Cauldrons, Ice and Old Lace


Chapter 7





Author's Notes: My beta Thyme is so amazing! Thank you so much for cleaning up my messes and making my story readable. Many thanks to my husband for his thoughts and input.


* Disclaimer*

This  story is written out of pure fantasy and my own overactive imagination. I mean no disrespect to any traditional aspects of mythology, mysticism or traditional ways of thinking. This story will hold some spiritual truths with a hell of a lot of imagination intertwined.





Bella / Annabel’s POV

Dream / Flashback


I was having the most unusual dream. I was me but I was not me. It was as though I was living someone else’s life. The sensation of love and comfort completely surrounded me.


Walking through the forest barefoot the energy of the earth seeps into my being. My  peasant gown hangs to my ankles. The material feels constricting against my body. Carefully I gather the material on both sides of my dress scrunching it in my hands, raising it up my legs slightly. The wind breathes on my bare skin and I feel so alive. 


A laugh parts from my lips when I see the  flower faeries dancing and cheering with glee as they put a wreath of flowers on my head. I look to my side and I see a beautiful woman walking next to me. When I look closer I recognize her, she is my grandmother but so much younger. I never  realized how much we looked alike before. She giggles softly and winks at me. “Annabel, we are twins, you silly goose. That’s why we look so much alike, and before you ask, yes I did just read your mind.”


Confusion courses through me and nothing seems to make sense. “You read my thoughts?” She chuckles softly and winks at me. I feel even more confused when I remember the name she called me. “Grams, your sister was named Annabel. I am your granddaughter Isabella Swan.”


She laughs good naturedly. “One and the same, my dear, one and the same. You just need to remember.” Playfully she taps me on the forehead and vanishes.


I look before me, seeing the barrier of trees that keeps my sacred circle protected. Softly I murmur in an ancient tongue of the ones who have come before me. The trees bow to me in acknowledgment, the branches of the trees move of their own accord permitting me entrance to my family's nexus point. I look into the moonlit sky. The full moon, with a crescent moon facing outward on each side, reminds me of home. How much I miss home. My only true wish is that our family will someday be reunited. There have been so many trials and errors but now everything seems to be lining up.


I dread the days to come. The year is 1967 and I only have a few more months with my beloved. Jasper does not know of my fate or what is to come. I never wanted to keep secrets from him but it’s important that I do, for his safety and that of the family's. I have sadly learned over the years that the forest has ears, and some things need to be hidden even from the ones we love. If things go as planned my family and I will no longer have to live in fear. Tonight I will bond with my love and give him a gift, a gift he will not receive until I am reborn and on my 21st birthday. A great war is coming far more intense than anyone has ever seen. This is a war that will change everything and hopefully reunite many.


All I can think of is the lavender eyes of my beautiful children. They were only 5 when they were taken from me and my love nearly 400 years ago. I have searched for them for many centuries. I know they still exist. I sometimes hear their faint voices whispering on the winds. Their souls touch mine from time to time and it makes me ache because I know they have had to do some really dark things that they regret, but they have no choice. My Little Darlings are slaves in a world they were never intended for. I will do anything I can to bring them home to safety.


Almost every parent will tell you their child is special because every child is very special to their parents, or they should be. The children I am blessed giving birth to have been foretold about in mythical legends, before my sister and I even existed. I remember being a young girl watching as all of our loved ones celebrated nature and the atmosphere around us. Our friends and families danced around the bonfire while the drums beat to the rhythm of our hearts. The memories seem like yesterday but it was so many thousands of years ago. So long ago to even be for sure.


The triple Goddess moon shimmered high above us. Ruby and I had just turned six years old this night. We were both still so new to our world, taking in everything with our new eyes. Our young spirits were so much like our little flower faerie friends, carefree and silly. Linking our arms together we spun around in circles laughing. The world changed around me and I could see so many colors in the night through my third eye. Spirits of our ancestor danced around us. I smiled when I saw the flower faeries linking their leaflike arms with each other. Dancing and giggling along with us.


