The Secret Lust and Life of Todd!

Author's note: Inspired by all the Todd talk on the tribe.

"Excuse me Brian, but here's a gentleman asking to see you." Cynthia announced, looking at Brian suspiciously. Brian looked up from his desk and inquired.

"I don't have any appointments right now, do I?"

"No and neither does he."

"What's his name?"

"That's just it. He wouldn't give me his full name. All he said was Todd."

"Todd? I don't know any Todd."

"He thought you wouldn't recognize the name so he said to mentioned Babylon and the backroom. Ring any bells now?"

"Todd, oh, Todd! And I still don't know him, not in the biblical sense."

Cynthia gave Brian a look of disbelief.

"Brian Kinney, in all the years I've worked for you, you've never brought your, your..."


"Yes, tricks, thank you, into your office."

"Except for Justin."

"Except for Justin. Stop that, and don't change the subject. Now what's going on?"

"Cynthia, I swear to you and on Justin's sweet little blond head. I have never slept, fucked or sucked with Todd. Now, why don't you show the gentleman in and we'll find out."

"You're sure."

"I'm sure."

"And you and he never..."

"Never and it wont ever happen."

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

"I will."


"This way, Todd."

"Thank you."


"Wow, so this is where the deals are made. Impressive."

"Thank you, Todd. I have to say that I would have never recognized you, you look so, um, different with clothes on. Now what brings you here? I don't want to be rude but you don't expect me to..."

"No, Brian, I don't, so relax. I came here to make you a proposition." Brian's eyebrow arched.

"Todd, have a seat and forgive me if I'm a bit confused. What can I possibly do for you besides the obvious."

"Let me try to explain. Have you ever wondered what I do?"


"As in, do for a living?"

"No, I can't really say that I have ever wondered. I just figured you're like the rest of us, a regular working stiff. Excuse the pun."

"I'm not and pun excused. I'm independently wealthy, very wealthy. Do you ever wonder why I spend a lot of time in the backroom?"

"Well, I just figured you like dick, lots of dick."

"You're right, I do. You know Brian, for a long time I resented you. You would saunter by and never give me a second look. I thought, like most of them, what an asshole, what a fucking snob. Then as time went on I understood. You enjoy the seduction, the chase, the challenge. I've watched you, you scan the club, zero in on your prey then like most predators, fix them with a gaze then reel them in. It's a pleasure to watch a true master. I admire you. You like ass, you like to pursue ass. I, on the other hand, like dick. I love dick. All sorts of dick. I'm easy, not a challenge. So I held no interest for you. We're like two sides of the same coin. But now, it's time to move on. And I've learned something from you."

"You learned? From me?"

"Yes. It's time, it's time to look for that one special dick, just like you have that one special ass."

"But I'm not..."

"You're not monogamous, I'm well aware of that but you have to admit that you have drastically cut down. And it's not because your older or because you have this agency to look after. You have found your one special piece of ass that happens to be attached to an intelligent, caring, talented person. You care about him, he cares about you. And because of that and because he satisfies you in ways that your tricks don't, you have become a little more discreet, more judicial, as it were, if you did decide to have a trick. And that's how it should be.

Now, for my proposal. I'd like for you to develop a campaign for me. A campaign to find my one special dick."

"A campaign, for a dick."

"Not just any dick. Brian, I want what you have."

"I don't share!"

"Not Justin! A partner. That special someone, a special dick. Someone who will be in it for the long haul and preferably, someone with a long dick. But because of my money I need to make sure they want me, not my money."

"I understand."

"I thought you would. I know what they said when you and young Justin first got together. Yes, your legendary prowess not withstanding, many thought Justin was after your money. Of course, they were wrong. Justin stood by you when you lost it all and encouraged you when you wanted to go into business for yourself. I also know of many of your charitable acts. Don't give me that look. My wealth gives me the ability to have access to certain resources. I know of some of your donations because I too have donated to those same charities and causes.  Now, are you interested in my proposal? This wont be easy."

"No, it wont. From what you're describing, you want someone like me. Someone who likes, enjoys ass and often. Someone who has intelligence, can be loyal and has money of his own. And having a nice long dick doesn't hurt either, unless you want it to.  Todd, I'll do it. But you may need to make some sacrifices."

"Ah, your fee."

"No, that's not what I mean and I'll get to that in a moment. The sacrifice I mean is that I want you to stay out of the backroom. You can't just give it away anymore. I don't make this request lightly. You not getting fucked is like me not fucking. I've been in that position a little while ago and I didn't like it. But I have to pull you out of the limelight so that I can make you desirable and not just for your money. I have to pique the interest. And if you don't mind me saying, you giving your ass a rest will make it all the more tighter and hotter, if you get my drift.  Now, my fee. I wouldn't know what to charge you and I have no idea if this will be successful. If this works out, pay me for the expenses and if your new partner is ever in need of an ad man, let me have first crack at it."

"Brian, that's rather generous of you. I can well afford to pay."

"No, it just doesn't seem right. I almost feel like a pimp. No, let's just see how this goes. We can talk about it later. Now for phase one of Todd's search for ‘Mr. Perfect Dick.' Drop your pants and bend over."

"You want me to what?!"

"You heard me, drop ‘em and bend over. As I recall you do have a shapely ass. I'm going to photograph it and make posters. It'll go up in discreet places such as Woody's, Torso, Babylon. The caption, "Have you seen this ass lately?" Or, "Where in the world is this ass?" No name yet. Then the next phase, will have your name. "Todd's ass, last seen in the backroom of Babylon." "Todd's ass is looking for the perfect dick, are you that dick?"

