In Sickness and In Health

Chapter 17


Bree's POV:

I see my Dada and Daddy bring in the people from the wedding, Mr. Owen and Mrs. Sharon. They're Auntie Molly's new in-laws. I don't understand what in-laws are, but I guess it's something that you get after a wedding. Dada says they should be out-laws. I think that's funny. I've seen outlaws on old movies on TV, and they don't look anything like these people.

Everybody seems to be here now. Auntie Emm is rushing around arranging everything. He looks really uptight, not his usual happy self. I think Mrs. Sharon make him nervous. She looks at everything here like it's not quite right. I don't understand what she doesn't like. Everything looks fine to me.

Gamma Debbie goes over to her. "How the hell are you?" she asks Mrs. Brenner.

"I'm quite well, thank you."

"That's good. Would you like another drink?"

"Why, yes, I believe that would be … acceptable."

Gamma Debbie takes the lady's arm and they go into the kitchen. Gamma Debbie always knows what to do.

"Gamma Jenn," I say, as I approach the table where she and Mr. Seth are nibbling on some of Auntie Emm's canapés. They're having some of the ones that Dada likes so much. I hope they don't eat them all, 'cause Dada really loves them.

"Yes, sweetheart, what can I do for you?"

"Did those people come with you?" I ask, and I point at the three men that were with Mrs. Sharon.

"Yes, they did? Do you remember the Brenners from the wedding?" I nod my head.

"And Raphael is a veterinarian."

I think about that word. I'm not sure I can pronounce it. "Does that mean he looks after dogs?"

"Yes," she says with a smile. "Maybe you should introduce him to Beau."

"I can do that," I reply enthusiastically. I run over to Beau who is lying on his cushion. It's been shoved into a corner and he doesn't look too happy. "Beau," I say. He raises his head. I don't think he likes having this many people in his space. I'm not sure I like it all that much either, especially when there's new people that I don't really know. "Come with me," I tell Beau. I pat the top of his head as he stands up. He follows me across the room.

I wait patiently while the men are talking. Finally I reach up and grab Raphael's pant leg and give it a tug.

"Well, hello, princess," he says, looking down at me. "What can I do for you?"

"I wanted you to meet Beau," I say.

"And is this Beau?" He bends over and lets Beau sniff his hand before he pats Beau's head. "He's a beautiful dog."

"He's very smart," I tell him.

"I bet he is, just like you," Raphael laughs.

I smile. He's a smart man. I like that. "Is it all right if I call you Mr. Raphael?" I ask precisely.

"Yes, it is, or you could call me Raph which is a little easier to say."

"Okay, Mr. Raph," I say. I giggle at the sound of it. Mr. Raph is still rubbing Beau who is loving every minute of it. "Beau really likes you."

"That's because I really like Beau. Isn't that right, boy?" Beau nuzzles Mr. Raph's hand. "Do you remember Hector from the wedding?"

I nod. "Hello," I say.

"You have a beautiful dog," Hector tells me.

"He's Unca John's dog, but he loves all of us," I tell him as I lock my arms around Beau's neck.

"Well, you're lucky to have such a fine dog," Mr. Raph says as he stands up.

"Beau's been our savior more than once," Dada says as he comes over to us. "Can I get you another beer?"

"That would be nice," Mr. Raph says. He and Hector follow Dada into the kitchen. Beau goes back to his cushion. Who should I talk to now?

Debbie's POV:

Sharon Brenner and I are sitting at the table in Brian's kitchen. She's working on her second glass of wine. I got her a dish of hors d'oeuvres and she's been packing those away. Emmett sure knows how to cook up some delicious fare.

"So, you were saying you miss Christmas with your son," I prompt.

"Yes, it's not the same without Owen Jr. around. I would have found it difficult to have dinner at home without him. I'm … glad to be invited out … here."

Yeah, right, I think to myself. She doesn't seem so glad about being here, but I can identify with her having a problem with change. Everybody used to come to my place for Christmas. Now we all come here. I admit I didn't like it at first, but now I wouldn't change it for the world.

"We usually have a great dinner, and we enjoy getting together," I tell Sharon. "I think you'll enjoy yourself."

"I'm sure," she replies, taking another drink of her wine.

Maybe the wine will loosen her up. I have a feeling that if she could get the pickle out of her ass, she might be an all right old broad.

"How long have you been having Christmas here?" she asks.

"I don't really know," I say thoughtfully. "It must be getting close to ten years. Fuck, I can hardly believe it's that long."

"Time passes so quickly," Sharon observes sadly.

I refuse to let her get maudlin. "And soon you'll have grandchildren, and you can start all new traditions with them."

"Ah, yes, grandchildren," she says thoughtfully. "That would be nice."

"It will be fucking fantastic," I tell her. "I never thought I'd have grandchildren when I realized Michael was gay. But now I've got Hunter and JR, and Bree and Patrick are just like my grandkids too."

"That must be nice for you."

"It is."

"I hope I can have a good relationship with my grandchildren … if I have some."

"Of course, you will. Kids love their grandparents. You'll have a fucking blast with them."

"Yes, yes, I think I will," she says with a smile.

