The Naked Truth

Chapter 2


Authors' Note: Sabina would like to thank our readers who sent their email addresses to help her update her list. 



“Hey, move your skinny ass, JR! Some of us are hungry,” Gus shouted as his sister kissed their mother at the door then hurried to the Jeep waiting at the curb. Melanie got out so that her daughter could climb up into the back while Lindsay waved and smiled serenely at them. Mel smiled and waved back.

“She does look so content,” Mel mumbled to herself.

“What’s that, Mama?” Gus asked as he put the Jeep in gear preparing to leave.

“Hmm? Oh nothing,” Mel replied. “So where should we go for breakfast?”

“The diner!” the kids shouted back.

Mel groaned. She wasn’t up for the looks she thought she was going to get at the diner. Nor was she in the mood for the inevitable horny gay men that always hung out there.

“It’ll be okay, Mama,” Gus reassured her, almost reading her mind.

“Okay, looks like I’m outvoted. Liberty Diner it is. Drive on, James,” Mel teased.

Mel was pleasantly surprised when she and her kids entered the diner. The bell chimed announcing their arrival like she remembered, the counter was there with its display of muffins and other treats, but that’s where the similarity ended. Had she been away that long? In truth she never felt that comfortable hanging out there. She was never one of the ‘guys.’

“Take any booth,” Lacy said as she passed by with an armful of pink plate specials. Gus bussed Lacy’s cheek then guided his mother and sister to a booth.

“She really did a lot of work on this place, didn’t she?” Mel said as she sat and looked around the place.

“Yeah, Pop, um...” Gus hesitated.

“It’s okay, Gus, I know your father co-signed Lacy’s loan. I just didn’t realize how many improvements Lacy made. Most of the booths were packed with young men all having fun. Mel couldn’t help sighing. So many young, happy faces just like there were when the ‘gang’ was there. One big difference was the large booth toward the back. This one was filled with young women. Some were obviously very butch, others reminded Mel of herself and Lindsay when they were younger.

“Sorry about the wait,” Lacy said with a huff. “It’s busy this morning and I’m a little short handed,” she said by way of an apology as she handed out menus. “The breakfast specials are on the board,” Lacy told them as she pointed to a large lit board over the main counter. The kids ordered the special while Mel ordered fruit, toast and coffee.

“Lace, do you need some help?” Gus offered. “I can bus some of the tables for you.”

“Could you? I feel bad asking but until my help comes in, I’m swamped.”

“No problem. Just throw me an apron and a bus box and I’m your man,” Gus said with a grin. Mel was about to protest when another large group of kids came in and sat at a booth that still had a load of dirty dishes on the table. “Mama, it’s only for a little while,” Gus said to his mother then got up to go behind the counter for his apron.

“Since when does Gus know how to bus tables?” Melanie asked not really expecting a response.

“Gus said there’s a diner not too far from campus that a lot of kids hang out at. He waits tables and buses when he can to earn some extra cash,” JR explained.

“But doesn’t his father...”

“Uncle Brian set up an account that Gus can access anytime, but he likes to earn his way when he can,” JR stated, clearly proud of her older brother and his integrity. “Gus even put away a lot of the money he earned from interning at Kinnetik so he wouldn’t sponge off his dad.”

“But that’s not sponging, it’s Brian’s responsibility to pay for his son’s education,” Mel said, the irritation evident in her voice.

“Oh Mama,” JR huffed, clearly not seeing what her mother had against Gus wanting to earn money and paying his own way when he could. JR loved the money she earned from the store even though her mother gave her an allowance.

Gus was only away from their table for a few minutes when Lacy brought over their orders. Gus came out of the backroom where he left his dirty apron and had washed up to join them. It had taken Gus less than ten minutes to do his good deed. A few minutes later, Lacy’s emergency help showed up and all was right in the world again.

As the kids dug into their food, chatting casually, Melanie pondered how come she never noticed just how great her kids really were.



“Daddy, can we go to the stream today?” Bree asked her father who appeared to be packing up some of his artist’s supplies.

“Maybe later. We’re all going to visit Grandma Claire and Grandpa Steve today,” Justin informed his daughter. It was a beautiful day and the boys of Edna’s Treasures decided to take advantage of it. So much had happened over the summer that they had little opportunity to spend time at Claire’s farm. John thought it would be a perfect day before the responsibilities of the new school year would keep the kids at Edna’s Treasures.

