Taking Care of My Baby


Kiss to the tummy means - feel better.

The sound of the alarm clock startled Justin awake. He groaned and tried to burrow his head deep into the pillows. Eventually a pale arm snaked its way out of the warm covers to bat the offending clock to silence. Justin tried to snuggle up to Brian but the man wasn't there. He encountered only slightly warm sheets. Brian couldn't have been gone long. With great effort he got up and dragged himself to the bathroom. After he relieved himself he washed his hands then splashed a bit of water on his face. He felt positively wretched this morning. Last night he had turned in early since he was feeling tired. He had hoped to feel better in the morning. Justin hoped he wasn't coming down with something. His stomach hurt a bit. Justin wished he could just go back to bed but he had classes to go to.

He grabbed a pair of crumpled cargos with paint stains on them. He tugged them on sans underwear. Justin borrowed a t-shirt from Brian, the logo said Irish pride. A ghost of a smile crossed Justin's lips as he pulled the shirt on. He tugged on a hoodie then headed for the kitchen; there he found a note from Brian.

"I had an early staff meeting today. You were really out of it last night. Hope you are feeling better." Brian xoxo

The x's and o's at the bottom of the note made him feel all warm inside. Brian's simple note had made him smile. The thought of breakfast made him queasy so he just grabbed up his messenger bag. It seemed ten pounds heaver today for some reason.

Justin made it to class at the last possible second. He sat down gratefully in a chair. His left arm came protectively around his stomach. It felt like someone was dragging a fork across the inside of his stomach over and over again. Justin tried to concentrate on what the professor was saying but he hurt too badly. His notebook was out and his hand held a pen loosely but the page remained blank. By the time Justin's class let out he was feeling really bad. He decided to blow off the rest of his classes for the day. His stomach hurt like a motherfucker, he was nauseous and he was fucking freezing. If he was going to throw up he'd rather do it in the comfort of his home.


Brian looked all around his office in frustration. He never usually misplaced things.


She leaned in the doorway. "You bellowed?"

"Where is the Liberty Air folder?"

"I'll go look around, you didn't by chance take it home with you?"

Brian pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fuck! Never mind I remember where it is."

When Brian got to the loft he found the file he was looking for on his desk. He frowned when he saw Justin's messenger bag by the island. Justin should have been in class. A moment later he heard vomiting coming from the bathroom. He tossed down the file and removed his coat then headed for the bathroom. Justin moaned as another wave of nausea hit him. Brian came in an squatted down beside him, mindful not to get his suit dirty. He rubbed Justin's back trying to make the boy feel better.

"You ok?"

Justin gave him the most pathetic look he'd ever seen. He helped Justin to stand and noticed he was trembling like a leaf. He felt Justin's forehead, he felt warm to the touch. Brian yanked open a drawer and got out the thermometer. Justin was hugging the door casing for dear life. Brian took his temperature then examined the readout. It was high but not dangerously so; he'd keep an eye on it.

"How come you're here?" Justin asked somewhat confused.

"Forgot a file I needed. Come on lets get you to bed."

Brian scooped him up and carried him to the bed. He laid him down on his side of the bed which was closest to the bathroom. Justin instantly curled up into a little ball. Brian got an extra blanket from the closet and wrapped Justin up. He heard a thanks from the folds of the blanket. Brian took off his suit coat and loosened his tie. There was no way he was going back to work when Justin was here sick. He went out to the living room and picked up the phone and started dialing.

"Hey Cynthia it's me. I guess I won't be coming back after all, my boy is sick."

"Which one?"

"Does it matter? Clear my schedule for today, anything comes up that's important e-mail me."

"Sure thing boss. I hope Justin feels better." Brian flipped off the phone as he hung up.

He went up to the bedroom to change into jeans and a t-shirt. Brian went to the kitchen to get Justin a bottle of water and something to settle his stomach. He crawled in bed next to the trembling ball known as Justin. He pulled Justin into his arms. Justin turned over facing Brian.