The sound of a bear roaring could be heard high above everyone’s laughter and music. Ruby and I both stopped dancing and looked at each other smiling. We took off running in the direction of the sound, cheering in glee, “Father, father, you're home!” Through the forest line we could see a big black bear walking on his hind legs. He reached up his paws and roared loudly, his body arched back as his fur slowly dissolved into bronzed skin. His shaggy dark brown hair hung to his shoulder. Our father, Gillen, smiled brightly when he heard us calling out to him. His hazel eyes shimmered mischievously. 


We  both stopped running when we saw our mother Sarah run up to him smiling brightly. We giggled into our hands as we watched them kiss passionately. The love our parents had for one another was one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed.


Mother  pulled back from the kiss and laughed, placing her hand lovingly against his chest. He held her close and smiled into her long red hair. Mother stepped back slightly and wrapped a colorful cloth with tribal markings around his waist, covering him. He smiled down at her lovingly and caressed her check gently, thanking her. He kissed mother on the forehead; she smiled and sighed happily.


Mother stepped back when she heard us start to run again. Ruby and I both ran up to father hugging him around the waist. He let out a boastful laugh and ruffled our hair with his fingertips then kneeled down giving us both a hug. He nuzzled our faces with his nose as we laughed. “My beautiful little twins, I have missed you so much.”


“We did not think you would be home in time!” Ruby and I said in unison.


He shook his head and laughed. “I could not miss  my beautiful girls turning 6 years old this night. Tonight is a night of celebration and a time when Grandfather tells you of our tribe's legends and prophecies.”


Ruby and I both cheered. “Yay!” We have been anticipating hearing about our tribe’s legends but something about it scared us too. I always felt there was more to it than just old legends and prophecies of the tribe. Somehow it involved Ruby and myself. I don’t know how I knew, I just knew. 


Father led us both back to the bonfire where everyone was starting to sit down. Mother and father sat down on a log holding each other affectionately. Ruby and I both giggled as we sat down on the ground side by side crossing our legs with our long flowing gypsy dresses pooling around us. We held hands and smiled, squeezing each other's hand playfully. Ruby was my other half. We were so much alike yet opposite at the same time. While she was very silly I tended to be more on the serious side. Even though I had my good share of silly moments too, I really needed Ruby and the flower faeries nearby to keep me light of heart and spirit. Ruby often said I helped her to be grounded and more level-headed.


Grandfather Ethan walked towards us smiling brightly. He also had a cloth with tribal markings wrapped around his hips. His medium length red hair and beard glistened as the flames reflected from him. He leaned down and kissed us each on the forehead. “Happy birthday, our little darlings. Are you ready to hear our stories?” We both  nodded our heads enthusiastically. Grandfather then tilted his head and looked directly at me. “Annabel, even though you're nodding yes, I know you're scared. I understand why.” He gently laid his hand over my heart. “You know the truth because it’s inside you. Your destiny has already been foreseen. It will not be easy, my love, but you are a strong and amazing witch. You will see. Always stay in the light and you will be brought through. Even if you're in darkness, there will be light around you. Always remember that!”


Grandfather sat on the ground nearby, and I was glad to see the spirit of Grandmother Lilly standing next to her beloved. Grandfather had been so sad as of late. Grandfather never told us when or why she passed away, only that she was called to work in the veiling of the worlds, and someday she would be back. When she left she asked him to guide our tribe until the time was right for them to be together again. I always noticed a sadness in his eyes, a longing to be with his beloved. I watched as grandmother squeezed his shoulder gently. Her blond hair flowed past her shoulders. Her dress was emerald green and flowed freely. Her light green eyes pierced deep within my soul. She whispered upon the winds, “Let him know I am so proud of him and that I love him?” I nodded my head and told her I would.


Grandfather tilted his head and looked at me. “Was she here?” he said hopefully.


