
Chapter Twenty-One


It was six-thirty in the morning before Orrin was able to arrive home. And that was just to pick up Evie and Billy, and to give Chris a call.

When the phone was answered, Orrin spoke. "Chris, it's Orrin. I apologize for calling you so early. I wanted to let you know, that I have met with the D.A., and Mary's arraignment is set for noon today. And, I will be unreachable for an hour or two. Evie and I are suing Mary for custody of Billy, and we have to be there at nine."

"Alright," Chris replied on the other end of the phone. "Do the other guys and I need to be at the arraignment?"

"It's not required. But, if you wish, you may attend. I will talk to you and your team later. Good-bye." And, with that said, Orrin hung up the phone.

Evie walked into the living room and worriedly looked at her tired husband. "Are you alright, Orrin? Maybe we should postpone the hearing about Billy. I'm sure the judge will understand."

Orrin shook his head, "No. We'll do it this morning. The sooner, the better. But, we need to get Billy and have a talk with him, before we go."

Evie nodded, "I still can't believe Mary did all of this. I can't understand what possessed her to."

Orrin sighed, "Being told 'no' by Chris. She was used to getting everything she wanted, she couldn't, and still can't, understand rejection."

Evie nodded, "I suppose. I'll go and get Billy."

A couple of minutes later, Evie returned with a groggy Billy. They all sat down on the couch, Billy between his two loving grandparents. "Billy, we know this is last minute. But, there is something we need to talk to you about. Okay?"

Nine-year-old Billy nodded his head, he could sense the importance of what was coming.

"Billy, we have to go to court this morning. All three of us. Your grandmother and I will be asking the judge for permanent custody of you."

Billy's eyebrow's furrowed, "What? Why, Grandpa?"

"Because," started Evie, "we love you very much. You deserve the best life possible, and at the moment, being with your mother is not in your best interests."

"Why? Am I in trouble?" Billy softly asked.

"What?! No! Why would you think that?" exclaimed Orrin.

Billy shrugged his shoulders, his eyes downcast, and replied, "I figure I must be in trouble. A lot of trouble, if Mama doesn't want me any more."

Orrin put his right index finger under Billy's chin and raised his head until the boy's eyes met his. "You are not in any kind of trouble!" Orrin sighed, then continued, "It's your mother who is in trouble right now. Your mother has been arrested and will be sentenced to prison. Do you understand?"

Billy nodded his head, "Yeah. But, why? Because of Eddie?"

Evie and Orrin exchanged shocked looks over Billy's head. "Eddie?" asked Orrin.

Billy nodded, "Edward... um... Mounds. He told me to call him Eddie, though. Mama would bring him to the house sometimes, he would stay the night. One night he was there, and I was supposed to be asleep, but I couldn't sleep. I was sneakin' downstairs, to get somethin' to drink, and I heard him talking.

"He was on a phone and he was saying some things. All I could hear was 'kill' and 'Martin'."

"Why didn't you say anything?" asked a concerned Orrin.

"I did, I told Mama." Billy sighed, "But, she said that she didn't want to hear it. She said not to repeat anything that I ever heard Eddie say, not even to you guys." Billy's eyes filled with tears, "I am in trouble, ain't I?"

Evie wiped Billy's tears away, while hugging him, and replied, "You're not in trouble at all, Sweetie."

Orrin gave him a hug, and said, "That's right, Sport. But, you understand what we told you? You won't be seeing your mother for a long time."

Billy nodded, "But, why? She ain't done nothin'!"

Evie and Orrin sighed. "You'll understand when you're older. Now go and get showered and dressed. We'll be leaving shortly," said Orrin.

"Alright, Grandpa." Billy ran toward his room, tears rolling down his face.

Evie sighed as tears filled her eyes, also. "I hope he'll be okay, Orrin."

Orrin placed an arm around her shoulders and said, "He will be. He might be angry and confused for a while, but he'll understand as time goes by."

Evie nodded, "I hope so." Balling her hands into fists, the usually passive woman cried, "I hate Mary! How could she do this to Billy?! To Us?"

"I don't know, Dear," Orrin replied as he held his wife. He was wondering the same thing, with just as much hurt and anger as his wife.



Chris walked back into the conference room, where the remainder of his team still was. He had been in the break room, taking an Aspirin, when Orrin had called. He and the others were trying their best to find any traces they could of Ezra.

"I just got a call from Orrin. They're going to arraign Mary at noon today. And, he will be unreachable for a couple of hours. He and Evie will be in court, trying to get custody of Billy this morning." He sighed as he looked at his watch and saw that it was seven, "How about everyone try to call home and get a couple hours of sleep this morning."

"I don't think I could," said J.D. "Will we all be attending the arraignment?"

"I will. Whether or not the rest of you do, is up to you each personally."

"Oh, I'll be there," growled Vin.

"Me too," chimed in Buck.

A few minutes later, it was determined that they all would be going. "Well, we all need to try and get some sleep. We've been up for several hours."

"I ain't goin' no damn where! I'm gonna try and find Ez and get enough to bring that Mounds bastard down, until noon. Then, after the arraignment, I'm gonna do it all over again. And, if you have a problem with that, too damn bad!"

Chris' eyes narrowed, "I miss Ezra, too! I love him, I want nothing more than for him to be home."

"Either stay or go, but I ain't leavin'," said Vin.

Chris sighed, knowing that he had brought all of this down on himself. Plus tempers were fraying from lack of sleep and not being able to arrest Mounds. The D.A. had informed them that, even though they had enough to arrest Mounds' lackeys, they didn't have enough to arrest the man himself.

They needed something and they were hoping to get it from Mary. And, they were counting on the fact that Mounds had too big of an ego to turn tail and run.

Chris sat down, "Alright. We all want Ezra home, especially me." Ignoring Vin's snort, he sat back down at the table, ready to get back to work.

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