The Gus Diaries

Part 160

Marry Me? V


“Why the hell didn’t you wait for me?” The angry edge in Jeff’s voice was evident, despite the fact that we were talking on the phone and not in person. “Don’t you have any damn faith in me? I thought we were as solid as a rock. Was I wrong? Was I fucking wrong?”

He was so upset, and rightfully so. I totally overreacted by running off. “I have complete faith in you, in us. I panicked.” Taking a deep breath I continued, “You care so much about people, especially your friends. I was afraid you’d do this for Matt. Even though I know it would be a fake marriage, the whole idea freaked me out.” Jeff didn’t answer so I tried once more. “I love you more than anything in the world and the mere thought of you ever saying I do to someone other than me was too much to bear. Please forgive a stupid drama queen for his over-the-top reaction... please.” My voice trailed off, hoping Jeff would respond.

“Look, Newbie, when you explain it like that I can’t stay too mad at you, but I’m still annoyed. You need to have faith in me, in us as you put it. I love you more than anyone or anything in this whole damn world too. Can you really imagine me doing anything to hurt you, even to help someone else?”

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. “No. You’re right. I’m an idiot.”

“You can be, but so was Matt for daring to make such a ridiculous request.” Jeff’s voice was calm and quiet. “With a little help from your Grandma Deb we solved Matt’s problem as best as we could for the time being.”


“Yeah, Gus. Really!”

“I didn’t mean to doubt you, but Matt sounded so completely backed into a corner. It seemed pretty hard to think of another way out. What did you and Grandma come up with?” Now I was very curious. I should have known Grandma would be there for all her boys, especially when the problem affected one of the boys in her family. I love Grandma Deb. She’s got the biggest heart in the world. Grandpa Carl is pretty damn lucky.

“How about meeting me at Babylon at about nine tonight? All the bullshit today set my plans back a few hours. After I fill you in, we can finish the special day I promised you. You do remember it’s still Valentine’s Day?” Jeff chuckled.

“The date didn’t escape me at all. In fact I think it’s what helped escalate my reaction to Matt’s stupid question.” I felt relief, knowing I’d be seeing Jeff in a few hours. We rarely go to Babylon, but knowing Dad and Pop could set us up to go in, alcohol-free for me, made it okay. It still seems strange that my Dad owns the hottest gay club in Pittsburgh.


“What Gus?”

“Say it again. I kind of need to hear it.” I probably sounded more needy than I wanted to, but at this point I didn’t give a shit.

“I love you, Gus. Nothing will ever change that.” Jeff paused for a moment then I heard him take a deep breath. “I think I kind of need to hear it too.”

“Jeff, I love you more than anyone or anything in the world. Nothing will ever change that.”

“See you later, Newbie.”


We disconnected and I actually found myself smiling at the phone. There was a knock on the office door. “Sonny Boy, are you okay in there or did you get lost among all of Justin’s painting shit?”

I’d forgotten my parents were waiting for me in the main gallery. I walked out of Pop’s office and straight to the main entrance. Removing the temporarily placed closed sign, I unlocked the door. I slowly turned and smiled at the three of them. “We’re back in business.”

It was clear they understood the double meaning and Mom audibly sighed with relief. It’s nice having her be so supportive again. I missed her being in my life.

“Has the drama queen left the building?” Dad raised one of his eyebrows and Pop nudged him with his shoulder.

I chuckled. “Yes, the drama queen has left the building. Jeff and I decided to meet at Babylon tonight to end Valentine’s Day on a good note.”

“Did Jeff and Matt figure out a more appropriate way to handle his problem?” Pop looked genuinely concerned. He’s so empathetic when it comes to parents acting irrationally about their kids lives.

“Jeff told me that with the help of Grandma Deb, they came to some sort of solution. He’s going to fill me in later.”

Mom smiled. “I don’t think we’ll have to wait that long to find out what Deb’s come up with.” She pointed as the door to the gallery opened.

