First Comes Love

Chapter 3



"It's Scott, Mr. Kinney."


"Damn, I'll never get used to this. And for fuck's sake, call me Brian. Mr. Kinney was my father, and believe me, as bad as I am, he was worse."


"Sure, no problem, Brian. What can I get you?"


"I need the specs on the new boardroom. John'll be here soon and I can't find a thing in this mess."


Brian continued to shuffle papers on his new desk in his brand new office that was barely usable. John and his crew had completed the major work on the first floor of "Part Deux" but the details and decorating had yet to begin. The second floor was planned for the artists. Justin had suggested that the windows be made larger to allow for more natural light. And to give the space a more modern look. The crew was up there now and the noise was giving Brian a headache.


Since Cynthia now had complete charge of Kinnetik, Brian was free to spend all of his time at Part Deux. He hated the mess, swore he could still smell the cheap perfume the whores had once used and there was never enough coffee. Scott, Brian's new assistant personally trained by Cynthia, weeded through the mess on Brian's desk, and handed Brian the folder that contained the plans for the new boardroom and a couple of aspirin.


"Thanks," Brian grumbled as he took the aspirin, swallowed them dry and sat in his new chair to look over the plans.


"So what do you think?" Brian asked Scott.




"Yes, think. About the new office, about your new position, about living here in Harrisburg. I want your opinion." Brian looked directly into his assistant's pretty brown eyes.


"We've all seen the plans and I think they're spectacular. As for my new position, I guess I feel like an overgrown gofer at this point. And living in Harrisburg, I grew up here. I have no problem with it." Scott met Brian's gaze.


"Good. You may feel like a gofer now but in a few weeks when we're really up and running, we'll be attached at the hip. Cynthia and I have worked together for years and we've had our fair share of cat fights but I owe her a lot. Kinnetik would not have happened without her. Yes, I yell, I growl, I bellow as she is so fond of reminding me and not once has she ever NOT called me out on my shit. I expect the same from you. She wouldn't have picked you if you weren't up for the job, no pun intended. She's very protective of the staff; she wouldn't throw you to the wolves. In this case, the wolf is me."


"Brian, I've worked for Kinnetik for a couple of years now and I see how you work and I'm not scared of you."


"Good. I'll remind you of that the next time it's ten at night, I'm shouting and shredding the art boards because I think they're shit and the presentation has to be ready by nine the next morning. Shit, I really need some coffee."


"Have you eaten?"


"I don't remember."


"You have time before John comes in to discuss the boardroom. Why don't I run out and get you some lunch and coffee. On

my way home tonight I'll stop at the mall and pick up a coffeemaker."


"That's a great idea. About lunch and the coffeemaker, but make it three coffeemakers; we'll need two for down here and maybe a larger one for the art room. Artists live on the stuff."


"Sure thing. Be back in a few minutes." Scott left the office grabbing his coat to go to the local diner. The whole neighborhood was reaping the benefit of having a young, new business growing within their midst. It was a definite boost to the local economy.


Brian leaned forward and rested his head on the desk for a few minutes. He was tired. All of the staff that had wanted to transfer to Part Deux, were now in Harrisburg living in a local hotel for now until the apartments were livable. He was still traveling, pitching his campaigns and in charge of the renovations. And he was getting married in three months. Brian wasn't sure he was going to make it.


"Brian?" John softly spoke as he entered the office and saw Brian with his head on the desk.


"Brian, are you okay?"


"Yeah, just tired. I must have dozed off."


"A sign of your advancing age."


"Thanks a lot."


"I'm kidding, but you are pushing yourself too much. Have you eaten?"


"No, but Scott went to pick up some sandwiches and coffee."


"You drink far too much coffee."


"Nectar of the gods."


"Not when you're not eating enough. I think you've lost weight. After lunch, we'll discuss the plans and then you go home."


"John, I'm fine and I have work to do."


"You'll be fine when you've had a proper meal and a decent night's sleep. No arguments and I'm going to call Justin and rat you out."


"Fuck. Why did I ever let Justin talk me into solving his Sunshine File?"


"Because you love him. Now let's get a head start on the boardroom plans."


As Brian and John began to work, Scott came in with bags of sandwiches. Several other employees came in with cartons of juices, coffee and sodas. Brian looked up and smiled. The Part Deux employees were coming together as a family.


"Brian, I think you're going to need a small kitchen area," John said as he saw the amount of food and beverages brought in.


"I do believe you're right, big bro."



"Brian? That you?"


"It better be or you're about to be ravished by a total stranger."


Justin laughed as he came out of his studio and into the living room to greet his lover. He had spoken with John earlier and knew Brian was on his way home. As Brian began to shed his coat, Justin could see how tired he was and that his cheekbones were a bit too prominent. John was right; Brian was pushing himself too hard.




"Mmm, love in the afternoon, I could go for that."


