The Movie

Chapter 10


“Dr. Oliver, there’s someone here who would like to see you.”

“Unless his or her brain has a severe injury that requires my immediate surgical attention, I’m busy.” Reid had finally found an opportunity to review his staff’s reports from the day. Reaching that point in his day meant that he was that much closer to finishing his own workday. He hated being interrupted, knowing that it was probably some ridiculous issue that would delay his getting out the door and on his way home to Luke and Ethan.

His life had truly changed. There was a time the hospital was his life. Now his primary goal was to get home to his partner and his son. Damn! It was incredible how much Luke had impacted his life, albeit in a good way if he was being honest with himself.

The door to his office swung open.

“I said I didn’t want to be disturbed.”

Reid’s assistant poked her head in. “Sorry, Doctor, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Looking up, Reid spotted Katie at the threshold.

“Why didn’t you tell me it was Mrs. Hughes?”

His assistant shook her head, smiled, and closed the door as she left the office.

“Sorry, no brain injury for you to dig into, but I hope I’ll still be a welcome distraction.” Katie gave Reid a quick peck on the cheek and brushed past him, taking a seat on the sofa.

“While I always enjoy our visits, it is fairly late in the day and I was actually hoping to arrive home before my dinner needed to be reheated. Is there a particular reason for this visit, or is it just to check up on me for some strange reason? I haven’t done anything to get you up in arms lately, have I?”

“Reid, you must have a guilty conscience. This is purely a social visit. I was in the neighborhood so I thought I’d drop by to visit -- kind of like you did with Noah the other day.”

“You heard about that?” Reid sat down on the opposite end of the sofa, looking at Katie.

“Everyone at WOAK heard about the esteemed Chief of Staff making an unexpected appearance. They thought we must be doing a piece on the neurology wing.”

Remaining silent, Reid shook his head.

“Of course we’re not. The neuro wing is completely established as the best in the country. It has been for a couple of years.” Katie smirked. “So then I got to thinking what else would bring Reid to foreign lands and there was only one answer -- anything to do with Luke. I’ve never seen someone so willing to step out of his comfort zone for the person he loves.”

“You, of course, investigated.”

“Of course. After all, I am in the biz. Guess what I found out?”

“I’m holding my breath with anticipation.” Reid rolled his eyes trying to appear unconcerned.

“I found out you had a heart to heart, although it might be misconstrued as somewhat threatening in tone, with my station’s biggest commodity. He was actually left wordless -- something we don’t see very often from the great director.” Katie snickered.

“Since you know the entire story, why are you here?”

“I told you, Reid, I was in the neighborhood. And... I wanted to see you. Without trying, other than Henry, you’ve become my closest friend. I hope that doesn’t scare you off.”

Shaking his head, Reid looked at his dear friend. He could tell she was hiding something and he knew if he could deal with being patient a little longer he’d get to the bottom line.

“By the way, Noah did tell me about the shift in direction of the film. I was impressed with his work and ability to think beyond the initial focus to reshape the project. It’s going to be terrific. He may be a bit full of himself, but Noah Mayer does know how to create good productions.”

“So I’ve heard.” Reid’s stomach growled. “Katie, it’s a pleasure seeing you, but I really do want to finish up here so I can go home and have dinner with my family... although from the looks of it, you might want to hit the gym.”

Katie smacked Reid’s knee. “You idiot. It’s obvious you haven’t been spending much time in the Ob-Gyn wing.”

“Why would I--” It hit Reid. Chris and Katie had happily been spending more time with Jacob and inviting Ethan over frequently. Chris had become a doting husband and father. “You’re not? I thought you were waiting.”

“I was. I was waiting until my husband became a true husband, and father.”

“And now?”

“And now I’m pregnant.”

“Pardon me, Katie, but the numbers don’t add up. We only talked about this a couple of months ago.”

“The problem is, Reid, the numbers do add up. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was already expecting.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Reid wasn’t sure what motivated him, but he immediately hugged his friend.

Gently pulling back, Katie looked at Reid. “I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure how I felt about Chris at the time. If it makes you feel a little better, I didn’t tell Chris until a couple of weeks ago.”

“I know you, Katie; you wouldn’t have had an abortion, even though it’s an option.”

“No, I wouldn’t; but I still wasn’t convinced Chris was determined to change. I’m more comfortable with him now than I think I was when we married.”

“I see.”

