Love Will Light the Way -4

Love Will Light the Way

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Love Will Light the Way -4


Collaboration: Thyme & Moonshadow Woman


Warnings: none – well it could be a tad sappy at the end


Notes: a little bit of fun in another AU


Disclaimer: we use ‘em – but don’t abuse ‘em – for fun not profit




“Michael – friend of my father’s – do not question what you hear – take the blanket that you removed from the wagon – move close to the cave wall – and cover yourself head to toe – nothing must show – I will put an invisibility spell on you – but you must hurry – they are returning.”


Somehow, the voice in his head calmed Michael and made some kind of sense. The inner sickness he was feeling at betraying his friend lessened though it was still there. He had barely covered himself with the blanket when he heard the rushed footsteps of the returning evil.


“You can’t hide from us you whiny little shit.” Bellowed the Sheriff. The group all looked around but there was no sign of Michael.


“Sir, perhaps he went back into the caves – we can let the trolls deal with him.” David said and he looked back into the gloom, seeing nothing but darkness.


“I had the trolls in these parts banished years ago. There are no trolls here.” Sheriff Stockwell replied with arrogance. He didn’t even bother to glance toward the rear of the cave.


“But sir” began one of the elves.


“Be quiet – the wizard will hear us and those damn lizards have ears like bats.” He thought for a moment. “Perhaps we should return to the castle where we can mount a more aggressive attack.”


“But sir our magic is useless so close to trolls.” The elf began again and this time he pointed his longer than usual finger at something behind the Sheriff and his henchmen.


Sheriff Stockwell turned slowly, for the smell of the trolls had reached him and the fear they instilled in him was real, for he and he alone had been responsible for hundreds of their deaths. “My magic works though elf  - and he pulled a wand that had been hidden deep within the sleeve of his leather jerkin and mumbled a few words. A swirl of grey mist enveloped the Sheriff, David Cameron and the rest of his henchmen, leaving only the elves standing there dismayed, watching the considerably pissed off trolls approach.


“What vermin is this that dares to set foot inside the Blue Caves at the foot of the Green Forest?” the lead troll roared. As a creature that dwelled deep within the mountains, he didn’t like to get too close to the opening and the sunlight there, but these red haired creatures with the long pointed ears and fingers like snakes were making him angry. “You are no friend our kingdom if you put yourself alongside the evil Sheriff Stockwell. Death to him and all he touches.”


“We seek sanctuary from the Grand Wizard – Brian Kinney who has arrived with fighting dragons – he will destroy us all.”


The trolls looked at one another – the elves could see the dangerous glint in their large pale eyes – they turned back to the elves and as one, a rumble began until the very cave thundered with it and the elves realized too late that the rumble was the trolls' laughter.


The elves cowered before the trolls, “He will destroy us all” a mantra they once again repeated hoping the trolls would realize that the Grand Wizard was the evil one here.


Michael had been listening carefully to all of this. He could feel the trolls beginning to believe the elves, though it had been a fleeting thought that passed through the trolls' thoughts. Michael couldn’t stand it any longer and he threw back the blanket – startling both trolls and elves. “Brian Kinney has never harmed any of you.” He shouted. “He has gone out of his way to protect you both.” He pointed to the trolls “You people of the mountain – twice Brian put up magic glimmers on entrances to your homes during the search and kill missions that Sheriff Stockwell initiated. At great peril to himself I might add, should he have been caught. It is because of him that all of you are even standing here.”


Michael turned to the elves. “And you – you all should be ashamed of yourselves. When your magic cloaking became worn and useless – so your whole village was beginning to be seen by all of Ireland – who do you think replaced it with a thousand year spell? Why, Brian did and he asked nothing from you – nothing – except maybe a little help and respect in times such as this.


“Did either of you ever ask yourself why Stockwell, who professes to hate magic and all who use it – still continues to use it himself? He is willing to destroy Ireland just so that he and he alone has magic – could it be that the fairy gold – the gold of the leprechauns – the jewels the trolls mine – the coffers of the King – could this be what his goal is – free to him when all who could stop him are no longer alive."


“Well said my friend.” Brian stepped into the cave entrance. He stood tall and handsome in the sunlight.


"Brian," Michael said with a smile.  "You did return for me?"

"Of course I did.  I always say what I mean and do what I say."

"You are the Grand Wizard?" the head troll asked assessing Brian and his powers.


"I am."

"And what do you want here?" the troll asked.


