The Raging Storm

Chapter 8


Brian couldn't put off going into Pittsburgh for much longer. As much as he wanted to stay at home to indulge in 'Sunshine loving' each afternoon, Brian did have businesses to run and other obligations. Brian suspected Hunter was cooking up another clinic scheme and Carl wanted to discuss the mugging. Brian bundled himself up against the elements and drove to the Pitts.

"Brian, good of you to come," Carl said as Debbie's first lost boy strode into the police station at Carl's request. Carl showed Brian into a small interview room where he and the officers on the mugging case could talk freely.

"You planning on working me over?" Brian asked as he looked around. Police stations made Brian a little nervous.

"No, of course not," Carl said with a grin. "I retired my rubber hose years ago, so relax, Brian."

"So he says with a glint in his eye," Brian mumbled to himself. "Carl, you may have retired but you being here, well, let's just say you're in your element. I'm assuming you hauled my ass in here because of my little mishap with a certain little bad boy?"

"Yes, Sergeant McGinty and Officer Rodgers want to know if you're still keeping an open mind about the boy," Carl stated. McGinty and Rodgers nodded in agreement.

"Quite honestly, I hope Hunter finds the kid before you guys do." The cops smiled. "However, I promised a certain blond tough guy who I have to report to every night that I'd hear all the facts before I make any decisions. This kid may have his reasons for stealing but he is using a knife. That does change things."

"We were hoping you'd overlook that," Carl said.

Brian raised a brow in surprise. "You're a cop, an honest cop. You'd have me look the other way at armed robbery?"

Carl sighed at Brian's admonishment. "No, Brian, I wouldn't, and you're well within your rights to press charges. So far, yours is the largest amount stolen by the perpetrator. But there are extenuating circumstances."

"Yes, I know, the cat. But as you know, I'm not into pussy."

Carl snorted, McGinty blushed and Rodgers chuckled.

Brian stood to leave. "Gentlemen, I have no wish to make this kid's life any worse than it already is. If you think this kid is worth saving and if the other victims don't press charges, I'll go with the flow. But I have to warn you, I answer to a higher authority. If he's not happy, then I'm not happy and then there will be hell to pay."

Brian Kinney left the room.

Carl, McGinty and Rodgers sat quietly as the dust settled after Brian's departure.

"Carl, what higher authority does Kinney answer to?" the Sergeant asked his old partner.

"Justin Taylor," Carl replied then he too left the building.




"Hi, Mom," Justin said into the phone.

"It's nice to hear from you, sweetheart," Jennifer replied.

"It's usually me saying that," Justin informed her. "I haven't heard from you in weeks."

"I … I've been busy."

"With Seth?"

"Well, yes, with Seth and work and…" Jennifer did not finish that statement.

"Mom? How serious is this Seth thing?"

Jennifer drew in a breath. "Very."

"Really? And you haven't bothered to tell me."

"Seth has been … wonderful. He's been courting me, as he calls it."

"Courting?" Justin chuckled.

"Yes, courting. He's very old fashioned about some things, and courting is one of them. He does his courting very well too."

Justin could almost hear the smile on his mother's face. "If he makes you happy, then he's got my endorsement."

"I don't really need your endorsement," Jennifer said seriously, "but thank you anyway, honey."

"You're welcome, Mom. Is there … um, going to be a big announcement anytime soon?"

"Announcement? No, no, we haven't even slept together."


"Well, we haven't, but it could be very soon. Maybe even tonight."


"Well, you asked."

"Yes, I did," Justin laughed.

"I better go. I have things to do."

"Behave yourself … but not too much," Justin added.

"I wasn't planning on behaving myself at all," Jennifer grinned.


"Say goodbye, Justin," Jennifer chided him.

"Goodbye, Justin," Justin said obediently before cutting the connection. He shook his head as he thought about his mother and Seth. He really liked Seth and so, it seemed, did his mother. He was very happy for both of them.




Brian walked along Liberty Avenue. He had the strangest feeling that people were looking at him, studying him, shaking their heads. He looked down at his coat. The buttons were done up probably, none out of place like he occasionally did. He looked at his feet. He had matching boots, not odd ones. He ran his hand through his hair. It was still there. He hadn't suddenly gone bald. What the fuck was going on?

