
Chapter Ten


"What? What is it?" Buck asked as he looked at his friend's pale face. Chris's face was so white that Buck thought he was going to pass out. But, Chris had never been the type to pass out and Buck doubted he was going to start now.

Chris looked at the cell phone, that was clutched in his hand so tight that his knuckles were turning white, then to the faces surrounding him. "Ezra said that... he can't make it here, to the office. Then, I heard... a gunshot, and Ezra grunted in pain. Then, he told me that... he was sorry and he loved me. That was it."

Chris jumped to his feet and started walking toward the elevator. "Where are you going?" Nathan asked as he grabbed Chris's arm. Chris stopped and said, "To find Ezra."

"We don't even know where he is, Chris," said Nathan.

Chris glared at Nathan and said, "I know that you don't like him, Nathan. But I am not going to sit around while he's out there. He could be dying for all we know!"

Nathan took a step backwards and said, "I never said that I don't like him and I'm worried about him, too." Chris snorted in disbelief.

"Alright, Brothers, let's all calm down. We're all worried about Ezra. We do need to find him and we will," said Josiah.

"How? We don't know where he's at," said a worried JD.

"You and Buck try to find out anything about Edward Mounds and his employees. Anything we might've overlooked," started Josiah.

"I have some snitches I might be able to get some stuff outta," said Vin, anger and worry warring in his blue eyes.

"Good. Chris, Nathan, and I will hit the streets and try to locate him," said Josiah. Chris glared at Josiah for taking charge, he didn't like being told what to do. But, his lover was missing, so he let it slide. Ezra was more important than his ego and pride.

"Be careful, boys, and good luck. I'll see what I can find out from my contacts," said Judge Travis.

Buck and JD headed to their desks, ready to start searching by computer and by making phone calls. Vin, Josiah, Nathan, and Chris got into the elevator, ready to start their own assignments.

Orin looked at his daughter-in-law, motioning for her to follow him to his office. They were silent the whole way. When they were inside his office, he shut the door and said, "Have a seat."

Mary sat down, wondering what Orin was going to say. He sat down behind his desk and looked at her in silence for a few minutes. "Mary, is any of what Chris said tonight true?"

Mary shook her head, "No."

"Then, why would he say it? What motive would he have?"

Mary shrugged and relented, "Alright, we did sleep together one time. But I didn't blow Ezra's cover." Mary hoped that Orin would believe her. If it ever came to light what she did, she knew the only thing she had to look forward to was an orange prison jumpsuit and no freedom.

Orin sighed, "I hope that is true. I hope with all of my heart that Chris is mistaken, for the sake of my grandson and Steven." Steven Travis had been Orin and Evie's only child. Steven and Mary had met in college and had gotten married after graduation, having Billy two years later. Then, seven years later, Steven had died in a car accident.

Orin hoped that the wife that his only child had loved so deeply wasn't involved the way Chris had claimed. He sighed and said, "You will have to stay in a holding cell downstairs, for the time being."

"What?!" gasped Mary. She couldn't believe it! Orin couldn't be serious!

"You will have to, Mary. Until we get to the bottom of what happened. Until we get to the bottom of Chris's accusations. I can't treat you any differently because you're my daughter-in-law."

"What about my job?" Mary asked, referring to her job as a reporter for the Denver Gazette.

Orin shrugged, "You will have to arrange for some time off or quit. But, you cannot tell them anything about what's happened. Ezra would be in even more danger if this went public. Understand?"

Mary nodded as she glared at Orin, "What about Billy?"

"Billy will be staying with Evie and I for the time being. Now, I'll escort you down to the cell. Let's go."

The whole way to the holding cell, Mary's anger grew. She couldn't believe that she was being treated in such a manner. When they were almost to the cell, her fear made a little dent in her anger. She was scared, even though she didn't want to admit it, even to herself. She had blown Ezra's cover. He might even be dead because of it. If it ever came out, with proof, she knew she was a goner. She pushed her fear to the back of her mind as her anger grew again. 'Damn Ezra Standish,' she thought. This was all his fault, if he just would've left her Chris alone. 'He deserves whatever's happening to him,' she thought darkly as she was led into the cell and the door was locked.

"You will be allowed to call your boss in the morning and try to get time off. That way if nothing comes of the accusations, you will still have an income," said Orin.

Mary just scowled and remained silent.

Orin sighed as he turned around and walked away. He didn't want to believe that Chris had been correct and that Mary would do something so heinous. But, he also couldn't stop the little voice inside. 'You know there's a great possibility that she did exactly what Chris claims.' Orin shook his head as he reached his office. He had always been a little wary of Mary, but his son had loved her so much.

He sat down behind his desk, picking up his cordless phone, deciding to call one of his contacts.

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