question that he'd been meaning to ask him. He hoped that his lover was planning on returning to PIFA and now he knew that he was. He felt a certain sense of relief at the news.

"Yep," Justin confirmed, wrapping his arms tightly around his partner, smiling when the man did the same.

"So, you ready for dinner?"

"Shit, is it that late already? God, I can't believe we're leaving in the morning. Two days sure flew by fast."

Picking up the slight sadness in his lover's voice, Brian pulled back, tilting Justin's face up towards him, their eyes meeting and he said, "Don't worry, we'll come back again. Maybe in the fall, when the colors change. I'm sure you'd love to capture that."

The excitement the blond felt couldn't be contained, shinning brightly in his eyes. "Really?"

"It's a promise."


"I can't believe you ate so much. One of these days you're gonna blow up and gain a shit-load of weight and then who are you gonna find to fuck your massive ass?"

Used to Brian's teasing and certain that it stemmed from the man's constant obsession with his own weight and envy of Justin's ability to eat whatever he wanted without worry of gaining weight, he just smiled then turned around, running his hands seductively over his perfect ass and said, "Well, maybe I need to check out my options now?"

Brows furrowed, not sure where his lover was going with his unusual comment and mischievous grin, Brian lay back on the bed, resting comfortably against the headboard, watching Justin now standing just below the foot of the bed.

Feeling his partner's gaze burning into his skin, Justin tugged his t-shirt up and over his head, tossing it backward over his shoulder. Next he opened his jeans, slowly, tooth by tooth, pulling the zipper down, the sound echoing through the room, building the anticipation. Slipping his hands just under the rim of his waistband, hooking his thumbs over the edge, he slid the stiff material downward, jetting his ass out obviously as he did, then further as he bent down to tug them off, reveling in the rather loud gasp that hissed through Brian's lips.

"No underwear. Naughty boy." And the sight suddenly reminded Brian of something else that he'd meant to ask. "Hmph, and still no tan lines."

Justin froze.

Brian caught it.

Justin decided to ignore the comment for now, continuing with his little show.

Brian let it slip…for now.

Sliding his hands back over his ass, rounding each cheek, rubbing seductively, Justin bent over slightly and tugged, separating the mounds to give his lover a peek at the surprise inside.

"Fuck," Brian moaned.

Pulling one hand back he slid two digits into his mouth, getting them nice and wet, making sure to suck loud enough to give Brian a visual, then replaced his hand on his ass, slipping his slick fingers down along his crack, circling the knot of flesh teasingly before pushing gently and slipping one, then both of them inside with a loud sigh.

Feeling his legs begin to tremble, Justin pulled his hand back then forward again, wiggling his digits as they slid in, grunting when the tip of one brushed against his prostate. Just as his legs gave way, threatening to tumble him forward, Brian grabbed him from behind, pulling him flush against his body, his fingers slipping free. Justin sighed at the feel of skin on skin, pleased with Brian's response and he couldn't help but wonder for just a moment how long it'd taken the man to shed his clothes?

"That ass is mine," the older man growled, turning them around, tossing Justin face-down on the bed, ass turned up, ready for the taking.

"Oh, God, please!"

"Shhh, relax, enjoy."

"I-I need more…more…Brian!" Justin felt desperate. Brian's tongue kept rounding his hole, teasing and taunting the aching flesh, but never giving in. Justin tried to wiggle this way…then that way…practically willing the man's tongue inside him, but to no avail. His cock was so fucking hard that he was sure cement had replaced the blood pulsing through his shaft. Needing relief he began to rub himself against the cool, silky sheets, but a pair of large, strong hands instantly stilled his motion as his tongue continued its torture, marking its path downward from his balls, lapping at them loudly before moving south, drenching the skin surrounding his hole, making him slick and wet and so fucking needy.

"Mmm, you taste so good," Brian purred. "Your ass is so sweet."

Justin's mind and body were about to explode.

"Brian, please…please…please…please!" he began begging…whimpering…ready to do just about anything to get the man's tongue inside him.

