
Chapter 1

Brian and Justin sat on the futon cushion, staring at the ball of pink that was lying in front of them. The baby started to move, her cries filling the open space. "Pick her up," Brian said.

"You pick her up," Justin said as he shifted in his spot.

Brian looked at him and smirked. "I carried her for nine fucking months, you can pick her up."

"Asshole," Justin said as he reached forward and picked up his daughter. "She is so pretty."

"Pretty, that kid has my blood… she is fucking hot," Brian said.

"What are we going to call her?" Justin asked.

Brian shrugged. "I don't know."

"We have to call her something," Justin said as he unfolded the blanket a little.

"Why can't we just call her 'baby Kinney'?" Brian asked as he got up and went to pour himself a drink. "It was good enough for the people at the hospital."

Justin just looked at the baby and laughed a little. Brian was too busy pouring the first real drink he had had since finding out he was pregnant. He shook his head as he remembered the day they found out.

"Look at is this way," Justin said. "You get to buy a new wardrobe."

"You are never fucking me again," Brian said. And he meant it. He was beyond pissed. Three months after that was the last time anyone saw him outside the loft.

"How about… umm, Katie?" Justin asked. Brian made a grunting noise and went to sit on the sofa. Boxes, bags, unassembled furniture and everything else they bought was scattered all over the loft.

"I am not calling her Katie." Justin placed the baby down on the cushion and rested his elbows on his legs. He stared at his baby, Brian and his baby, and waited for a name to pop into his head.


Brian and Justin lay in bed together after a much needed and heated round of fucking. Brian lit a cigarette and Justin snatched it from between his lips right as he inhaled. "What the fuck?" Brian said.

"Your daughter is sleeping right there," Justin said pointing to the small crib at the bottom of the stairs. He took a drag from the cigarette and put it out. "We still need to pick a name," Justin said.

Brian got up to use the bathroom and walked back to the bed. He lay flat on his back and looked at ceiling. Justin just stared at him. "I got it," Brian said as Justin lay down next to him.

"Oh, I can't wait to see what you came up with Mr. Advertising genius. She has only been alive for days," Justin said sarcastically. Brian gave him a small smile.

"Junior," Brian said as he closed his eyes.

"You are not naming our daughter Junior." Justin got up to get a bottle of water. He came back and sat on the bed. "It makes her sound like a boy," he reasoned.

"I like it," Brian said. Justin looked over at the crib and cringed a little.

"Junior… Junior… Junior, I guess I can live with it. It could be worse," Justin said as he drank the rest of his water and lay back down. "Junior Kinney," he said as he fell asleep.

The bliss did not last long. They were woken up three hours later by the screams of a very pissed off little girl. "You had her," Justin said sleepily.

"You got me pregnant," Brian replied, his back to the blond and their screaming bundle of… joy?

"I catered to you throughout the entire pregnancy," Justin countered. The baby's screams were filling the loft.

"I had to get cut open, leaving a scar on my perfect body." Justin was silent as he tried to think of something to say.

"It is really not that bad a scar," Justin said. Brian turned over and leaned up on his elbow. Justin opened his eyes and looked at Brian.

"Fine, damn." Justin got out the bed and went to pick his daughter up. He changed her diaper and gave her a bottle. He sat down with her on the sofa and watched the sun come up as she ate.


Brian woke up and went to the bathroom. He walked into the kitchen and started the coffee. Brian walked over to the sofa and looked down at Justin.

The artist was asleep with his daughter firmly in his arms. He was still holding her empty bottle in his hand. Brian reached down and took the baby from Justin. "Hey," Brian said softly as he placed her in her crib.

Justin stretched and lay down flat on the sofa, drifting into a comfortable sleep. Brian just laughed and went to make himself some coffee.

An hour later Brian was dressed and ready to go to work, it was his first day back into the actual office since he had had the baby. "Justin," Brian said as he shook him. "I'm leaving," he said as he walked over to the baby, kissed her, and left the loft.

"Yeah, okay… goodbye to you too," Justin said from his spot on the sofa.


"We can do this," Justin said as he held his daughter with one hand and prepared to give her a bath in the sink. Hazel eyes stared back up at him and he smiled. "I cannot believe your dad wants to call you Junior. I personally think it's his attempt to try and make himself feel even more important," Justin said as he started to wash her with one hand.

Fifteen minutes later they were both wet but she was clean.

"There, you look gorgeous." Justin snapped the last button of the outfit and got up off the floor. He picked up the baby and went to put her in her crib when he smelled something. "Son of a fucking bitch!" he said loudly as he went back and sat on the floor, starting the process all over again.


Brian slid the loft door open and was greeted with a fussing daughter and a bottle. "Hello to you too," Brian said. Justin just smirked and Brian leaned in to kiss him. Justin pulled away.

"As much as I would like to continue this, she is hungry," Justin said as he moved away from Brian to clean up the mess on the floor.

"Are you hungry?" Brian asked his daughter. "Well, you can eat, as soon as I take off the Prada." Brian walked into the bedroom to change. Justin listened as Brian talked about the finer points of his wardrobe and why she had to be careful not to throw-up on any piece of it.

"I don't think she cares about your Armani ties Brian," Justin said.

Brian walked out of the room with their daughter drinking as hard as she could from her bottle. "Brian, are you sure you want to name her… Junior? Cause once it's on the birth certificate it's a bitch to change," Justin said.

Justin was sitting on the sofa filling out the forms for the birth certificate. Brian poured himself a drink as he held the baby and the bottle with one hand. He took his drink and sat next to Justin.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Brian said.

"What about a middle name?" Justin asked.

"Fuck a middle name." Justin laughed and looked over at his daughter. He scribbled a name on the paper. Brian snatched the paper and read it. "Junior Marie Taylor Kinney," he read out loud.

"I like it," Justin said, shrugging his shoulders. Brian glared at him as he dropped the bottle between them and burped his daughter.

"I hope she is a tough little shit," Brian said.

"Why?" Justin asked.

"Because, the kids on the playground are gonna kick her ass."

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