Cauldrons, Ice and Old Lace


Chapter 3





Author's Notes: I just wanted to thank my amazing Beta Thyme for making my chapter look so beautiful! Also another thank you to my very patient Husband who sits down and listens to me read  my chapters to him over and over until they sound right *giggle*





Bella’s POV


The pounding on the door becomes more persistent as I make my way to the door. I stop just for a moment taking a deep breath and trying to  control my emotions. My heart still aches deep within my chest and desperately I wish whoever was behind the door would leave. Instead of opening that damn door I would rather just fold into myself and ignore the world around me.  A deep sigh rumbles past my lips and unfortunately I know not opening the door is not a possibility, because I instantly think, what if it’s my dad? He might need someone right now too.


I chuckle softly to myself  when I inhale deeply and I realize it smells like there was a huge party in here. On second thought I hope it’s not my dad. It would not look good if the police chief's daughter was caught smoking Marijuana. Maybe, since it was the day of my grandmother's funeral they would take sympathy on me. Yeah, if I get caught, that’s definitely the angle I am going for, since she got me into this mess in the first place. I whisper softly, “Grams, you always have a way of getting me in trouble even when you're not here.” Briefly I swear I hear my grandmother chuckle joyously.  I shake my head slightly, amused. Walking past the bookshelf, I sigh in relief. I reach for the object I see and I'm glad we keep the handy dandy cinnamon Glade spray nearby. Swiftly I spray it throughout the living room and doorway, fanning my hand frantically trying to cover the odor. Anxiously  I call out again, “I’ll be right there!”


When I approach the door my eyes are drawn to look at the large mirror grandmother always kept by the door. As a young girl she always told me that you can see one spiritual truth with just a glance in the mirror. Now that I am older and have gone through my transformation I understand fully what she means. Not only does it help to see one's truth, it is also used for scrying into the future, and sometimes even the present. I am startled when I look in the mirror and I see a white mist seeping from it. As I walk closer, I can see a tall man standing just outside in my yard next to the walking path.  Pure evil consumes him. His eyes glow red like the pit of Hell. He is completely cloaked in a black robe, so I cannot completely see the details of his features.


I see another man sitting in a truck right outside my door. He looks so deep in thought and consumed by sadness. He looks up and I am drawn into his golden brown eyes that seem to glow. I gasp at the amazing creature I see before me. He is the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on. The few crescent scars he has on his face seem to give him character, along with a dangerous appeal. His honey blond hair falls into his eyes that are darkening in fury as he looks at the evil deity in my yard.  I step back slightly when I realize this man is also part of the supernatural world, which stuns’ me  for some reason, and for a split moment I wonder if he’s an angel.


I watch as the man steps out of his truck. He takes off his shirt and I instantly notice the crescent scars I saw on his face cover his torso  completely. I know they should intimidate me and scare me but for some odd reason I find comfort when I see them, when I see him.  He stalks towards the creature and suddenly the mirror fades back. I gasp in confusion as to what I just saw or even why I saw it. Instantly I fear for the  man’s safety, I wonder why I care so much. I have never seen the man before, but there is something about him I am drawn to, and I want him to be careful. For some strange reason I felt like he was trying to protect me and I wonder why.


I am brought out of my thoughts again when I hear the door, and then a sweet female voice I have not heard in two years comes through the door. “Bella, are you okay.” She sounds slightly worried.


“Yeah, I’m sorry. I tripped, you know clumsy me, I’ll be right there.” I hate to lie but I can't tell her what is really going on.


Before I open the door I close my eyes tightly and focus on the energy around me, as I envision a blue light circling around my home and covering it like a bubble of  protection. As the bubble completely closes around the house, I feel the air lighten and a tingling sensation grazes my body, and I know we are safe for the time being.