Still, nothing.

And then…

"OH GOD!" Justin shouted, bolting up onto all fours, his back arching sharply backward as Brian's sheathed dick slid into his ass in one swift motion.

"Feel good?" Brian breathed into his ear, the warmth sending shivers down his spine.

Justin could only grunt in response, and Brian huffed out a laugh, molding his body tight against the smaller man's back before slowly pulling back so that just the head remained inside, gently bobbing it back and forth along the blond's opening, changing angles frequently, wanting to spark every single nerve ending in the extremely sensitive tissue. Feeling Justin's ass spasm around him almost convulsively he knew that the man was not going to take long…but that was fine with him, having been so fucking ready from the moment that his lover ran his hands teasingly over his ass.

Sliding back in, still slow and gentle, they began a rhythm. Brian's hands planted firmly atop Justin's, their fingers laced together, their bodies joined as one as they rocked against each other moving closer and closer towards orgasm. Building, slowly, eagerly, ready to erupt.

Soft words whispered, some meant to be heard, some he hoped would not, slipped from between Brian's parted lips.

Deep moans and sighs and confessions of love poured from Justin, all soul-deep and full of raw emotion.

And when neither one could hold off a second longer they came, shaking and holding onto one another as the heat washed over them from inside out, confirming what each of them already knew, what was ingrained…that they belonged together.

Afterward they lay together in comfortable silence, Justin's head resting on his lover's firm chest, Brian's long fingers running soothingly through the silken strands of gold that once again covered the younger man's head, until Justin's soft confession broke the trance.

"You know, I really thought it would be different."



Deciding to let his lover get there in his own time, Brian remained quiet, and waited.

"It was just, I don't know…" The blond's strong fingers played across Brian's belly, absently tracing the soft trail of hair that led downward. Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, he continued. "All the people, they were just so fake, you know, so not there. So many people kept coming up to me, telling me how much they loved my work…MY work. But they really had no fucking idea, not a clue."

Still, Brian kept silent, drifting through the softness, twisting the strands gently between his fingers.

"And the guys, shit, they were fucking all over me."

Brian tensed.

"But the thing was, I didn't care."

Brian relaxed…slightly.

"Sure, they were good looking, all tanned and toned, but you know what?" Justin leaned up, chin resting on Brian's chest, blue-eyes fixed on hazel.

"What?" Brian finally asked.

"I didn't care."

Brian smiled.

"I love you, Brian. You're incredible."

Brian felt his heart shudder in his chest then quicken. His hands shifted to either side of Justin's face, his thumbs rubbing gently across the man's cheeks and his eyes softened as he whispered, "And you're so fucking beautiful that it makes me ache."

Bright eyes filled with tears, a single one slipping halfway down his cheek before Brian wiped it away and Justin knew…knew what Brian was telling him with utter clarity.

"But, about that tan…" Brian couldn't help but interject, needing desperately to break the tension and still, wanting the story behind it.

Justin's eyes shifted sideways and Brian released his face, crossing his arms behind his head, getting comfortable.

"Well, you see, there was this thing, from the movie…"

"Yes," Brian encouraged, pleased when his lover's gaze returned.

"A sort of beach day. Everyone came. It was kinda cool. Then someone decided that a game of truth or dare would be fun, so, um, I kind of got roped into playing, and, well, I lost my dare."

Nodding, the picture becoming much clearer now, Brian smiled.

"Shit, my ass was sunburned for days."

"No one offered to rub sunscreen on it for you?" the older man asked with mock sympathy.

"Oh, they offered alright. They were fucking coming out of the woodwork to gain the privilege. But, you know how shy I can be."

"Right, you, shy…that's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of you," Brian remarked rather sarcastically, tongue planted firmly in cheek.

"Hey," Justin swatted his lover's stomach. "Besides, I wasn't the only one."


"Nah, seems that was the theme for the day's losers. About six other people ended up walking around naked." Justin laughed. "Well, good thing they were all guys. The last thing I needed to see was some naked woman. Now THAT would definitely have turned things sour."

