Meant To Be

Chapter 5


Justin got up the next morning and went to see Debbie. He wasn’t sure if working at the diner would be a good thing under the circumstances, but at least he would be able to see Brian when he came in to meet the guys. He saw Debbie behind the counter and made his way over to talk to her. “Hi Debbie, remember me?” He asked.

“Of course I do, Sunshine. Are you here to see Michael? He hasn’t come in yet.” She replied.

“Sunshine?” Justin questioned.

“Sorry, but I give nicknames to all the boys around here. With that smile, I’d say that Sunshine is perfect for you.” She smiled.

“Thanks. Anyway, I came here to see you, actually. Michael said that you were looking to hire a new busboy. I want to apply for the job.” Justin told her. He was surprised when Debbie just turned and walked into the back without responding. He sat down at the counter and waited for her to return. When she came back, she tossed an apron at him and smiled.

“Does this mean I got the job? Just like that?” He asked.

“Just like that, Sunshine. Now get to work. There are a lot of tables that need to be cleaned. You can fill out the paperwork later. ”She handed him a large bucket for the dirty dishes and walked away to take some orders.

“Well, I guess I have a job,” Justin mumbled, then started cleaning the tables.

An hour later, Justin looked up to see Michael, Ted, and Emmett walk through the door. As he made his way over to say hello, he heard Michael talking about Brian and could tell he was pissed off about something. He strained to hear the conversation.

“I just can’t believe it. All of a sudden, he just takes off, with no warning! If I hadn’t called him this morning, I wouldn’t even have known he left. He wasn’t even going to tell me!” Michael exclaimed, his anger evident in his voice.

“Michael, he’s 30 years old. He doesn’t have to tell you his every move.” Ted pointed out.

“He’s 29, and my best friend. He should have told me he was leaving.” Michael grumbled.

“Michael, honey, maybe this was a spur of the moment trip. How long has he known about it?” Emmett asked, always trying to keep the piece.

“He said it just came up last night.” Michael answered with defeat.

“Well, see? I’m sure he would have called you when he got settled in Chicago. Now, let’s get some breakfast, I’m starved.” Emmett said.

Justin stopped short of the table, unable to believe what he had overheard. Brian had gone to Chicago? A trip that had come up last night? His mind went back to the scene in the jeep. Could Brian have left because of what happened between them? He shook off those thoughts, not believing that one kiss would cause Brian to leave the Pitts. As he approached the guys, he put on his best face, not wanting to show any emotion he may have had towards what he had overheard. “Hey, guys!” He exclaimed.

“Hey Justin!” Michael replied, jumping up to give Justin a quick kiss. He stepped back and took in the apron tied around his new lover. “I see you talked to my mother about a job. That’s great, but what time do you get off? I thought that maybe we could go to a movie or something.” He stated.

“I’m working till four, but a movie sounds good. I can borrow my mom’s car and pick you up at six, okay?” Justin asked, not really in the mood to go to a movie, but he had promised to try to make things work for them and he wanted to keep his promise.

“Great. I’ll see you at six!” Michael exclaimed. He was so happy that he and Justin seemed to be hitting it off. He watched the blond walk in the back before turning to the guys and deciding what to order for breakfast. Knowing that he was going on a date with Justin made him happy enough to forget all about his best friend taking off without telling him.

Later that night, Justin found himself in Michael’s apartment. After the movie, they had decided to go to Babylon for awhile, but Michael wanted to go home to shower and change first. While Michael was in the shower the phone rang. Justin reached for the phone without thinking about it and was surprised to find Brian on the other end.

“Hello?” Justin answered.

“Justin?” Brian questioned, recognizing the blonds voice immediately. The voice had haunted him for the last 24 hours.

“Yeah. Brian, is that you?” Justin asked, feeling a little dizzy hearing the voice on the other end of the line.

“Yeah, I was looking for Mikey. Is he there?” He asked, feeling a sense of anger at the thought of Justin alone with Mikey in the apartment.

“He’s in the shower.” Justin replied, realizing how things must have looked to Brian and wanting to make him understand why he was there. “We went to a movie, and Michael wanted to come home and change before we went to Babylon.” He explained self-consciously.

“Oh, so you went out on a real date tonight. Things must be working out okay for the two of you then?” Brian asked, hating the disappointment he heard in his voice.

“I guess. It’s only been a couple of days, but Michael seems like a great guy.” Justin told him, wishing he could feel more enthusiastic about the two of them. He hated feeling like he was settling for Michael, but he couldn’t help the feelings he had for the man on the phone.

“Yeah, he is a great guy. One of the best. I guess I’ll let you go, then. Just tell Mikey that I’ll be home on Friday. I’ll talk to him then.” Brian said, not wanting to break the connection with Justin.

“Uh, yeah, I’ll give him the message. Take care, Brian.” Justin said.

“You too, Justin.” Brian replied.

Justin stood there, holding the receiver in his hand until he heard Michael come out of the bathroom.

“Is there someone on the phone?” Michael asked.

“Oh, Brian called. He said to tell you that he would be home on Friday and he would talk to you then. I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have answered the phone.” Justin apologized.

“It’s okay, I’m glad you did. Brian hates answering machines and refuses to leave a message. Let me finish getting dressed, and then we can go.” Michael kissed Justin before walking into the bedroom.

Justin was really starting to feel guilty about his feelings for Brian. Michael seemed oblivious to the thoughts going through his mind and Justin promised himself to put Brian out of his thoughts for good. He had until Friday to work on that promise. He just wished he knew how to forget about the beautiful man with hazel eyes.