"I've come for my friend and to destroy the evil forces at work in Ireland."

"And what forces are these?"

"The same that drove you deep into the caves and resulted in the death of so many of your number.  His name is Sheriff Stockwell."


"And how will you defeat such evil?" the troll asked wondering how any man could stand against the black heart of a man like Stockwell.


"I have come with five dragons who also wish to destroy the Sheriff."

"Dragons are helping you?"  The troll looked at Brian with renewed respect.  "And you tried to help us?"  Brian nodded.  The other trolls grunted and whispered.  The head troll turned to Brian.  "Then it is our turn to help you.  We will accompany you to destroy this plague upon all of us."

The elves had been attempting to disappear into the rocks of the cave, afraid they would be held responsible for all the things Stockwell had forced them to do.


"Hold," said Brian.  "This is your chance, elves, to make amends for the evil things the Sheriff has done to you and caused you to do for him.  Do you stand with us?"

The leader of the elves stepped forward.  "You would give us a chance to make amends, Great Wizard?"

"That is what I said."


"Then we will follow you and help you destroy that abominable man."  He looked at the other elves who nodded in agreement, happy to see the end of their servitude to Stockwell and a chance to fight for their freedom.


"What is your name?" Brian asked the main elf.


"Gimblo," the elf replied.


"And yours?" Brian asked the troll.


"You couldn't pronounce it.  Just call me Ko."


"Good enough, Ko.  Can your trolls lead the elves through the caves to the exit near Stockwell's castle?"  Ko nodded.  "Send your elves with the trolls, Gimblo."  The elf directed the other elves to follow the trolls who set off immediately to work their way through the maze of tunnels that would bring them out near the Sheriff's castle.  "Ko and Gimblo, Michael my friend, follow me."

Brian led them out of the cave to find Emmett sitting jauntily astride a mammoth dragon.


"Michael," he called and waved enthusiastically, "isn't this fabulous!  This is the best method of transportation."


"God, Emmett, aren't you scared?  They're so fucking big."


Brian went over to Phynnfyre and explained what had happened inside the cave.  The dragon nodded in agreement and motioned to the other dragons who nodded back.


"Michael, that's your dragon," Brian said pointing to the one beside Emmett.


"My dragon?  My dragon?  You can't be serious.  I'm not getting up there."


"Yes you are."

"No, no way," Michael whined.


"Michael, if Emmett can do it, so can you."

"I can't, Brian.  Really I can't."

"Fine, if you want me to leave you here, I will.  Otherwise get on the dragon."


Brian turned his back on his friend.  Sometimes Michael could be such a wuss.  "Ko and Gimblo, take the other two dragons.  They have granted permission for you to ride."


The elf and the troll looked at each other unsure what to do.  Finally Ko took the initiative and climbed aboard.  Once he was settled Gimblo followed suit.  Brian watched them, thinking that if it was possible for a troll to grin that would be what Ko was doing.  Brian quickly climbed aboard Phynnfyre and they lifted off to hunt down evil and stop it once and for all.




Deep in the Azure Forest – three leagues beyond the Green Forest, Lindsay lay cradling her son in her arms. “He looks so sweet and innocent.” She said to her lady in waiting, Melanie.


“Yes he does” the dark haired woman agreed. “He looks much like his father.”


“I pray that he has the goodness that is in his father’s heart.” Lindsay began. “Br – Melanie placed a finger on her lips.


“Say not the father’s name. We don’t know who is listening. These are hard times and the baby’s father is in danger.”


“But the Sheriff is a married man with children. He only wants to make Ireland safe for the children.” Lindsay spouted the rhetoric that abounded in the land.


“Hush now sweet lady, our Prince will sort this mess out and Ireland will be safe once more for all children and if they are magic or can play with the little people – well we will all be the better for it.


Gus lay in his mother’s arms, pleased to be free from the confinement of before. He would have to always protect this woman who gave birth to him and her love – for the lady Melanie was the one his mother loved, as she had no magic and could not protect herself.


While pondering his fate and idly listening to their chatter, Gus began to notice that the birds had stopped singing in the forest outside their small cabin. In fact the Azure Forest was quiet of all sounds. No more could he hear the cheerful laughter of the fairies dancing in the trees or the teasing chitchat of passing elves. Even the leprechauns, always dancing and having fun were quiet.