"No. Right now you're going for a nap, then after, you're going to eat a full meal and then back to bed for at least eight hours of sleep."


"You're turning down sex? Low blow, Sunshine."


"Brian, I'd never turn you down and I'll join you in bed for a while and blow you but you have to take better care of yourself. Promise me, Brian. Promise me you won't work your self sick."


Justin's pleas tugged at Brian's heart. He opened his arms and Justin immediately went into them. The lovers hugged and Brian kissed the top of Justin's head. He allowed Justin to guide him into their room, remove their clothes and they snuggled under the blankets. Gently Justin stroked Brian's cock and then slipped under the blanket to give Brian release. With his lover spent and drifting off to sleep, Justin carefully slipped out of bed to make a few calls.


"Scott? It's Justin; can you handle things for a few days? Yeah? Okay, good. The big guy needs a little recharge. Thanks. You can call us if you need anything. Later, Scott"


"John, it's me Justin. Yeah, he's home, asleep now. Shit John, how did I miss this? I know, I know, I'm busy too. But not that busy that I can't see how exhausted he is. And you're right, he has lost weight. He feels bony. I called Scott. I'm going to try to keep Brian here for the next few days. Okay, I promise, if I need a few tractors to bar the doors I'll call you. Thanks, John. I will, love you too."


Justin hung up the phone and checked on Brian. He could hear the soft wheeze indicating that Brian was out cold. It reminded Justin of when Brian was trying to hide his cancer. Justin vowed he'd never let Brian get sick like that again. Nothing was worth neglecting one's health. Justin quietly shut the bedroom door and went about preparing dinner. He'd fatten up Brian one way or another.



John closed his cell phone and went to check on his son. He had decided to stay home with the baby since the work on Brian's building was going so well. His foreman would call if there were any problems. Patrick had been rather quiet the last few days, fussy but sleeping more than normal.


Entering the baby's room John looked into the crib. His son looked flushed. John frowned and bent into the crib feeling the baby's head. He was hot, way too hot. John felt a wave of panic pass through him. He lifted the baby from the crib and reached for the baby thermometer. The baby started crying. John placed it in his son's ear and waited for it to beep. It registered above 102.


"Shit!" John reacted. Bobby was in court, some important case. Brian and Justin were tired and far away. Rachel was on a school field trip with her daughters. He decided he needed to get help right away. He called his mother.




"Yes, Jackie," Claire replied sounding flustered.


"Did I interrupt something?"


"Well, um , not exactly, um, Steve's here."


"In the middle of the afternoon?"


"John, why are you calling me?" Claire asked in her best mother voice.


"It's Patrick; he's burning up."


"Burning up? What's his temperature?"


"Over 102. I don't know what to do," John admitted.


"Get him in the car. Steve and I will be right over. We're taking him to the hospital in Harrisburg."


"You think it's that serious?" John asked with fear in his voice.


"You don't play around with fever in babies. You had a bad fever when you were about Patrick's age."


"I did?"


"John, get him ready. We'll be right over."


"Yes, mother."


John grabbed an extra blanket and strapped his son into his car seat. He was just getting everything set in the SUV when Steve's car pulled up.


"We'll go with you," Claire said. She climbed in back with the baby and Steve got in the front seat beside John. "Get a move on," Claire said feeling the baby's head.


It seemed like it took forever but they were quickly at the emergency room of the Harrisburg hospital. Luckily it was a slow day and they took the baby in quickly. He whimpered and seemed cranky and listless. His fever was now 103. A doctor arrived and stripped the baby. There was a red rash around his trunk.


"Where did that come from?" John asked. "It wasn't there earlier today."


"You're sure?" the doctor asked.


"I changed him a couple of hours ago and there wasn't anything there."


"Roseola," the doctor said.




"I think it's roseola. What was his temperature when you brought him in?"




"I would guess it's starting to drop." The doctor used a thermometer to check the temperature. "101," he said.


"Thank God," John said.


"We'll give him some baby Tylenol to make sure the fever keeps going down. He's had this for about a week."


"He has? That must be why he seemed listless sometimes and cranky at others."


"He should be fine. Use cool cloths on the rash and Calamine if he seems to find it itchy or irritated."


"Yes, doctor."


"Here's the nurse with the Tylenol. After she administers that, you can take the little guy home."


"Thanks, doc."


"You're welcome, and you did the right thing bringing him in. If his temperature had gone much higher he might have had a





"But he didn't, and everything should be fine."


A few minutes later John carried his now sleeping son out to the waiting room where a worried Claire and Steve waited for him. He explained what had happened with the doctor. They were all relieved as they took the baby out to the car.

Steve drove so that John could sit in the back with his son. He cooed at the sleeping infant all the way home. He could not have been more relieved. He didn't know how he would have ever explained to Bobby if something bad had happened to their son. He also managed to notice how Steve's hand kept reaching over and finding Claire's. That was when he noticed the diamond on her finger.

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