Chapter 4 – Lawyers


Three days later Brian, Justin and Lindsay found themselves at a rather lengthy meeting with Harold Gabriel, Esquire. He made time for Brian Kinney in his busy schedule, because Brian Kinney paid his bills promptly, Brian Kinney was one of his most intelligent clients, Brian Kinney wasn’t afraid of a fight, and most of all because he was extremely curious as to how Brian Kinney got involved in yet another custody case.

“Brian, I have to admit to some modicum of surprise when you called me on Monday morning. I didn’t realize that you also had a son with Melanie Marcus.”

Brian snorted, “No, Harold, I have a son with Lindsay Peterson. He’s actually the older of the two siblings. But in this case I’m the third wheel, not Lindsay.”

“How so?”

As Brian explained the circumstances under which he’d given up his parental rights and the on again, off again relationship between Melanie and Lindsay, followed by their “detour” to Canada, Lindsay sat quietly with her hands in her lap. Justin grasped the coffee cup he’d been given at the beginning of the meeting, although he never really took more than a sip of its contents.

When Brian completed the entire story Mr. Gabriel stood up and walked towards a slightly tilted painting on the wall and straightened it. Then he turned back to the conference table and his three clients.

“Justin, did you clearly not support Brian’s initial intention to give up his parental rights.”

“That’s correct, Mr. Gabriel, I didn’t. I could tell how much Brian loved Gus, hell anyone could tell who bothered to look…or care.” Justin took a moment to eye Lindsay who immediately turned her eyes down towards her hands that were still resting in her lap.

“Would you have wanted Brian to have partial custody of his son back then?”

“All I know is that Brian made it clear that his dad was…hardly a father at all, other than in the biological sense. My father had turned his back on me when he learned my true nature. I just hoped that Brian would be the father that Gus could count on for his entire life; to know that he had a father to look up to and would show him how to grow into manhood.”

“So it didn’t matter to you whether Gus stayed at your home when you were with Brian or not.”

“Actually, it did matter.” Lindsay and Brian both looked at Justin when he made that statement. “When Gus was around, even when Brian was clearly not ready to have him stay over regularly, his whole demeanor would change. Brian was more alive and, well, more human, more loving whenever Gus was around.”

Lindsay took a Kleenex from the box that was conveniently left on the conference table and started to blot her eyes.

“Did you ever feel threatened by Gus?”

“No, Mr. Gabriel. If anything, Brian was more loving towards me when Gus was around as well. It was like he knew, instinctively, that Gus would take note of how Brian treated the people he was with and that my presence was of consequence.”

“I see.” Then Mr. Gabriel turned towards Lindsay. “You and I worked hard to insure your role in your daughter’s life. Are you comfortable with me taking Brian’s case? In addition, I’ll need you to sign formal paperwork as to your willingness to give up physical custody of Gus, specifically to Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor, while you are residing outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This will give you the flexibility you need to meet your own needs wherever your travels and career may take you. But I must have it signed and notarized. This will be the backbone of the case, should it have to go to court.”

Lindsay looked at Brian and Justin. Lindsay was clearly a bundle of regrets and apologies for past behaviors and actions, particularly where Gus and Justin were concerned and their impact on Brian’s life and well-being. “Mr. Gabriel, I’ve made more regrettable decisions in my life than I care to admit. It’s time to begin redesigning my life. Give me the papers and I’ll sign now. This is one of the first well thought out decisions I’ve ever made.”

Mr. Gabriel buzzed his assistant on the intercom and had her bring in the appropriate paperwork and her notary kit. In less than five minutes it seemed that Brian’s dream of parenting his son legitimately was that much closer to reality. Justin rested his hand on Brian’s shoulder to keep them both emotionally grounded.

The assistant also passed Mr. Gabriel a rather lengthy note. “Ah…Brian, Lindsay, Justin, it would seem that you were correct in assuming that Ms. Marcus would not rest with Lindsay’s choices. I just received notification that she has retained her own attorney. Interestingly enough, he is not from her practice.”

“Why would she do that?” Lindsay was quite confused remembering that she sought council from her own law firm when JR’s custody battle was taking place.

“It’s common for lawyers, not just in their own practices, to do favors for each other. Sometimes there are underlying IOU’s or sometimes there are other reasons we’ll never know. My assistant has a way of obtaining information from other assistants in a wide area, and I don’t question her methods.”

“I have an assistant like that.” Brian smiled thinking of Cynthia.

“Yes, Brian, I believe my assistant and yours have chatted more than once.”

Justin looked back and forth and he began to sense that there was more to this than met the eye. “Mr. Gabriel, who did Melanie get to represent her? Should we be concerned?”

“To answer your question, Justin, Melanie retained an attorney who is the supreme definition of a shark. I don’t know how she knows him or why he would take such a small case as he’s a young grandstander with an attitude to boot.”

Now Mr. Gabriel had the attention of all three. They looked at each other wondering who Melanie would have possibly found that would help her out for little or no fee, as a professional courtesy.

“She has enlisted the aide of one, Brandon Connelly, Esquire. He’s a young, good-looking upstart who moved to Pittsburgh a little over three years ago, shortly after he completed Harvard Law. I’ve heard him say, more than once, that when he first moved here, only one person ever defeated him in battle and he would never let that happen again. Although I must admit, no one has laid claim to that achievement.”