The next person he caught staring at him, he stared back hoping to learn what was so fucking interesting about him. The person quickly looked away seemingly embarrassed. Brian frowned as he came up to the door of the diner.

He took a glance around the street. Everyone he could see was suddenly occupied doing something that meant they were not looking at him. He shook his head and pushed open the door of the diner. All talking inside immediately stopped.

"What?" he demanded as he walked up to the counter. No one answered. They all were studiously eating whatever was in front of them. Neither Lacy nor Debbie was around so there was no one to ask. He ordered a coffee to go. As he waited for it to be prepared he looked around the diner. No one would meet his gaze. He wondered what the fuck was going on.

Some new waiter handed him his coffee. He dropped a five on the counter and immediately walked outside. There was something really spooky going on. Maybe Hunter would know what it was. He headed for the clinic.

When Brian turned the corner that led into the alley where the entrance to the clinic was located, he almost ran smack into Hunter who was heading out.

"I was coming to see you," Brian said.

"I'm in kind of a hurry," Hunter said quickly.

"I thought we could talk."

"Maybe another time."

"Where are you going? Have you heard something about the kid who robbed me?"

"Um, no," Hunter replied. He didn't want to get into the whole Curtis thing right at that moment. He wasn't sure what Brian was going to do about pressing charges. Hunter felt it was best that Brian didn't know that Curtis was at the clinic, at least not yet.

"So, where are you off to?"

"I have some errands to run," Hunter said vaguely.

"Ah, the infamous errands. What the fuck is going on around here?" Brian demanded.

"I really have to go. Can we get together in a day or two?" Hunter hurried away before he had to answer any more of Brian's questions.

Brian watched Hunter's back turn the corner. "Fuck!" he muttered. He took a sip of his coffee and decided to head for Kinnetik before he froze his good ball off.




"Brian, I'm done for the day," Ted said as he was putting on his coat.

"Who's left?"

"No one. Cynthia went home about half an hour ago; the last artist just left. You should go home too."

"I will. Scott just emailed me. He's thinking about expanding Part Deux."

"Really? How?"

"The third floor has been empty for some time now. It's only the upper two floors that have occupied apartments. Except for the executive suite. He's thinking of taking on more ad execs. Stacey has New York locked up; Joseph is knocking out the competition on the west coast. Scott wants to expand south and midwest. He has a stack of resumes for me to go through. I'm thinking I'll go there tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan," Ted replied. Brian could tell that his CFO had more on his mind.

"Spill, Theodore!" Brian growled.

"Um, I've been hearing some very strange scuttlebutt on the avenue lately and I'm not sure whether you knew what was going on," Ted said hesitantly. Brian could see that his friend and trusted business partner was deeply concerned. He got up from his desk to give his friend his full attention.

"Go on," Brian said as he stood in front of Ted with his hand on Ted's shoulder.

"Brian, is everything all right between Justin and Michael? I mean, their Rage partnership, is that still in effect?" Brian debated what to reveal. He guided his friend over to the sofa to sit.

"Ted, Justin's 'Old Masters' show made a killing in New York. Sidney now has them going to Chicago, next is LA then possibly Europe. Just around Christmas he asked Justin to start on a new project. Justin loves Rage but he loves his paintings and sketches more. He feels he can't do Rage justice. Plus it's time."

"Time for what?"

"Time for Justin to put Rage aside and get on with the rest of his life."

"So, is he going to kill off Rage?"

"What?! No. Lacy is going to take over as the artistic talent behind Rage. And they've been tinkering with a new superhero."

"So Rage and JT live on."

"Yes, they do, and Justin is not completely dropping Rage. Lacy is young and still has some confidence issues. Justin will be there to guide her and be a go-between, between her and Michael."

"Oh, thank God!" Teddy exclaimed as he jumped up to give his boss a hug. Brian batted away Ted's arms and arched his brow. "You don't know what I've been hearing."

"What have you heard?"

