
Chapter Two


It had been two days and Chris was no closer to a solution about what to do than he had been. 'Do I tell Ezra? Do I not tell Ezra and hope he never finds out?' were the thoughts running through Chris' head. His indecisions were making him even more snappy and temperamental than he usually was. The other members of his team were staying away from him as much as they could, and kept throwing him looks, trying to figure out what was going on.

They knew he was worried about Ezra, Chris was always worried about Ezra when he was undercover. But, this was different. This was something else. They just didn't know what.

Buck Wilmington, Chris' long-time friend and Team Seven's explosives expert, looked at Chris' closed office door and sighed. "Do any of you know what's goin' on with the Ole Dawg?" he asked the other four members of Team Seven that were in the Bull Pen.

"I have no clue! But, he's really starting to worry me," said JD Dunne, Team Seven's electronics expert and its youngest team member.

"Maybe he's sick and not telling us," fretted Nathan Jackson, Team Seven's medic. "Maybe I should go in there and see if he's feelin' alright," Nathan suggested as he started to rise from his chair.

"I wouldn't," said a Texas drawl.

Nathan looked at Team Seven's sharpshooter, Vin Tanner, and asked, "Why not? You know something about what's going on?"

Vin shook his head, "Naw. But, I think something's goin' on and he's liable to bite your head off if you go in there."

Josiah Sanchez, Team Seven's profiler, spoke up, "I agree with Vin. I've been watching Brother Chris, and this is something other than him being worried about Ezra. There seems to be a war waging inside him."

"Well, what can we do?" questioned JD.

Buck sighed and replied, "Nothin' we can do, Kid. Not until Chris decides to come clean and fill us in on what's eating at him. But, Ezra's assignment is almost over. Last time he checked in, he said that he had initiated contact and should be able to call us in within a couple of weeks. Maybe he can bring Chris outta this when he gets back home."

"Maybe. Or, maybe he's the cause of it," replied Nathan. The other four men rolled their eyes at Nathan's remark. Nathan and Ezra could hardly ever see eye to eye at the best of times. Nathan was always harping about Ezra's less than moral ways and Ezra would just make some snide comment that would fuel the flames even more. Nathan just couldn't seem to understand that ninety-five percent of Ezra's actions were a cover to hide his true self and to keep whatever undercover persona he was donning at the time intact. But, Ezra and Chris seemed to truly be in love and to be good for each other.

"How the hell could Ez cause it, Nate? He's been undercover for two months!" replied a frowning Vin.

Nathan just shrugged, but kept silent.

"I think we just need to give Brother Chris a little time to work out whatever it is bothering him," said Josiah. The others nodded their heads in agreement.

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