"You look like shit."

"I feel like shit" Justin murmured.

Brian smirked with tongue in cheek. "I meant how you were dressed, fuck I hope you didn't go out dressed looking like that. I thought I taught you better."

"Fuck you, I'm sick" Justin mumbled. Justin looked at him with glassy blue eyes. "Um could you call Deb and cancel my shift?"

Brian rubbed Justin's arm through the blankets. "Sure, here drink a little water." Justin wrapped a sheet around the cold bottle so he wouldn't have to touch it. His hands were already cold and clammy to begin with.

Brian went to call Deb. He hoped she didn't give him shit or worse yet want to come over. He rarely ever got sick but when he did it had to be the grand fucker of them all, Cancer. After his radiation treatments he had a pretty good idea how to take care of someone who was sick.

"Hey Deb its Brian."

"Hi sweetie what can I do for ya?"

"Justin can't make it in for his shift he's sick."

"Is he ok? I'll drop by with some chicken soup after the lunch rush."

"Deb I got it covered here, please just let me take care of him."

It was the please that got her. "All right, you call me if you need any help. I'm proud of you kiddo."

Brian heard Justin's hurried footsteps race to the bathroom. "I gotta go Deb Justin needs me."

He hung up hastily and followed the retching sounds. Brian hated when Justin was sick, it made him feel helpless. He knelt down next to Justin and rubbed his shaking back. He whispered soothing words of comfort. When Justin was done Brian got a wet rag and wiped off Justin's sweaty brow. Justin leaned against Brian's strong chest for support. Brian dashed away a couple of Justin's hot tears. "You're ok" he whispered in Justin's ear.

He scooped Justin up off the floor and carried him back to bed. Justin snuggled up to him in his arms. It made Brian feel good that Justin trusted him so much. It also scared him but not as much as before. He lay down next to Justin getting comfortable. Justin noticed for the first time that Brian had changed.

"You're not going back to work?"

Brian gave him a look that said 'you've got to be fucking kidding me.' "I'm just making sure you don't puke on my duvet."

"Brian" Justin whined.

"Perks of being your own boss" he murmured.

Justin cuddled up close to Brian. He was glad Brian was going to stay with him. He didn't really want to be alone. He found it kind of comforting having Brian take care of him. Justin felt Brian tug up his shirt.

"Brian I'm sick, I'm not in the fucking mood."

"Shut up and relax. Do you really think I'd fuck you with the chance of you hurling on me?"

Brian leaned in and placed soft tender kisses all along Justin's tummy. Justin sighed and petted Brian's head. Brian pulled Justin into his arms so he was resting across his chest. He was glad when Justin finally drifted off to sleep.


Brian grimaced as he stirred the chicken soup. He swore after his radiation treatments that he never wanted to see it or eat it again as long as he lived. If it made Justin feel better he supposed he could tolerate it. He heard Justin rustling around in the bedroom. Brian dished up a bowl and put it on the tray. He couldn't hide the smile on his face. It was payback for all the chicken soup Justin had made him eat. He carried the tray up to the bedroom and plunked it down on Justin's lap. Justin grimaced at the bowl of soup.

"I am capable of heating up soup you know."

Justin touched Brian's arm. "I know, it's just I'm not really hungry."

"Do you think you can keep it down?"


"Well then as a tenacious twink once told me, you're going to eat this fucking chicken soup and like it."

Justin sat there and pouted. "So this is payback?"

Brian gave him a evil grin but he didn't have the heart to make Justin suffer to much. "You should really eat something. If you eat at least half a bowl I'll give you more tummy kisses."

Justin smiled "those were kinda nice."

Justin slowly ate his soup. When nearly half the bowl was gone Brian kept his promise and lavished Justin's flat tummy with soft kisses. Justin could feel the love and tenderness in each and every kiss. Brian always knew how to make him feel better.

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