"That Rage was going to die and Zephyr was going to be the new superhero. All the kids are talking about it all over Liberty. You know how much Debbie loves Lacy; she's so proud of her. She sort of let the cat out of the bag, so to speak."

"Shit! So that's why I've been getting all these strange looks."

"What looks?"

"I walked over to the diner earlier today and I had this strange feeling that people were staring at me."

"You're still one hot dude, Bri."

"Thanks but there's a difference between lust and pity."


"Yeah, it's like they were sorry for me. They immediately became quiet the second I stepped into the diner. Not a peep. I swear if it was summer, I'd be able to hear those damn bullfrogs in my stream."

"So what are you going to do?'

"What can I do? I'm not Rage and this is something Mikey and Justin are going to have to sort out by themselves."

"You going to tell Justin?"

"I don't think I have any choice. He'd kill me if he thought I was holding something back from him."

"Got you by the balls, doesn't he?" Ted smirked.

"Yeah, he does and if you repeat that, I'll deny it and then I'd have to kill you."

"I know, Boss, mum's the word. You have my support, whatever you decide," Ted said sincerely.

"Thanks, Ted, I appreciate that." The friends were silent for a moment. "You have some time to go to the diner with me? I want to pick up some lemon bars for home."

"Sure, Brian."

Brian and Ted locked up Kinnetik for the night and went to the diner.




"Melanie? It's Hunter. You're working late tonight," Hunter said into the phone. It was after seven and Mel was still at her office.

"This is my late night," Mel admitted. "I've decided that I'm only working late two nights per week. The rest of the time I go home and have dinner with my family." She and Lindsay were getting along so much better and Mel had no intention of ruining it.

"That sounds wonderful, Mel."

"Is this a social call?" Mel asked, getting down to business.

"Not exactly. I need some help, or rather, one of my new kids needs help."

"What can I do?" Mel asked as she took out a fresh legal pad to make some notes. Hunter filled Melanie in on Curtis, his 'crimes', what Karen discovered and the alleged abuse.

"Hunter, I think we have a good case and I can look into the insurance beneficiary aspect too. Do you think the victims will press charges?"

"I'm not sure but I can have Carl look into it. I do have one concern."


"One of the victims; he had the largest amount stolen. And he was almost cut by the knife."

"Shit! Who is he? Do I know him? Maybe I can make an appeal to him."

"Oh you know him, all right. It's Brian."





"Raph, angel, what's wrong? Since this business with Matty and the robberies, you've been very quiet. I don't like you this quiet. I want my big playful lover back," Hector said as he placed a plateful of his partner's favorite food in front of Raphael in hopes of enticing him. They were just sitting down for dinner together.

"I'm sorry, babe. Matty is doing so much better. She'll be ready to go home but she doesn't really have a home, does she? And neither does her owner, from what we've learned." Raphael sighed loudly. That wasn't all that was bothering him. Hector wasn't blind. He noticed the longing expressions his partner was giving off when he thought no one was looking.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were brooding."

"Brooding? I'm a chicken?" Raphael asked indignantly. Hector laughed.

"No my love, but you have to admit to some nesting behaviors."

"I don't have to admit to anything."

"Okay, don't admit to it. However, I'm not the one who all of a sudden started clearing out the spare room, measuring it for furniture and looking up online about the latest teenage crazes, clothes and music." Raphael stayed silent. "Angel, why don't you speak with a lawyer? If you are really serious about trying to adopt that boy or becoming a foster parent, we're going to need all the legal advice we can get."

Raphael took his lover's words seriously. He put down his fork and began to rummage through his wallet.

"Here it is," Raph exclaimed.

"Here what is?"

"Melanie Marcus' business card. I was networking at Christmas, in between pigging out and shoveling. I think I'll give her a call."

"Raph, it's after seven!"

"So, I'll leave a message but I don't want to put this off."

"Okay, love. You do what you have to do," Hector said as he gave Raph a kiss then took his lover's plate to place in the oven to stay warm.

"Hello, Melanie? It's Dr. Raphael Angles. We met over Christmas. You remember, good. I wonder if I could get some advice...."


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