Between a Rock and a Hard Place


The four lane highway stretched out ahead of them. Rocks lay in tumbled piles along both sides of the road. Trees, mostly pine, hid everything from view on either side of them. Occasionally the trees would give way to a river or lake, pristine and clear in the opening. A few tiny and quaint cottages usually with a boat of some description moored in front were nestled along the shores of the body of water.

Brian took in a deep breath. The air was clear and warm. It felt good. He listened hearing nothing beyond the hum of the Jeep's engine and an occasional call of a bird of some description. The sun beat down on the open vehicle where they had removed the top.

"Did you put on sunblock?" Brian asked.

"Yes, mother," Justin smiled back at him.



"Where the fuck are you taking us?"

"Aren't you enjoying driving a Jeep again?" Justin asked with a grin.

"Don't change the subject," Brian cautioned, although he did have to admit that he liked the feel of the Jeep beneath him. It was so different from the 'Vette.

"I think we have about ten miles to go, that's a little over twenty kilometers," Justin said consulting his map and the set of instructions.

"How the fuck did you find this place?"

"On the internet."

"Jesus, they say there's a sucker born every minute. You must be it."

"What does that make you?" Brian gave him a withering glare. "You're here with the sucker, aren't you? Voluntarily."

"If I had had any idea…"

"You still would have come," Justin interrupted with a smirk, "because you love me and you trust me implicitly and you … you so love me." Justin made that face, aglow with his brilliant smile and Brian's heart melted.

"Twat," Brian said with a chuckle.

"You said that before. Can't you come up with something more original?"

"I'm on vacation."

Justin snorted. "I'm glad you're on vacation, Brian. You need it. You deserve it," he said sincerely.

Brian found his hand running along the side of Justin's face as he looked into the blue eyes. The emotions that were still so close to the surface threatened to break lose. He was still alive and Justin was still with him. The cancer was gone. It was all he could do to drag his eyes back to the road before they were flattened against one of those piles of rock.

"I love you," Justin whispered. Brian nodded. That was enough for now.

"What the fuck are we looking for?" Brian demanded trying to get his emotions under control. "We're at kilometer twenty."

"A road called Twelve Mile Bay Road," Justin said reading the instructions. "It should go that way," he added pointing left.

Very soon they spotted it and Brian turned the Jeep onto the two lane road. It was narrow and winding with little sign of any habitation except for an occasional dirt driveway that disappeared into the forest.

"Fourteen kilometers," Justin warned, "and we should be at Moose Tree Marina."

"Marina?" Brian asked. "Justin, do you know what the fuck you're doing? Where are you taking us?"

"The back of beyond," Justin grinned.

Brian groaned. "We're not in Australia, we're in Canada."

"I know. Besides the look on your face when we got to the airport and you realized we were going to Toronto was priceless. Worth the cost of the trip."

"Glad you thought so," Brian sneered. He had had a moment's trepidation that Justin was taking him to a pre-arranged marriage ceremony in Toronto. He had almost walked out of the airport, but he couldn't turn away from Justin, even if that meant marrying him. Jesus, what was he thinking?

"I'd never force you into a wedding you didn't want. I know better."

"I've taught you well."

"You have, you know," Justin said and he meant it. "I may not agree with everything you've taught me, but I know you did it for my own good, and I'm a better person for having had your tutelage."


"It means teaching, instruction," Justin said in his best public service announcement voice.

"I know what the fuck it means! Who coached you for those fucking SAT's?"

"You, baby, only you," Justin cooed.

"Ooh, I love it when you call me baby in that voice. How much farther is this place? I could pull into the trees and…"

"You are not fucking me till we get there. Otherwise, we may never get there at all."

"Would that be so bad?"

"No," Justin giggled, "but I went to a lot of trouble to arrange all this."

"What? An airline ticket, a rented Jeep and miles and miles of driving in the wilderness."

"Yes, and what's at the end of it all. And you will love it! Do you hear me?"

"I hear you, blond boy. You better pray that I do love it."

That was exactly what Justin was doing … praying. This had seemed like a good idea when they were back in Pittsburgh and Brian had gotten a clean bill of health from his cancer. Justin wanted them to go away somewhere totally isolated, where it would be only them, where he could show Brian how much the man meant to him, how much he loved him and needed him and wanted him. They were going to fuck until they dropped. The doctor said everything was fine and Justin's plan was to show Brian that everything was not only fine, but fabulous. Now, the longer they drove away from civilization and into the wilderness, Justin wondered if this was such a good idea. Brian loved his comforts. He wasn't exactly a wilderness kind of guy. He hoped the place they were headed was as nice as the internet picture and description had led him to believe.