Standing at the entrance was Grandma. She was all smiles and greeted each of us with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. As soon as she moved onto the next person, we wiped our cheeks to remove the lipstick she was sure to have left behind in her wake.

“Debbie, what a lovely surprise.” Mom was at her most polite, but this time she really meant it. Ever since she moved in with Grandma and Grandpa, they’ve become her surrogate parents and helped her through her darkest time. “I didn’t expect to see you today. Did you see the Valentine I left at the diner for you on my way to work?”

“I did, honey. It was beautiful and the message inside nearly had me dripping salty tears into some old bear’s breakfast -- and he doesn’t need the extra salt in his diet.”

Everyone laughed, even Dad.

“Grandma, did you see Jeff and Matt leave the diner?” I couldn’t help asking.

“I certainly did, young man, and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking the worst of your handsome hunky honey.” I love the way Grandma has of phrasing things.

“Jeff and I just got off the phone.” Grandma was about to open her mouth, but I held my hand up. “Before you say anything else, I appropriately begged for his forgiveness for being such a jerk.”

“I would have called you the queen of the drama queens with that kind of behavior.”

Dad snorted. “Great minds.”

“I’m glad you two mended a fence that shouldn’t have been broken in the first place.”

“Me too, Grandma.” She wasn’t leaving so I continued. “Is there something else you needed to tell me, or any of us?”

Pop chimed in. “Deb, are you okay? Is Carl doing well?”

“Carl and I are fabulous. We may even go out for a bit to celebrate this day of hearts and romance.”

“Well, don’t bring him to the diner. Between the decorations and the greasy food, he’ll be back at Pittsburgh General by the end of the day.”

“Brian!” Mom and Pop both scolded him simultaneously. It was kind of amusing. Dad just stuck his tongue in his cheek and didn’t bother responding.

“I’ll have you know Carl is doing amazingly well and I’ve had a lot of enthusiastic comments about the diner’s appearance today.”

Dad laughed. “I bet.”

“But he and I will probably do something a bit more romantic.”

“Jeff and I are going to Babylon.”

Grandma immediately glanced at Dad.

Assuming she thought the worst of Dad, as she sometimes still does, albeit rarely, I quickly followed up with, “Don’t worry, Dad makes sure his bartenders don’t serve me anything stronger than a ginger ale.”

“That’s good, honey. There’s plenty of time to drink once you’re legal.”

Pop walked toward Grandma and gently rubbed her arm. “So what brings you here, Deb, now that you know everything’s okay with Gus and Jeff?”

“I wanted to let you know I’m on my way to pay a visit to Matt’s parents and help them see the light. If they can’t, Emmett’s old room is still available and Matt will be staying with us for a while.” Grandma turned toward Mom. “I hope that’s okay with you.”

“Debbie, I think the way you help so many of us is wonderful and the house is certainly big enough for one more.” Mom gave Grandma another hug and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re so generous with your support. Hopefully Matt’s parents will see the light, but if they don’t, he’s lucky to have you in his corner.”

“I’m glad you think so, honey.” Grandma patted Mom’s cheek then she turned to me. “And as for you, young man, it wouldn’t hurt for you to give people the benefit of the doubt. Running off, having an unwarranted hissy fit doesn’t do anyone any good and will cause that beautiful young man of yours much more stress than he deserves.” She stood right in front of me and glared. “Got it?”

I lowered my head. “Yes, Grandma. I get it.”

“Good. Now give your grandma a big hug and kiss good-bye.”

I gave her the requested hug and kiss. When she hugged me back it felt like I was completely ensconced in a special warmth only she could give, letting me know my childish behavior was forgiven.

“If you’re lucky I’ll see you later, sweetie.” Without even saying good-bye to my dads or mom, she winked at me and left the gallery. Why did she think she’d see me later? That made no sense at all. I guess she wasn’t thinking clearly.

My only plan was to make sure I was ready to head to Babylon to meet Jeff on time and show him how sorry I really am.


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