A Child's Needs


Part 2





Brian went upstairs after Justin left and helped Gus get ready to head over to the park. It was a warm Saturday morning, but Brian stuffed a light jacket for Gus into his backpack they usually carry with them to the park just in case he got chilly. Gus also picked out toys, mostly his action figures to play with in the sandbox. They walked down to the park not too far from the house. It was the same one that Lindsay and Mel would take Gus to all the time. Gus knew a lot of the kids who come there with their parents on the weekends.


As soon as they reached the park Gus spotted Sarah, Paul Schuster’s daughter, and some of his other friends and took off in their direction. Brian smirked and took a seat on the *parent bench*. Gus would usually play with his friends for a little while, and then come and drag Brian into the *fun*. Little did Gus know that his father would be content to just sit on the bench and watch him play. Either way Brian was glad for a little time to himself.  His head was preoccupied with thoughts of Justin and the fact that he was threatening to take Gus from him because of those uptight Petersons. Even though Justin never confirmed it was the Petersons, Brian knew it couldn’t be anyone else. He also knew he had to contact his lawyer.


“Hey you look a million miles away”


“Huh” Brian was brought out of his thoughts as Paul Schuster, Mel and Lindsay’s lawyer took a seat next to him. Brian and Paul had gotten to know each better over the last few months. They meet up at the park when Paul is there with his daughter Sarah.


“I said you look a million miles away,” Paul repeated


“Yeah, I got an unexpected visitor today.”


“Oh, is it that time of month again?” Paul said and chuckled at his own joke. He looked at Brian and saw he was not laughing. “Okay bad joke.”


“I’ve yet to hear a good one from you.”


“Ouch.” Paul continued to look at Brian and saw he was not in a joking mood at all. “What’s going on? You seem really serious. I take it this unexpected visitor was not a good thing.”


“It was the Department of Child Welfare; I was informed today that a complaint was filed against me as an unfit father.”


“Are you serious, by whom?”


“They are not at liberty to say; but I think we know exactly who is behind this.”


“What exactly did this person say?”


“He said I’m being investigated and if I’m found unfit or Gus’s welfare is in jeopardy in anyway, they will take him from me and place him in a foster home. I don’t know what the Peterson’s told this guy, but they really did number on me. He came in ready to save poor Gus from the hell I was raising him in.”


“Brian did you keep your cool? The last thing you want to do is get on the bad side of these people. They can very hard to deal with it,” Paul cautioned


“Keep my cool? Tell me Paul, how would you react if someone came into your home and told you they hold the right to decide if Sarah will be taken away from you? Some stranger just walks in out the blue?” Brian was visibly upset, but he tried to keep his voice low. He didn’t want Gus to hear him even though he was out of ear shot.


“Point made. If accusations are made against you Brian, let me know. I’ll stand up for you. I see how you take care of Gus, after what he has gone through he could be a much different child. Brian you’re a good father,” Paul said matter of factly


“Thanks Paul.”


“With that being said Brian, It won’t hurt to co-operate with these people. I know it’s hard to be friendly with someone who is trying to disrupt your family, but if you’re hostile he may think you have something to hide. Just be friendly.”


Brian looked at Paul before saying innocently, “Is fucking him in the backroom of Babylon friendly enough?”


“What?...Brian you didn’t...please tell me you're joking,” Paul stuttered


Brian was saved from answering when Gus and Sarah came over. The stunned look on Paul’s face brought a smile to Brian’s. Paul was dragged over to the swings by his daughter, while Gus dragged Brian over to the sand box to play with his Spiderman action figures.


Brian played with Gus and some of the other little boys. Brian, of course is always the villain and Gus, of course is always the hero. They stayed in the park until it was close to lunch time. Gus was starting to feel hungry and remembered his Daddy promised him a hotdog.


“Daddy the hot dog man is here. You promised me a hotdog.”


“Yes I did.” Brian looked down at his now dirty son and also down at his own filthy hands. “I’ll tell you what, why don’t we walk back to the house and get cleaned up and drive to the diner for a better hotdog? We can even get fries. How does that sounds?”


“Yaaay!!” Gus answered as he stood up ready to leave. “Will Grandma Debbie be there?”


“Most likely.”


