Chapter 6 – Papagano's


Through a friend of a trusted and loyal client, Brian was able to secure the information he needed. One Brandon Connelly, Esquire, would be dining alone at Papagano’s on Friday at 2:00 PM. Brian sat back, pleased that his minimal efforts paid off. It was even better news, as 2:00 PM would not be particularly crowded, and Brian had given Marcel Papagano plenty of business over the years. He would be working from an advantage as he approached his target.

Friday was a rainy, miserable day, which only added to Brian’s fortune as few people spontaneously volunteer to go out to lunch on days that elicit damaging shoes and trouser cuffs. Now Brian could only hope that this fucking bastard would have half a brain and listen to reason.

As Brian entered Papagano’s he immediately spotted Marcel and waved him over.

“Ah, my dear Mr. Kinney, it’s a pleasure to see you. You look well. We haven’t seen you recently, has your young partner been feeding you too well to indulge with us.”

“Absolutely nothing compares with lunch here, Marcel. In fact, I have a new client that I just signed and he confessed a fondness for fine Italian cuisine so you’ll be hearing from Cynthia shortly.”

“I knew you would never abandon me.”

“Never in a million years. This fabulous eating establishment is just one step away from New York City, and better than most there, in my humble opinion.”

Marcel smiled broadly, “You never have a humble opinion, Mr. Kinney, and I take that compliment in the spirit with which it was made.”

Brian scanned the dining room and saw his target lunch encounter sitting at a choice corner table in the rear. “Tell me, Marcel, what do you know of that young lad? Does he come here often?”

“That young upstart.” Brian raised an eyebrow at Marcel’s reaction. “He dines here at least once a week and throws around orders and requests. When he’s with his companions or clients he’s even more brash and irritating. But he tips quite well, so as long as he doesn’t make real trouble we continue to treat him with respect.”

“Well, maybe he’ll learn respect from you, because he clearly has none of his own.”

“Oh my, do you know him; is he a friend of yours? I’m so sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. He’s not a friend. Let’s just say that our paths have crossed more than once and I’d like to touch base with him.”

“Ah, well then, I’ll show you to his table.”

“No, Marcel, please show me to the table next to his and I’ll take over from there.” Then Brian slipped him $100 dollar bill. “Oh, and Marcel, we never had this conversation.”

Marcel took the money, folded it in his hand and slipped it into his lapel pocket. He winked at Brian. “Mr. Kinney, your table is ready, a pleasure to see you.”

“Thank you,” Brian smirked. He definitely was still on top of his game, despite emotions being added to the mix.

As they approached the table next to Brandon’s Brian stepped forward to take his seat and casually turned, “Well, well, looks who’s here. I didn’t realize that you ate in such high class dining establishments.”

“Why if it isn’t, Brian Kinney. I didn’t realize you were seen much in public lately. You’ve become quite the ‘domestic god’ lately, from what I hear.”

“Clearly your sources have been supplying significantly mistaken information. I am clearly a God, but definitely NOT the domestic sort.”

Brandon smirked and took a sip of his water.

“Are you lunching alone or are you waiting for someone?” Brian questioned casually.

“I’m dining alone today. It’s not often, but with weather like this, most of my colleagues just order in. I prefer leaving my office and relaxing during lunch.”

“Well, since we seem to be in the same situation, may I join you?”

“Of course, however, I’m concerned as we may have a bit of a conflict over an upcoming case I’m working on.” Brandon looked at Brian with a knowing stare.

“Not a problem, the conversation will never turn in that specific direction. I can guarantee that.”

“Then by all means, please join me. Shall we get a bottle of wine?”

“A good shiraz sounds promising.”

The two ordered their wine and meals. Neither man seemed to be in a hurry. They spoke about the weather and how to handle disgruntled clients, amongst other fairly innocuous chatter. Brian smiled knowing that he had played his mark perfectly.

“So, Brandon, been to Babylon lately…or have you become a Popperz dance boy?”

“Why, Brian, it’s so nice of you to ask.” The tone from both men was getting more and more smarmy as the discussion progressed. “But you would know if you had been to Babylon. I noticed you haven’t been around for quite some time. Isn’t it a little strange that the owner rarely makes an appearance, and then when I’ve seen you it’s only briefly?”

Brian drank some more wine to cover the smile that was creeping across his face. He was beginning to understand Brandon’s motivation now. “It’s so kind of you to notice my absence. I do visit Babylon at least once a week to check on the staff and make sure that they’re not skimming the books or stealing the booze.”

“But you’re no longer enjoying the spoils of the night. That seems quite out of character for someone like you.”

Brian worked hard to keep a straight face. “Someone like me, what does that mean?”

“Someone with your reputation…and libido.” Brandon smirked.