I peek through the peephole before I open the door, to make sure it is who I think it is and not a supernatural trick. I smile, taking a deep breath. I open the door and I feel my emotions constrict  in my throat when I see my oldest and dearest friend from school. Angela is  standing, slightly sheepish in appearance, holding a bag in her hand.  I have not seen Angela since she went off to college 2 years ago.


“Angela, what are you doing here?”


She smiles slightly, but I can see the sadness in her eyes.  She walks over to  me and gives me a comforting hug and talks softly in my ear. “My mom told me about your grams; I’m so sorry.”  I hear her voice shake as her own emotions grab hold of her, and she squeezes me tightly. My own  emotions begin to consume me again and I know I can be myself around Angela. She was always that friend who knew who I was and accepted me. We walk two different paths of life, her father being the minister of our town, and my Grams being known for her Tarot reading and witchcraft. We could not be any more opposite, yet something about that alone made our friendship even stronger, because we respected our differences.


I hold onto her even tighter, letting my tears fall. “I’m so glad you came over. I really could use a friend.”


She pulls away gently, still holding my arms tenderly and looking deep into my eyes. “How are you holding up?“


“It’s been a rough couple of days.”


She nods her head in understanding. “I wish I could have been here with you sooner. I just got into town last night.”


I gently squeeze her arm in acknowledgement. “It’s okay; you’re here now.” I realize we are still standing in the entryway. “Oh I’m sorry, we are still standing at the front door. How awkward. Please, come in, come in.”


She laughs softly. “ It’s okay, Bella, I know you have a lot on your mind right now.”


I nod my head as she walks into the house. When I go to close the door behind her, I look outside and see the truck that was shown to me in the mirror. I gasp slightly and quickly look to see if I can see the man, but no one is in sight. I close the door and walk back inside wondering once again who the man might be.


Angela smiles sheepishly as she holds up the bag she has in her hand. “I brought ice cream - Chocolate chip cookie dough,” she singsongs.


I genially laugh for the first time in days. “Yummm, I could totally eat right now!” 


I grab the bag and start to walk to the kitchen when I hear Angela chuckling softly. “I bet you're really hungry, Bella! Is that apple cinnamon scented marijuana I smell?”


I raise my hand in the air and chime, “Guilty!”


Angela laughs. “What am I going to do with you?”


I bat my eyelashes at her. “Love me forever and never judge me?”


She giggles  softly. “That I can do.”


One thing I love about Angela; she always knows how to make me smile even when I am down and the world around me seems to be falling apart.


When we get into the kitchen, I grab some bowls and spoons and we sit at the small table. I'm dipping the ice cream when she pulls some Cheetos out of the bag and sits them on the table with some cans of soda. “Ta da!” she exclaims in delight, “A dinner for champions!”


I laugh lightly, thankful to have my thoughts distracted for a while. “Best dinner ever.”


Angela grins at me as she takes the bowl I am handing her and then takes a bite of ice cream. “Nope, I would have to say the best dinner ever was that one time your grams let us eat those special brownies. What exactly was in those? They were so good and we giggled like school girls all night long.”


I laugh internally knowing exactly what was in those brownies, but she really does not need to know Grams' and my little secret. “Actually, she didn't let us have them, we kind of snuck them out of the kitchen when she wasn't looking. And knowing Grams, anything could have been in those brownies.” I take a bite then point my spoon at her. “Plus, we were school girls, you silly goose.”


She laughs. “Oh yeah, I forgot we stole them. “She sighs happily with a dreamy haze in her eyes. “I miss being a kid sometimes, don’t you?”


That’s a loaded question, I thought to myself, since I am forever young. But as I think about it, I really do miss my youth and the crazy things I did while still completely mortal.  “I miss being stupid the most.”


“Oh my God, me too! Speaking of stupid and crazy and just being kids, do you remember all those wild rumors we were told about the Cullen home?”


I gulp heavily and look into her brown eyes. “Yeah, what about them?”


