Love Will Light the Way - 2

Love Will Light the Way

- 2 -


The small group moved through the early morning streets of the village, each of them lost in their own thoughts.  Sir David took the lead, as was his right as the only trained soldier among the group. Or at least that was the argument he used when questioned by Michael. His face was unreadable but the glint in his eye when he looked at the younger brown eyed man was unmistakable. He was interested in Michael for some reason. Justin watched and took note – he would have to keep an eye on Michael for his own good. David Cameron, as his father’s spy, and as a man touched with the brush of the black realm, bore watching.


The Grand Wizard, tall and handsome astride a stallion that was two hands taller than any of the others followed a few yards behind the arrogant knight. He watched with his peripheral vision as the fairies and sprites and the occasional leprechaun kept pace with their group through the village and he wondered what the entrance to the Green Forest would bring. It should prove interesting because there were two routes north. One was open to all travelers and one that could only be accessed with magic and with the permission of the wood sprites that guarded the entrance. Brian had only traveled that route once long ago, before life had conspired to darken his heart – ever since then it had been lost to him.


From what he remembered, time folded and the journey that would take many days only took barely twenty four hours. Would the wood sprites let their group in, now that Prince Justin traveled with them? Of course, if any of their band did any form of black magic while on the trail – it could be weeks before they would find their way out of the maze that would appear and the journey would be fraught with perils.


“Brian, you’re very quiet.” Michael stated as he caught up with his friend. Michael’s horse, a small Exmore Pony, looked up at the fierce stallion and began to shy away from him. Michael was barely able to keep Ty under control and the smaller horse danced along the path for a few minutes until Justin realizing what was happening from his position by Emmett’s wagon, cast a calming spell on the small pony.


“I have much to think about Michael. It isn’t everyday I’m asked to help save Ireland from a questionable fate.”


“How can you say that Brian? Sheriff Stockwell hates wizardry and magic of any kind. He hates your kind – I think you of all people would want to see him stopped.” Michael looked at his friend curious as to what he was thinking. “There is something else wrong. You get quiet whenever Prince Justin comes close. Surely you aren’t interested in him?

 Because if you are, forget it. He’s a Prince for cripes sake, he’ll just take what he wants and leave you hanging.”


“Justin isn’t like that Michael.” Brian said and he remembered the soft caress of Justin’s hand as it traced his face and the words the young man had spoken. “He’s more than what he seems, to you and everyone. He’s good and kind,” Brian’s voice trailed off. He didn’t want to reveal too much to his friend.


Justin, his black cloak billowing around him with the morning wind and the teasing play of the fairies that were invisible to all but him and possibly the wizard, rode his horse but kept his eyes on the man he felt such love for. He calmed the small pony that Michael rode and wondered what they were talking about. He could listen in – he did have the ability to ‘hear’ anyone should he wish it. But he rarely used this gift from his grandmother. He felt that the intrusion wasn’t nice. Instead, he thought ahead to the Green Forest – Justin had discussed with the Fairy Queen and the Lord of the Wood Sprites, the consequences of taking his traveling companions through on the fairy road. He was sure that Emmett would be fine and perhaps even Brian, because the Grand Wizard would know better than to practice any of the dark arts while traveling through. But Justin wasn’t so sure about David Cameron or Michael. Of the two of them, he trusted David the least, but Michael was close behind. One instance of any of the dark arts being done, no matter how trivial, would result in their travels being delayed as they worked their way through the maze and the trials that had been put there to test any who ventured on the path that wasn’t pure of heart and soul.


Prince Justin didn’t want to make the call himself; instead he’d trusted the judgment of the Fairy Queen and her good friend the Lord of the Wood Sprites. The Green Forest rose before them in all its majesty. A wall of trees and shrubs parted only at the end of the narrow dirt road. The group moved steadily toward it. It was only Justin who noticed the opening fading and close beside it another appearing, this one brightly lit with an abundance of wild flowers, the trees alive with colorful fairies and wood sprites in every shade of green and brown imaginable.


They all waved at Prince Justin as he passed through as if they knew that now an adventure and some fun would start. Justin didn’t know whether to be happy or sad as he moved past. David and the rest of them paid no notice to the curving of the road, or the new and colorful entrance to the forest. None of them noticed the laughing and dancing fairies and wood sprites, not even the Grand Wizard, for the ‘little people’ had chosen to stay hidden from him, wanting him to think that he was on the regular path. In this way they planned on testing him – none believed what Justin had told them. How Brian and he were destined to be together.


David Cameron passed through the time fold first, his body armor shimmering in the quick fold, Brian and Michael, still talking were next, Michael noticing nothing and Brian was only uncomfortable for a moment. The heavy blackness that was in his heart turned icy cold as all that is good in time, bent around the beating heart enough for him to squeeze through the portal. Justin and Emmett both preened as the warmth of love and light washed over and through the two of them as they entered the Green Forest to follow the dirt road that now was glimmering with tiny sparkling quartz bits in rainbow colors as the morning sun managed to still light their way through the heavy canopy of green.


“Will you be alright Emmett?” Justin asked. “I’d like to ride ahead and speak with Brian.”