“Good.” Gus helped his daddy collect all his toys together. He said goodbye to his friends and grabbed his Daddy by the hand as they made their way out of the park. Brian looked over towards the swings and nodded a goodbye to Paul. Paul nodded back and yelled he would call Brian later. Brian nodded again; it would only work in his favor if things turned ugly to have Mel and Lindsay personal lawyer in his corner. When they reached the house Brian helped Gus wash his face and hands and change his shirt, he did the same. They left the house again and climbed into the jeep. Brian drove to the diner, and of course Debbie was there when they arrived.


Brian walked over to the counter and lifted Gus up into one of the stools. He sat next to him.


“Hey boys,” Deb said as she spotted them. “Popping in for some lunch?”


“Well Sonny Boy here has a craving for hotdogs.”


“Is that right?”


Guys nodded his head vigorously in answer. “And French fries,” he said happily.


“Well, we can take care of that.” Deb leaned forward and said and a mock whisper. “And how about a nice chocolate shake to wash it all down?”


“Yes please, Grandma.” Gus twitched in his seat from excited.


Both Debbie and Brian chuckled at how happy Gus was over the simplest things. “You have yourself a great kid there,” Deb said as she turned to Brian to take his order.


“You don’t have to tell me.”


“So you want a hotdog too?”


“Ugh no…I’ll have a Turkey sandwich, on wheat no mayo.”


“I guess you don’t want a shake either.”


“Um...that would be a no. I’ll have coffee. Oh, and a salad if the lettuce is fresh.”


“Of course it’s fresh, smart ass.” Deb playfully swatted Brian with her order pad before leaving to put their order in with the kitchen.


Their food arrived and Gus talked the whole time while he ate. Brian sat and listened patiently as his son spoke, ever so often he would sneak fries from Gus’ plate. Every single time Gus would giggle wildly.


“I saw you Daddy.”


“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Brian would say innocently with a mouth full of fries.


This caused Gus to giggle even louder. “Daddy!”


The other patrons would glance in their direction smiling. Deb would glance over ever so often and look at her boys proudly. After the last of the fries were eaten, Brian called Debbie over for the check.


“Here you go kiddo,” she said as she handed it to him. “So what are your plans for the rest of the day?”


“Not sure yet.” Brian looked at the check and placed some bills on the counter. “We may stop by the video store and just hang out at home for the rest of the day.”


“Well that sounds like a nice plan, doesn’t it Gus?” Deb said to him


“Uh huh.” Gus said in agreement as his father helped him down off the stool.


“Bye Deb.”


“Bye Grandma.”


“Good bye guys,” Debbie said as she walked over to take the order of new customers.


Brian and Gus climbed back into the jeep and drove to the video store before heading home.






When Justin returned home after leaving Brian’s earlier that morning, his mind was preoccupied with trying to figure out what to do next where Brian was concerned. He couldn’t believe his luck when Brian Kinney opened the door and he came face to face with the trick from the night before. He couldn’t believe that the two people that had been invading his thoughts since the previous evening were one and the same. God must have been playing a cruel game with him. Pushing aside those thoughts, Justin made his way over to his computer and booted up. He figured he would start searching the internet, seeing what he could learn about Brian’s company.


A few hours later, Justin sat at his computer confused by what he had found. Not only was Kinnetik a strong advertising company, it was well in the black making Brian a ton of money. He read through business report after business report, all claiming that Kinnetik was one of the up and coming companies of 2004. Even Fortune 500 claimed that it was in the top ten with expectations of it rising even higher in the near future.


None of it made any sense. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson claimed that Brian was only after Gus’s inheritance, but if what Justin had been reading was true, Brian didn’t need his son’s money. Kinnetik was making more than enough to keep Brian living a good life, and had been since long before Gus’s mothers were killed. There had to be another angle. If money wasn’t an option, there had to be something that caused Brian Kinney to want to be a full time dad to a son that he never wanted to begin with.


He thought back to the conversation between father and son that he had overheard and wondered if maybe the Peterson’s were wrong. Maybe he really did love his son and want to be a father to him. Unless, of course, Brian had somehow known he was there listening. Justin remembered back to his own childhood and all the abuse he suffered at his own father’s hands. No one on the outside world had a clue what was going on. All those snotty members of the country club thought that Craig Taylor was the king of their land and that Justin was just a clumsy kid that always managed to fall down and hurt himself, explaining the bruises that occasionally showed up in places that couldn’t be hidden. Craig knew how to play the loving father in a room full of people and never let on of his hatred and anger towards his only son. It was all an act that his father had mastered for the sake of others. Who’s to say that Brian Kinney hadn’t mastered those same skills?  After all, he did willingly sign over his rights when Gus was born. Why would someone who loves and wants to be a father to their child do something like that?


