Domestic Bliss

Power Play

"Hey, Sonny Boy," Brian said into the phone.

"When are you coming to get me?" Gus asked with the pout evident in his voice.

"I'm picking you up tomorrow morning," Brian said.


"I have to go to work, Gus. Tomorrow is Saturday. I'll come get you then."

"Will you bring me a present?" Gus asked coyly.

"A present? What did you have in mind?" Brian asked warily. His son had seemingly an endless list of things he wanted for presents. Brian was wondering if maybe he had spoiled the child a little too often.

"I want a Batman car," Gus stated emphatically.

"Life size?" Brian asked with a smirk.

"What does that mean, Dada?"

"How big, Sonny Boy?"


"Brian," Lindsay's voice came over the phone. "I've already told Gus that he has enough toys and he's not getting a Batman car."

"I see."

"So don't get him one."

Brian could hear Gus in the background going into full tantrum mode about how he needed the Batman car. All the kids in kindergarten had one and he wanted one too.

"He's in rare form today."

"Wait till you get to have him tomorrow. The pleasure will be all yours," Lindsay laughed. "Do you want to say goodbye to your son."

"Tell him I'll see him tomorrow."

"Chicken," Lindsay said. "And remember, no car."

"Yes, mother."

"What was that all about?" Justin asked as Brian replaced the phone in its base.

"Gus just has to have a Batman car because all the other kids in kindergarten have one."

"I see. So are you getting him one?"

"Lindsay says no."

"And we get Gus tomorrow?"


"Shit! He'll be in fine form."

"I know."

"Don't you dare tell me that you have to work and I can look after him," Justin threatened.

"I'd never do that to you, Sunshine," Brian cooed and pulled Justin in for a kiss that left them both breathless.

"I'm not doing it," Justin gasped.

"Of course not," Brian smirked, but just in case Gus was a handful, he would have Justin at the ready. He could convince the boy of anything with the right type of persuasion. He kissed Justin again and wished they had time for a quick fuck before he went to work. However, they both had jobs to go to.

Saturday morning they picked up Gus and went to the museum. The museum ran some kind of kids program that Gus really enjoyed and it meant that Brian and Justin had little to do other than help Gus when he needed it and watch that everything was going all right. No mention of the Batman car had been made since they picked him up. Both men had breathed a sigh of relief thinking that the little boy had forgotten about it.

Following the museum they went to the diner for lunch. Debbie made a big fuss over Gus as she always did and the boy basked in all the attention. He had his usual hot dog and fries. Brian picked at his meal and Justin gobbled his burger.

"What do you want to do this afternoon, Gus?" Brian asked thinking they could go for a swim in the pool.

"Shopping," Gus replied.

"Shopping?" Brian and Justin said in unison.

"He really is your son," Justin chuckled.

"What do you want to get when you go shopping?" Brian asked with a frown.

"Batman car," Gus replied in a matter of fact voice.

"You're not getting a Batman car," Brian said keeping his voice level.

"Pleeease, Dada," Gus wheedled.

"No Gus. Your mother said you weren't getting one."

"But Dada, I really want it." Gus tried to turn on the charm with his best smile.

"Sorry, Sonny Boy, but the answer is no."

Gus crossed his arms on his chest and his lower lip almost hit his knees as he went into full pout mode.

"Gus," Brian said. There was no answer, not that Brian expected one. "Time to take you home."

Gus kept his pout all the way out to the car and all the way back to the munchers. When Brian rang the bell, Lindsay answered the door with a questioning look.

"You're back early."

"Gus is mad at us," Brian said.

"You refused to buy him the car?"


"Gus, give Daddy and Justin a goodbye hug."

"No," Gus said emphatically.

"Gus," Lindsay cautioned.

"No," Gus repeated.

"Well," Brian said looking at his son. "I guess we'll be going. I'll see you tomorrow, Gus."

"No!" Gus repeated.

"Bye, Gus," Justin said as he and Brian headed out the door.

"He is one stubborn little shit when he wants something," Brian said with a chuckle.

"And where do you suppose he got that from?" Justin asked climbing into the car.