“You go right on and do just that. I’m going to sit here on my nice comfy cushion and let these wonderful horses do all the work.” Emmett had brought two of his favorite cushions with him, much to the disgust of Michael and the amusement of Justin. “Why don’t you take one of these tasty apples to Brian, you can send Michael back here for his.” Emmett laughed out loud with his not so subtle way of having Brian and Justin be alone.


“You are wonderful to think of this Emmett.” Justin laughed quietly. “I’ll do that.” He put the two apples that Emmett handed to him into a fold of his cloak, smiling at the inventiveness of the Brownies as the two large apples disappeared and still didn’t ruin the line of the cloak with their weight. He goaded his horse with his heel and soon was at Brian’s side.


Brian heard the clump of Justin’s horse as it made its way forward, he wasn’t surprised to see the blond appear beside him, but he was surprised at how he felt when the raspberry lips smiled at him and the sapphire blue eyes danced with pleasure as Brian turned and looked at him questioningly.


“Hey,” Justin’s voice was soft and full of promise as he looked into the depths of Brian’s hazel eyes. He wrenched himself away and said to Michael. “Emmett has an apple for you Michael; he wants to deliver it to you in person.”


“I don’t want an apple. I’m talking to Brian. He’s been my best friend since our childhood.”


Regretfully Justin gave Michael a bit of a mental push. “The apple is juicy and delicious like those of your childhood.” He was pleased to see Michael nod his agreement.


“I’m going to see Emmett,” Michael said to them and turned his horse around to find his friend.


“Now Prince Justin, that wasn’t very nice.” Brian chided, amusement in his voice.


Justin grinned up at him and reached inside his cloak for the two juicy red apples that Emmett had given him. When he handed one up to Brian, he let his fingers linger a moment in the strong sun kissed hand, for he knew that with each touch, Brian’s heart became less dark.


Teasing him with his eyes, Justin held up his own apple. Never breaking eye contact, he bit into the juicy fruit, his teeth white as the pulp they were biting into, his lips as red as the apple’s skin. The juice dripped down his chin and Brian ached to lick it off and Justin read that thought as soon as it flashed through Brian’s mind and he laughed out loud with the joy of the pursuit of the man he loved.


Brian held his own apple transfixed by the sight of Justin as he slowly, bite after bite devoured the apple in his hand. Justin’s pink tongue flicked out to catch the juices, his blue eyes filled with laughter and promise and yes, even love – and Brian was confused. How could this wonder of a man feel any kind of love for him? They continued down the trail, scattered bits of quartz to make a rainbow of sparkling lights that helped to mark their way, the deeper they went into the Green Forest of legend and myth, fairy guards tittering their approval of Justin’s seduction of the dark wizard.



The small band journeyed on through the woods for several hours, before Justin called a halt for some food.  Emmett unloaded some supplies from his wagon and David helped Michael start a fire.  Both Brian and Justin were tempted to use magic to help them, but decided to save all their magic for more pressing times ahead.


When Emmett had made tea and handed each member of the group some bread and cheese, they found places to sit comfortably on the grass or on a fallen log.  Emmett sat on his colorful cushion on the wagon seat as he ate in solitary thought.  David and Michael sat on the grass near the fire.  Justin followed Brian to a fallen log under a larger tree.


Brian wondered at the effect Justin's nearness had on him.  He wanted to touch the man, hold him in his arms and protect him.  He longed to lie with him in a warm bed and show him the glory of being men.


"Brian, do you have any plan about how to confront Sheriff Stockwell when we get there?" Justin asked.


Brain shook his head forcing the lust-filled thoughts from his brain and focusing on what Justin was asking him.  "I don't really have a plan, but I have found from experience that it is often best to turn an enemy's prejudices and hatred against himself."


"Hmm," Justin mused.  "That sounds interesting.  I will have to think about that."


Brian smiled.  This was one of the things he had learned to love about the prince.  He never thought his ideas were better than anyone else's.  He seemed to listen and weigh all ideas on their merit. 


Justin reached over and touched Brian's arm.  Brian took in a breath in surprise.  Each time the prince touched him he felt something strange in his heart.  He wondered if this could be the love that Debbie had told him about.


"We are on the fairy road, aren't we?" Brian asked suddenly.


"Are we?" Justin asked surprised that Brian had come to this conclusion when he knew the fairies and sprites were blocking Brian from seeing them.


"I can feel the magic.  I wondered if you would take us by this route."

"You know about this road?" Justin asked trying to draw Brian out.


"I used it once long ago when I was a callow youth.  It has been lost to me since."

"And why do you think that is?"


"I don't have a … a pure heart," Brian admitted sadly.  Until that moment he had never allowed himself to accept that fact.  He had chosen to believe that he was forced to make the choices in his life that led to where he was now.  He never accepted that he could have done otherwise.  He wondered how the prince could draw this kind of confession out of him, how he could reach into his soul and make him see his life so clearly.


"I think you have a very pure heart when you choose to listen to it," Justin stated.


That sounded so much like what Debbie had told him.  "You do?"