After hours of staring at the computer screen Justin took a break. He got up from the computer and headed to the fridge for something to eat. He had the windows open in his tiny one bedroom apartment, and could hear the people sitting out on the stoop laughing and enjoying themselves. Most of the tenants in the building thought of him as a hermit. In a way he was; he didn’t socialize with any of them. He was always working, if he was not in his office working, he was either at home working or doing field visits. He rarely had visitors at home except when his one and only close friend Daphne came by in an attempt to drag him to a movie or to dinner.


Justin sat back down at his computer after preparing himself a sandwich. He wanted to see what else he could locate on Brian Kinney and Kinnetik when his doorbell. He peeked out his window and saw the familiar blue car parked out front. He went to the front door and pressed the buzzer to open the downstairs door. He opened his front door and sat back at his computer.

Daphne walked through the front door a few moments later and closed it behind her.


“One of these days you are going to buzz in a mass murder,” she said as she walked over to where Justin was working on the computer.


“I saw your car out the window, and hello to you, too.” Justin spoke between bites of his sandwich.


“Hello.” Daphne placed her purse on the small table “I guess dinner is out,” Daphne said as she watched Justin devour his sandwich. “How about we go to a movie or something?”


“Can’t Daph, I have way to much work to do.”


“Justin you always have to much work to do. Come on let’s go do something crazy tonight. Take me to one of those gays bars. We can look at gorgeous men and who knows? Maybe you would get lucky.” Daphne looked at Justin excitedly.


Daphne’s words brought back visions of Brian Kinney and the feel of his lips and body. Justin pushed the thought to back of his mind. “One night stands are not my thing, and like I said I have to much work to do.”


Daphne sighed in disappointment. “You know Justin, what’s the fun in being a fag hag if your fag never has any fun?”


Justin could not help but chuckle. “Well maybe you need to find a fag who’s more fun to hag or NAG?”


“Ha ha, very funny. I just may have to replace you. And I know the perfect person. There’s the father of one of my students. Justin, he is gorgeous. He is tall, slim and has the most amazing hazel eyes. Man, he’s a walking wet dream. I bet he would change your mind about one night stands in a heartbeat.”


Justin got up and headed towards the kitchen to get a drink. “Don’t trust walking hazel eyed wet dreams. Trust me they are nothing but trouble.”


“Humph, like you would know,” Daphne said as she walked around to the front of the computer and picked up the file Justin had sitting there. “Is this the case you’re working on?”


 “Daphne put that down. You know you can’t read the files,” Justin yelled as he walked back towards her.


Daphne flipped the file open anyway, she saw Brian Kinney’s name and was shocked. “You’re investigating Brian?”


“Daphne you shouldn’t be reading that…what do you mean Brian? You know him?”


“Yes, he’s the fucking wet dream. Why do you have a file on him?”


“I can’t discuss that with you.” Justin reached over and pulled the file out of Daphne’s hands.


“Yes you can. Why do you have file on him?” Daphne repeated.


Justin could see she was not going to let this go. “A complaint was filed against him as an unfit parent and it is my job to investigate it.”


“A complaint… by whom? It can’t be by someone who knows him.”


“Daphne you are obviously biased in your feelings.”


“Biased my ass. I saw what this little boy went through after his Mothers died. It was Brian who adjusted to becoming a fulltime father and made sacrifices to help his son.”


“Daphne, has it ever occurred to you that maybe this Kinney is only allowing you to see what he wants you to see? You don’t know what goes on in his home.”


“And neither do you, Justin. Okay, lets just say Brian is putting on an act. What about Gus, huh? How can a four year old pretend to be adjusting and thriving instead of declining? Hmm, explain that.”


“It is possible he maybe thriving from other influences and not from his father? Maybe his father is a seedy individual who is squandering his childs inheritance and frequents seedy bars and backrooms.”


Daphne looked at Justin as if he had grown a second head. “What the hell are you talking about? You know what, never mind. I think I need to leave before things turn ugly.” Daphne grabbed her purse and headed for the front door.


“Daphne…Daph come on... let’s not fight over this.” Justin followed her to the front door. Daphne refused to turn around. Justin watched her leave and closed the door behind her. He looked down at the file he still held in his hand and slammed it down on the desk next to the computer. He sat in his chair in front of the computer and closed his eyes.