“Yay!” Bree clapped and she jumped up and down with approval.

“Go get your stuff together,” Justin advised her.

“Okay, Daddy!” Bree said as she ran to her room.



About an hour later John’s Navigator pulled up at Claire’s farm. She and Steve came out of the screen porch to greet all of them.

“It seems like years since you all have been here,” Claire said as she kissed everyone.

“It was kind of a busy summer,” Justin replied, giving Claire a warm hug.

“Are you boys fully recovered?”

“We’re supposed to be careful for a few more months, but basically we’re back to normal.”

“Who you calling normal?” Brian joked.

“Never you, sweetheart,” Justin said sweetly batting his baby blues at his husband.

“That look will get you…” Brian stopped, remembering the children were standing right there. “…just about anything you want,” he continued.

“I know,” Justin said with a wicked grin.

“Can I get anything I want if I bat my eyes at you, Dada?” Bree asked.

Everyone stifled a laugh, but several chuckles escaped anyway.

“You already do, sweetheart,” Justin told his daughter.

Bree frowned. It didn’t seem like she always got what she wanted. She opened her mouth to protest, but before she could say anything, Claire jumped in.

“I have lunch on the table, so let’s all go inside and have something to eat.”

“Yay! Apple pie!” Patrick yelled before racing for the house. Bree was hot on his heels.

“Do you think we’ll be able to get them to eat some main course before they have dessert?” Bobby asked with a laugh.

“I’ll bat my eyes at Bree, and see if I can get her to do what I want,” Brian said with his tongue in his cheek.

Justin gave him a swat, before they all headed into the house.




As they finished up the delicious lunch that Claire had prepared for them, Bree and Patrick waited patiently for a slice of Claire’s apple pie. When it was finally dished up and passed around, there were several sighs of contentment as the sweet dessert made its way into the waiting mouths.

“This is so good, Claire,” Justin gushed.

“I made four pies just in case you were really hungry,” Claire said with a big smile. “Or maybe you’d like to take one home with you,” she suggested.

“I could eat the whole pie all by myself,” Patrick stated.

“But you should share,” Bree advised him.

“He’s growing like a weed these days,” John said. “It’s impossible to fill him up.”

“Growth spurt,” Claire said with all the knowledge of a grandmother.

“Patrick, you shouldn’t get any taller,” Bree informed her cousin. “You hafta wait for me.”

“I don’t think Patrick has any control over how tall he gets, Squirt,” Brian told his daughter.

“Patrick’s going to be tall like his father,” Steve said.

“I want to be tall, just like Dad,” Patrick agreed.

“Poo!” Bree reacted. She took a bite of her pie and then crossed her arms over her chest. Someone was not pleased.

“The kids would like to go riding once we’re through with lunch,” John said to Steve. “Is Bill at the farm?”

“Yes, he’s doing the final paperwork and clean up from the summer tenants.”

“You’re still getting a full contingent of kids each summer?” Brian asked.

“Unfortunately yes,” Steve said shaking his head. “Every summer there are more kids whose families apply than there are spots available.”

“Would it help if we expanded the bunkhouse?” Brian asked.

Steve studied Brian Kinney. Then he said after considerable thought, “Money doesn’t solve everything.”

“No,” Brian agreed, “but often it can go a long way to making the problem better.”

“It won’t work at the farm,” Steve explained. “The reason the farm is good for these kids is the small group that is there. They get lots of attention. They have their chores and the structure, and there’s somebody always there to make sure they do what they’ve been told. More kids would mean less supervision, less one-on-one time to talk about things.”

“More counselors?” Brian asked.

Steve shook his head. “It takes a special person to do what Bill and his helpers do. You’re not going to find such a person by putting an ad in the paper.”

“Okay,” Brian replied. “Point taken. The farm stays the way it is.”

“Good,” Steve said. “Everybody ready for a ride?”

“Yay!” Bree replied. “I wish Ashley could be here. She wanted to ride.”

“You know she’s busy with her mother this weekend,” Justin reminded her.

“I know, but I like to ride with her.”

“No whining or we don’t ride,” Brian told his daughter.

Bree batted her eyes at him, but he merely shook his head and stared her down. “’Kay, Dada,” Bree agreed with a big sigh.



The horses walked single file along the trail through the stand of trees.

