Dada, Can I Marry You?

Briana, age 4, working in the garden with Brian. She picks a flower and presents it to her Dada.

"Dada, can I marry you?"

"No, Squirt."


"Because one day a handsome prince with flaming red hair is going to marry you."

"Okay, Dada."


Briana, age 11, the hormones have hit, she's in a foul mood. Briana stomps into her bedrom, slamming the door behind her and flops on her bed holding her cramping belly. Brian gently knocks then slips in carrying a tray with two aspirins, juice and a warm compress. Briana scowls but takes the pills, finishes the juice then flops back down on the bed in true drama princess style. Brian places the compress on Bree's abdomen, sits on her bed with a fluffed pillow on his lap. Briana eases over and puts her head on the pillow. Brian gently cards his fingers through her soft golden hair.

"Dada, can I marry you?"

"No, Squirt."


"Because one day a handsome prince with flaming red hair is going to marry you."

"Okay," Bree murmurs as she falls asleep.


Briana, age 20, she opens the front door, slamming it angrily in her wake, cursing, "Asshole!" Then goes into the kitchen and huffs as she sits on a stool at the granite island. Brian puts on the kettle making them each a mug of tea. He slides a mug toward Bree and sits next to her.

"Dada, can I marry you?"

"No, Squirt."


"Because one day a handsome prince with flaming red hair won't be such an asshole and he's going to marry you."

"Okay." Briana laughs.


Briana, age 26, Brian and Justin are slowly walking up the aisle with Bree. The whole church is filled to capacity with their family and friends to witness the event. Patrick, John and Bobby are at the front, waiting. Patrick is smiling brightly, his hazel eyes filled with love and tears. John and Bobby are beaming with pride and love.

As they approach the altar, Justin gives Bree a hug and a kiss. Then it's Brian's turn.

"Dada, can I marry you?"

"No, Squirt."



"Because, I'm waiting for you Bree, I love you and I want to marry you."

"My prince!"

Brian gives his daughter to the handsome prince with the flaming red hair.

-end snippet #7-

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