They almost missed the sign for the turnoff to the marina, but Brian managed to jerk the Jeep into the road at the last second, without flipping it onto its side. A short drive down the dirt road brought them to a long narrow bay with a large docking area for boats. About half of the slips were empty. There was a store and that's where Justin disappeared to, while Brian found a spot to park the Jeep. He hauled out the luggage. He decided he better put the top up on the Jeep if they were leaving it here, and then he waited for Justin to return.

Brian looked around wondering what these next three days were going to hold. He wasn't much for camping. There better be a fucking bed at the end of this trip. He smiled to himself. He could sleep on rocks as long as he had a certain someone to curl up against. He couldn't believe how strong and steadfast Justin had been through this whole cancer mess. He should have told him right from the outset, but he couldn't. In fact, Brian had almost disappeared for good. He had been very close to doing that when Justin had told him that he loved him and he'd be there when he got back, and he knew the boy meant it, knew that Justin would stand by him no matter what. So he had swallowed his pride, his stupid fear of not being perfect, and he had stayed, for Justin.

Soon Justin reappeared accompanied by a middle aged man who appeared to be Native American. They waved to Brian and pointed to a boat. Brian grabbed the handles of their suitcases and made his way down to them.

"Brian, this is Charles Longbow," Justin introduced them. "He provides the water taxi to our lodgings."

Brian arched an eyebrow at the word 'lodgings'. Justin was sure that Brian probably thought they were headed for a teepee or a sweat lodge somewhere in the wilderness. He tried to keep a straight face. Brian shook the man's hand and they began to load the boat. Charles went back to the store and returned with a large cooler which he set into the boat. Brian refused to ask for an explanation. He had sealed his fate when he had told Justin to go ahead and plan a short getaway for them. He'd have to live with whatever the young man had cooked up.

Charles maneuvered the boat out into the bay and they began to make their way along the waterway. Brian could see why it was called Twelve Mile. It was a long, narrow expanse of water that seemed to go on forever. There were lots of cottages and homes along the bay. Most had steps leading up the slope from the water where their boats were tied to docks.

"How far are we going?" Brian asked Charles.

"About a half hour ride," Charles informed him. "We have to go out into the beginnings of Georgian Bay. Then we make our way over to your destination."

"Isn't there a more direct route?" Brian asked.

"Not unless you want to fly in."

Brian frowned. They must be going to the middle of nowhere. How was he ever going to pretend that he liked this godforsaken hole for the three days that they were stuck there? He glanced at Justin who smiled encouragingly at him. He groaned inwardly. He was going to kill the little twit once they got back home safe and sound.

Finally they were out of the bay. Brian could see a few islands ahead of them and then nothing but water. He glanced at Charles. Charles was in the process of turning back into a wide channel, not the same one they had left. They began to make their way through islands and hunks of land that Brian wasn't sure were islands or part of the mainland.

Justin nudged him. "Look at the rocks," Justin said pointing.

The bare sides of the land masses were made of striped rock. Some were black and cream like zebras; others were pink and cream and brown. They were a mesmerizing sight as the boat plowed past.

"Many local artists use the rocks as the basis of their art," Charles told them having heard Justin's comments. Justin smiled thinking he had made the right decision choosing this place.

Finally the boat slowed and Brian could see a cottage, kind of a modified A-frame with lots of windows sitting atop a rocky promontory. Charles maneuvered around the back of the island and came at the building from the opposite side. They pulled into a little cove and docked the boat. They all climbed out.

"This doesn't look so bad," Brian said.

"Thank God," Justin thought. "It's really nice inside," he said hopefully. If only the internet pictures would turn out to be true.

Charles helped them get everything up to the building and inside. They unloaded the cooler and placed most of the contents in the fridge. Charles gave them a few instructions. There was no electricity in this place. Everything, including the fridge, was run on propane. They were shown how the lights could be lit and what to be careful of. There was a fireplace that would warm the cool night air and a barbecue for cooking on the deck. When everything was explained Charles took off. They were all alone in their little piece of the universe for three days.

"Where's the bedroom?" Brian asked.

Justin chuckled. "Don't you want to look around the island?"



"I want to fuck you, Sunshine, now and forever."

Justin stepped into Brian's embrace. They kissed holding on as long and as tightly as they could. They could have lost this … forever. Neither wanted to waste any more time.