“Reid, I’m not sure if he’ll ever return to his position as Co-Chief of Staff.”

“I was beginning to wonder. He’s seemed much more content doing his rounds and caring for the kids in the Pediatrics Unit.”

“Are you angry?”

“No, of course not -- as long as this is what you want.”

Katie nodded. “I love Chris, and I love Jacob -- and I already love this baby.”

“Then that’s it. I guess I’ll have to tell Luke he’s stuck with a Chief of Staff as a partner for good.”

“Do you think he’d care?”

“Naw. He’s always supported my career, even after Ethan came to live with us.”

“Speaking of Ethan, don’t you think he might want a younger brother or sister?”

Reid huffed. “You’re kidding, right? You do know there’s no biological way I can get Luke pregnant. He may want to do everything for me, for us, but this one is out of his reach no matter how hard we try.”

Katie playfully smacked Reid on the arm. “Haven’t you heard of surrogates or adoption? I’m sure Miriam would be ecstatic.”

“Miriam has Ethan now. She already pampers him and sends him gift cards to his favorite stores constantly. In fact, she knows he wants a new guitar and has it on order. We had to halt the process long enough for Ethan to bring up his grades first.”

“Don’t you think she’d love another grandchild?”

“That’s not why a person has kids.”

“What about Luke?”

“What about him?” Reid narrowed his eyes. “He’s got World Wide and his writing to keep him busy. Then when he’s home he has to deal with Ethan.”

“Yes, but Ethan’s his brother. Maybe he’d like a child too. You have one now, why shouldn’t Luke?”

“I have a kid due to the worst possible scenario.”

“I know.” Katie bit her lip. “Maybe it’s time to let your family grow in a positive way.”

“Katie, this is ridiculous. Luke has no interest in expanding our family. He’s happy just the way things are.”

“He probably is, especially since he most likely thinks you’d never agree. How about asking him?”

Reid wondered how the conversation had gotten so turned around. He looked at Katie and a rapid reel of flashes ran through his mind. Luke’s insecurity; Luke missing his parents; Luke wanting to be sure we were together until death do us part; Luke and Ethan spending time together as brothers looking at old films of their parents; Luke needing to take care of everyone.

“Do you think Luke wants a kid of his own?”

“It wouldn’t shock me.” Katie rested her hand on Reid’s knee. “Part of what Noah and I talked about when he showed me the new script for the film was that he remembered a young Luke wrapped up in the love he had for his parents. He mentioned that he was sad Luke would never have kids because it didn’t seem to be something that would fit into your way of life.” Katie paused, taking Reid’s hand in hers. “You were Jacob’s surrogate father for a long time. You’re amazing with Ethan. I think you and Luke would be brilliant parents. Doesn’t Luke deserve the chance?”

“I’ve honestly never thought about it.”

“Maybe you should. Then you should talk to your husband -- he’s more than a partner, isn’t he?”

Reid nodded. Luke was more to him than any word could really define.

“Just think how great it would be if we had another set of children so close in age.” Katie snickered.

“You’re an evil woman, Mrs. Hughes. I hadn’t realized it until now.”

“Yes, I am, but I also love you and Luke and think you deserve to have it all.”

“Luke sure as hell does.”

“Well then, go home and talk to your husband.”

Reid held Katie’s hand. “Congratulations, Katie, and make sure to stay healthy and out of trouble. In the meantime, I’m going to kick you out so I can finish up for the night and go home. It seems Luke and I have to talk after Ethan goes to sleep.”

Katie’s smile crossed her entire face. “My work here is done.”

Katie and Reid both stood and hugged once again.

She looked into Reid’s eyes. “I told Chris I want to name this baby after Brad.”

Eyes wide, Reid waited for her to continue.

“He agreed without question. Chris really is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“Especially since you can’t have Brad?”

Katie gently touched Reid’s cheek. “You brain surgeons really are smart, Dr. Oliver.”

He rolled his lips inward, not sure if he was relieved or disappointed to be correct.

“It’s okay. Being alone is far worse for me.”

“And Jacob?”

“He’s finally happy with Chris. That’s the best reward of all.”

“Good.” Reid showed Katie out of his office.

Returning to his desk he looked at all the paperwork spread out before him and stood up. It could all wait for the next morning. He’d just have to force himself to get to the hospital a little earlier than planned.

Hanging his lab coat on the coat rack, he grabbed his jacket knowing he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything until he spoke with Luke.


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