"Not a clue."

Once they were safely home Brian nuzzled Justin's neck and started nibbling on his ear. Justin moaned slightly and pushed Brian away.

"How much longer until you get your next HIV test?" Justin asked.

"Eight weeks."



"I should make you wait until then before I put out."

"That'll be the day. You can barely last eight hours."


"It's not so bad with a condom, is it?" Brian asked with a frown.

"Nothing's bad with you, you big oaf. But I liked it better the way things were before."

"And you think I didn't?" Brian asked raising his eyebrows.

"Then kindly explain to me why you did what you did."

"Are we going to rehash this all over again?" Brian demanded with a long sigh. He knew he deserved whatever Justin decided to dish out as punishment but he just wanted to forget that his transgression with Trip Bedford had ever happened.

"No, we're not going to rehash it, but it is important that we both realize what we have lost thanks to someone who shall remain nameless."

"Did you check the messages?" Brian asked changing the subject. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about Trip.

"No, I'll look," Justin said deciding to leave it alone for now. He was trying not to nag, but what Brian had done really pissed him off and it still hurt, no matter how much he tried to forgive the big asshole.

Justin saw the light blinking and pushed the button. Immediately he regretted his action as Trip Bedford's voice spoke to him out of the little box.

"Brian, I'm coming to Pittsburgh on Sunday. I'd love to see you. Give me a call and we can arrange something."

Justin resisted the urge to pick up the damn machine and pitch it across the room. Instead he glared at Brian who sat almost stunned having listened to Trip's message with disbelief. The man sounded so casual, like there was no problem between them, like he could just drop in for a visit, like he had every right to expect Brian to meet with him.

"What are you going to do?" Justin asked somewhat breathlessly. He was finding it hard to believe the gall of Trip Bedford.

Brian shook his head. What could he say? Trip's company was one of his oldest and best clients. How could he refuse to see the man? "I don't know," Brian finally said.

"You're not fucking going to see him, are you?" Justin demanded.

"Justin," Brian said running his hand through his hair. "Trip's an important client at Vangard. How can I not meet with him?"

"Give the account to somebody else … or tell him you're sick … or fucking shoot him! I don't care which, but you can't meet him. He sounded like nothing had happened … or does he just expect the same thing to happen this time too?" The tears behind his eyes burned wanting to flow. Justin fought them back.

"You know I can't do any of those things," Brian said slowly.

"So you're going to see him."

Brian nodded. "I'll have to."

"Are you going to fuck him too?" Justin asked as the first tear slid down his cheek.

"Of course not," Brian replied. He stood and started towards Justin. "How could you even think that?"

Justin held up his hand telling Brian not to come any closer. "Let's just say I've had lots of experience with the outcome of these situations."

"If that's the case, then you should know that the one time only policy is firmly in place." Brian made that statement hoping that Justin would see the logic of his words.

"Sometimes you are an even bigger asshole than I can ever fathom," Justin choked out. He turned away stung by Brian's words. They reminded him of the past, a past that he thought Brian had left behind him, but maybe not.

"What did I say?" Brian asked bewildered.

"Of course," Justin snorted, "you don't even get it."

"I was trying to reassure you. I told you it would never happen again."

"So why is Trip here?"

"I don't fucking know! But I won't be fucking him."

"That's what you said before you went to Indianapolis," Justin reminded him.

"I'm sorry. I never meant…"

"And that's the problem. You never meant to do it, but Trip got to you. How do you know it won't happen again?"

"I … I know it won't," Brian said lamely.

"Yeah, right!"


"Don't bother, Brian. Call him back and tell him you'll be happy to get together. That's what you want anyway, isn't it?" Justin grabbed the car keys from the counter and ran out of the house. He had to get away from Brian, at least for a little while.

"Justin!" Brian yelled as the Jeep peeled away. "Justin…" But it was too late.

Brian paced the den back and forth, back and forth. He willed Justin to come home, but he dreaded it as well. Brian knew he would have to meet with Trip Bedford. It was business and he couldn't refuse, but he knew nothing more would happen between them. Nothing should have ever happened in the first place. If only he could control his goddam dick.