Gus opened his eyes, so much like his father’s that to anyone who knew them both – their secret would be out – and he looked through the open window only to see a shadow moving across the tops of the trees. He knew then that all the animals and birds, fairies and elves and even the leprechauns had fled the silent death that was creeping through the Azure Forest – a foul black spell like none that had gone before.


“Justin” Gus called with his mind. “Justin – please we need help.” Gus knew that Justin had placed a protective spell around the small cabin and the woods that surrounded it, but this death shadow needed more than just a protective spell.


Justin, who lay still as death, deep under the earth in the Fairy Queen’s castle could only do one thing when Gus’ cries reached his heart. He knew that Brian must still be trying to defeat the dark and evil Stockwell and he knew that Gus would only ask for help if it was important. The child - though young - had more magic in him than any other person ever born. Prince Justin reached deep into his heart and let his mind grab onto an ancient spell that could be invoked only once every one hundred years and then only in times of dire emergency.


“Gus – my precious child – how can I help you?” Prince Justin stood before Gus and his mother – though only Gus could see him as he was there on an astral level only. Gus quickly explained as best he could with limited knowledge and sight of what was happening. Justin looked out of the window and realized that the dark shadow death was mere yards away from entering the clearing.


“Gus – you and I will have to do this together. For our love for your father and your love for your mother will provide us with the necessary force to place a dome of protection over the clearing. Justin let his body go out of the small cabin and he smiled – for silent and proud – surrounding the cabin was every animal, every bird, every fairy, every elf, every leprechaun of the Azure Forest.”


“Why are you all here?” Justin asked – and though they couldn’t see him, the elf named Tobin stepped forward.


“Inside this cabin rests the savior of Ireland as we know it. We stand here side by side to protect he that cannot protect himself as yet.” Tobin said into the air – though he looked directly at where the ethereal Justin stood.


“Then combine your magic with his and mine – together all of the Azure Forest will hold fast the dome of protection over this small piece of land and when the black shadow is gone – we can all return to our homes stronger in the knowledge that we stood and fought and won. We will continue to win for all time, for we stand at the side of good and light.”


“So be it Prince Justin” and the elf bowed low.


Inside with Gus once again, Justin cast a sleeping spell over Lindsay and Melanie – then using strength he was unaware he had in this ethereal state, he picked Gus up and took him outside – none there seemed to think it unusual to see a child floating in the air. Justin and Gus together began to say the words of the spell – first in elven – then in fairy – and finally in a Celtic tongue that was as old as time.


All stood and watched as the black shadow crept up to the edge of the clearing then moved over top as if stopped by an invisible force – the black shadow seemed somehow alive and it reared back and dropped fully on the dome of protection. Not once, not twice, but more than a dozen times until the force of the shadow began to generate bolts of lightning that lit the sky above and the roars of thunder deafened the ears of those staring defiantly underneath until slowly, very, very slowly, the black turned to deep grey, turned to smoke, turned to wisps of white, turned to nothing, and then a rainbow the likes of which had never been seen before - crossed the skies of the Azure Forest.


A roar of triumph rose up over the clearing and Gus and Justin smiled at one another. “I must go now Gus – I weaken – but soon we will be together – your father will triumph like we have today.”


“Go my Prince.” Gus said as he settled down contentedly at his mother’s breast.




The five dragons and their riders dipped low over the last hill and Sheriff Stockwell's castle loomed into view.  Brian indicated to the others that they should land.  In minutes they were safely on the ground. 


Emmett stayed aboard his dragon, carrying on a long conversation about why dragon's didn't wear scarves and how much more colorful their lives would be with the right accessories.


Michael clung to the scales of his dragon too terrified to move or contemplate getting down.  The dragon looked back at the small man and snorted, letting out a puff of smoke that made Michael whimper.


Brian, Ko and Gimblo surveyed the castle.  The rest of their colleagues had not yet arrived from the tunnels below.


"He has cast a spell around the castle," Brian stated.  "He thinks that will protect him from the dragons."


"And will it?" Gimblo asked.


"Not when I cast the spell to dissolve it," Brian said.


"Why does this man who claims to hate magic use it for his own purposes?" Gimblo wondered aloud.


"He wants all with magic destroyed so that he may hold all of the power for himself," Brian explained.  "By the end of this day he will be defeated."


"You are sure, Grand Wizard?" Ko asked.