"Sure you will."

"Thanks for the pep talk, Debbie. I feel much better."

"Good," I say. One job accomplished, I think to myself with satisfaction.

Melanie's POV:

I have to hand it to the bastard; he really knows how to organize a party. Or he knows who to call when he needs help with a party. There are so many people here but everyone has a drink of some sort. There's plenty of food to nibble on and I just caught sight of the largest turkey that I have ever seen come out of that big blue oven of theirs. Amazing! And he doesn't look a bit flustered with the Brenners, or that a former trick is here. Bet he caught hell from Justin about that one. But the fucker comes out smelling like a rose. Bet his shit don't stink either. And damn, JR loves him. How does he do that? Even women fall for that smile and charm of his! Are they all fucking blind?

And Lindsay, she just dropped everything to run right over to him and mother him to death. Shit. Is he ever going to be out of our lives?

Aaannd, it seems he has an opinion of where we should go on our vacation. St. Augustine, bah humbug. Why of all places would I want to go there? So it's warm and the B&B is gay friendly and the town is quaint. Daytona is close and Orlando isn't all that far. All right, I'll concede on that one but puh-leez.

Shit, I need another drink.

Hector's POV:

Unbelievable! We're welcomed into his home like we're one of the family. Even the family dog has given his seal of approval. I have spent enough time at the vet's office working with Raph to know that when a dog likes you, you have nothing to worry about. So why am I still uneasy?

Maybe it's because I am in the home of Liberty Avenue's most notorious top ever known. Maybe it's because the man I love has had the pleasure of 'knowing' that notorious top, and maybe it's because I hardly know a soul here.

I look at their tree; it's huge! But then the ceiling is so high, I can understand why this is probably the perfect studio for Justin. And what an amazing system he has, so clever. The easels are attached to this pulley system. When he's done painting or needs to get them out of the way, he just hoists them up to the ceiling. Damn clever, guess that's why he's an artist.

The decorations are so tastefully done, not garish, an interesting combination of old and new ornaments on the tree. And I think that everyone has a present, even us! How does he do that?

Owen's POV:

Brian's home is nothing like I envisioned. I could have sworn a man like him would live in a huge mansion, not some quaint little cottage stuck out in the middle of nowhere. And he rescued Bobby's sister's house, with help of course, and he had Emmett and Drew's house built for them too. He really is an enigma. Ruthless in business but honest too. And just look how he puts up with all these women who appear to make it their business to mother the hell out of him. Maybe that's why he built this place all the way out here, to get away from them all. Ha!

Uh oh, who is this walking over to me? I've met so many people lately, I'm forgetting names. But he wasn't at the wedding, I'm sure of that. Bobby's father...Stan? Don?

"Dan Morrison," he says as he sticks out his hand. I shake it firmly.

"Thank you, in the past week I've met so many people, I can't keep it all straight in my head. Owen Brenner."

"Nice to meet you, Owen. Welcome to the family."

"Thank you. Bobby's father, right?"

"Yes, and Rachel's. And those two young ladies flirting shamelessly with Gus are my granddaughters."

"And Patrick is your grandson? He made an excellent ring bearer. Remind me to give you a copy of his picture. Somewhere in that bottomless pit my wife calls her purse, are our copies of the wedding photos. There's several shots of Patrick, and Patrick with Briana. Those two are beautiful together."

"Yes, they are." We both pause in our conversation to look over at the littlest ones here, as they try so desperately to act grown up. Patrick is sneaking a treat off the table for Briana. Busted! Brian catches them, takes the cookie and places a couple of carrot sticks into their hands. They look devastated. Brian raises that eyebrow at them and shoos them out of the kitchen area.

Dan and I both chuckle. Kids will be kids. Thank God, that parents are usually smarter.

"If you don't mind me asking, I know Briana and Patrick are cousins but are they related? I know how strange that sounds."

"I don't mind the question. Bobby and John had a difficult time when they decided to have a child. It took time to find a surrogate, and then they found out that Bobby is almost sterile."

I gasp at that, I know Junior wants children.

"Because John is a lot older than Bobby, he wanted Bobby to father the child but it wasn't meant to be. Then the surrogate miscarried."

I place my hand on Dan's shoulder for support. He smiles at the gesture.

"John took it badly; they both did. Then my beautiful daughter gave them the most wonderful gift of all, she volunteered to be their surrogate."

"So Patrick is..."

"Not only Bobby's son but his nephew. He comes by that red hair naturally!"

We both laugh.

"And Briana, she looks so much like Justin and her hair has that same strawberry blond look like Molly. How did they manage that?"

"Research, lots and lots of research. From what I heard Brian had specific requirements when it came to the surrogate. And it appears he got what he wanted."

Briana takes that moment to come back into the kitchen looking for her brother. She bats her eyes at him as she asks him to get her a juice box. He happily complies and she thanks him sweetly. Those eyes, I've seen those eyes at work before. I think Molly must have used those pretty eyes of hers on Junior.

"Bri, can you get me that bowl?" Justin calls out. Brian is nowhere around.

"Coming, Sunshine!" we hear, as Brian magically appears reaching up to the high shelf for the indicated bowl.

