With Or Without You

Author's note: Fic inspired by the song from U2


"Hi, Sweetheart!"

"Hi, Deb," he mumbled.

"What did the asshole do now?"


"Bullshit! I know that look. I've been around long enough to see hundreds of them. Now spill," Debbie demanded.

"I don't know, Deb; it's like lately everything I do is wrong. I'm wearing the wrong clothes, my hair isn't right or I'm late or too early. He's been snapping at me for the silliest things."

"Sounds like menopause to me," Debbie snarked.

"Thanks a lot. I just wish it was like when we first met. All new and exciting."

"Sweetheart, you can't go back. And there's only one lamppost miracle to an avenue; history will never repeat itself. Maybe it has to do with work, he's been real busy lately."

"I know."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure. I guess it all depends on him."

"What do you mean?"

"I told him to meet me here. I have reservations for a flight and five star hotel in New York. We either work it out or..."

"Oh honey, I didn't think it was that bad."

"I can't take much more."

Just then the bell jingled over the door to the diner. A handsome dark-haired man walked in and made a beeline to the counter.



"If I say forgive me, will it help?"

"It's a start. Have you thought about my proposal?"



"And I say I love you, Gus, and if you can forgive this stubborn asshole you have for a partner, I'll go wherever you want to go." The dark-haired man gave Gus a kiss.

"Then let's go. We have a plane to catch. Bye, Deb." Gus smiled brilliantly at the woman. He grabbed his lover's hand and was about to run out of the diner.

"Hold it right there!" Debbie yelled, effectively freezing Gus and his lover in their tracks.

"Aw, Gran-maw," Gus whined.

"Don't you aw me, now come here and give me a kiss!" Gus gave Debbie a kiss on the cheek. She kissed him back then cuffed his ear. Then Debbie turned her gaze on Gus' young man.

"As for you." Debbie pointed a sharp red polished fingernail under the 'boyfriend's' nose. "You treat my Gus right or you'll answer to me."

"Yes, ma'am," the young man replied as he received his own kiss and cuff to the back of the head.

Debbie shook her head as the young lovers left the diner hand in hand.

"Homos, can't live with them, can't live without them," Debbie muttered as she went to serve her next customer.

-end snippet #16-

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