"I am Brian Kinney.  The Grand Wizard is no more.  We must succeed, or we are all doomed.  My newly born son would be the first to die, for his magic is the future of Ireland."  Brian paused, unsure of how he knew that, but he did.  Since the dragon had burned the Grand Wizard from his body, things had been so clear to him and he knew his mission and its outcome would proceed without fail.


"I am going to fly to the castle keep aboard Phynnfyre.  When I arrive there I will dissolve the spell around the castle," Brian stated. "Elves and trolls and the other dragons must attack and clear the castle of those who support Sheriff Stockwell.  He must stand alone and I will confront him when he does."

Ko and Gimblo nodded solemnly.  They would do their best to make the plan of Brian Kinney work.


Brian mounted Phynnfyre.  Emmett and Michael still sat astride their dragons.  Ko and Gimblo would stay on the ground with their colleagues.  Brian rose into the air and headed for the castle.  The others began their onslaught as soon as Brian signaled that the spell of protection had been dissolved.  Phynnfyre landed at the top of the keep and Brian dismounted.  He thanked the dragon and asked her to help the others in their fight.  As she flew away to do so, Brian headed inside knowing where the Sheriff had holed up.


Brian entered the great hall of the castle and saw Stockwell sitting on his chair like a king on his throne.


"You are truly stupid, Kinney," Stockwell said.  "You have come alone right to the spot of your death.  You make it too easy."

"I'm not dead yet," Brian retorted.


"Let me rectify that," David Cameron said stepping out from behind a tapestry.  His sword was drawn and ready for business.


"David, you have been my traveling companion for days.  I do not wish to harm you.  Michael cares for you.  Join us and all will be well."

"You think soft words will save you?" David asked advancing on Brian.


"I gave you one last chance, but you choose to ignore it," Brian said sadly and raised his hand.  With a flick of his wrist he sent David's sword clattering across the room.  A second wrist movement and the man staggered back as if he had run into a brick wall.


"Attack!" Stockwell screamed at him.  "Destroy him!"


"I … I can't get near him," David grumbled.


"Imbecile!  Must I do everything for myself?" Stockwell shrieked, beside himself with frustration.


"Give up before it is too late," Brian said glaring at Stockwell.


"Never!"  Before Brian could do anything Stockwell had drawn his wand and sent a bolt of lightning straight at Brian.  Brian turned slightly and stepped to the side.  The lightning bolt skimmed past him and hit David Cameron square in the chest.  The man went down with a cry of agony.


Brian rushed to the fallen man.  David gasped in pain and blinked up at Brian.  "I did love him.  Tell him for me."  Brian nodded and David breathed his last.  He laid the man gently on his back and turned to find that Stockwell had left the building.


The sight that faced the Sheriff as he slipped out the secret passage into the stable yard was one he’d never forget as long as he lived. Perched on every available surface and on some surfaces, like the very walls of the castle – were trolls from tribes he’d never seen before as well as those whom he’d thought dead and long buried. There were elves from the sea – their hair as red as fire. And local elves with locks that burned like the sun. Fairies by the thousands – the millions even, fluttered and flew in every direction. Seven ogres – the last of their kind stood silently by the drawbridge – daring him and his henchmen to even think of attempting to cross. Nine giants lingered outside the walls lest they flatten anyone inside – though the thought crossed Stockwell’s mind that flattening him wouldn’t be something they would hesitate to do.


Perched high on the ramparts were the fighting dragons – each one testing the length of its fire breathing – to while away the time – and to cook the Sheriff’s prize cattle that were now turning on spits set up in the courtyard. For a feast was anticipated by all when they disposed of the Sheriff.


A roar of approval began as a small shout and unfurled like a giant banner and Stockwell turned to see what the shouting was about. Brian Kinney stepped out of the secret passage behind Sheriff Stockwell. “Where are all your men?” Brian asked casually.


“They aren’t far.” Stockwell brazened. “My men would never leave their posts without first apprising me of the fact.”


Anyone seen the good Sheriff’s men?” Brian asked conversationally and with help of a sound spell the question was heard by everyone.


“These little guys?” A giant asked and he held a squalling man dressed in armor up for all to see – pinching him carefully using only his thumb and forefinger. For giants are really quite gentle souls. It’s their size that gives them the bad press.


“Yes, it looks like one.” Brian said. “What do you plan on doing with them?” he asked the Giant.


“There’s a whole set, I thought I’d take ‘em back to the kids to play with.” He held the man up close to his eyes. “They have tiny little horses too, can I take them?”