Maybe he could get Trip to accept someone else running his account. Brian mentally ran through the list of account execs at Vangard. Maybe he could get Phil Thompson to take over the account. He was good at his job and would do fine work for Trip's company.

The bigger problem was what to do about Trip coming onto him, and he knew that would happen. From the tone of Trip's voice on the phone it sounded like Trip expected everything to be fine between them, maybe even expected that Brian would want him once again. How was he going to convince the man otherwise without pissing him off and having him take his advertising account elsewhere?

Then an idea struck and he almost chuckled out loud. Justin would kill him, had almost killed him last time, but the idea had worked. Why shouldn't it work again? Brian picked up the phone and dialed Trip's number in Indianapolis.

When Justin finally returned a few hours later Brian was sitting in the family room watching a movie on TV. Justin looked at his partner and sighed. Brian didn't even seem to be upset about what had happened. Maybe Justin had been wrong to forgive Brian. Maybe they didn't have a future together. He turned away deciding to go upstairs and sleep in the guest room.

"Hey, Sunshine," Brian's voice caught him off guard. "I'm glad you decided to come back."

"I was just thinking that I had made a mistake about that," Justin said evenly.

"No mistake," Brian smiled. "In fact I think I've fixed things."

"Fixed things? How?"

"I invited Trip to dinner."

"You fucking did what?" Justin asked his anger rising.

"Now don't get your lovely little knickers in a knot. Remember last time Trip tried to insinuate himself between us?" Justin nodded. "I invited him to dinner at the loft and he saw how good we were together and he backed right off."

"That was then, this is now," Justin said with a frown. "What are you going to show him this time? How tense we are? How much of an impact his actions have had on our relationship? How he's come between us?"

"Not unless that's what you fucking want him to see," Brian retorted.

"Then what?"

"I want him to see what a loving partner I have, one who can forgive me and make me happy."

"And do I?"

"Do you what?"

"Make you happy? I thought we had both been fucking miserable the last couple of weeks."

"But not half as fucking miserable as we would be without each other. We can pull this off, Sunshine. I know we can, and then we'll never have to deal with Trip Bedford again."

"I think you've gone completely off your fucking rocker!"

"How so?"

"All Trip's going to see is that we're pretending everything is all right … when it's fucking not."

Brian winced. "So you've been lying to me ever since I came back, pretending that you forgave me." It was more a statement than a question.

"I … I've done my best to forgive you, but … but it's not so easy. You hurt me."

"But this could prove to you that I'm not going to do that again. I don't want to hurt you. I think this could work."

"I don't see how, Brian," Justin said softly. "I don't see it."

"Will you trust me on this one?" Brian asked moving closer to Justin.

"I'm not sure I trust you on much of anything anymore," Justin admitted.

"This one time, please," Brian begged.

Justin was always a sucker when Brian said please. It was rare that the man used that word and Justin always understood that it was something important when he did.

"If I trust you, will you promise not to hurt me again?"

"I'll do my very best," Brian said with a little smile.

"Okay," Justin sighed. "What the fuck do you want me to do?"

"First, look like you didn't just lose your best friend."

"I feel like I have," Justin sighed again.

"You haven't lost me. We can do this," Brian stated pulling Justin against him. The boy stiffened and then gradually let himself melt into the strong arms. He knew that's where he really wanted to be. No place else would ever do.

Sunday dawned clear and warm. The night before Brian and Justin had finally fucked using a condom and had fallen asleep on much better terms. Justin wasn't completely sold on Brian's plan but he was willing to give it a try, especially since he didn't have any better idea.

They collected Gus in time for lunch and took him shopping with them to the grocery store. Justin was determined to make a spectacular meal that would cause Trip Bedford to drool with hunger and envy. That would be the best revenge.

Gus seemed to have forgotten about the Batman car until they were leaving the market. "Can we go to Toys 'R Us, Dada?" he asked.

"No, Gus, we're not going to the toy store."

"But I need my Batman car," Gus protested hanging back as Brian tried to pull him towards the Jeep.

"Gus, behave. We told you that you're not getting a Batman car."

