Brian Steps In

The guys had just settled themselves onto the floor of the loft facing the flickering fake fireplace when Brian opened the discussion with a question that unsettled the blond one just a little.

“Hey, Baby,” he asked the kid, “remember how you’re always saying that I’m the boss around here?’

“Yeah,” Justin admitted cautiously - in as non-committal a voice as he could manage.

“And remember how you always say that you always do whatever I tell you to do?” Brian went on, unsettling Justin even further.

“Yeah,” Justin admitted again, “I guess I do always joke a little bit about that stuff…..”

“But you also know how I always believe everything you tell me. Even the jokes. It’s OK though, JT,” Brian told him. “I like - did something and I like – said you’d do something too – but it’s really up to you. You know what I mean – like when you tell folks I’ll do something but I can still always say ‘no.’ I just never do.”

“Gee whiz, Brian,” Justin replied. “If you’re trying to scare me, you’re succeeding. What the hell have you done now? This isn’t like you at all.”

“Nope, it isn’t, Kiddo” Brian grinned in agreement. “It’s actually more like you. But I got to thinking about you and Dave - and Rage maybe getting to be a movie or a TV series. I think it could do your career a lot of good and you don’t need the money either - but Mikey could use it – and the fame….”

”You want me to call Dave and tell him we’ll try to work out the plans for that?” Justin seemed surprised. “I don’t know, Brian. I just don’t know….”

“Nope,” Brian stopped him. “You don’t even have to call Dave. Actually I called Dave myself. We talked a long time about what he thought he could do with Rage – and I was really impressed. The whole thing’ll be first-class if you guys can iron out the details. It won’t take much of your time either cause they’ll be doing computer-based animations – but you’ll have complete creative control – and Mikey too, of course. You know what did surprise me though? It’ll take two or three years to get all this off the ground – so it’ll be a while before Rage finally hits the screen.”

“Sounds like you negotiated a whole contract, Kinney,” Justin smiled at him. “Like you’re my agent or something….”

“Nope,” Brian denied that, “But Brandon did look into some details for me. His firm has a couple of cracker-jack entertainment lawyers and they talked to some of Dave’s people. They think the financial arrangements are pretty good and you and Mikey will each get a tidy sum for the rights - and that’ll be up-front – and royalties later.”

“Gee whiz, Brian,” Justin seemed stunned. “You don’t think Dave is doing this just because….”

“No I don’t,” Brian said. “He admits he’s attracted but he says he didn’t make twelve billion by giving money away. He sees this as a money-making project for him – and he’s gonna have a guy named Eric Grossman contact you and Mikey to discuss some artistic details. You can back out, Taylor, if you’re scared, but then you’ll have to admit that I have more confidence in you than you do.”

“So what if Mikey isn’t interested?” Justin wanted to know. “Didn’t seem to be interested before. Maybe he won’t be….”

“Mikey is very interested,” Brian laughed. “He was interested when I first told him and he was a lot more interested when I mentioned the money figure that was discussed.”

“Wait a darn minute, Kinney,” Justin stopped him. “Am I the last one to know about this big project? You knew - and Brandon knew - and Mikey knew….”

“Jason doesn’t know, Sweetheart,” Brian assured him. “You can tell Jason yourself - but you gotta be careful cause Brandon doesn’t want Jason to know that he knew - and didn’t tell Jason – but I want you to be comfortable with it so if you don’t want to….”

“Well I guess if you actually order me to do it….” Justin smiled at him.

“Baby,” Brian cuddled the twink closer. “You wanted to do it from the first but you turned Dave down on my account. Mikey wanted to do it too but he said ‘no’ on my account too. If you guys love me enough to pass up this great opportunity just because you think I might be uncomfortable, I’d have to be stupid to think I had anything to worry about.”

“I love you, Kinney,” Justin whispered as he brushed his hair across Brian’s cheek. “There couldn’t be anybody else for me ever – I hope you know that.”

“Didn’t I tell you I always believe everything you say, Baby?” Brian reminded him as the discussion hit pause mode – and it was quite a while before it resumed.

“You know what, Bri?” Justin finally decided the conversation was not over. “I’m gonna stay away from Dave on general principles. He’s a nice guy and all – but I don’t want you to worry.”

“That’s OK, Baby,” Brian conceded. “If that’s what you want to do – except like – you’ll have to see him on the cruise….”

“Cruise, Brian?” Justin echoed. “Cruise? I’m getting the feeling that I don’t know everything yet. Wanna tell me about what cruise?”

“Now you know this is all subject to your approval, Sweetheart,” Brian laughed at him. “But we thought the lawyers could take several months to set up the deal – but when we get to the creative decisions, Dave thought we might all take a three-week winter cruise in the Caribbean on his biggest yacht. Sleeps 32….”

“And like - who’s we, BK?” Justin wondered. “No cruise for me if you’re not going….”

“I’m going, Baby,” Brian was still laughing, “Not that I don’t trust you or anything like that. Mikey and Ben will be going of course – and Brandon and Jason, too. It’ll be good to have Brandon along and he said if he was involved at all with the project, he couldn’t explain to Jason why they weren’t sailing too. And you and Michael will get a chance to meet the guys Dave is delegating to do the heavy artistic stuff. Shawn and Rick will probably be going.”

“Well that’ll save them from the mad guillotiner - if the crazy cops don’t get him before that,” Justin decided. “But how will they get three weeks off the program?”

“Do I need to remind you that Dave owns the network, Sweetheart?” Brian grinned. “Maybe the mad guillotiner will get them in the story and they can do their funerals on the soap while they’re away – and then resurrect them when they get back, like they buried the wrong guys – no heads and all.”

“You sure do know a lot about soap operas, Mr. Kinney,” Justin posited. “Maybe you could make a deal with Dave to do some writing for the show?”

“And have you get all jealous about me and Dave, Baby?” Brian laughed. “No way.”

“I wouldn’t be jealous at all, Bri,” Justin teased him. “You old guys aren’t looking for other old guys. You’re looking for us younger twinks – preferably blond – and at least a little bit good-looking. That’s how you stay young. Hey, Bri, will Robert be able to get away from the Toronto taping to come? Dave doesn’t own that network.”

“Dave said Robert would be able to get away all right,” Brian informed him. “And I get the feeling Dave knows what he’s talking about….”

“Brian Kinney,” Justin said, “are you really sure you want to do this? That you want me to do this I mean?”

“Yeah, I do,” Brian attested. “I want you to do this. And you always do what I want you to do – right?

“Yep,” Justin agreed – cuddling himself closer to Brian as he did. “Always.”

”Always?” Brian repeated.

“Always, “ Justin echoed.

“Hmmm,” Brian muttered. And it looked like Brian was doing some thinking too.


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