“You Giants are welcome to the Sheriff’s men – though be gentle – make sure you feed them regularly and keep them safe.” Brian said.


“Of course Brian Kinney. Flghrug is bringing along the nicest little house he found – it will be perfect for them. We’d better go now – thanks for inviting us.” The Giant opened a leather pouch on his waist and dropped the soldier inside with the others he carried.


The ground shook as the Giants headed for the mountain range. Brian turned to the Sheriff and all eyes followed – the citizens of the magic part of Ireland were curious what this kind man would do to the evil person standing beside him.


“Sheriff, your Book of Shadows has been destroyed and its ashes scattered to the four corners of the world.” He nodded his thanks to the dragons. “Your wands have all been reduced to kindling as well” Sheriff Stockwell searched fruitlessly through his heavy cloak – finding nothing but lint in all its pockets.


“A binding spell is upon you now – not only from me – but the power of three – my son has reached across the miles to add his talent to mine and my life partner has reached across through the shadowed realms to assist.” He looked to the leader of the trolls.


“I give you the care of Sheriff Stockwell – he has caused you and yours the most harm and it is only fitting that you have him. He will work for you for one thousand years beneath the earth – perhaps then he’ll learn to use magic wisely – and only if you are sure of his rehabilitation, are you to release him then. His magic will not work beneath the earth’s surface, the binding spell will see to that.”


“No, you can’t send me with them.” Stockwell was appalled at the very thought. The trolls moved forward, creeping down the castle walls, lurching forward through the courtyard, until in one fetid breathless move, they touched Stockwell and trolls and Stockwell disappeared. Only the very faintest ‘noooooooo’ was heard and then only by those who cared to listen. Few did.


Brian looked around trying to see where his two remaining companions were.  He realized that they were still atop their dragons and the dragons were perched on the ramparts.


"Michael. Emmett." he called to them.  "Come down here."


Slowly the dragons rose up and then dropped softly to the ground.  Michael and Emmett climbed carefully off and thanked the dragons.  The dragons returned to their spots giving a smoky snort in response.


Brian looked sadly at Michael.  He wasn't sure how the man would react to the news about David. 


"Where's David?" Michael asked before Brian could say anything.


"He's dead, Michael."  Brian didn't know how else to say it.


"Oh," Michael said a look of sadness crossing his face.  "I guess I knew that would probably happen.  Did you kill him?"

Brian looked a little hurt.  He hadn't killed Stockwell, for Christ's sake, so why would his friend think that he killed David.  Usually Brian didn't explain himself but he felt he had to this time.  "He was hit by a bolt of lightning that Stockwell shot at me.  It missed me and hit David.  He … he wanted me to tell you that he loved you."

"He's a fucking liar," Michael reacted.  "He used me, and would have kept on using me.  I'm only sorry that I didn't hit him harder with that rock and kill him myself."


"Michael," Emmett said, "you shouldn't …"


"Don't.  Don't say anything more."  He turned and walked away from the other two.


"How did things go out here?" Brian asked.


"There wasn't much of a fight, especially after the giants arrived."


"You and Michael were safe?"

"The dragons were amazing," Emmett gushed.


"I'm going to ask Phynnfyre to send you and Michael home on your dragons.  Our quest is over."

"I'm kind of sad that it's done.  I did things I never thought I could do."

"You did so many important and brave things," Brian said.  "We wouldn't be here now without you."  Emmett beamed at him.  "Take care of Michael for me."


"What are you going to do?" Emmett asked, knowing that Brian would be going after Justin.


"First I'm going to see my son."


"Your son?  You have a son?" Emmett couldn't believe his ears.


Brian grinned and nodded.  "He's only a couple of days old."


"Can we come too?" Emmett asked.  "I love babies."

"I don't know," Brian replied nodding towards Michael.


"It might be good for him to see a new life beginning, and then I'll take him home."


Brian motioned to Phynnfyre who swooped down from the ramparts.  He explained what they wanted to do and she agreed.  Soon they were all mounted and winging their way to the little cottage where Lindsay, Melanie and baby Gus waited.


As they approached they could see the last remnants of evil hovering over the protection dome.  Brian waved his hand and both the evil and the dome disappeared in a puff of wind.  Immediately wild flowers began to grow and burst into bloom, like they had been saving all their energy, waiting for the evil to leave.  Birds sang and the trees whispered in a gentle breeze.  The world was reborn and glorious. The dragons landed outside the door of the little cottage. 