Cringing at the thought, Brian couldn't help but ask, "How many of the other guys were gay?"

"All of them."

Brows raised in surprise.

"Brian, Rage is an outwardly gay movie, Brett's a gay director, most of the guys working on the film were gay…"

"I get it." For some reason that little bit of offered information didn't make Brian feel any better.

"But you wanna know how many guys that were working on the project I fucked?"

The question took Brian by surprise. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer or not. But the curious, sometimes self-tormenting side in him won and he couldn't help but ask, "How many?"


Instant relief washed over Brian and he smiled.

Deciding that it was now or never, Justin pushed the envelope. Quietly he asked, "You wanna know how many guys I fucked while I was away?"

Not sure if he should ask, eyes shifting back and forth between Justin's compelling stare, deciding which way to play it, but again, he couldn't help himself and quietly asked, "How many?"


A cold sweat ripped through Brian's body.

Could he?

Again his gaze shifted, across Justin's face…his slightly flushed cheeks…his full, ripe lips…his flawless skin…his golden hair falling gently along his forehead…his honest, blue eyes searing deep within him, not recoiling at what they found, and he knew that he could.

"Wanna know how many guys I fucked while you were away?"

Justin was stunned, but nodded slowly, not sure if he really wanted to know or not.

"Four," Brian whispered around the lump in his throat.

If the blond thought that he'd been stunned just a moment ago, that was nothing compared to the almost paralyzing emotion he felt now. "Four…the entire time?"

Brian just nodded.


Feeling painfully bare already, Brian just shrugged, hoping that his lover could fill in the blanks himself.

The wide, beaming smile let him know that he could.

"I love you," Justin whispered, edging up so that he was face to face with Brian, and the look in Brian's eyes returned the words louder and clearer than ever before.


"Shit, good old Pittsburgh here we come."

Pulling into the city limits, Brian couldn't help but agree with his lover's sarcastic remark. They'd had an amazing time on their little getaway, and truthfully, he didn't want it to end. Any insecurity he'd been feeling while Justin was away had disappeared and he'd gained a new sense of belonging in its place.

Once they pulled up outside the loft, all the burdens of being back home seemed to instantly settle in around Justin and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Sensing Justin's mood Brian turned off the engine, pulled off his helmet and turned toward his partner, looking him straight in the eye. "We're home."

"Yeah, I know," Justin sulked, taking off his helmet, placing it in his lap, staring down at it longingly.

Raising the blond's chin, eyes meeting again, Brian continued. "Justin, we're home. Our home. And I know it's not the same…and I know that life has a way of getting in the way, but I promise you this…it's you and me. We're gonna make time for each other…" The man paused and scowled, not believing that he was actually going to utter the next words, but he took a breath and said, "Even if that means going on dates."

Justin's eyes practically bugged out of their sockets at his partner's last word.

"Yes, you heard me right. Fuck, I think I left my good ball somewhere back on the road."


"Just please stop me if I start singing show-tunes and writing fan-mail to the cast of the L-Word."

Justin laughed, realizing that Brian hadn't changed, just maybe softened up a teeny-tiny bit. "I promise," he swore.

"Good, now that that's settled and my dignity is hanging on by a shred, why don't we get inside, jump into our nice, clean, spacious shower that doesn't pose the threat of some deadly Ebola virus and climb into our nice big bed where the sheets don't threaten to rub our skin raw with its sandpaper-like effect before the night is through and I'll fuck you and you can scream at the top of your lungs without worry of the motel manager, other guests or local police breaking into the room to try and ward off the possible homicide in progress."

Shaking his head in wonder. Still convinced that he was hopelessly in love with the biggest fucking drama queen on the face of the earth, Justin stood up, carrying his helmet in one hand he wrapped the other arm around Brian's slim waist and said, "I can't wait."

And together they headed inside, deciding that maybe Pittsburgh wasn't so bad after all, and they could stick it out, well, at least until their next vacation.

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