Precious Gifts


"Wake up, Kinney." Justin demanded. Brian groaned as he was rustled out of a deep sleep by a very determined looking blond boy.

"The loft better be on fire." Brian groused. "What time is it?"

"It's 6:57."

"In the morning?"

"Yes, asshole, in the morning."

"Justin, you better have one fucking good explanation for waking me at this ungodly hour on my day off."

"I do."

"Do I need an invitation or are you going to give me a clue?"

"You and I are going to have a discussion."

"Before my coffee?" That comment got Brian a Justin death glare. "Can I at least have an unhealthy cigarette before this ‘discussion?' I have a funny feeling I'm going to need it."

"Go on. I'll wait."

"Thanks." Brian propped up his pillows and made himself comfortable then reached for his cigarettes. Lighting one up, he deliberately inhaled slowly and let out little smoke rings. Justin was not amused.

"Can the theatrics, Kinney. We're still having our discussion."

"And what, pray tell, is the nature of this discussion."

"Christmas presents."

"Christmas presents?! You woke me up to talk about gifts? Did we not spend 48 hours with our butts glued to the chairs at my computer shopping our fucking brains out buying enough presents for the whole state of Pennsylvania? And aren't said gifts all present and accounted for, neatly wrapped, labeled and stowed away for the main event?"

"Are you through ranting?" Justin snarked.

"For now. Justin, I'm serious. We got everything on your list. No one, I repeat, no one will be giftless in our family. Everyone has something and it's all under that monstrosity you call a tree. Including, if I may add, your gifts."

"I noticed that my pile is exceptionally large."

"I can't help that. You were a very good boy this year. You have been duly rewarded."

"Thank you. Brian, there is one person who appears to have been left off the list."

"If you're talking about Joan, I wouldn't worry your pretty blond head about that. She and I are not on gift giving terms."

"That's not whom I mean and you know it."

"Shit. Now I really need coffee. Please, Justin, I can smell it brewing. I promise, one cup and we can continue this lovely chat."

"Fine. Stay put, I'll get it for you." Brian could only nod as Justin got out of bed, went to the kitchen to fix Brian his morning cup. Brian took that opportunity to go to the bathroom for a few necessary rituals, return to bed and light up another cigarette.

"Glad to see you cooperating." Justin commented as Brian leaned back against his pillows. Justin handed Brian his mug and then carefully climbed on top of Brian's thighs. With his captive audience temporarily sated with coffee, Justin proceeded to go forth with his discussion.

"Brian, everyone does have something under our tree, everyone but you. Why is that?"

"I guess I was on the naughty list."

"Brian, three weeks ago I handed you your favorite catalogs and we even looked at some of your favorite websites. I asked you to make a list of the things you wanted. You never gave me that list. Christmas is one week away and I haven't a clue of what to get you. Please Brian, this is important to me. You're important to me. I need to know what you want." Justin pleaded, his blues eyes moist.

Brian sighed and placed his coffee mug on the bedside table. He gathered up Justin in his arms and held him tightly to his chest. Kissing his determined boy on the head, Brian attempted to give Justin an explanation.

"Justin, there isn't one thing in those catalogs or on the whole web that I could possibly want. I have all that I want and need right here, in my arms. Justin, you're the only gift I want. Today, tomorrow, for Christmas, for the rest of my life. Just you." Brian heard the little sniffles emanating from his precious gift.

"Brian." Justin whimpered against Brian's chest.

"Shh, no allergies, Justin." Justin lifted his head and gazed in the love filled hazel eyes.

"Brian, I really do want to give you something."

"Okay, if you insist, how about you do a portrait of the two of us together. A set of them, one for the loft and one for my office."

"It would be my pleasure. But that will take weeks for me to do them justice. I'd like to give you something now, something for Christmas." Brian thought carefully before he spoke.

"I can use something."

"Anything! Name it."

"Some sleep, at least three more hours worth and then you can wake me a little more pleasantly. And on Christmas, I get to sleep late, then you can bring me breakfast in bed. With you as my main course."

"Oh yeah, I can do that."

"I thought you could. Join me?" The lovers shifted as they got comfortable under their warm duvet.

"Brian, you know you didn't have to get me all those presents. Being with you is the best present I could ever have too."

"Hmm, too bad I didn't know that weeks ago. Could have saved me a bundle." Brian said with a sleepy smile. "I can still take them back."

"Not on your life, Kinney."

"Go to sleep, Justin." Brian curled his long frame around his boy.

"I love you, Brian."

"Love you too, Sunshine."

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