*I have to get the fuck out of here,* he sighed to himself before shutting off the computer.






Justin found himself once again walking through the front door of Babylon. He wasn’t sure what had possessed him to go back there again. He just knew that after watching Daphne walking away he needed to get out and forget for awhile. After glancing around the room, he made his way over to the bar and ordered a double. He knew he was going to need it. Once he downed the drink and ordered another, his eyes roamed the dance floor, unconsciously looking for the tall dark haired man that had been invading his mind. Refusing to believe that he was looking for Brian for any reason other than to prove that he was still a club hound thinking only of himself and not his son, Justin waited until the bartender made his way back before striking up a conversation.


“Place looks busy tonight,” Justin said, hoping to get the information he was looking for.


“Of course, it’s Saturday night. All the fags come out on Saturday,” the bartender replied with a small chuckle.


“I see,” Justin replied before continuing with his plan. “Hey, is Kinney here tonight?”


“Kinney?  Brian Kinney…hell no, he’s not here. He was here last night, but that was unusual. Kinney hardly ever shows up here anymore, much to the disappointment of everyone in this place. Rumor has it that he’s raising his son now. I don’t know how true that is, but something is obviously keeping him away. If you were looking to score with him, you better rethink your plans,” he replied, looking Justin up and down before continuing. “Now if you want to wait around for awhile, I get off at midnight.”


Justin tried not to visibility shudder at the bartender’s suggestion. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll pass,” he said before walking away towards the dance floor.


He didn’t have much time to think about the information he learned before he felt someone come up behind him, snaking their arms around his waist.


“Wanna dance, Blondie?”


Justin turned around and looked at the man who had spoken. He wasn’t too hard on the eyes and Justin found himself thinking ‘what the hell’ while he was being lead to the center of the floor. He closed his eyes and let the music lead him while he and the other man danced together, oblivious to those around them. After a few songs had passed, Justin grabbed the trick by the arms and pulled him into the back room. He needed to get his mind off Brian Kinney for awhile and getting a blow job sounded like a good plan of action.


He found an empty space by the door and leaned against the wall, watching as the trick got down on his knees before him. It wasn’t long until Justin could feel his cock being surrounded by a warm mouth. He tried losing himself in the sensations, but found that he couldn’t fully concentrate. Every time he closed his eyes, his mind would think back to the previous night and what it felt like to be under Brian Kinney’s spell. He thought back to what it had felt like being entered by Brian and that thought alone caused his cock to harden more then the mouth that was around him.


The trick obviously thought it was him causing Justin’s arousal and sped up his ministrations, deep throating the blonde’s eight inch cock as if it was a lifeline.


Justin could feel the trick picking up the pace and tried desperately to push away thoughts of Brian. He could feel his balls tightening, signaling his upcoming release and grabbed the man’s head as he moaned through his orgasm. Once his breathing was almost back to normal, he opened his eyes to see the trick looking at him expectantly.


“Thanks, I gotta go,” Justin mumbled as he refastened his pants and made his way out of the back room and out of the club. He jumped into his car and spent the whole ride home trying to push away the disappointment of the blow job, refusing to believe it had anything to do with the man who was haunting his thoughts.


Justin took a long hot shower when he got home. He could barely sleep and ended up tossing and turning most of the night. This wasn’t unusual, though. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a peaceful rest. Night time is when his mind always wandered the most. His thoughts were invaded by the children he saved and those he couldn’t; including himself. After a few hours of attempting to sleep he gave up. Justin glanced at the clock as it flashed 6:30 am. He decided to get dressed and head over to his office. He had other cases on his desk he needed to focus on for a while.


The building security was not surprise to see him. Justin was often in the office after hours or on the weekends. He was pretty much the only one that would come in on Sunday mornings. He had been there for a few hours updating some files when he started to feel hungry. The building cafeteria was closed on the weekends, so he put away the file he was working on and decided to head home.


He was driving down Liberty Avenue when he saw the sign for the Liberty Diner. He had passed the place a few times before but had never stopped. He was not sure of what compelled him to stop today.


As he walked in and looked around, he saw a few open booths but did not want to sit at a booth all alone. He spotted an open seat at the counter and decided to sit there; three of the four seats at the counter where already filled.  The guys sitting there were talking and laughing with an older waitress with bright red curly hair. She noticed Justin as soon as he sat down.