"I want to go home," Gus pouted.

"We'll take you home in a while," Brian stated reasonably.


"Gus," Brian said ominously.

Gus paid no attention. "If I can't have my Batman car, I want to go home."

"I said later," Brian repeated.

"Now," Gus yelled hanging from his father's arm and starting to cry.

Brian looked at Justin who shrugged not really knowing what to do with the stubborn little boy. This was a side of Gus they didn't see very often. Brian scooped up his son, plunked him in the car seat and buckled him in.

"Stay!" Brian said pointing a stern finger and glaring at his son.

"I hate you!" Gus cried tears running down his face.

"Then hate me, but you're not getting a Batman car and we are going to our house," Brian said handing the keys to Justin.

Justin could see that Brian was shaking and was glad he would be driving. Brian hated raw emotion like this and having to discipline Gus in any way was one of his least favorite things. Justin started the car and squeezed Brian's thigh reassuringly. Justin looked into the hazel eyes and saw the tears that Brian was barely holding back.

"It'll be all right," Justin said as he backed the car out of their spot.

"This is the last thing that I need," Brian breathed out leaning his head against the headrest and listening to Gus whimper in the back seat. He closed his eyes hoping to block out the sound.

Gus went up to his room when they reached the house. He closed the door and refused to talk to Brian or Justin. Justin started organizing his dinner while Brian called Lindsay.

"He's locked himself in his room and he refuses to talk to us," Justin heard Brian explain. He listened to the side of the conversation he could hear. "I'd like to bring him home now," Brian was saying. "Why not? He's just trying to win a battle of wills. But we're having company for dinner. It doesn't matter who." This was followed by a long pause and a longer sigh. "Okay, okay, he can stay the night. I'll see what I can do. And no, I won't give in."

"Lindsay wants him to stay with us?" Justin asked as Brian came into the kitchen and replaced the phone on its base.



"She seems to think he's trying to win a battle with us and if we let him win this one, we'll never be able to stop him."

"She's probably right. You know he has that major stubborn streak going for him."

"So I'm beginning to realize."

"What are we going to do with him when Trip gets here?" Justin felt compelled to ask.

"I guess I'll go up and tell him we're having company and give him the option of staying in his room or coming down and joining us."

"What do you think he'll do?"

"If he's smart, he'll stay in his room with all the toys and books and crap that any kid could ever want."

"Except for a Batman car," Justin reminded him.

"Yeah, except for a fucking Batman car."

"Should I fix him a plate for supper?"

"Lindsay says she has the rule when he gets like this that he doesn't eat until he can come to the table and be civil, so no din-din for the little guy."

"But he didn't get any lunch," Justin protested. He went straight upstairs when we got home."

"I know, but if he's hungry he can always come down and have dinner with us."

Justin groaned. "That's all we need. Trip will love seeing the tension between you and your son and me caught in the middle."

"As I said, any smart kid would stay in his room. Let me go talk to him."

When Brian returned Justin had the dinner in the oven and was laying out the hors d'oeuvres.

"So what was the verdict?"

"He cried some more and said he was staying in his room."

"Do you think he'll be all right?"

Brian shrugged. "What the fuck do I know about kids?"

Just then the doorbell rang. "Show time!" Justin called as Brian went to the door.

Brian opened the door to a smiling Trip. "Come in," he said formally.

"It's so good to see you again," Trip said grabbing Brian in a hug before the man could stop him.

"Nice to see you, Trip," Justin said coming up behind Brian.

Trip released Brian and looked questioningly from one man to the other. "I … I thought it would just be the two of us," he stammered.

"What the fuck would give you that idea?" Brian asked with a smirk.

"Um … nothing. I guess I got the wrong idea."

"I guess you wanted to get the wrong idea," Brian clarified. He glanced at Justin giving him a reassuring smile.

"Come into the family room," Justin said. "We've got hors d'oeuvres and we can have a drink."

"Thanks," Trip said looking around the foyer. "Are these all your work, Justin?" he asked looking at the wall of sketches that Brian had had framed for Justin's graduation.

"Yes, they are," Justin smiled.