I can’t believe we all believed those crazy stories. I mean if you really think about it, none if it adds up.” She opens the Cheetos and then dips one in her ice cream then eats it.”


I laugh at her. “Angela, that’s so gross!”


She pouts playfully. “But it tastes good; you should try it!”


I squint my eyes and grab a Cheeto then dip it in my ice cream and eat it. I savor it in my mouth for just a moment. “Hummm, not bad, but still looks gnarly.”


She laughs. “But it’s good, right?”


I shrug my shoulders. “Not so bad.”


She grins triumphantly. “What was I saying? Oh yeah, the old Cullen home, you know how my mom's a realtor, right?” I nod my head. “Well she told me today that last week someone bought that old house. Can you believe it?!”


I'm actually surprised the old home has been sold. Grams never told me too much about the Cullen’s or her time with them. I know it was difficult for her to talk about her love, so I never pressured her. After my transformation I became more aware and also had knowledge about the supernatural realm I did not know before. Grams never told me what the Cullen’s were, but I was under the impression they were supernatural beings and traveled often, much like my Grams and her twin sister did. I always thought they might come back to Forks. I looked at my dear friend and gulped heavily. “Seriously?! Wow, that thing has been abandoned for years.”


“I know, right? I  mean I don’t believe all those crazy rumors but I do wonder if it might actually be haunted?”


I look at my friend in wonder. “You believe in ghosts?”


She shrugs her shoulders. “I know I don’t talk about it much because my family is so set in their religious ways, but honestly I have always thought it was possible.”


I smile to myself. “No wonder we have always been friends. I believe in ghosts too.”


She laughs and throws a Cheeto at me playfully. “Well, duh! You’re a witch, silly, of course you believe in all that cool supernatural stuff.”


All of a sudden it really dawns on me what an amazing friend I have, and I feel my emotions welling up inside of me again. I smile at her. “Thank you.”


She looks at me a little confused. “ For what?”


“For being you and making me laugh today.” I look down at my empty bowl and then back up at her. “It’s nice to have a friend around.”


She gets up out of her chair and gives me a hug. “Oh sweetie, I am always here for you even when I am away at college. All you have to do is call.”


I nod my head in understanding. “Thank you.” I gulp heavily trying not to cry.


Angela pulls away slightly and stands up reaching her hand out to me so I can stand up. She walks me into the living room and we fall on the sofa like we used to as kids. She kicks her feet up on the coffee table. “You know what we could really use right now?”


 I kick my feet up on the table as well, while taking a sip of soda I brought with me. “Male erotic dancers?”


“Oh!” she exclaims. “That would be fun!”


“I know, right?!”


She sighs. “Too bed we're too young to get into a bar.”


 I stick my tongue out at her. “Speak for yourself. I only have 2 more months and I am a free woman.”


She shakes her head and laughs. “Yeah, you could get away with it now though. Hmm, you know, now that I think about it, ever since you turned 16 you always looked a little older. You looked 21 back then. Do you have any idea how unfair that is?”


I slightly bite my lower lips. “Why, because you look forever 15?”


She gasps playfully and throws a decorative pillow at me from the sofa. “Bitch!”


I smile smugly. “That I am!”


We both fall back on the sofa laughing. Then I look at her. “Seriously, what do we need right now?”


“Oh yeah. A movie, a really funny movie!”


“Oh that’s a great idea.” I walk over my DVD collection and hold up the movie Hot Tub Time Machine.


She claps her hands. “Perfect, I haven't seen it yet, but I want to.”


“Oh my god, it is the funniest movie ever! You're going to love it!”


I turn on the TV and the movie then sit back down. I cuddle close to Angela and rest my head on her shoulder. Tenderly she strokes her fingers through my hair. It feels nice to have her close, we were always like this as kids. Not afraid to hold hands, hug each other or just be silly. In many ways she was like a sister to me. She wraps her other arm around me in comfort as we watch the movie, laughing until we almost fall on the floor.