Brian hung up the phone, cursing himself for what he was feeling. Was it jealously? He wasn’t sure, all he did know was that he didn’t like the thought of Justin being alone with Michael in the apartment. He knew that his feelings were unjustified, being that Justin and Mikey were seeing each other, but he couldn’t help the way he felt. “Fuck this!” he exclaimed to the empty room. He grabbed is jacket and headed out of his hotel room. He needed a drink, and if he was lucky he might just be able to find someone to make him forget about the blue eyes that had invaded his mind way too much for his liking.

On Friday night, Brian found himself at Babylon, having had too many shots of beam in honor of landing his new client. At the rate he was going, Brian knew he would make partner sometime in the next year. He figured that was reason enough to get rip roaring drunk even though, he knew the real reason had nothing to do with work. It had to do with a certain blond making his way over to him with Michael. Brian hadn’t called Mikey when he got back, hoping to avoid this particular situation, now it was right in front of him. “Hey Mikey.” Brian slurred, when the guys reached him.

“Brian! Why didn’t you call me when you got back? We would have met you here? How did your trip go? Did you get the client?” Michael asked.

“Of course I did, Mikey. I’m here to celebrate.” He replied, downing another shot as if to prove his point.

“It looks like you have done enough celebrating, Brian. Is everything okay? You’ve been acting a little strange lately, even for you.” Michael said, looking at his best friend.

“Everything’s wonderful, Mikey. Don’t worry about me.” Brian responded, before getting up and walking into the backroom.

Michael looked over at Justin with worry in his eyes. “Something must be bothering him. He’s been acting weird ever since last weekend. I hate when he gets like this.” Michael told him.

“Maybe he just has a lot on his mind, with work and all.” Justin offered, wondering if it was just a coincidence that Brian’s weird behavior started around the same time as the kiss they’d shared. ‘Is it possible that the kiss meant as much to Brian as it did him?’ Justin thought.

“I don’t know, but I’m not going to let it ruin our evening. Let’s dance!” Michael exclaimed, grabbing Justin and pulling him out on the dance floor. They danced for a couple of songs, enjoying the beat of the music, putting thoughts of Brian out of their minds. Justin was not only beautiful, but he was a great dancer, and Michael loved the attention he was receiving by just being with the blond. He was startled to find Brian at his side.

“Hey Mikey, mind if I dance with your boyfriend?” Brian slurred.

“Uh, I guess, if it’s okay with Justin.” Michael replied, looking over at Justin to see his reaction. Something was going on with Brian, and Michael got a funny feeling that it had nothing to do with work. He would have to try to get it out of the man so he could help, but now was not the time. He stood back, waiting for Justin’s reply.

“Uh, sure.” Justin answered, feeling giddy at the thought of dancing with Brian. As Michael leaned in to give him a kiss, Justin could feel Brian staring at them, unnerved by the feelings it created.

“I’ll be over at the bar. Have fun.” Michael said, glad to see that his best friend was giving his boyfriend a chance.

Justin was watching Michael from the dance floor, and was surprised when Brian pulled him in close. Before he knew it, they were bumping and grinding in the middle of the dance floor, with all eyes on them. The heat passing between the two men was astounding, their chemistry overwhelming, and Justin was lost in the passion he was experiencing from their contact.

Brian’s head was spinning out of control by the feeling of Justin’s body so close to his own. He was lost in another world and didn’t want the feeling to end. The shots that he had done earlier were causing his brain to cloud with visions of the two of them, naked and panting in bed. Shaking his head to clear away the visions, he pulled Justin closer. Grinding his hard on against Justin’s leg.

“Uh, Brian?” Justin questioned.

“Yeah?” Brian replied.

“I…uh…don’t think this is a good idea.” Justin groaned, loving the feel of Brian’s cock rubbing against his body, but knowing it was wrong.

“And why is that? You don’t trust yourself around me?” Brian chuckled, knowing the kid was enjoying their dance as much as he was.

“No…I mean…yes…that’s not what I meant. I don’t want Michael to see us like this.” Justin stammered, uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going.

“See us like what? Hot for each other? Bumping and grinding together, unable to keep our hands off each other?” Brian said with a sparkle in his eyes.

“Brian, stop it.” Justin said more forcefully.

“Is that what you really want, Sonny boy?” Brian asked.

Justin was saved from answering when Michael came up behind him. He wrapped his arms around his chest and whispered in his ear. “Can I cut in?”

“I…uh…think I should be getting home. My mom doesn’t like it when I’m out late with her car. Do you want me to give you a ride home?” Justin asked, anxious to get out of there.

“No, I better stay here and keep an eye on Brian. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Michael replied.

“Okay, talk to you tomorrow.” Justin said. He leaned in to give Michael a quick kiss, but Michael had other ideas. He grabbed the back of Justin’s neck and captured his mouth in a heated kiss. As Justin pulled back, he glanced over at Brian, only to see an angered look on his face. ‘Could he be jealous?’ Justin thought to himself. He pushed those thoughts aside, filing them in the back of his mind to sort through later. “Bye, Brian.” He said, as he walked away.

“See ya, Sonny boy.” Brian smirked. He wasn’t sure what was happening between the two of them, but he had a feeling it was going to be a long ride.

On the ride home, Justin’s mind kept going back to the dance that he and Brian had shared. When Brian had asked him if he really wanted him to stop, he was happy to be interrupted by Michael. Otherwise, he might have been tempted to admit the truth. That truth was that he didn’t want Brian to stop. That being with Brian was all he had thought about since meeting him the week before. As he pulled into his driveway, one thought kept running through his mind. ‘What am I going to do?’

End of part 5

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