“I thought you assumed I was past my prime. It sounds like your tune is changing.”

“Well, Brian, when I first arrived in Pittsburgh I was naïve, and clearly not well-informed. But things change, people change…and learn.” Brian couldn’t be sure, but it looked like Brandon was trying to ever-so-slightly raise his eyebrow.

“And now that it’s a few years later, what have you learned?” Brian looked directly into Brandon’s eyes.

“Through a number of very reliable sources, I’ve learned that only one name arises consistently when the topic of the best fuck in Pittsburgh comes up.”

“Who would that be?”

“Now, Brian, don’t play coy, and modesty definitely does NOT suit you,” Brandon smirked.

“I see.”

Brandon took another sip of wine and clearly eyed Brian up and down until the table obscured the rest of his view. “I’ve also learned that there are some things worth waiting for and relishing when they happen. But you’ve made it quite difficult.”

“Quite difficult…what have I made difficult?” Brian returned Brandon’s look with eyes that told the story of a man on the hunt.

“I’ve looked for you repeatedly during the past year. I visit Babylon almost every night, but when you’re there, you’re with the ball and chain. We both know that’s not really who you are.”

“We do, do we. And what have you been waiting for? The last time I checked it was you that initially turned me away. When we completed our little wager and I chose not to partake in my winnings you were more than happy to take your leave. What’s changed?”

“We all grow up. We all get wiser and better informed with age. And most of all, I can’t live with missed opportunities, and clearly this is a big one, from what I’ve heard.” Brandon tilted his head and smiled as he brought his wine glass to his lips for another sip. “I don’t have another client for a couple of hours, what about you?”

“Unfortunately I have a meeting in less than half an hour and I cannot rely on any of my associates to handle it. Besides, wouldn’t it be inappropriate for us to hook up when we have a rather huge conflict of interest.” Yes, this was just where he was hoping to go.

“Remember, Brian, my client is more than happy to take my good advice. I could always help your case with the proper encouragement.”

Brian nearly jumped across the table to strangle Brandon. This fucker was using his son’s life and manipulating Melanie for a Kinney fuck that he missed out on 3 ½ years prior.

Brian contained himself for the moment and looked at his watch. “I have to leave for that client meeting. I’ll be in touch, especially since I know you’ve become quite a well-renowned attorney.”

“I never lose.”

“So I hear.”

With that Brian took out his wallet, but Brandon put his hand on Brian’s. “I’ll charge it to the firm as a client consultation.”

“Of course,” Brian nodded and took his leave thinking, ‘What a fucking asshole!’



After Brian left the restaurant he felt like he was about to explode. Brandon was using his son and manipulating one of Gus’ mothers to get a fuck by the great Brian Fucking Kinney…who had no interest in him whatsoever. Even if he and Justin weren’t monogamous he would never fuck anyone under these circumstances.

Brian thought back years ago to when he worked for Marty Ryder. Desperate to get a client to sign on the dotted line he’d nearly whored himself, no, make that pimped himself out to seal a deal. Fortunately circumstance and an opportune phone call had conspired to wake him up to the reality and consequences of his actions.

He may have approved, still approves for anyone who wants it, of tricking, but this was well beyond anything he could stand. The bitter taste in his mouth was getting more pronounced and Brian felt like he was going to vomit. No one uses Gus to get to him for sex. No one uses Gus, period!

Brandon would pay. He didn’t know how, but he wasn’t only going to make sure that Gus and their crazy, fucked up family came out on top, he was going to bury Brandon.

As soon as Brian got into the Corvette he picked up his cell phone and hit speed-dial 4.

“Kinnetik Inc., Cynthia speaking.”

“You have caller ID, you know who this is.”

“Oh, hi Brian, I’m not looking at the phone, I’m looking at my computer and have my headset on. What’s got you so grumpy? I thought you were going to Papagano’s for lunch—you love their food.”

“It’s not the food, it was the company.”

“I thought you went alone.”

Brain shook his head, not wanting to get into this with Cynthia…at least not yet. “Do I have anything pressing this afternoon?”

“No, Brian. Your last client meeting was this morning and everything is running like clockwork here.”

“Good, I’m heading home.”

“Are you okay? You don’t sound well.”

“Let’s just say that I’m getting a headache and I’m coping with a disturbing pain in my ass.”

“I’m not saying a word. In case I need to reach you should I call on the cell?”

“No, call Britin and leave a message if I don’t pick up.”

“Say hi to Justin for me.”

“Will do, and let Theodore know I won’t be back.”

“Will you be here on Monday?”

“That’s my plan.” Brian closed the phone and started the car. He needed to get home and as far away from Pittsburgh as possible at that moment or he wouldn’t be responsible for his next action.

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