Little Boy Lost

Part Eight



Hobbs had a huge grin on his face as he headed back to the warehouse. He was going to get away with it. And the best part was that Kinney actually thought he’d see his kid again. He couldn’t keep from laughing at that. There was no way in hell that Hobbs would let any kid go back to being raised by that cocksucker. He needed a good home away from fags so that he wouldn’t turn into one. Or maybe Hobbs would just kill the kid. With a fag and a dyke for parents there was a high chance even in a hetero household the kid would end up gay. Just kill him now and rid the world of yet another fucking faggot.

His smile faded as he turned the corner onto the street leading to the warehouse and saw the lights. He was far enough back to go unnoticed. The cops were at the warehouse. He couldn’t understand how they could find the place. He’d made sure to cover his tracks every time he came and went. Sure, Kinney knew who had taken his kid, but he didn’t know where he lived or where they were hiding out. There was no way they should have found it. He needed a place to stay until things blew over. He reached for his cell phone to call his parents and realized it wasn’t there. He’d left it in the warehouse.

“He’s just a little kid.” He thought said to himself. “There’s no way he could have called the cops.” Chris shook his head. No kid would know to dial 911. Or would they? He remembered being taught at a very young age to dial 0 if there was an emergency. That was back before the days of 911. His parents made sure that he knew what to do even when he was three and four years old. That had to be it. The kid had found the phone and knew how to dial 911. He cursed, then put the car in reverse. At least he had the money. He wouldn’t be able to go to college now but he could use the money to hide somewhere that he couldn’t be found. He would go somewhere that he couldn’t be brought back to the US and prosecuted. He smiled to himself, confident he would never be found as he drove toward the airport.


Justin was awakened by the phone ringing. He sat up quickly, looking around the apartment before looking at the clock. It was now three thirty in the morning and Brian wasn’t back yet. He started to wonder what was going on. The phone ringing reminded him what had woken him up and he ran to the phone, answering quickly.

“Brian?” He asked, unable to keep his voice from shaking.

“I’m looking for Brian Kinney.” A male voice said on the other end. He sounded a little confused.

“Um….he’s not here right now. I’m his partner, Justin Taylor.” He could hear the rustling of some papers in the background before the man began to speak again.

“Mr. Taylor, I’m Detective Henderson with the Pittsburgh Police Department.” The man said. Justin couldn’t decide whether to be happy or worried. He was either being called because they found Gus or because Brian was hurt. But that’s silly, he thought, they called looking for Brian. Why would they call looking for Brian if Brian was hurt?

“Yes…” He finally managed to get his voice to work.

“We received a 911 call this evening from a Gus Kinney. He’d been held in a warehouse for the last several days, apparently having been kidnapped. Do you know about this?” Detective Henderson asked.

“Um, yes. We’ve actually been waiting for word.” Justin said, trying to remain calm. They’d found Gus. “Where is Gus now?”

“He’s at Allegheny General at the moment. He was in pretty bad shape when they found him.” The detective answered. Justin’s heart sank. Gus was hurt.

“I…..I need to find Brian and get to the hospital.” Justin said after a moment of silence.

“Yes, of course.” The detective said. Justin hung up the phone and got dressed, grabbing his keys and his cell phone, he ran downstairs. When he got out onto the sidewalk, he stopped in his tracks as he saw the corvette sitting there. Where was Brian? He leaned down and looked and saw Brian in the car, his head resting on the steering wheel. He moved around to the driver’s side and knocked on the window. The sound caused Brian to jump and he sat up, quickly wiping at his eyes before rolling down the window.

“How long have you been out here?” Justin asked. Brian looked at his watch, then at Justin.

“About forty five minutes or so.” Brian said with a shrug.

“Why didn’t you come in?” He wanted to hurry to the hospital but he was worried about Brian as well.

“I told myself I wouldn’t come home without Gus.” Brian replied, his voice shaking, tears threatening to fall.

“Brian, I got a phone call from the police department. They found Gus.” Justin couldn’t keep the smile off his face.


“They called about five minutes ago.” His smile faded. “He’s at General, though.”