Just as the movie ends the door bell rings, startling Angela and I both. We were laughing so hard that we fall right off the sofa with a loud thump.


Angela is able to get up before I can. “I’ll get the door,” she declares as she stands up.


 I close my eyes for a moment focusing to see if there is any danger nearby. When I detect it is safe I open my eyes and smile and say. “Okay.” After I stand up I walk towards the door, when I hear Angela ask someone if she can help them.”


That is when I hear the most breathtaking masculine voice. It sends chills through out my whole body. He has a southern drawl but his voice sounds almost like heavy wooden wind chimes. I am drawn to him instantly like something is pulling me unnaturally to the doorway. Something about him seems so familiar, but I know I would remember a voice like his.


I walk closer to the door just taking in his voice. I stand  just at the side so he cannot see me, but I am able to watch Angela's reaction. “Hi ma’am, I'm so sorry to bother you. My name's Jasper Whitlock. I just moved into the old Cullen home. I found these flowers on my doorstep but they had your address. They seem to be important and I wanted to make sure you got them. Are you Ms. Isabella Swan?”


I cannot help but laugh when I see my friend standing there with her mouth open gaping. Without looking at the man I walk up to her and gently touch my two fingertips under her chin to gently close her mouth. “You're going to catch flies or maybe even drool all over yourself.”


She blushes bright red and mumbles, “Sorry!”


I giggle softly and then look at the handsome man before me who is watching us in amusement. I feel my knees weaken and my own mouth begins to hang open. I feel so mesmerized by the handsome man before me, and that is when it dawns on me, he’s the man from the mirror.  A gasp parts my lips when so many thoughts rush through my head, and I realize he is standing there before me alive and okay after chasing the evil deity.


“I am so glad you're okay.” He looks at me shocked. “I mean I’m glad you came by.” I can hear Angela laughing. “Grr, I feel so lame and awkward.” I continue to stumble over my words when I finally completely embarrass myself. “God, you're so fucking beautiful!” He chuckles to himself and Angela just about dies with laughter. I feel my whole face heat up red and I shake my head wondering what is with this man that makes me feel so scatterbrained. “I mean, hi, I’m Bella Swan!” I then wave at him awkwardly. God, can I be any more lame, I think to myself.


He smirks at me playfully and then winks. “Why hello, Darlin',  I think these belong to you.” He hands me a basket of unusual flowers that has a card with my address and name on it. When I look at the flowers more closely I gasp, realizing what and who he just brought to me.”


I look up and he winks at me again. “Enjoy your flowers.” He says it in away that makes me wonder if he knows what's really in this basket. He then nods his head at me silently acknowledging my unspoken question. “I better get going, you ladies have a nice evening.”


He starts to walk off the porch and I stop him. “Thank you for bringing them by. I have no idea how they got delivered to your place.”


He turns slightly and smiles at me widely. “Maybe it’s just fate.” His tone seems almost seductive. He turns and starts to walk away.


“Maybe so,” I whisper softly.


I walk back into the house closing the door. I hear Angela squeal. “Oh My God! He was so amazingly hot! My panties are so wet right now!”


I blush. “Yeah, mine too.”


She bumpes her shoulder against mine and chuckles. “He was so checking you out.”


I can feel the blush rising in my cheeks. “No he wasn’t, he was being friendly.”  I hold up the flower basket. “He was just doing his neighborly duty and delivering these beauties to the correct home.”


She shakes her head and smiles. “ Don’t you think it’s slightly odd and somewhat suspicious that your flowers would be delivered to the old Cullen home that’s deep in the forest?”


I shrug my shoulders. “Weirder things have been known to happen. It’s not every day a good looking man comes to my door with flowers.”


Angela smiles at me. “This is true, and what a handsome delivery boy he was.” She looks over to the flowers like she was seeing them for the first time.” Oh my God, those flowers are so pretty! I have never seen anything like them before.” She leans down and smells the flowers. “Oh wow, they smell heavenly!”


