




Droplets of water cascade down Florian's body like tiny pieces of silk. He shivers, his mouth opening to draw in air and water – basic elements – reminding him that he is part of something much larger than the space taken by his slender frame.

Heat passes along one shoulder and down his back, scattering the water droplets. He presses back against the sensation, seeking, demanding. More. He would shout it to the heavens if he knew how, but thought has evaporated like fire transforming water into steam.

He turns his head, instinct driving him and a gust of warm breath makes a line of droplets dance lightly across his cheek. Ray and Yes and Please sing in his mind, three of only a handful of words still remaining. All the others have fled, along with reason and his clothing. What use has he for linen when there is satin skin and silken water?

Perhaps he'll end his existence like this, a willing sacrifice to the elements; tumbled by wind, consumed by fire, held by the earth, engulfed by water. A million tiny droplets flowing over him, into him, the last and sweetest placed on his lips, a gift from his beloved.

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