Toe Curling


"Brian, did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's okay."

"Can you talk?"

"Of course I can talk, you didn't interrupt anything."

"Oh, I just thought..."

"Don't think, very unhealthy habit."



"I miss you."

"Miss you too, Sunshine."

"Brian can I come home?"

"Is it all finished, are you done with your part of it?"

"No, but I want to come home."

"Did something happen?"

"No, not really."

"Justin, it's 3 fuckin' o'clock in the morning and you sound like your allergies are on overdrive and you want to come home; now tell me what happened!"

"I just miss you, that's all, nothing serious happened."

"Uh huh. Okay then, why don't you tell me all about the unserious stuff happening in your life and please don't skip any details, I need a reason to stay awake."

"Bri can I ask you something?"

"Justin when have I ever been able to stop you."



"Have you been, uh, did you go...oh fuck. I don't know how to say this."

"Then let me do it for you. Hi, Brian, how are you? Fine Justin, and you? Ok, oh and by the way did any tricks lately? No, Justin, I haven't. I've been faithful, for lack of a better word. Been to the backroom a few times but other than Ted, Todd, Emmett, Mikey, the Sap and the littlest hustler, there's no one worthy that's left to do. Besides, I've been real busy at work, too busy to fuck."


"I take it that, "Oh", means you've been sowing your L.A. oats."

"Kinda, but not really."

"Justin, it's too fucking early to be obtuse."

"Not here it isn't."


"Time difference."

"Shit. Justin, seriously, are you okay, did someone hurt you?"

"No, no one hurt me."

"Good; so why the allergies, other than you missing my faaabulous cock."

"A bunch of us went out to dinner tonight, some local place, kinda like the diner but more upscale and it's a major pick up place."

"See anyone good?"

"I guess, had offers."

"And since you're on the phone with me, I take it nothing caught your pretty little eye."

"Something like that. No one tall, dark, lips to die for and eyes that change color with the day or his moods."

"Perhaps my doppleganger is busy with his own twink tonight."


"Justin, I'd love to continue this fascinating conversation but as you can see, or not, the big hand is on the 9 and the little is approaching the 4. I have a lot to do tomorrow."

"Oh, sorry, I guess I'll..."

"Hold on, let me finish. I have a lot of errands to run before I leave and I have an outline to complete for a new ad."

"Wait, wait! You're leaving? For where?"



"More like a working vacation and I want to see how the company runs without me. I'd like to travel more, drum up business, expand. It'll give the new execs time to spread their wings without the boss breathing down their necks. I can trust Cynthia and Ted to keep an eye on things."

"You hired new execs?"

"Yes I did. It was getting kind of old berating Theodore all the time especially when he's been doing a very good job. The man's got an eye like a hawk when it comes to my money and he's turned out to be a fair ad man. I let him work on the boring accounts. Keeps him busy and out of my way.

Cynthia, that bitch, has been doing her own thing, dragged in some girly accounts. I knew I should have never worked so closely with her. That woman plans on taking over."

"She'd never do that Bri."

"We'll see."

"So, who'd you hire?"

"The fuck up twins."

"You're joking."

"Nope. Seems that without me to fix their boo-boos, Vance got fed up and released them from their contract. He was happy to send them my way. I really needed someone new to yell at, and they'll do."

"But Brian, I thought you hated them."

"Didn't hate them. Hated their clothes, some hets have no fashion sense. Their ideas were so main stream, so white bread. They didn't have an original thought between them. But take them out of an oppressive environment and their creative juices began to flow."

"So it's working out."

"Yup. I get a couple of decent ad men and give Theodore a break. So you see, Sunshine, why I need my beauty sleep. Got to look good for my vacation."

"Working vacation."

"Yeah, the laptop's coming with me, can't give up control."

"No, of course you can't. I'll say goodnight then. Let you get your sleep."

"Very wise, Sonny Boy."

"Goodnight Brian."

"Later, Sunshine, see you tomorrow."

"Huh? What? Wait! Tomorrow?"

"Didn't I mention it, guess with all your whining I didn't get a chance. I have a series of meetings set up there. Oh, would you mind if I bunked with you. It'll save Kinnetic some money. I mean if you don't think I'll cramp your style."

"I, with me, you want to stay with me."

"Yeah, this may take some time. And I could use a guide, someone who I can trust to show me the hot spots and I may need you to do some preliminary sketches if things go well. How about it Sunshine, you think you can fit me into your hectic schedule?"

"Oh yeah!"

"I'll be landing about 10pm your time. Think you can meet me at the airport? I can catch a cab if it's too much trouble."

"No trouble, Bri."

"Great, now that's all settled, I really need some sleep. Big day tomorrow. Do you think your allergies will be better by the time I get there?"

"Clearing up as we speak."

"Good boy. Later Justin."

"Later Bri."

"One more thing, Sunshine. Do your toes still curl when you cum?"

"Guess you'll have to find out for yourself."

"Planning on it!"

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