I smiled at him. “Yes, and she is so proud of you and loves you so much.”


He smiled at me brightly. “Thank you, my dear, I needed to know that and feel her close this night.” He patted the ground on both sides of him. “Come here, little darlings, and let me tell you our stories.” We both got up and ran over to him, giving him a hug, then sitting on the ground, each of us looking up at him in anticipation.


He looked down at us and his voice was so soothing when he spoke. I felt like I was taken to another time and place. “Our world was once covered in darkness. There was light in our world, but it was covered in too much oppression to see it. Your grandmother Lilly, and my own dear love, is one of the bravest Witches I have ever known. When she was born there was so much light around her that it frightened the evil deities. When she was just a babe a dragoon crept into her family's hut and took her into the night. She was kept and tortured. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain she endured. The darkness was trying to take away her light, with no luck.


“On Lilly’s 16th birth night she was lying on the ground, cold and hungry, her body was badly bruised and broken. She was about to give in and fall into a world she always tried hard to fight against. Somehow deep inside she knew there was another way, another life. How she stayed strong I will never know. But the human spirit can only take so much before it begins to cave.


“Out of the darkness came a woman who was so mystical and ethereal. She wore a white gown that flowed all around her. She carried a bow and arrow upon her back. She reached her hand to Lilly’s and spoke to her ever so softly. Do not be afraid, my child. I am the Goddess Diana. I am the protector of women, children and young animals. You are to be released from your torment here. There is a whole bloodline ahead of you that will bring your world to a beautiful place. I will bestow upon you a gift of transformation. From now on, and every generation to come, your family will be able to live for eternity, as long as they use their gifts of transformation. Even when someone from your bloodline has found their true beloved and mate, they too will be able to pass their gift to their love so they can live with them eternally. There is one exception. And there are secrets still to unfold. If one's love or beloved has a path of their own that they need to take, they will be unable to partake of this gift because there is something more marvelous in the making, and eternity will eventually be bestowed upon them. It will not come easy because there are so many trials ahead. But for now for you, my lovely child, I grant you your freedom. It will not always be easy, but the gifts you will be given through time will help you and your bloodline.”


Grandfather looked down at us affectionately. “That, my dears, is how it all began. Of course there is so much more that has happened since then. But now I need to tell you how this all plays out for you. Are you ready?” We nodded our heads hesitantly. He laughed joyously. “I know it will not always be easy but you are both so strong, stronger than you can possibly imagine. Just remember that no matter what happens or where life takes you, our tribe is always with you in spirit. What I am about to tell you has been foretold so long ago. The goddess Diana and all of our other Gods and Goddesses of love and light have so much faith in you to bring us through what is to come.”


Grandfather took a deep breath and held us close. “There will be another darkness coming, but it will be different than before. There will be a dark spell cast upon our land - oppression, self doubt, anger and hostility will creep in slowly, so slowly that many will not even recognize it for what it is. Even though we are prepared, we will know the truth but will be unable to see it. We will doubt what we know. The only ones the dark spell will not affect are you, our beloved sister twins. You are so special and hold so much light. You will see what is happening, and when you try to defend our tribe, you will be cast out by the black magic that will be surrounding us. You will be sent to another dimension - so will many other of our family - not to the same  place but to other worlds. We will all be separated in some way, if not physically, it will be emotionally. ”


When I looked into Grandfather's blue eyes they glistened with unshed tears. His sadness broke my heart. Tenderly I reached up and caressed his cheek. Gently he placed his hand over mine and spoke directly to me. “I have done everything I can to prevent it. Your grandmother has left us so she can work in the spirit realm, so that she can cast a light through the veiling to create a place for you and your sister to have a connection to our world. It will be our family’s nexus point. Our spirit guides can travel between time and space, so they will always be able to be with you. In the world you will be in, you will need to stay hidden and protect who you are. This world is not as open minded as ours.”


I looked over to Ruby and she looked as scared as I felt. I reached my hand to hers, thankful that no matter what we would still be together.