I'll also enlist Liberty's gay gossip grapevine. A couple of strategically whispered comments to the right people, of course. We'll have the rumor mill spinning.

Then the coup de grace, I'll personally interview each prospective candidate. I'm pretty sure I know what your looking for in your dick, uh, partner. But you have final say. This is your ass on the line, so to speak. You need to be happy. I'll consult you each step of the way. So are we agreed?"

Todd pulled up his pants after Brian finished shooting and they both looked at the results. Brian was an excellent photographer. Todd's ass never looked better. Very pleased that he had come to the right man for the job, Todd agreed and placed his faith and ass in Brian's capable hands.


Several months passed since Todd walked into Brian's office with his unusual request. Brian was very pleased with himself. He truly felt that given sufficient time and inspiration, Brian could sell anything.

All around Liberty Avenue the posters featuring Todd's ass, went up. As well as many dicks and interest. The rumors Brian planted in the gay grapevine were blossoming. And it didn't hurt that Todd's ass was almost as legendary as Brian's cock. Apparently Todd's ass had it's own fan club and that men from coast to coast were interested in being Todd's perfect dick. The ass had it's own website and Brian used it to help weed out the most desirable candidates.

But Brian being Brian, he almost had a major jealousy queen out until Justin informed him that his cock had it's own fan club and website. And that several stories were written about Brian's cock, very favorable stories. When Brian's ego was firmly placated, he returned to the task at hand. The search for Mr. Perfect Dick.

One afternoon, Todd came into Brian's office for a progress report.


"Hey Todd, how's it going?"

"Fine. No, not really fine. Brian, it's been months."

"Todd, a good campaign takes time to cultivate the desired response. We don't want any riff raff."

"I agree but that's not the problem. Brian, I haven't had a good fucking in months. I'm having a wonderful relationship with my right hand and I have a lot of toys but that's no substitute. I understand you keeping me off the market but I'm dying here."

"Okay, okay, now let's calm down. I may have a solution for that."


"No, I think that would violate more than my rules about keeping business relationships and personal relationships separated. And I have a rule about doing friends. After working with you, I consider you more than a client. I'd be honored to call you friend."

"Brian, I'm touched. I too, would be honored to call you friend. But if not you, then who?"

"Hold that thought." Brian pressed the button for the intercom. "Theodore, would you step into my office for a moment." Brian said with a smirk and a wink to Todd.

"Right away, boss." Ted replied and then a few seconds later, Ted was present and accounted for in Brian's office.

"Ted, you remember Todd."

"Of course. How's it going Todd?"


"What can I do for you, Brian?"

"For me, nothing. For our special client, Todd, something very important. I have the utmost respect for your talents, Theodore. Respect for you as a person, as my accountant and as up and coming ad man. And for your talents in your previous career in the finer aspects of gay sex."

"Brian, I don't know what to say. Your respect for me and my talents overwhelm me. I'd do anything to maintain that respect."

"Good, here's a new tube of lube, a fresh box of condoms. Now get to work. And not one cum stain on my sofa. I'll see to it that you're not disturbed."

"Brian, you're not suggesting that I fuck Todd are you?"

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting. He's our client, his needs are very important to us. And it's up to us to fulfill those needs. Right now he needs a good stiff one up the ass. Oh, wait, I also have this. It may help." Out of Brian's desk draw, Brian removed a satin covered box. In the box was a silver cock ring given to him by a former trick. Not needing to use a cock ring, Brian kept it as a memento.

"It's new, never used."

"Uh, thank you, I think. Uh, Todd is this what you want?" Ted asked, partly because Ted knew of the Kip Thomas incident and he didn't want to end up getting sued and partly because he was nervous.

"Ted, I realize this is unusual request but I really would appreciate it. I was a patron of ‘Jerk at Work', I was so sad to see it shut down."

"Thank you, Todd."

"Gentlemen, I have clients to see, little blonds to fuck. Take your time. Ted, lock up when you leave. Later."


"Well, Todd, I think you made a very wise choice. He's good looking, intelligent, mature but not much older than you. In excellent health and a member of the fortune 500. If I wasn't so wrapped up in my own blond, I would have made a play for him myself. But then my blond is very versatile. Yours is a total top. I've seen the goods, I think you'll be pleased."

"Brian, I can't thank you enough. We've dated, I mean really dated. Dinner, dancing, we've gone to the opera, taken long walks on the beach. He's everything I was looking for in a partner. I do believe, I fulfill his needs too. He knows I have money but he's never asked or shown any interest in it. I did take your advice and did a background check, one can never be too careful. And I told him. I want this to be a relationship based on honesty. I have no intention of ending up like his former partners."

"Ah, but that was before he came out. He's become true to his nature. I think this will work out. But I still recommend the pre-nup agreement."

"I've already spoken to my lawyer. It's in the works. Thank you again. Ted sent me an accounting of the expenses and I threw in a little extra for you and the agency."

"Todd, I told you that I didn't want to take your money."

"I realize that and I can't place a price on happiness. Consider it a bonus for a job well done. I also made sizable donations to your favorite charities. I have to leave now, we're going on a cruise. I've enlisted Emmett's help in picking out the right clothes."

"Uh, Todd..."

"Don't worry, I'm not that crazy. I'll get him to tone it down. I'll see you when I get back."

"Later, Todd."




"You know I think your ass is rather special, don't you?"

"Yeah, I know."

"And I think the rest of you is very special too."

"Thank you. I think you and your cock are rather special too."

"Justin, do you think your ass and my cock can be special together for a long time?"

"Yes Brian, a very long time."

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