"You're very good," Trip stated looking at Justin a little more clearly.


They sat in the family room picking at the hors d'oeuvres and trying not to drink too much. They made chitchat as best they could. After a while Justin went to look at dinner and Trip slid closer to Brian.

"Why didn't you tell me he was still here?" Trip whispered.

"Where else would he be?"

"I thought you would have got rid of him … or he would have kicked you out."

"Shows what you know," Brian smirked.

"But we were so good together," Trip tried to protest.

"Trip," Brian sighed swiping his hand across his face. "Nothing important happened between us. It was a once only thing … never to be repeated."


"So, did I miss anything?" Justin asked returning from the kitchen.

"Not at all," Brian said pulling Justin down next to him and kissing his cheek.

Justin watched Trip grimace and look away. Obviously more had been going on than Brian was letting on.

"This is a great house," Trip said. "Do you do a tour, Brian?"

"We can show you around," Brian replied stressing the word 'we'. "That is, if there's time before dinner's ready."

"Sure," Justin agreed. He didn't mind showing Trip the house, but he wasn't sure he wanted him in their bedroom. Maybe he could sidetrack him when they got upstairs. He led Trip and Brian through the downstairs taking them briefly outside to see the pool. Then they proceeded upstairs. Trip seemed impressed with the house, but Justin was well aware that Trip lived in a huge mansion in Indianapolis. He showed Trip the guest room and then Brian opened the door to their bedroom.

"Justin," a little voice called from behind the door to the remaining bedroom.

"Show Trip around and I'll see what Gus wants," Justin said. He walked over to the door and asked if he could come in. In a tiny voice Gus replied, "Yes," and Justin entered. Trip and Brian went into the bedroom.

"So this is the inner sanctum," Trip said looking around. He glanced at the sculpture in its niche but didn't really see what it was.

"This is it," Brian replied.

Suddenly Brian was shoved against the wall and Trip was kissing him. He reached up and pushed Trip away as hard as he could.

"I told you that was never going to happen again."

"I know you want me," Trip smiled.

"No, no I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Trip, you have to get control of yourself. I'm with Justin and nothing is going to change that."

"I want you. I need you. And I'm going to have you."

"Not going to happen."

"You feel things for me. I know you do," Trip insisted pressing against Brian. His hand reached for Brian's dick and Brian knew it throbbed in response.

"Stop it!" Brian ordered. "This is not right. I don't want you."

"Your dick says otherwise."

Brian laughed. "You have no idea what my dick responds to. Believe me, you're nothing special."

"How … how can you say that to me?" Trip demanded. "After what we did together."

"You mean that pathetic fuck in your house?" Brian asked cruelly. He'd had enough of this. "That was out of pity, nothing else."

"Brian, don't…"

"Trip, give it up. There's nothing between us. You need to get on with your life."

"I have no life without you."

"On the contrary, you will have no life as long as you hold onto this fantasy that we're going to be together."

"It's not a fantasy. It could be so good. Please, Brian."

"After tonight, Trip, I never want to see you again. I'm turning your account over to Phil Thompson. Don't call me ever again."

Trip opened his mouth to tell Brian that he couldn't do that when he heard a little voice say, "Dada."

"I'm here, Gus," Brian replied.

"Sorry, Dada," Gus said seemingly afraid to look at his father. When Gus did look up, he saw Brian open his arms and he ran into them. Brian found his arms full of little boy, one that was crying on his shoulder. He rubbed Gus' back and held the tiny body close. After a minute or two Gus stopped crying and looked into his father's eyes. "Sorry," he repeated.

"I know, Sonny Boy," Brian said softly. "Can you say hello to Mr. Bedford?"

"Hello," Gus said barely glancing at Trip.

"Come on, Gus," Justin said. "Let's go down to the kitchen. Dinner's ready and I'll get you a plate. Come down when you're through up here," Justin said to the two men as he took Gus' hand and lead him out of the room.

"Brian, I don't want to have to withdraw my account from Vangard," Trip threatened. "Don't force me to do that."

"You do what you have to do, Trip. But don't expect anything more than a fucking fantastic ad campaign from me."