Grandfather spoke to us so softly. “I know you're sad, scared and frightened but there is hope. There is always hope. In this world there will be a circle of spirits that will always travel with you throughout time and through the centuries to come. These spirits are human but their destinies are preplanned as well. Unknowingly you will be gathering an army to fight a bigger war. Spiritual and/or immortal beings that have never fought together before, nor ever saw each other as friends, will become allies. I am unable to tell you too much, because in knowing too much one can change what is predestined. I am only able to tell you what is very important to know, and what will lead you on the correct path. When the time draws near your gifts will help you to know what is to happen and what to expect.”


“The prophecies speak of a set of twins that will be born.” Grandfather once again looked directly at me. “One boy and one girl, they will have eyes of lavender. Their magic will be more powerful than anyone has ever witnessed. Pure love will pour from their souls. The darkness will feel so threatened by them that dark deities will take these special children from their dimension. The children with the lavender eyes will vanish, not to be heard from again until almost 400 years later. The mother of these wonderful children will begin to hear their spirits crying out for help and forgiveness. There will be a war and it will appear as though good has overcome evil. The fires will be burning and the dust settling when the mother sees the creature that has taken her children. In that moment she will sacrifice everything, even  leave her beloved, her mate, to search for their children through the spirit realms. She will find them and be able to give them the comfort they need during one of the darkest times of their existence. The mother will shine the light in their direction and give her children the hope they need to hold strong.”


We both looked at grandfather with wide eyes. He hugged us close. “This is all that I can tell you for now, because there are so many secrets to unfold. Please do not worry, my loves. The twin sister spirits will be reunited once again, and that will be a new adventure all on its own.” Grandfather leaned down and kissed us each on the forehead lovingly. “My dear sweet granddaughters, our stories are not to frighten you, but to help you on the journey that is to come.” He smiled down at us as he stood up. He reached his hands out to us. “Come, my beautiful twins, tonight is a night of celebrations and gifts. I told you these stories for a reason, and that is to give you the greatest gift our tribe can possibly imagine to give you.”


Grandfather led us through the forest. He talked to Ruby and I softly expressing how much he loved us and how proud he was to be our grandfather. Walking deeper into the forest I realized we were no longer alone. I could hear the tribe following behind us, singing and humming softly. The triple Goddess moon lit our path, and through the trees we could see glow faeries flying freely. I smiled when I saw more mystical beings peaking through the trees.


We stopped suddenly because there was a barrier of trees in front of us. I was confused as to why Grandfather would lead us to a dead end. Gently he squeezed our hands. “Listen carefully to the words I speak, and remember them always. Only you and our tribe can open the barrier with the language of our ancestors.” When he spoke the trees bowed to us in acknowledgment; the branches of the trees moved of their own accord permitting us entrance.


Grandfather lead us through the entrance. Ruby and I both gasped out in surprise when we looked up into the sky only to see one moon. It seemed so sad, so alone. I could not comprehend what had happened to the other halves. Grandfather kneeled in front of us as the tribe gathered around.


“This is our gift to you, this is our family's nexus point. It is a spiritual gateway to connect our two worlds, when your journey leads you away from us. You will always be safe in this sacred circle. Your grandmother Lilly put so much love into creating this place for you. It is protected by so much love and light. The single moon you see now is in the world you will someday be a part of. When you enter the nexus point from your new world, you will be able to see our world and the triple Goddess moon.” Grandfather gently laid his hand over both of our hearts “Your home will always be here, and the sacred circle is a place you can safely communicate with our world without any unwanted listeners. It is also always here to remind you that we as a tribe will once again be together.







End notes:


This chapter was extremely difficult to write and there is so much more to be told. I knew if I continued on it would be another week until I was able to update. I hope you do not mind half a chapter, and yes, there will be more to come… Thank you ahead of time for your understanding and support. It truly warms my heart that you all have taken interest in my crazy little story.



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