Chili and Cheese On Mine


Brian seemed pleased with himself as the guys took their usual positions on the floor of the loft facing the blazing fake fireplace – which was issuing light but not heat in keeping with the summer temperatures outside and the air conditioning inside.

“So we’re going to the big fireworks display at Point State Park this year for the holiday, are we?” he addressed the blond twink who was settling under his arm. “Mikey’s crowd will have to do without us….”

“Why do you say that, Honey?” Justin wondered in reply. “We – like – haven’t talked about the celebration yet….”

“No we haven’t,” Brian grinned, “but I was over to see Gus this afternoon since you were gonna be late at the Institute. He was drawing a patriotic picture – which reminded me the fourth was coming up so I asked him if we were going to Point Park this year and he said we were. – so I didn’t need to wait for you to clue me in on the plans – which you never do till like – the last minute….”

“Gee whiz, Brian,” Justin defended himself. “You don’t usually want to know stuff till the last minute. I’d be glad to tell you stuff earlier if you….”

“That’s OK, Baby,” Brian squeezed the kid. “I can find out what if I need to know – like I did this time….”

“Did Gus tell you anything else, Bri?” Justin inquired tentatively.

“Naw,” Brian replied. “Point State Park was all I really needed to know. It will be tough driving out of downtown afterwards but I guess it’s better than all the homesy patriotic Fourth of July fun they have over at Mikey’s gay ghetto. I might have a question for you though, JT. When I was leaving, Mel had a funny look on her face and she said ‘I want chili and cheese on mine.’ Sounds like I’ve been already picked to fix up hot dogs or something. We gonna have hot dogs at Point Park instead of our usual cold lunch? That’d be a lot of extra work…?”

“Well – not exactly,” Justin told him. “If you wanted to know all the plans for the holiday, maybe you should have asked Gus a few more questions….”

“Like what – for instance, Taylor?” Brian wanted to know. “Gus isn’t you. I figured he’d tell me what I needed to know….”

“Darn it, Brian Kinney,” Justin came back at him. “I always tell you what you need to know. If I tell you stuff too soon, you complain and if I tell you stuff too late you complain….”

“So tell me now and then I’ll complain, Kiddo,” Brian had to smile. “I can’t complain without a good reason….”

”Oh yes you can, BK,” Justin had to laugh too. “You do not need a reason to complain. You are like – an all- purpose complainer….”

“So what do I have to complain about now?” Brian persisted.

“Well,” Justin began, “you know the fourth is on a Sunday this year and the official holiday is like – Monday. The city is doing it’s big fireworks display on Sunday – and like – Mikey’s big holiday festival is gonna be on Monday cause they don’t want to compete….”

“You’re telling me that we’re gonna have two Fourths of July this year,” Brian didn’t complain. “Like – we’re going both places?”

“Yeah,” Justin informed him. “Something like that. Malcolm is putting on their entertainment over at Mikey’s – like he usually does and….”

“We’re not in it?” Brian hoped against hope. “At least I’m not in it?”

“Gee whiz, Bri,” Justin reasoned. “You know I would have told you if they needed you for the entertainment. We’re not involved. Mikey is gonna be Uncle Sam like he was the last couple of years and Gus is gonna play ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’ on the violin. I hope you’re not mad. We’ll have a good time….”

Brian pulled the kid closer and there was a pause in the discussion. It might have been that Brian was showing that he was not mad – or it might have been that Brian was showing that he knew a good time when he had one – but whatever – there was a pause.

“So what was Melanie talking about, Kiddo?” Brian finally returned to the conversation. “Chili and cheese on hers? Sounds like hot dogs to me.”

“Yep,” Justin affirmed. “It’s hot dogs all right. Johnny and Peter’s baseball league has the hot dog booth at Mikey’s community celebration and your mother and sister are like – running it. They’ll need some volunteer help. I told them that I’ll help out from 3 to 6 and maybe – if you wanted to….”

“So you volunteered me to help out too, didn’t you?” Brian perceived. “And I don’t know how to make hot dogs….”

“Well it’s not rocket science, Kinney,” Justin grinned. “And I didn’t either volunteer you – but I bet you wouldn’t miss it for the world – and you could sure put chili and cheese on a hot dog if you had to. You can tell the difference between chili and cheese and ketchup and mustard and relish and all that stuff. You’re real smart, Brian. You could learn….”

“I guess I could,” Brian allowed with a grin, “if I had to. I might even be able to stick some hot sauce on Melanie’s – along with the chili and cheese, that is….”

“Oh no you don’t, Kinney,” Justin objected. “You gotta fix those hot dogs just the way they’re ordered – and that’s an order too.”

“And who’s gonna make me, Baby?” Brian challenged him. “You?”

“Yeah,” Justin said. “Me. And Debbie’s gonna be on those same three hours. She’ll help me. And Martha….”

“Martha’s gonna be here?” Brian was taken aback. “Dave’s mother – Martha?”

“Yep,” Justin affirmed. “Mikey told her all about how great their celebration is – and Martha decided she wanted to come and see it for herself – and Debbie asked her if she wanted to….”

“And naturally she did,” Brian had to laugh. “I don’t guess Dave and Wendell will be here then….”

“Well they’re supposed to try to get here, Brian,” Justin informed him. “But they may not be able to make it. We’ll just have to wait and see….”

“Maybe we should go to New York and spend the holiday with them, Sweetheart?” Brian suggested. “Even if they are so busy up there….”

“Cut it out Brian,” Justin advised him. “You wouldn’t miss this for anything. You’ll be so proud watching Gus play the ‘ Battle Hymn’ and you’ll really have fun at the hot dog booth too – and you’ll be glad to show Johnny and Peter you’re supporting them – and you’ll have as much fun as anybody else there and you’ll complain the whole time….”

Now you cut it out, Twink,” Brian ran his hand through the kid’s hair. “Now you’re trying to ruin my fun…..”

“Am not either,” Justin told him as he wrapped both of his arms around the big guy, And it seemed like that was enough to convince Brian that he meant it.

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