It's On Cable


The guys had been watching some stockpiled video tapes they had been wanting to see, but now, having completed that chore, they were taking their usual places in front of their flickering fake fireplace.

“Geez, Baby,” Brian immediately opened the conversation. “That cable series Robert is on – that’s turned out to be a really big hit – and I bet Robert’s gonna be an even bigger star than Ricky - and that’s saying something all right. I think Robert’s already more popular...”

“Well I have noticed that you seem to be a lot more interested in the tapes of Robert’s series than you are in Rick’s soap opera,” Justin told him. “And I think they both have dumb plots - but our guys are doing good acting jobs – so why do you think Robert’s more popular? Rickshaw seemed pretty darn popular around here when they came in for the benefit show that Ted and Melanie put on. Remember all those crazy fans …”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that scene, Babe,” Brian recalled. “But I bet it’s gonna be a lot worse if Robert ever comes in and people find out he’s here.”

“OK, Kinney,” Justin replied. “What’s up? What don’t I know? You’re not telling me that Ted and Melanie are having another charity event and this time they want Robert …? They didn’t tell me. They should have …”

“You know it’s not that, JT,” Brian laughed. “If that was what it was, you’d know all about it already and nobody would think to tell me it was happening.. Nope. But last week, Marge Johnston, that lady from the Toughie Hardware Company – you met her once - was in from Toledo to talk about their new campaign - and she said she had heard that I knew Robert. and she was impressed no end … And then just today the lady from Modern Fashions was in from New York – and she knew about us being friends of Robert - and she talked so much about Robert that we didn’t get to all the stuff I wanted to get settled about their advertising plans. .She thought I knew more about him than I actually do. And she’s even in some fan group for Robert on Yahoo with some other crazies. – and she wanted me to join.. I passed on that suggestion but I gave her Marge’s e-mail address. And you know what, both these ladies are real old – like maybe 50 – and like – really fixated on Robert. I don’t get it – but they’re big fans of Robert. That much I got …Nobody’s ever done any gushing because we know Rick and Shawn – at least not to me - so….”

“Well I don’t know what connection Robert would have to hardware, Honey,” Justin laughed back at him. “But maybe the fashions lady was interested in the clothes he wears on the series …”

“What clothes, Baby?” Brian laughed a little harder. “If everybody wore as few clothes – and as rarely - as Robert does on that cable series, Modern Fashions would be out of business – and the economies of China and Bangladesh would be in shambles …”

“So you noticed what Robert wears – or like – doesn’t wear - on the show, eh? Which is something like I was wondering, Bri,” Justin told him. “Like I was wondering if that’s why you maybe liked Robert’s cable series better than Ricky’s soap opera – the wardrobe that is …”

“Or the lack of wardrobe – maybe that’s what you mean? Now I am really disappointed that you would think that about me, Sweetheart, - That I could be that shallow - not that I’m making a categorical denial of your accusation, Baby. Our Robert is pretty cute – all over.” Brian grinned at him. “But actually, I prefer the more mature tone of Robert’s series – I think that’s why I prefer it to Ricky’s soap opera - but only because it’s more adult than Rickshaw’s soap opera …”

“Well, it’s on cable, Honey,” Justin reminded him. “And they can do stuff a little different on cable. But that reminds me. I’ve been wanting to ask you about something. Ricky has been complaining to me about this very thing. He’s not too happy about Robert running around on TV – like, you know – like that …”

“So Rick has never seen Robert before – like – that?” Brian laughed at him.

“Cut it out right now, Kinney,” Justin laughed too. “That is not the point and you know it. The point is that maybe everybody in the world has not seen Robert ….:

“Well our Rick is an actor too, Sweetheart,” Brian reasoned. “What would he do if that’s what the writers wrote for him? That could happen …”

“Well they won’t on this soap opera, Brian,” Justin reasoned back. “It’s on broadcast TV and they don’t do that kind of stuff.on the networks – not yet anyhow. Still, Rick could end up on cable some time and …”

“Yep,” Brian agreed, “and then Rick could be as popular as Robert. Rick is pretty cute too – from what I’ve seen of him – as much as I’ve seen of him that is – and … …”

“I should have known that you would be no help at all, Brian Kinney,” Justin gave up. “I don’t know why I ever thought you’d be of any use …”

“Well maybe not in your counseling business, Baby,” Brian told him. “But maybe in some other ways I could be of some use …”

The discussion reached “pause” mode at this point as the guys explored some other possible ways that Brian might be of some use to Justin – with a reasonable amount of success in finding at least some of those ways.

“Hey, Brian,” Justin reintroduced the discussion a little later – way before either of them was quite ready. “I guess there’s something I ought to tell you. It’s nothing all that specific but you might be mad at me later on if I don’t …”

“Like I ever get mad at you for anything, Sweetheart,” Brian teased. “Nah, you should know I’d never get mad at you …”

“Well you’re a pretty good actor yourself then, Mr. Kinney,” Justin teased him in return. “And I bet you could give Ricky and Robert a run for their money in the acting business if you tried – but – like - only on network TV. No cable stuff for my guy – you know what I mean … But anyhow, Bri - remember when Rickshaw was here for that charity show and those fans went so crazy over them – and nobody knew Robert cause his series wasn’t on the air yet – but you still made me bring him down from Toronto because you thought he should be here anyhow … Well Robert told me last week that I could tell Melanie and Ted that if they ever needed him sometime – he would really try to get here …”

“Geez, Taylor,” Brian told him. “That would be a lot worse even than the Rickshaw visit – and I’m a couple of months older too. I don’t know if I could stand it at my age. Fortunately, you always do just what I tell you to do – so if I decided to tell you not to tell Mel and Ted anything about that offer …”

“If you did, Sweetheart,” Justin interposed. “I’d be especially glad that I just found out that you never get mad at me – cause maybe you’d be too late …”

“So maybe there’s a first time for everything, JT,” Brian pointed out while squeezing the kid ever so gently. “Maybe I could learn to get mad at you if I tried – hard as that might be - but I guess if it’s for charity and all – I guess it wouldn’t be very nice for me to complain. So we got through it for Ricky and Shawn – and we can get through it for Robert – or for all three of them if they all come. And I bet we can charge more too – and make more money - and set a new record for charity - it might even be fun …”

“I love you, Brian Kinney,” Justin said as he sidled himself closer to the guy next to him. “You are the absolute greatest. Be sure to tell me if there’s ever anything I can do for you …”

“Well maybe there is something, Baby,” Brian decided. “Maybe we could do some practicing – for like – if I ever do get on TV – to show Rickshaw and Robert a thing or two – practice makes perfect - if you know what I mean …”

Well I think I do know what you mean, BK,” Justin told him as he rubbed his hair against Brian’s cheek. “And I guess we could do some practicing all right if you want to – yeah I think we should – practice does make perfect – not that I’m saying you need any practice - but I can tell you this practice is not gonna help you if you get on TV though – not one bit - cause you are definitely not going to be on any cable series…”

Brian got the message - and he thought he could settle for that. Cable TV was not at all what was on his mind right then.

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