“What a beautiful day,” John said as he took in the blue sky peeking through the leaves of the trees.

“It’s perfect,” Bree agreed. “But it would be even better if Ashley was here.”

“Briana,” Brian said sternly turning in the saddle to look at his daughter.

“Sowwy, Dada,” she replied contritely.

“I used to love this trail when I was a kid,” John said. “If it was hot, the trees made it cooler. If it was rainy, the leaves blocked most of the rain. I played in here all the time.”

“Good memories?” Brian asked his brother. John nodded.

Only John and Brian had decided to ride with Bree and Patrick. Justin wanted to paint and Claire had got Bobby to help Steve load some hay onto the pickup truck.

“Dada, did you like this place when you were little?” Bree asked.

“I was only ever here once that I remember. I fell in the stream and … Uncle John rescued me.”

“Really?” Bree asked her eyes getting very large. “Thank you, Unca John,” she added.

“Yeah, thanks Uncle John,” Brian repeated with a grin.

“You’re welcome, I think,” John laughed. “I’m about ready to turn around and head back to the farm. Everybody agree?”

“Yep,” Patrick said definitively and Bree nodded as well.

They turned their horses, the children handling that maneuver very well.

“You two are becoming good riders,” John complimented them.

“I know,” Bree said, while Patrick merely nodded. His broken arm had taught him not to show off or try things beyond his ability.

“Onward and upward,” John said now that he was in the lead.

“Dad,” Patrick asked as they left the cover of the trees. “Can I canter to the barn?”

“You’re sure you can handle your horse?” John asked.

“Yes, Dad.”

“Okay, go for it.”

“Me too?” Bree asked.

“I don’t think that would be wise,” Brian advised. “Stay with me, Squirt.”

“But I want to, Dada.”

“You still need to grow a little bit and practice trotting before you move on to canter.”

“Then can I trot to the barn?” Bree asked.


Bree kneed her horse and they trotted rather slowly after the cantering Patrick.

“I’ll race you to the barn,” John challenged as he saw Patrick dismount beside the barn. The boy waited for Bree to catch up to him and then held the reins while Bree hopped off her horse.

“Sure,” Brian said and urged his horse forward so as to get a slight advantage over his brother.

John always won, since he was the better rider, but an initial advantage always made it a little closer race. Brian almost held his brother off, but John caught him as they burst into the yard in front of the barn.

“You almost beat him, Dada,” Bree crowed clapping her hands.

“Almost only counts in horseshoes,” Brian said with a scowl as he dismounted. “Speaking of which, are you up for a game? Maybe I’ll get my revenge on the horseshoe pitch.”

“Dream on, Little Bro,” John replied, but he also nodded as they started to pull the saddles off their horses.



After the horses were brushed down and made comfortable in their stalls, John decided to stay at the farm to inspect the buildings for any damage they might have sustained over the summer due to the usual summer storms. Patrick decided to assist his father by jotting down what his father found, as Bobby stayed on to look over the farm's books. Brian decided that he and Bree smelled too much like horse for his liking, so he and Bree were going to take the path through the woods back to the house.

“Why don't you rest that foot,” John advised Brian, noticing Brian's slight limp. Brian nodded. Balancing himself in his saddle put a little too much strain on his ankle.

“Yeah, I'm going to take a shower. Maybe Bobby will wrap it for me later,” Brian said.

“Ask my mother; she'll do it. She wrapped my ankles lots of times,” John told Brian. Brian nodded.

“I'll help you, Dada,” Bree announced as she took her father's hand before they left the barnyard and headed for the path.

When they reached the farmhouse, Brian set out clean clothes for Bree while she took her bath. When she was finished, Brian took a quick shower, happy for the extra clothes they had packed, just in case. He joined Bree and Claire in the kitchen in time to see a fresh batch of cookies coming out of the oven.

“You will be staying for dinner,” Claire stated in a tone that brooked no argument.

“Yes, ma'am,” Brian replied as he sat at the table. Claire slid a bowl of peas at him that needed to be shelled then helped Brian arrange his leg on a padded stool.

“Dada, can I go to the stream?” Bree asked. There was still plenty of daylight left in the day. Too much of it to be wasted indoors even when there were cookies to be had.

“Do you want me to walk you down there?” Brian asked.

