Christmas Miracles


Justin pulled back the loft door to allow Brian to enter. Quietly sliding the heavy door shut, Justin pondered over the day's events.

They had answered the annual Christmas summons, arriving at Debbie's on time, politely mingling with family, passing and sampling all the delicacies and even helping with the washing up. Brian was pleasant, very well mannered, with nary a snarky comment in sight. Justin thought that the time Brian spent video visiting with Gus earlier in the day helped the situation a lot. Brian was reassured that his son knew who Brian was and their connection, close. Throughout the afternoon and evening, Brian remained calm and serene even under the worst of criticism and teasing. By the end of the evening, the rest of the family was frustrated to no end at Brian's unshakable peacefulness. They left Deb's with an armload of neatly packed reheatable meals and many sloppy kisses from a very proud Debbie.

"Brian, is everything all right? You seem a little distracted."

"Everything's just peachy, Sunshine."

"Are you sure? You were awfully quiet today. Very polite, too polite. What's up with that?"

"Justin, it's Christmas. You know, be of good cheer, peace on earth, good will toward queers, and all that jazz."

"I know that but I didn't expect you to go along with it. Nor did the family. They didn't get to you today, did they?"

"No, they didn't, surprisingly enough. They didn't get to me at all. I really did have a nice time today. Michael was a bit of a jerk..."

"Well, that goes without saying. Sorry, Bri. It is Christmas and he is your oldest friend."

"No offense taken, young grasshopper. He may be my oldest friend but you certainly are my dearest."

"I am?"

"Of course you are. Justin, you know more about me than the whole family put together. You love me the way I am and you've certainly helped me to change for the better. Yeah, that sounds like a whole load of corny bullshit, but it happens to be true. You're the best part of me, the fun part of me and the loving part of me. I just decided NOT to fight it. At least not today."

"Huh, will miracles never cease."

"I just figure that if I give them a little dose of the new and improved Brian, that when I eventually stay that way, it won't be such a shock."

"You intend to stay NICE?"

"Yeah, I do. Does that bother you?"

"No, not really but, uh..."


"Does the new nice Brian still fuck like the former, sometimes asshole Brian? And does this Brian still want his Sunshine, only his Sunshine?"

"That will never change. Some things need no improvement or substitutes."

"That's a relief. Then I support your decision of growth and improvement. And I will do everything in my power to help."

"Thank you, Sunshine. How about you support some growth right now?

"In the mood for some Christmas cheer, Bri."

"Merry Christmas, Sunshine. You're the best Yule tide fairy this ho-ho-homo could ever wish for."

"Mmm. Merry Christmas, Bri. Now get your jingle balls in bed so this fairy can do his stuff."

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"


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