I watch the faeries very carefully to make sure they behave. I almost chuckle when I see them squirm a little as her nose brushes against their petals and one lets out a small giggle.


Angela jumps back slightly. “What was that?”


I tilt my head and look at her in a bemused fashion. “What was what?”


She shakes her head. “I thought I heard the flowers giggling.”


I shake my head and laugh. “That has to be one of the craziest things I have ever heard.”


She blushes slightly. “Yeah, I guess that did sound kind of funny, huh?”


“Na, it’s okay, it’s been a strange day so I understand. I actually think it was just the kids outside playing.”


She peeks out the window and luckily there were some kids playing outside. “Yeah, you must be right and I must be tired. I should go home and get some rest.”


I gently set the basket of flowers on the table underneath the mirror and give her a hug. “Thank you so much for coming by to see me. Your friendship means the world to me. I'm not sure how I would have gotten through this day without you.”


She hugs me tightly in return. “I love you, sweetie, and I am glad I could be here for you today.” She pulls back slightly and looks me in the eyes. “I’ll be in town for a few weeks so if you need anything, anything at all,  just call me, okay? And I am going to come by and check on you too.“


I nod my head  and give her one last  hug and I tell her I love her before she walks out the door. After I shut the door I turn my attention to the basket. When I look over I see all the little flower Faeries staring at me making funny faces. At me. With their little colorful tongues sticking out.  Blowing raspberries. One was even making a fish face.


I scold them playfully. “You need to be good little faeries.” I wave my finger at them. “You almost got caught! And the silly face's, as cute as they may be, will not help you this time.”


They all  pout and groan for only a split moment before they all rapidly spring out of the basket and flutter around. There are colors all around me and I hear one of them say in a childlike voice. “It’s okay; we weren’t caught. Plus her nose tickled.” And then they all chime in together, “Tickled, tickled.” As they laugh with glee!


I can’t help but laugh along with my silly little friends. I hear another one complain a little with a huff. “She said we smelled.” I look over to see the tiger lily stomping her little leaf foot


I laugh and shake my head. “You can be so grumpy, Tilly! Plus, it’s true you do smell!”


They all stop fluttering around in shock and look at me pointedly. I can’t get over how adorably cute they are. Each one looks just like a flower until they open their eyes  and move around. I look at the one that looks like a sunflower. She likes to be called Sunny. She opens her wide brown eyes and gasps. She bends her little stem arms and plants her leaf like hands on her hip. “We do not smell!”


I nod my head and grin at her. “Yes you do, you smell like flowers!”


They all start to flutter around again giggling. Then suddenly the flower that looks like a tiger lily flies right at me and stops in front of my face, holding up an envelope that’s way bigger than she is. “Here, this is for you!” she sings in a childlike voice.


I notice my grandmother's handwriting right away, and I take the envelope from Tilly with shaky hands and open it. I feel the tears welling in my eyes as I read her letter:


Hello my dear beautiful granddaughter,


It breaks my heart to have to leave you so soon.  I know with all my heart and soul you will be okay, so many wonderful and new things are coming your way. Take as many risks as you can and love as hard as you can, most importantly always follow your heart. Please do not shed another tear for me because, my dear Bella, we will meet again, and sooner than you think. I sent the Flower Faeries to help you to continue to  smile and be silly.


Hugs and Kisses, Grams


Holding the letter in my hands I feel my tears trying to take over. Gently I fold up the paper and put it back in the envelope so I can cherish it always. I am brought out of my thoughts when I feel the Faeries tickling me and singing, “No more crying, no more crying! Come on, come on, let's go run free in the forest!”


Quickly I wipe the tears from my eyes and laugh. I smile weakly at my little friends. “Well come on. Hop in the basket and we will go for a run.”


They all cheer in unison as they leap back into the basket.


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