“Dada!” Bree admonished her father as she stamped one petite foot and put her hands on her hips. Her violet blue eyes were ablaze with a Kinney glare. “I've been coming here forever; I know how to go to the stream.”

Claire snickered into her apron as Brian held up his hands by way of apology.

“Okay, General Squirt. Tell your daddy that we'll be staying for dinner.”

“Okay, Dada,” Bree said. She kissed her father's cheek then ran out, the screen door slamming in her wake.

“Face it, sweetheart,” Claire began as she saw the scowl begin to form on Brian's face. “She's growing up.”

“I know,” Brian said with resignation. “I just wish she wouldn't do it so fast,” he added as he started to shell the peas.

“Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood,” Claire said as she sat close, lifting Brian's foot onto her lap. She expertly wrapped his aching ankle. “Better?” Brian nodded. “Good,” she said as she stood and went to the sink to wash her hands. On the stove were the cookies that had been cooling. She placed a few on a plate, poured a tall glass of milk and set her offering on the table in front of Brian. She laughed to herself as Brian pouted while he nibbled on his cookie.



“Hey, Daddy!”

“Hey, Baby Girl. Did you have fun riding?”

“Oh, yes, Daddy. Gamma Claire said we're staying for dinner.”

“That's nice,” Justin said as he concentrated on getting the colors just right. He was painting the field of wild flowers that were on the other side of the stream.

“Pretty,” Bree declared appreciatively.

“Mm,” Justin replied, getting lost in his art.

“Can I draw?”

“Sure,” he said as he pointed with his brush to his bag that was leaning against a stump. Bree scampered over to the bag to take out a small pad and a set of pencils. Bree took her supplies closer to the steam to find herself a good spot to sit.

“Daddy, can I put my feet in the water?” Bree asked after a while. The late summer sun was still very warm.

“Okay, but don't get your clothes wet.”

“I won't,” Bree answered as she slipped off her pink Vans. She found a suitable shady rock to perch upon as she opened her sketch pad.

A considerable time later, Justin's stomach reminded him that it was getting close to dinnertime. Working in acrylics, Justin's painting was dry enough to be moved. He methodically began to pack up his supplies when he noticed Bree still sitting on her rock, her pad in her hand. Justin softly giggled as he quickly took out a pad of his own.

“Hey, Sun...”

“Shhhh,” Justin quickly shushed Brian then pointed toward Bree. Brian did a double take.

“Is she...?” Brian whispered as he looked over Justin's shoulder while Justin continued sketching their daughter. Brian looked up at the model then back at the rendition. He smiled broadly planting a kiss onto his spouse's blond locks, letting the artist finish his drawing.

“Done!” Justin announced a few minutes later. “What did you want?”

“Dinner's almost ready; I thought you could use a hand with your stuff.”

“Sure,” Justin said with a smile. “Bree, it's time to go back to the house,” Justin gingerly called out so not to startle Bree.

“Okay, Daddy,” Bree replied as she hopped down off her rock and began to get dressed. Within a few minutes they were walking back to the house, Bree happily skipping along with her fathers.

“Um, Baby Girl, why did you take off your clothes?”

“You told me not to get them wet,” Bree said matter-of-factly.

“Oh,” Justin said. Bree was oblivious to the looks that her fathers exchanged.

“Well, she didn't get them wet,” Brian confirmed.

“I'm gonna go help Gamma!” Bree announced to her fathers then ran to the house.

Later that night when the family got home and the kids were in bed fast asleep, the boys were sitting in the sun porch quietly talking about their day, sipping coffee and savoring some more of the apple pie that Claire had given them. Brian was flipping through Justin's sketch pad.

“Sooo, do you think Bree will let you include her little naked butt in your show?” Brian asked with a smirk. He showed John and Bobby the sketch. The boys giggled.

“She's adorable,” Bobby pronounced. Brian gave him a 'proud papa' look.

“I think the princess will make a fine addition to your grouping,” John said as he reached for the pad to look through it. “It's not like she's really naked. I mean she is but all you can see is a little of her behind.”

“Why did she take off her clothes?” Bobby asked as he took the pad to study the sketch. Bree was sitting on her rock, her pad and pencil in her hands her back to Justin. Her hair was up in pigtails as she sat on the rock with her toes in the water.

“I told her not to get her clothes wet,” Justin told them, his blue eyes sparkling.

The boys looked at him then looked back at the sketch. Then they all smiled.

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