“Hey there handsome, you new around here?”


“Um, yeah I guess. I’ve never been here before.”


“Well obviously, I would remember a face like that. I’m Debbie, you got a name?”


Justin looked at the woman strangely. He had never been in a restaurant where a waitress asked him his name before. “It’s Justin.”


“Justin huh? Justin, you’re just in time for our blueberry pancake special… get it, Justin...just in time?” Debbie cackled at her own joke. She turned to the shorter man sitting next to Justin. “Michael didn’t you think that was funny?”


“Yeah Ma, it was hilarious,” Michael said slightly embarrassed. He turned to Justin and shrugged his shoulders in a sort of apology.


“Oh, what do you know? You have no sense of humor,” Deb said before turning her attentions back to Justin.


Debbie had not asked Justin's order yet, and not knowing what to say he asked the obvious. “So this is your son.”


“Well all these boy’s are mine. He’s just the only one I carried around for nine months and was in labor with for 36 hours.”


“Ma, I’m sure this total stranger does not care to hear all of this.”


“He’s not a stranger, he’s Justin… So Justin, do you want to try our pancake special this morning?”


“Ah… no, I’ll just have coffee and some wheat toast, please.”


“You sure honey? You’re awfully skinny. How about some eggs, scrambled with cheese?”


Justin looked at this strange woman whom he just met, mothering him like she known him for years. He should be annoyed by her audacity, but he wasn’t. He actually felt warmed by it. “The eggs would be nice, thank you.”


“What manners, Michael you should take a lesson from this kid.”


“Hey I’m the mannerable one remember? Brian is the rude one.”


Justin’s ears perked up at the mention of the name Brian. ‘Brian is such a common name’ he thought to himself. There was no way they are talking about Brian Kinney.


“Well Brian isn’t here,” Deb said as she went to put Justin’s order in.


“Hey yeah, where is Brian?” Emmett asked.


Justin cast a quick glance toward the more flamboyant one of the three that were sitting at the counter.


“He’s probably still recovering from Friday night. The King of Babylon seems to be a little out of practice,” Ted interjected


 Justin shamelessly listened to the conversation.


“Ted, I would not let him hear you say that. And for your information Brian’s stud reputation is still intact,” Michael said in Brian’s defense. “He even put another notch on his belt with some blonde at Babylon Friday night. Don’t let the fatherhood thing throw ya, Brian Kinney will not be de-throned.”


Justin was stunned when he realized they were indeed talking about the same Brian Kinney, and even more stunned at the fact he was considered another notch in Brian’s belt.


“Michael you are such a loyal worshipper,” Emmett said with a chuckle.


Debbie returned and placed Justin’s coffee in front of him. Justin lost what little appetite he had and part of him wanted to leave, but a larger part propelled him to stay and see what else he could find out.


“What so funny guys” Deb asked


“Nothing Deb, we were just talking about Brian...he should have a slogan like McDonalds. Over a Million Served,” Emmett said


“But not twice,” Ted added.


Debbie laughed along with the guys as Justin sat quietly trying not to show that the conversation disturbed him.


“Yeah that’s our Brian. I may pop in to visit him more often. Gus was practically pushing Brian out the door Friday night. The poor thing couldn’t wait to get away from him… and they were having a video party yesterday.”


“Mmm, isn’t Gus a little young for that?”       


“Teddy,” Debbie said laughing


Justin heard enough. His mind was in overdrive with all the conflicting information about this guy. When he was eavesdropping on Brian with Gus yesterday morning, he thought maybe the Peterson’s were wrong. And Daphne was so strong in her conviction that Brian was father of the year. But then to hear that this man makes a sport out of how many guys he can fuck was unbelievable. To make matters worse Justin was now on that list.


“Ma’am?” Justin said to get Debbie attention



“Ma’am? Honey, I told you my name is Debbie.”


“Sorry Debbie, could I get my check? I forgot I have to be someplace.”


“Oh...Okay I can wrap your food to go,” Debbie offered.


“No that‘s okay I have to get going.” Justin stood up and took a few bills from his pocket.


“Well then sweetie you only owe me for a cup a coffee, since you haven’t been served yet.”


Justin handed Debbie a couple of dollars before heading out of the diner.


Debbie looked at Emmett, Michael and Ted and shrugged her shoulders.

“Was it something I said?”