Brian walked Justin towards the only room they hadn't explored. They found a king size bed up on an elevated platform. Brian leaned Justin back as he kissed him and they tumbled onto the quilt. Brian rested on his elbows his body covering Justin's. One hand was on each side of Justin's face and he stared into the blue eyes.

"Thank you," Brian whispered his eyes fighting back tears.

"For what?"

"For being there, for not running away when I was mean to you, for saving me."

"Saving you?" Justin asked. "Brian, what are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter now. I just want you to know that … that you mean something to me."

"Don't you mean that I mean everything to you?" Justin asked with a grin. He knew this was hard for Brian, whatever it was that the man was trying to tell him. It was enough that he understood that Brian appreciated his loyalty and love. He knew too much emotion would make Brian sullen and withdrawn later. He hoped his little joke would break the tension.

"Everything," Brian whispered against his cheek.

"Brian?" Justin said. "You are all right, aren't you? I mean … the cancer. You didn't get some bad news?"

"No, Sunshine, nothing like that."

"Good, then fuck me."

"That was my intention."

"Do it."

"Even if I am a one ball wonder?"

"Whatever you are, I want you. I always will."

Brian leaned in and kissed the sweet lips. He could feel the heat building between them. The heat was always there. The desire was always there, even when he had been afraid, like when he had refused Justin that night on the floor. He wanted him even as he pushed him away.

Brian blocked those thoughts from his mind. That was all behind them now. Their clothes disappeared quickly and condoms and lube appeared out of nowhere. Brian flipped Justin's legs onto his shoulders. He needed to watch Justin's face. There were things he wanted to tell him. He knew he could make the boy understand.

His entry was swift and sure and a little painful. Brian leaned in and kissed Justin waiting until he felt the boy's response. The kiss deepened and Justin pushed up against his groin forcing them even closer together. Brian thrust deep into his lover, his fingers entwined with Justin's as he rested on his elbows. He wanted them joined in every way and his lips fused onto Justin's once again. His tongue probed and swirled around in Justin's mouth feeling familiar areas and tasting Justin's sweet mouth. Brian knew that kissing Justin was one of the joys of his life. He hoped Justin was savoring this as much as he was. He began thrusting in earnest.

Justin had felt Brian joined to him at the fingers, at his mouth, and at his ass. He could tell that Brian was talking to him with his body. He was telling him how much he had missed him when they hadn't fucked, and how much he wanted him, and how important this joining was to him, and how he would never let him go. Justin knew these things as surely as he knew the sun would rise tomorrow. He felt it in his soul. He wondered why he had ever needed words when Brian had always talked to him like this. He had just lost the language for a little while when Ethan had sweet talked him. Now he had it back, and he would make sure that it never escaped him again.

Brian felt his orgasm building and he leaned back on his knees so that he could pound faster and harder into his lover. He released Justin's hands and saw him grab the quilt to keep himself anchored to the bed. Brian's hand reached for Justin's cock. They were almost there.

Justin felt Brian let go of his hands. He clutched at the quilt beneath him trying to stay anchored to this world. Brian could always take him someplace wondrous and far away. He felt Brian's fingers surround his cock and he groaned in satisfaction. They were almost there.

Brian thrust a few more times and they were coming - long and hard and earth shattering. The glare from the water through the glass exploded into a million colors as Brian's breath caught in his throat. He thrust involuntarily a couple more times and then slumped on top of Justin, his dick still firmly up the boy's ass.

Justin pulled Brian tight against him as the world melted around him. He could feel himself fused into Brian. They were one and it was unbelievable.

After a bit Brian shifted up and his cock slipped out. His fingers traced the edge of Justin's jaw and his lips kissed the open mouth below him. He rolled to the side and took a few deep breaths.

"You okay?" Justin asked.

"I'm good."

"I'm fantastic!" Justin said wanting Brian to know that he was just as good as always and that he could never get enough of him.

"That one ball comes through again," Brian said with a touch of irony.

"I'm going to have to kiss that one ball and tell him what a good job he's doing," Justin giggled.

"He'll appreciate any and all compliments. After all he is doing the work of two men."

"Good job your rocks are such hardy fellas," Justin said rolling against Brian and kissing him.

"Correction; my rock is a hardy fella. That other thing is just along for the ride."

Justin chuckled. It was good to hear Brian joke about this. "Let's go for a swim," Justin said sitting up.

"Is there a pool?" Brian asked.

"In the lake, silly!"

"With fish poop and barnacles and seaweed."

"This is a lake, Brian, not the ocean." Brian made a face at him. "Come on. It'll be a new adventure."

"Guess I better experience everything while I'm here," Brian sighed.

