One Sweet Wager

It started out just like every other Friday night with the usual summons to Debbie's for a family dinner. The whole family including the littlest members and the newest, Carl, was there. Brian and Justin showed up fashionably late with that just fucked look on their faces, in time to be ushered to the dinner table. Everyone was on his or her best behavior, the snarky remarks were kept at a minimum. The meal time chatter was pleasant with all enjoying the shared gossip.

The munchers were unusually polite to each other, the children sitting in between them acting as a buffer. The ‘Temmett' tenseness was gone, leaving behind in it's wake a stronger friendship and bond. The two men gossiped away as good queens should. Debbie reveled in her role as ‘mother' and Carl was beginning to accept his position as 2nd in command and unofficial guardian in this unique family. All eyes and ears seemed to be focused on the newlyweds and the former littlest hustler, as they appeared to be the latest example of how a gay couple/family should behave. Debbie beamed with pride and happiness, her son was happy and settled with the man he loved. And Debbie finally had the grandchildren she never dreamed she'd have.

About 15 minutes into dinner and approximately after the 10th ‘I love you, baby,' ‘you too, honey' and ‘thank you, sweetheart,' the family's focus shifted to Brian and Justin.

"Baby, could you please pass the rolls."

"Anything for you, Daddy. Would you like a little butter on it?"

"Thank you, baby."

Not a sound could be heard as Justin took a soft warm dinner roll, applied a scant amount of butter on it and then placed the roll delicately on the edge of Brian's plate. Brian gave Justin a wink accompanied by a sweet smile. Melanie snorted and the conversation continued.

"Sweetie, could you pass the string beans?"

"Of course, love."

Ted nearly choked on a bit of tomato as Brian served Justin a helping of the asked for vegetables. Emmett soundly clapped Ted on the back before the Heimlich maneuver was required. Dinner resumed with the family suspiciously eyeing Brian and Justin.


"Yes, daddy?"

"I've seemed to have taken too big a portion of chicken. Would you share it with me?"

"I'd love to, daddy."

As Brian halved the thick slice of chicken on his dish and slipped a piece onto Justin's plate, Debbie was ready to make a remark. Carl, observing that ‘what the fuck look' in her eye, patted her hand and shook his head. Debbie restrained herself, at least for now. The rest of the main meal was consumed with no further romantic effusions from Brian or Justin.

After dinner was completed Justin got up to clear the table. As Debbie rose to lend a hand, Brian stood and said, "Debbie, you sit, we'll get this. Baby, could you start the coffee while I wash the dishes?" Justin answered with his smile and a nod. The lovers cleaned up oblivious or ignoring the stunned looks behind them.

Over the rushing of the water and the perking of the coffee, Brian could hear his best friend grumbling out a, "What the hell is up with those two?" Ben, wisely did not reply.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the house and signaled the serving of dessert. Debbie and Emmett got out the dessert plates, forks and spoons while Justin put out the pies and pastries. Brian, who was sitting in Vic's old chair with his sleepy son, got up and put the boy down on the couch next to Lindsey. He then guided Justin to the chair, made him sit then scurried away to get a plate with a heaping slice of pie and a mug of coffee for his blond baby. Brian got himself his own mug of coffee and joined Justin on the chair, arranging the two of them so that Justin was half sitting on Brian. The smug snug lovers drank their coffee, nibbled on pie in between nibbling on each other. The whispered cooing emanating from the chair turned Hunter's stomach, sadly, he pushed away his pie.

Thirty minutes later Debbie had all she could take, no longer able to restrain her mouth. Seeing Gus safely asleep, Debbie bellowed.

"Would you two mind telling us what the fuck is going on? And don't even think about trying to lie."

Justin gave Debbie his best wide-eyed ‘I'm innocent smile' as Brian sucked in his lips. Brian kissed Justin on the temple and whispered, "Go ahead, baby, tell them." Justin took a deep breath and explained.

"We had a bet."

"What kind of bet, Sunshine?"

"I bet Brian that within 15 minutes Ben and Michael would say about 10 ‘I loves yous' or a bunch of honeys and babies. Brian said it would never happen cause they were men and they wouldn't act like lesbians. I said that they like to show their affection so if I won the bet he'd have to start calling me baby or sweetheart in front of everyone."

"What if you lost?"

"Ah, well, um..."

"Never mind, Sunshine, I get the picture. I thought the two of you lost your minds. So, is everything back to normal?"

"No. He has to keep it up, so to speak, for the whole weekend."

"That's some bet."

"I could get used to it."

"Not on your life, baaaby."

"Come on, Daddy, you know you like it."

"Well, I for one think it's about time. Brian, you know you love your little princess and we know you love him. It's nice to hear you say it, even if it is in a round about way."

"Emmett, I don't need to hear him say it. I feel it all the time and that's good enough for me."

Justin looked into Brian's eyes and saw the hazel eyes confirming what Justin's heart already knew. Brian saw his love mirrored in Justin's blue eyes. Placing the mugs and plate on the coffee table, Brian cupped Justin's chin and gave him a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Baby, are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah, daddy, very ready."

As the lovers said their goodbyes and headed for the door, Debbie gave them both a bear hug and a kiss.

"Brian, you certainly are taking this bet thing really well. I should be angry at you both for making fun of Michael and Ben but I have to admit, it's nice to see you show some affection for Justin even if it is only for a bet. He deserves it, kiddo."

"I know Debbie. It's the one sweet wager that I don't mind losing."

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