Little Boy Lost

Part Five



The next morning, they were awakened by a knock on the door. They’d fallen asleep on the couch, curled up together. Justin got up and stretched. He started to head toward the door until he noticed Brian was already headed in that direction. He changed mid stride and headed into the kitchen to make some coffee. Brian went and answered the door, a little surprised to see a courier standing on the other side.

“Brian Kinney?” The courier asked. Brian nodded, confused. “Sign here.” The man held out a clip board. Brian signed and was handed a manila envelope. On the outside of the envelope is said “Follow these to get your kid back.”

“Where did you get this?” Brian asked suddenly.

“I’m just told to deliver…” He was cut off when Brian grabbed the front of his shirt.

“Where the fuck did you pick this up from?!” Brian was almost shoving the kid up against the wall. Justin came running over to see what the problem was.

“I didn’t pick it up!” The courier said. “This guy came into our office. Said it was important that this get delivered today!”

“You better not be fucking lying to me!” Brian let the kid go and moved into the living room, frantically tearing open the envelope. The courier took off running down the stairs.

“Brian, what is it?” Justin asked as he moved beside Brian.

“It’s from Hobbs.” Brian said. He carefully slid the piece of paper out of the envelope and looked at it. It was handwritten on a piece of copier paper. He read the note out loud. “Take $100,000 cash to the abandoned gas station on the corner of Greenbelt and Bennett at 1am. You will find one of the car bays unlocked. You will go inside, alone. Inside you will find an unmarked duffel bag. Put the money in the duffel bag, then leave. When you’ve done this, you’ll receive a phone call with directions to pick up your son. Do not involve the police. If you do, you will never see your son again.” He sighed.

“Brian, you have to call the cops.” Justin said, almost pleadingly.

“I can’t.” Brian shook his head. He then moved to the phone and started to make a call.

“Who are you calling, Brian?”

“My bank.” He’d have to empty his savings account, but he knew he could come up with the money.

“You can’t do this alone. There’s no guarantee he’ll come through with his end. You have to call the cops.”

“I can’t risk it, Justin. It’s bad enough this is happening because of me. I couldn’t live with myself of something else happened to Gus because I called the cops in. I’m doing this his way. It’s the only way to get Gus back in one piece.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing.” Justin said before heading into the bathroom.

“Me too, Sunshine. Me too.” Brian said quietly to himself as he waited for someone at the bank to pick up the phone.

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