“Most likely,” Michael said as he ducked out of the way of his mothers flying dishtowel.


After leaving the diner, Justin had headed to the gym to try to work off some of his frustrations. He wasn’t a big fan of working out, but had kept a membership for times when he needed to think. For some reason, a total workout always eased his mind. Once he was done, he showered and headed downtown, hoping to lose himself in some of the galleries there. By the time he had given up and gone back to his apartment, it was after seven. He cooked himself some dinner and finally allowed himself to think about what he had overheard that morning.



Brian Kinney was the King of Babylon? That could not be good for his poor son at home. He knew that the bartender from the night before said that Brian was never around anymore, but that didn’t mean he changed his way. Michael said it himself, Brian would not be de-throned. That was definitely not an environment that Gus Kinney should be raised in. Brian probably just brought his tricks home with him on the nights he didn’t have a sitter. Justin had to find a way to prove that Gus would be better off with the love and support of his grandparents rather then the cocky stud that donated his sperm four years ago. Justin may just have been another notch on the man’s bed post, but that didn’t mean he was going to sit back and let another child be ruined by their parents lack of morals.



Sunday evening Brian was straightening up Gus’s room when he heard his son call out to him from the bathroom.


“Okay Daddy, my teeth are all brushed and I’m ready for bed.”


“Okay Gus, let me look and see if you missed any,” Brian replied as he approached.


He would have loved to watch Gus while he brushed his teeth, but Gus had gotten it in his head that he was a big boy and could do it himself. Brian figured it was better to allow him to show his independence on the smaller issues so he wouldn’t fight so hard on the bigger ones. After careful inspection Brian kissed his son’s forehead and carried him into his room, depositing him on the bed.


“So, what will tonight’s story be?”


“Will you tell me the one about how I was borned?” Gus asked sleepily.


“Gus, I’ve told you that story four times this week. Don’t you want to hear something new?”


“Nope! It’s my favorite. Please Daddy?” Gus pleaded, knowing that his daddy would give in. He always gave in when Gus used what his Mommy used to call his whiney voice.


“Oh, alright. Climb in under the covers and I’ll tell you again,” Brian conceded easily. He was always a sucker for the whiney voice and Gus knew it.


“Ready Daddy,” Gus said as he snuggled under the covers.


“Once upon a time there were to princesses who loved each other very much. They had a happy life, but knew that they needed a baby to make their lives perfect. One day Princess Lindsay decided to ask a favor of her friend Prince Brian. She asked him if he could give her and Princess Melanie the greatest gift of all; a son. Prince Brian wasn’t sure if that was such a good idea, but he wanted to make his friend happy so he agreed. On the day that little Gus was born, Prince Brian raced to the hospital to see the new baby. He immediately fell in love with his son and knew that his life would never be the same. Between the two princesses and the prince, baby Gus had more than enough love to help him grow up happy. Then one day, the princesses were called to heaven because God needed to have them there with him to help him watch over the world. Prince Brian and little Gus were heartbroken to lose the princesses, but they understood that their princesses were needed elsewhere and didn’t want to be selfish. Now, even though Prince Brian and little Gus missed the princesses, they knew that they had two very special angels watching over them, waiting for the day when they could all be reunited together in heaven.”


Brian noticed that Gus had fallen asleep, and he took a few minutes to watch his son in awe. Who would have thought that Brian Kinney would turn out to be a full time Dad, cooking, cleaning and telling bedtime stories about God and Heaven? He may not believe in things like that, but he was determined to give Gus something to believe in the little boy’s own life was so brutally altered all those months ago. He brushed the stray hair off Gus’s forehead before kissing him softly and quietly walking out of the room.


Once he was downstairs, Brian threw himself down on the couch and let him mind wander over everything that had happened in the last few days. His first thought was of the great trick he had on Friday night. It had been a long time since Brian had the time or the energy to go out for some mindless fucking and the blond that he found had been well above any expectations he had for the evening. Unfortunately, what he thought had been a stroke of luck turned into his biggest nightmare and one of the best tricks of his life turned out to be the one man who could destroy him.


Brian may not have signed on to be a full time father, but that was then and now Gus was the most important person in his life. He wasn’t the same man that he used to be. The Stud of Liberty Avenue was gone. He wasn’t coming back, and Brian was going to do whatever it took to keep Justin Taylor from taking away Gus and by extension, his life.



End of part 2



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