Trip glared at Brian. "You'll be sorry. I could do so much more for you than that kid."

"You don't know shit about me and Justin, Trip."

"How can you treat me like this?" Trip asked.

"Because after your father's funeral you stepped across a line just like I did, but at least I realize that what I did was wrong. You haven't figured that out yet."

"It was not wrong," Trip declared. "It was beautiful."

"In your warped view of things maybe it was. To me it was a mercy fuck. Get that through your head once and for all."

Trip stood up very straight. "I've suddenly lost my appetite. I think I'll be going."

"Find your own way out. I have something to do up here," Brian replied with a decided edge to his voice. He just wanted Trip to disappear, to be out of their lives once and for all.

Trip turned abruptly and ran down the hall, then down the stairs and out the front door. He yanked open the door of his rental car and gunned it out into the street. Asshole Brian Kinney would pay one day. Nobody treated him like that.

Justin heard the front door slam as he dished up some dinner for Gus and himself. He smiled knowing Trip Bedford was gone, hopefully forever. He waited for Brian to appear but minutes went by and there was no sign of the man. Justin gave Gus his plate and they sat down at the kitchen table. They wouldn't need the dining room where he had spent so long arranging every detail, setting everything out so meticulously, trying to make just the right impression on someone who obviously didn't matter at all.

Upstairs Brian rolled their rings gently around in his fingers. His other hand caressed the smooth surface of the sculpture that held them. His breathing gradually slowed down. He hated saying those things to Trip, but the man refused to get the message any other way. Brian had thought they were friends, but that had all changed that night in Indianapolis and there was no going back. He released the rings letting them swing slowly inside the sculpture. He turned and headed downstairs.

"Dada, come eat," Gus said as he gobbled down the chicken breast that Justin had cut up for him. "It's good."

"I'm sure it is, Sonny Boy," Brian said leaning in and kissing the top of Justin's head. "I take it he left?" Brian asked.

"Tore out of here like a bat out of Hell. Never even said goodbye," Justin replied looking into Brian's eyes and trying to figure out what had happened between the two men upstairs. When Brian didn't say anything more, Justin had to ask, "What did you tell him?"

"Some cold hard facts that he didn't want to hear."

Justin was about to ask what those entailed when he noted Gus' quizzical look as he studied his father and Justin glancing from one to the other. This wasn't a topic for a little boy to be hearing.

"We should talk about this later," Justin said cocking his head towards Gus. "Let me get you something to eat."

"I'm not very hungry," Brian said.

"I spent a small fortune on this meal, and the least you can do is help me and Gus eat it."

"Yes, dear," Brian said in his falsetto voice. Justin smiled which was about the best thing Brian could hope for at that precise moment.

Gus giggled. "Good, Dada," he said shoveling pieces of chicken and potato into his mouth.

"Eat some vegetables too," Brian told him.




Brian was about to start in on the boy when he saw Justin's look. "Let it go," Justin mouthed.

"I guess I'll have to eat your vegetables as well as my own," Brian said trying a different tack. "They're the best part of the meal."

Gus frowned and picked up a carrot. He shoved it in his mouth and chewed finding it not bad at all. Brian snagged a piece of broccoli. Gus gave him another look and grabbed some peas.

When Brian reached for a carrot, Gus said, "No Dada, you have your own."

Brian stifled a laugh and took the plate Justin handed him. It was a delicious meal. Trip Bedford didn't know what he was missing in more ways than one.

"Want to watch a movie after dinner, Gus?" Brian asked.

Gus frowned. "Yeah," he said after a minute.

Justin and Brian looked at each other and breathed a collective sigh of relief. They didn't want another battle with the little boy.

"We'll let you pick what you want to see," Brian said.

"Okay," Gus smiled.

"You ready for Spongebob?" Justin chuckled

"Between Gus and Trip I've had enough power plays pulled on me today. I'll be happy to watch anything that doesn't involve an argument or coercion."

"Me too," Justin agreed.

Spongebob would be just the mindless nonsense that the two adults craved after all the battles of will they had just gone through.

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