"Thank you," Justin says with that famous smile of his. He automatically bats his eyes at Brian and Brian melts.

Dan and I chuckle as we both witness the whole exchange.

"Must be something about those Taylor eyes," Dan mumbles and we laugh louder.

Justin's POV:

We fit, we all fucking fit at the table. Although I'm glad we made a kids' table. I think Patrick and Bree like it over there. She's sitting on her booster seat like a little princess. Patrick's doing his best to be all grown up.

We're all doing our best to be grown up. Well, most of us are. I heard some of the snarky comments Mel was making about Brian. She makes me so angry sometimes. Michael made a few comments about Raphael and Hector but this is my house, I'll have anyone here that I damn please! And Brian is on his best behavior. He's been polite, cheerful, helpful and very solicitous. He's making sure all of our family is having a good time. But I have to admit, Michael is behaving with Danny. Danny is very impressed with Edna's Treasures. We should include him in our barbecues this coming Summer.

Summer. The Winter has barely begun and I'm thinking of Summer. Shit, I think it's snowing harder.

John's POV:

Damn, I hate it when I'm right sometimes. This isn't just snow, it's a fucking blizzard. I better call the plow guy.

Joan's POV:

I guess I blocked it all out that my son once had cancer. He seems so young and healthy all of the time. But cancer took his father, as it has many others in my parish. A mother thinks that she'll precede her children, not the other way around. Brian has insisted and assured me that he is fine. Just a local infection which he has been treated for and is now resolved. I shall ask Father Tom to say a special prayer for Brian, as I will tonight before I go to sleep.

So many of us here, brought together as family. Mr. and Mrs. Brenner, I know of them. I don't run in their circle but they seem nice, down to earth. Although, I did hear Emmett say something about Sharon's mother, a Sarah Kingsley. Very prominent in Pittsburgh society. Owen Jr. takes after his father; Owen Sr. has been nothing if not cordial. My son's family is growing.

Speaking about growing, I saw pictures of Briana and Patrick at Molly's wedding. They're both growing so fast. Soon, Brian and Justin will be escorting Bree down the aisle. I hope I live long enough to see that. I missed so much in their lives before, so much of John and Peter too. But not anymore. My family, this family, means too much to me.

The table is beautiful! The family is almost all seated. It amazes me that we all fit. The table is brimming with food; it truly looks like a Christmas wonderland. The tree is sparkling, the snow swirling around outside is reflecting back the lights. I feel overwhelmed with the enormity of it all.

Brian and Justin sit together, as do John and Bobby. There is so much love in this room you can almost touch it. Brian smiles at me, he looks peaceful and happy.

And so am I.

Brian's POV:

We made it. We all fit. Emmett and his minions, the family minions, have done it again. The wonderful aromas, the tree, the family, I am so grateful to be sitting in the middle of it all.

And then there's Justin, Gus and Bree. Nothing compares to them. Fuck! If I keep this up, I'm going to be a babbling mess. But I'm always up, and I almost laugh out loud. Behave yourself, Kinney.

Emmett is giving me the eye. I guess it's time for me to say something so we can all pig out on this enormous feast. I'm gaining weight just looking at it.

"Bri, I think you need to say something," John says to me. I glance over at Bobby and he nods in agreement. That red headed spit fire, I better watch my ass around him or he'll cut me down to size.

"Brian, say something so we can eat. I'm hungry," Justin says giggling. Christ, he's so beautiful!

"The stomach that must be obeyed!" I say to him as I stand, my glass in my hand. The family becomes quiet.

"I've been told that I better say something and say it fast because Justin is hungry." The family starts to laugh. Justin's appetite is well known.

"I'm hungry too, Dada!" Bree says from her table.

"Okay, Squirt, Dada has to say something."

"Hurry up, Dada!" The laughter grows louder.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, those blond Taylor have a way of leading me around by my..."

"Brian," Justin scowls at me. I shrug my shoulders.

"See what I mean? Anyway, first let me welcome the newcomers to our family. Danny, Sharon, and Owen. We're one cwazy wittle family but you'll love us once you get to know us. What's not to love?" I say, as I spread out my arms.

"You tell 'em, kiddo!" Debbie yells out from her end of the table.

"And let me welcome our new friends, Raphael, Hector and Seth. We hope that you won't be strangers to Edna's Treasures. If you're lucky I may even barbecue you a steak next Summer."

"Bring your antacid pills with you," Emmett snarks.

"Fuck you, Honeycutt!"

"Don't call me, Honeycutt," he says as he sticks his tongue out at me. I return the gesture.

"Brian!" Justin grumbles at me.

"Uh oh, the little woman is getting angry." That gets me a poke in the ribs. "Let me just say that I thank the gods that you're all here to celebrate with us. A lot of people contributed to this feast and a lot of love went into it. And I thank the gods that I'm here to share it all with you. Merry Christmas to all of us!"

"Merry Christmas!" The family chimes back. I sweep Justin into my arms for a kiss then place him back in his chair. I pass him the potatoes.

"Let's feed that stomach of yours, Sunshine!"


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