The Best Christmas Ever!

Brian woke up Christmas morning at the unholy hour of 11am. He firmly believed that on any holiday or day off, it was his right to sleep undisturbed till at least noon, unless, of course, it was Justin who disturbed him. He stretched his long legs, wiggled his toes under the warm duvet while stroking his rock hard cock with one hand and reaching out for Justin with the other. Instead of warm soft boy, Brian found an empty expanse of cold sheets. He was about to shout out when Brian heard the soft giggles of Justin emanating from the computer desk. Brian feared the worst.

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing out there when I have a stiffy the size of a Christmas tree in here?"

Choosing to ignore the Scrooge bah humbugging in the bedroom, Justin kept on reading, giggling and occasionally, sniffling with sentiment.

"Brian, you gotta read this!"

Brian groaned and attempted to bury his head under the blankets.

"Come on, Brian, they're funny and so good."

Peering above the duvet, Brian ventured the question. "What are you doing?"

"You know that Tribe group?"


"Well, they wrote holiday stories."

"Am I dead again?"

"Uh uh. You're quite alive and very nicely portrayed. We both wind up happy together and in love."

"Aw shit, that's worse than death."

Being way to full of holiday cheer, Justin did not reply, he just kept reading, bursting into hysterical laughter at the thought of Gus repeating "Yippie-ki-yay, motherfucker."

Justin wiped away a tear as he read about Vic getting his wings. He smiled broadly as Brian saved the day in Colorado. And loudly sighed when he reminisced about how hard it was being separated from Brian all those months. Justin jotted down a few notes when he came to the story about the snow hotel, it sounded like fun. Justin wondered if he could convince Brian to go there. And he loudly sobbed at the thought of Brian dying, never a part of his life. Justin thought about the miracles on Tremont, large and small, he had witnessed including Brian's recovery and the fact Brian permitted Justin to decorate the loft, celebrating from Halloween thru Christmas. And the gifts that anonymously showed up at the Vic Grassi home. Quite a miracle indeed.

Brian listened with amusement. He didn't have to read the stories to know which ones were funny, sad or just sappy. He heard it all in Justin's sighs, laughter and sobs.

"Hey, Brian, I never knew you could spout biblical prose."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"One of the stories is based on ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas'."

"Please don't tell me I was Lucy."

"Nope, that part went to Mel. You were Linus. You know, ‘lights please.'"

Brian retreated under a pillow.

As Justin read and re-read some of the stories, Brian thought back over the past year. And like the Grinch, he felt his heart grow at least three sizes that day. He was truly blessed. He had a son that was happy and healthy, living with at least one parent who was consistent with her love. Debbie had survived the loss of Vic and became stronger with Carl in her life. Mikey, Ben and Hunter were happy and settled. Even Ted and Emmett found peace.

Brian had his life back, cancer free. Not to mention Kinnetic, thriving; he was a king in his domain. And then there's Justin. His own personal angel. At this moment, said angel was reading the last story and thinking to himself, ‘I don't think I'll tell Brian about this one. May give him some ideas; the wrong ideas. Silent Night, no fuckin' way.'

Brian had to admit, he was blessed.


Justin heard the change in Brian's tone. He shut down the computer and scampered to the bedroom. Brian was waiting with the blankets held back for him. Justin removed his sweats and crawled on to the bed. He was then wrapped up in the blankets and by Brian's warm strong arms. Justin twisted around to gaze into Brian's eyes that were moist with unshed tears.


Brian answered with a tender kiss to Justin's lips. He then whispered something into Justin's ear and murmured, "Merry Christmas, Justin." Justin smiled his special smile, reserved only for Brian and returned Brian's words into his ear as he snuggled into his lover's arms.

As the sleep of a peaceful day started to reclaim them, Justin whispered, "Thank you Brian for the best Christmas ever."

Much love this holiday and every season to my Tribe;


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