Justin quickly opened his suitcase looking for his swimsuit. Brian was all for going in naked, and finally just dragged his lover by the hand. They could see a diving board anchored into the rock. They made their way down to the edge of the water. Brian stuck his toe in.

"It's fucking freezing!" he yelped recoiling.

"Let's go off the diving board," Justin dared.

"You first," Brian said staring him down.

Justin skittered back up the rock. He stood at the end of the diving board hesitating. He looked over and saw Brian smirking at him. He stepped back, took a short run and bounded off the end of the board executing a perfect dive. He reappeared above the water wiping his face and trying to keep his teeth from chattering.

"Are you a popsicle?" Brian grinned.

"It's great!" Justin gushed. "Come on, please baby?"

The baby got Brian. He ran up the rock and followed Justin's example. As he surfaced he found himself in Justin's grasp and a kiss planted on his mouth. They both went under.

"Jesus, Justin," Brian sputtered. "I need to breathe."

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. You looked so adorable all wet and sexy." He leaned in for another kiss which Brian couldn't help but respond to.

"I'm glad you love me when I'm turning blue," Brian griped.

"Blue's my favorite color," Justin chuckled. "Besides, the water feels great once you get used to it." He then proceeded to dunk Brian below the surface and swim away to safety before the man could catch him when he resurfaced. "Remember that Seinfeld episode where George has shrinkage because of the cold water?" Justin giggled from a safe distance away.

Brian snorted. "You have to have an awfully puny dick to start with to make that shrinkage significant," Brian said knowingly.

"Then I guess neither of us will have a problem," Justin grinned and swam away as Brian came after him.

They swam and dunked each other and chased and floated and laughed until they were exhausted. Finally they climbed out of the water and lay naked against the rocks warmed by the summer sun. Justin slithered his hand into Brian's as they lay on their backs soaking up the warmth from the sun above and the rock below.

"That was great!" Justin sighed.


Justin turned to his lover and smiled one of his best sunshine smiles. "I'm glad you liked it," Justin whispered and they kissed once again. Just then Justin's stomach rumbled and they realized that the sun was getting low in the sky and they had eaten nothing since breakfast. "I'm starving," Justin admitted.

"What was in that cooler that Charles brought?" Brian asked. He was hungry too, even if he didn't admit it.

"All the food I ordered for our three days here."

"Anything good?"

"How does steak and salad sound?"

"Not half bad."

"Then let's go," Justin said pulling Brian to his feet.

Brian barbecued and Justin made salad. Every now and then Justin fed Brian pieces of the salad fixings as he cut them up. Justin didn't want his man to fade away from hunger. They ate on the deck watching the sun go down in a blaze of glory. They curled up on the chaise afterwards and held each other, perfectly content to watch the stars come out as the darkness deepened.

They made love for most of the night and didn't get up until almost noon. They found a canoe down by the dock and Justin convinced Brian to help him paddle around the island. They enjoyed the silence and the views as they made their way around their little piece of paradise.

They swam and laughed and ate and made love some more. Their few days went by in a blur.

The last night they were there they lounged together on the chaise staring at the sky. There were no stars and it smelled like rain. Gradually the wind began to pick up. The first bolt of lightning scared them both. It was somewhere out over Georgian Bay but it lit up all the neighboring islands and silhouetted the trees and rocks.

"Wow!" Justin gasped. "That was cool."

"And powerful," Brian added as the next slash of lightning struck.

They sat on the deck watching in fascination as the lightning storm exploded around them. It never did rain but the light show was spectacular.

"Makes you feel kind of small and insignificant," Justin whispered.

"Not a feeling I'm used to," Brian smirked. "But it does take your breath away."

"I love you," Justin whispered wrapping his arms around Brian and watching the show his head safely tucked beneath Brian's chin.

"I love you too," Brian mouthed above Justin's head.

Justin could have sworn he felt Brian's mouth move even though he heard no sound. His face radiated a glowing smile as he knew instinctively what Brian had said. He squeezed the strong chest harder and received a kiss on the top of his head. They both knew what had happened.

The next morning Charles came to pick them up and they made their way back to the airport in Toronto. As they buckled themselves into their seats on the plane, Justin had to ask, "Did you enjoy your mini-vacation?"

"I did."


"You know, maybe we should come back to Toronto some time in the future, and … do some other stuff."

Justin stared into the hazel eyes. Had he heard Brian correctly? Could the man possibly mean what he thought he meant? Justin beamed a smile at his lover. Brian smiled back. They both understood the implicit meaning of Brian's words.

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