
Chapter Twenty-Eight



Agent Harrison went and knocked on Ezra's bedroom door. When he heard, "Come in," he quickly opened the door.

"We need to get you both out of here. Agents Sanders and Mullard are on their way."

"Why? What's goin' on?" questioned Vin.

"The safe-house has been compromised. Mister Travis called and they have Stilts, Brown, and Millard in custody. They found out that there's a leak in the D.A.'s office and Mounds knows where you are. He's probably on his way," Agent Harrison quickly explained.

"Shit!" said an angry and concerned Vin.

Ezra quickly, but gently, got off the bed and said, "We had better be taking our leave."

"Not so fast," said a voice from the doorway.

Looking at the person that had spoken, Agent Harrison gasped. Agent Milter was standing there, pointing his gun at them. "Luke! What are you doing?!"

Agent Milter gave a smirk and asked, "What's it look like? I'm keeping you from leaving until Mister Mounds gets here."

"You're working for him? I've known you for years and you've always been a by-the-book kind of agent!" said a shocked Agent Harrison.

Agent Milter shrugged. "What can I say? I realized that going by the book doesn't pay as much as throwing the book out. With what Mister Mounds is paying me, I'll be able to retire years early."

"You piece of --" Vin growled as he started toward Agent Milter.

Agent Milter shook his head, keeping his gun aimed on them. "Back right up, Agent Tanner. Or, I'll start shooting."

"Vin," Ezra said softly.

Vin sighed, his eyes never leaving Agent Milter as he backed up to stand by Ezra's side. "Good little agent," said a smirking Agent Milter. He just laughed as Vin growled at him.

"You won't get away with this," said Agent Harrison. "Sanders and Mullard will be here soon."

"No, they won't. I never called them. And, if they do have the misfortune of showing up for some reason, well --" Agent Milter said, letting them use their imaginations to finish the threat.

Looking at his watch, Agent Milter said, "Mister Mounds should be here in thirty minutes. Why don't we all go back out front and have a seat." They knew that it was more of an order than a question.

When they had reached the living room, Agent Harrison made his move. He quickly spun around and head butted Agent Milter in the stomach.

"Ooof," grunted Agent Milter as he stumbled back. Agent Harrison got Agent Milter's back to Vin and Ezra. Vin found a poker by the fireplace and grabbed it. Before he could strike Agent Milter with it, there was a loud bang.

Agent Harrison fell to the floor, blood staining the front of his shirt. Before Agent Milter could turn back around, Vin hit him at the base of the neck with the poker. Agent Milter fell forward, out cold. "Do you have anything to tie him up with?" Vin asked Ezra.

Ezra nodded and hurried off. Vin checked Agent Harrison for a pulse, finding none. He closed the agent's eyes and sighed. He had hoped that the agent would still be alive.

Ezra showed back up, holding some rope. Vin took the rope and hog-tied Agent Milter, using triple knots. When he was satisfied that the agent wouldn't be able to get loose, he said, "Come on. We've gotta get out of here." After a pause, he said, "I can faintly hear a helicopter. We've gotta hurry, it's probably Mounds."

"Agent Harrison?" Ezra asked.

"Sorry, Ez, he's dead."

Ezra sighed, grabbed their jackets, and they took off into the surrounding woods.

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