Debbie's Thoughts
I saw it coming, yknow? I knew those two couldnt stay away from one another.
It was obvious from the first night they looked at each other a couple of years ago.
Then Brian, the asshole had to put his big fucking mask on so the poor kid couldnt see how he felt and finally went looking for someone who could actually say the words.
Yeah, I know. He picked the wrong one but hes young and who the fuck hasnt made that mistake?
And, no shit, that went bust, too but even before it did, you could tell. I sure as Hell could.
They pretended that they didnt care, like they didnt give a crap, but a blind fag could have seen it with his eyes closed.
Yknow what I mean, all that snarky bullshit they would keep up with one another.
I know how Brian is, ysee. Ive known that asshole since he was a snotty teenager and I know how his mind works. I never thought that hed actually fall in love and I sure as shit never thought that it would be with a little blonde kid like Justin, but what the fuck do I know?
That little kid set his cap for Brian and he fell like a ton of bricks-not that hed admit it, of course.
I had to practically hold a gun to his head to even get him to admit to himself how he felt about Sunshine.
OK, he knew it. He just wasnt about to say anything about it and that was the last thing that poor Justin could handle at that point, after the bashing and all.
Poor little kid.
So when they broke up, I was upset. I admit itI blamed Brian and that might not have been completely fair, but I was fucking upsethaving to look at Sunshines poor sad face everyday.
I knew that Brian had a lot of shit that he was dealing with, but he thought that Sunshine would keep taking what he was handing out and the kid wasnt going to. He reached his limit at about the same time that greasy musician showed up.
Oh, I didnt think that would pan out any more than Brian and Michael would finally end up together, but I wasnt sure that Justin would understand that the line he was being handed was all bullshit.
Its not so much that hes that naïveHell, maybe he is, but he wanted to believe it, yknow? I saw through Ethan, thoughnot at first, but after a while I did. He was just too Goddamned smooth. I had the feeling that the only thing he cares about is his music and Justin was just fitting in around the edges.
I guess Sunshine finally figured that out, too.
I wasnt completely sure Brian would take him back. Oh, I knew he wanted to. That was easy, but that poor asshole has had his heart broken so many times that its all covered up with scars and hes scared to death of letting anyone get near him to cut him again.
His fucking parents. I will never understand as long as I live how those two shits could have a son like Brian and treat him the way they did. Theyre the ones who taught him he was nothing and the poor thing still believes it under those fancy clothes he wears and that fancy car he drives.
So, anyway, when I saw the two of them walk into the diner together, holding hands, Justin with that big smile and Brian with his yeah, so? expression on, I threw my arms around the two of them and yelled something like Its about fucking time!
I think that this time it will stick.
They were both so damn sad before and now even Brian smiles when he looks at the kid.
Fucking A.
I was hoping that hed find someone to put up with his bullshit. I always knew Michael wasnt the onethey might have lasted a few months, maybe even a year or two, but Brian would start looking for more. I know, that sounds shitty coming from me, but I know that Michael isnt as smart as Brian. He would have gotten bored after a while and started looking for someone who understood what he was talking about and who had as much drive, as much damn ambition as he does. Sunshine has it, in spades.
Theyre a good pair, the two of them. I think I said that a while ago. Hes met his match.
I think Justin knows it, too.
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