“Fuck!” Brian stood up and started pacing and running his hand through his hair, messing more than smoothing it.

Justin got up and took hold of Brian’s other hand, “Brian, what’s the matter? Do you know this guy? I don’t remember you having any clients involved in law suits.”

Then Lindsay picked up her head, recognition obvious, “Oh shit! Brian, that can’t be, can it?”

Brian looked at Justin. “Do you remember when my drawing ability at Babylon was questioned by some slimy blond newcomer?”

“The one you made that ridiculous bet with.” Then Justin looked from Brian to Lindsay, who was nodding her head. “Fuck!”



After their lengthy session with Mr. Gabriel, Brian, Justin and Lindsay wearily left to have a bite to eat at the diner. None of them were particularly in a talking mood.

Following the discovery of the name of Melanie’s attorney, Mr. Gabriel had taken an inordinate amount of time reviewing everything and anything that might come up. This was not a man who wanted to be blindsided by surprises and he had no intention of letting this young upstart unravel the case for the well-paying, and well-connected, Brian Kinney.

The three sat at a booth at the far end of the diner to at least give the illusion of some privacy. Debbie was away vacationing with Carl so there was no chance of her being at the diner and that was the ultimate relief for the moment.

“I can’t understand why Melanie would go to someone outside her law firm. What’s more, I can’t understand why she’s fighting so hard against this.”

“Lindsay, are you sure Melanie doesn’t know about you and Sam?” Justin asked.

“How could she? We don’t live together. It’s not like she’s answered one of his calls by accident…oh shit!”

“What the fuck, Linds? Oh shit what?” It was obvious that Brian was agitated.


“What about Gus? You said that you hadn’t told him anything.” Brian leaned in so he couldn’t be heard beyond their table.

“Gus loves to answer the phone and ask who’s calling. He’s also become quite enamored with our called ID, which I got to screen unwanted calls from my parents mostly, and dates that I didn’t want to revisit.”

“So you think Sonny Boy innocently spilled the beans to Mel. I wouldn’t put it past her to question him about who is or isn’t calling you.” Brian felt a headache coming on. “Lindsay, how could you let this happen? If you’re trying to keep something from a kid you don’t have calls coming in that he can pick up.”

“I know, Brian, I’m sorry. I was so excited to finally feel energized and alive again that all I was interested in was moving forward. It never dawned on me that Mel would still be jealous.”

“Well, she still hasn’t grown a dick as far as I can tell.”

“Brian, how could you?”

“Lindsay, face the facts. Your ex is jealous of something she feels was the cause of your ultimate break up…the fact that you have a tendency to crave cock.”

“After all this time. We’ve been separated for over two years.”

Justin, having listened to this interaction finally took the opportunity when their food arrived to interject, “Look Lindsay, it’s not exactly a parallel but do you remember when I stupidly went off to be with Ethan for a few months, several years ago?”

Brian seemed to almost draw away from Justin as he mentioned Ethan’s name.

“Of course I remember, but it’s not the same.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Lindsay. I lied to Brian and betrayed his trust. If I’m not mistaken, Brian, you’re still sensitive about that subject.”

Brian snorted. “It’s just not something I care to revisit.”

“Exactly my point,” Justin continued. “That was a terrible time for both of us. In my case I had to grow up and learn what love was really about; that it wasn’t just three words to be thrown around lightly. I was lucky that Brian took me back, but it took a long time for him to trust me completely again.”

“But you know that I do Sunshine.”

“Yes, I do know and that’s one of the many things I’m so grateful to you for.” Justin leaned into Brian slightly. “But, Lindsay, when I caught Ethan cheating and questioned him, he denied it and then was caught in the lie and still blamed it on circumstance. I’d never be able to trust him again, nor do I care to.”

“Linds, let’s face it, you didn’t just fuck Sam. You were interested in him, too.”

Lindsay put her head down. “I should have never gotten back together with Mel. It was a mistake that just prolonged the pain for all of us and now if she knows about Sam, she’s going to make all of us suffer by getting a killer attorney. It’s all my fault.”

“Don’t be a fucking martyr. That’s bullshit. I’ve been there, I know, it’s useless. I just can’t believe that out of all the lawyers in the greater Pittsburgh area she picks one that I beat in a contest and got his balls where I wanted them, so to speak.”

“Brian, I think Lindsay should talk to Mel. We can’t speak with her directly now that we’ve both spoken to lawyers about custody of Gus, but Lindsay is actually once removed.”

“Linds, will you talk to your ex? It also might be a good idea to tell her everything. No more abridged versions of the truth.”

“Okay, I’ll go to her office right after we eat. That’s probably the safest way to go since she’ll be less inclined to yell and throw a tantrum within hearing distance of her associates.”

“She also won’t be yelling and screaming in front of the kids,” Justin added.

Brian leaned over and kissed him. “Still working on that fabulous Fathers’ Day gift, I see.”

Justin laughed, “Shut the fuck up and eat something.”

With the mood slightly lighter and everyone looking towards a more positive direction, the three ate their lunch and ended all talk of lawyers, including Melanie.


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