Melanie came slowly out of the door looking warily at the dragons.  Lindsay rushed out carrying the baby.  "Brian," she called.


He stepped forward and she handed him his son.  He held the baby tentatively in front of him.


"Don't drop him," Melanie warned.


"That's just what I was planning to do," Brian replied sarcastically.  He turned away from them partly to cover the rising emotion he felt holding his son.  "Sonny Boy," he whispered and clutched him to his heart.  He could feel Justin calling to him at that moment.


"Da," baby Gus said in some weird way that Brian understood.  "I love you.  Thank you for protecting us."

Brian felt a tear escape and he kissed the little forehead.  "I love you too, little one.  You are going to be full of magic and do only good deeds for Ireland."


The baby smiled up at his father, a smile to rival even Justin's.  "Justin needs you," Gus told him.


"I know.  I'm going."  He wiped the tear away and turned around.  Emmett hovered nearby and Brian handed the baby to him.  Michael came over to bill and coo at Gus as well.  Who could be sad with a new baby to play with?  Brian could hear Gus giggling.


"I have to go," Brian said to Lindsay.  "I will see about getting you and Gus and Melanie moved into Stockwell's castle.  You'll have more room, and … Justin and I might join you there."


Lindsay gave him a kiss.  Brian grinned and went over to Phynnfyre who waited patiently.


"So, human, you did not lie about having a little one," the dragon observed.


"You thought I was lying to you?"

"No, or I would not have agreed to help you, but we dragons are a skeptical lot."


Brian snorted.  "Thank you for all your help.  If the other two dragons will take Michael and Emmett home, I release you to go back to your little one."


They watched as Phynnfyre rose up into the air and headed away to the east.  It was a magnificent sight.


"I must go too.  The dragons will take you home, Emmett.  Michael, I will see you soon."

With that Brian disappeared ready to find his one true love.

When Brian first appeared in the great hall of the Fairy Queen – no one paid him any attention – for in the great hall – he along with any other human who was ever invited – was the same size as all the other fairies.


Brian could see that everyone was laughing and celebrating the victory and freedom from tyranny that had taken place that day.  All but one – Prince Justin lay in his fairy bed – on sheets of silk spun from spider webs – diamond tears littered the floor around him – making sure that only someone pure of heart could approach the still form. The injury to his right temple was almost healed over – Brian felt a nudge of pain in his heart when he looked upon it – so sure was he that he might have been able to prevent his true love from being hurt.


Slowly but surely Brian approached the young blond prince until he stood beside him. With trembling hands he picked up Justin’s cool hand and brought it to his lips – his kiss spreading warmth. Encouraged - he bent down and gently  - tenderly – full of love – Brian kissed the raspberry lips of the man he loved.


Justin’s eyes fluttered open and his lips turned up in a smile that lit  the great hall. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch in awe as Brian held out his hand and Justin – fingers twined in Brian’s rose up until they stood side by side – and everyone in the Kingdom – near and far – felt the love that passed between them – and everyone knew with not a shadow of a doubt that this love would live one for generations – one only had to look into sapphire blue eyes – or gold flecked hazel ones to realize this. And everyone knew that the Grand Wizard was no more – that the dark forces that had crept into his heart – building walls upon walls were no longer – nor would they ever return – not now and not in a thousand or ten thousand years. For this was true love and nothing can beat that.



The strains of the song Save the Last Dance for Me ended and Brian and Justin laughing together swept out of the ballroom. They walked hand in hand, pausing only to kiss every now and then toward the parking garage. Daphne and her date waved to them both as they left the hotel. Singing the words of the song they waltzed to the car. “I’ll never forget this night.” Justin breathed – his eyes filled with happiness and love.


“Even if it was ridiculously romantic?” Brian replied as he moved closer for a kiss. Their kiss was tender at first – then moved into passion and promise before they broke apart. “You ready for something special?” Brian asked.


“If you’re part of it – I’m always ready.” Brian walked Justin to the passenger side of the  jeep and helped him in.


“Hey Taylor – you guys rocked.” A voice called from the other side of the parkade.


“Thanks Hobbs – don’t we always.” Justin grinned at Brian. “I love you Brian Kinney.”


“I love you too Justin Taylor.” He bent low and unable to resist he kissed him again. Had anyone been looking – they might have thought the twinkling lights everywhere in the gray cement parking garage were decorations from the Prom – but really they were the fairies who often stopped by to watch the love unfold each lifetime between Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor.

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