“Wait….Gus is in the hospital? Is he okay?” Brian started to panic. He’d murder Chris Hobbs for hurting his little boy.

“I don’t know. He was okay enough to call 911, but they wouldn’t tell me anything else.” Justin answered before going around and getting in the passenger side. Brian smiled.

“I told you he’s smart.” He started the car and headed for the hospital.

“I never doubted it.” Justin replied, smiling as well.


Gus was very happy that his head didn’t hurt anymore and that the doctor’s said it was okay for him to go to sleep. He knew that they gave him some kind of medicine in the tube in his arm, but he didn’t know what it did. He liked that they gave him a bath, though. It was warm and the nurse that washed him was really gentle and really nice. They put him in a room with a lot of toys and a really big TV and he was allowed to watch whatever he wanted to watch. He heard them say something about him needing fluids and food. He didn’t know what fluids were but he guessed it had something to do with the tube in his arm.

“Hello, Gus.” The nice nurse said as she came into his room.

“Hi.” He said with a smile. It hurt a little when he smiled. The nurse said that his lip was cut and that he had a black eye. She also said that his head was hurt bad and that’s why they wouldn’t let him sleep for a while.

“Still can’t sleep?” She asked as she sat with him.

“Nope.” He said. He usually shook his head but it hurt too much, even with the medicine.

“Well, that’s good because you have a visitor.” The nurse smiled. Gus sat up a little bit.

“I do?” Gus asked. Moments later, his daddy walked into the room and he smiled really big even though it hurt. Brian walked over and sat on the other side of the bed, gathering Gus into his arms and holding him tight. Gus hugged back as tight as he could. He’d missed his daddy so much. He heard his daddy sniffle and he sat back, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Brian looked at Gus and chuckled.

“You really do look just like me, don’t you?” Brian asked. He kept it well hidden but he was having a momentary flashback to one of the many times Jack hit him.

“Why are you crying?” Gus asked, touching his daddy’s cheek. He was happy to see his daddy and he didn’t understand why his daddy was sad.

“I’m just…..I’m so happy you’re okay.” Brian answered. Gus didn’t know people cried when they were happy, too.

“Is Justin coming?” Gus asked.

“Justin’s parking the car; he’ll be in here soon.” Brian replied. Gus nodded. Brian moved so that he was leaning with his back against the headboard, his legs spread out on the small bed. Gus curled up with his head resting on Brian’s chest. He felt very safe in his daddy’s arms. “Your mom’s will be here shortly, too.” Brian commented after a minute.

“Okay.” Gus said. He missed his mommy and his mama and he wanted to see them, but right now he was just happy to have his daddy hold him and keep him safe.

“The doctor wants to keep him overnight for observation.” The nurse said. “He was malnourished and dehydrated and he’s got a concussion.” Brian nodded, gently kissing the top of Gus’ head.

“Hey, kiddo.” Justin said as he came into the room. He moved over and sat on the bed beside Brian.

“Hi, Justin.” Gus said, smiling. He moved away from his daddy long enough to hug Justin. He’d missed them all so much. After a minute, Brian hugged both Gus and Justin, causing Gus to laugh. “Gus sandwich!” He said. This caused Brian and Justin to both laugh.

“Gus needs to get some rest now.” The nurse said.

“Can my daddy stay?” Gus asked, clinging to Brian. He didn’t want his daddy to go away.

“Sure.” The nurse smiled. Brian looked at Justin.

“Why don’t you go wait for Mel and Linds?”

“Okay.” Justin said. They shared a quick kiss before Justin and the nurse left.

“Try to get some sleep, okay sonny boy?” Brian said, moving some hair behind Gus’ ear. It was getting so long; he’d have to get a haircut soon.

“Okay, daddy.” Gus said, curling up in Brian’s arms. Gus found that it was much easier to go to sleep now that his daddy was there to keep him safe. He drifted off in seconds. Brian sniffled as he looked down at Gus, unable to contain his emotions. He didn’t care that the money was gone. The cops had told him that Hobbs was nowhere to be found. Let the fucker have the money, he thought. All he cared about was that Gus was now safe at home once again.


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