"I do," Justin said.  "You are a good man deep down, or you would not have chosen to come with me on this mission."

Brian felt himself blush.  How could he tell this man that he had come on the trip in order to seduce him?  All he really wanted was the pleasure of the prince's body.


"That's not all you want, Brian," Justin said reading Brian's thoughts.  "You have your own quest to fulfill and this mission is only a part of it."

"How do you know that?" Brian asked rather fearfully.  He did not like that Justin could read his thoughts.


"I know many things.  You know that I have magical powers, but you do not yet know the extent of them."

"Should I be afraid?" Brian asked, for truthfully he was afraid of the prince and what he represented.


"You do not need to fear me.  I wish you only the best."

"I trust that I can believe you," Brian said rather harshly.


"If you cannot, then I don't know why you agreed to come with me," Justin retorted.  "It would have been better had you refused me."

"I … I'm sorry if you think I am judging you harshly, but I scarcely know you," Brian tried to explain.


"It's time we moved on," Justin said tersely standing and moving over to the wagon.


"Fuck," Brian thought, "I've made him angry.  Why can't I trust him and open my heart to this man I want so desperately."  Brian stood up slowly knowing it was because he was afraid, afraid of love, afraid of being hurt, afraid of being vulnerable to another being.  He would have to undo a lifetime of self-preservation techniques, if he wanted to open himself to the love he was beginning to sense from this young man.


“Pack up  -  Prince Justin ordered, the regal tones heard by everyone for the first time. “There will be time enough to rest when we make camp tonight.” Rather than wait for the rest, he swung himself up on his black stallion that reared at the unaccustomed abruptness of the mounting. Justin galloped ahead wanting to distance himself from all of them. From the prying eyes of David Cameron, from the budding dislike in Michael’s eyes, from the compassion in Emmett’s and most of all from the brooding hazel orbs that haunted his every waking moment as well as his dreams.


“What burr got up his ass?” Michael grumbled as he gathered himself together and mounted his pony. Emmett shook his head. Prince Justin was not used to having to work for love – and this love of his that he shared with the haunted looking man who was mounting his horse even now - - this love would be a lot of work.


David Cameron stood back in the shadows. He’d been watching Justin and the Grand Wizard. Something wasn’t quite right there, perhaps if he courted the foolish friend, he would be able to discover the connection between Brian Kinney and Prince Justin.




The road suddenly turned to the right. “Stop it” Justin demanded. He knew that the Lord of the Wood Sprites was responsible – for the road was a straight one through the Green Forest, even the fairy road.


“Ah, my beautiful Prince.” The small wood sprite said, a lilt of laughter in his voice. “I thought perhaps a word of two, between you and I – two men of the world – might be in order – “


“You know humans don’t lay with wood sprites” Justin laughed at the thought. He said hastily, not wanting to hurt his friend’s feelings. “Of course, if humans did lay with wood sprites – you my old friend would be on the top of my list.”


“It isn’t that I wish to discuss. You are traveling with more than one who has given himself to the dark realm. I wanted you to be aware of that as they both are cloaked in a layer of white light that hides the evil shadows within.”


“I’m aware of the hearts and souls of all who travel with me.” Justin began. “For is that not my goal – to restore the heart of the man I love – while freeing the land of its tormentor?”


“My Prince – watch carefully tonight – even a small amount of the dark magic – and I cannot stop the curse that was put on this road when the Green Forest was only meadows covered in seedlings. You and yours will then have to travel until the end of the maze that will appear – battling no end of beasts and monsters.”


“I understand – Justin shook his head. “I have a feeling deep inside that it has been written already in the annals of time that I endure the tasks that will befall me and mine as we travel north.”


“Perhaps, dear friend – you know I cannot say – but know this – five of you travel this road – only four will leave the forest – three will be pure of heart and soul – one will not be pure – but can with time be saved – one whose soul is beyond redemption – will never leave – of this you can be sure -- for it is written in stone.”


Justin felt a cold hand grip his heart. Surely he didn’t mean Brian – for if Brian should die and become one with the forest than by all that was holy – he would stay by his side – they could try for redemption in another lifetime. Justin’s head rose high, his back straightened with determination – he pulled on the reins and turned back to join his fellow travelers – this was not the time to have petty temper tantrums – he would need all of his skill and wits about him should the prophesies come to pass and their ordeal begin.




The small group traveled on for the rest of the day.  Justin began to think they would make it through the fairy road before anything untoward could happen.  As dusk began to fall however, he realized they would need to spend the night in the land of the fairies and sprites.  Traveling at night could be very dangerous.


He called a halt before the last rays of the disappearing sun had faded.  They quickly set up camp, Emmett again in charge of the meal, and the rest of them finding appropriate spots to lay out their blankets for sleeping.


Emmett managed to concoct a passable stew using the little piece of meat he had brought with him.  He had vegetables and lots of potatoes to make it filling.  Everyone complimented him on his ability to make something out of next to nothing.  Emmett basked in the glow of their praise.


Once they had eaten, they all sat around the fire getting to know each other a little better.  Emmett told them his life story and Michael made it clear to David and Justin that he was Brian's best friend, regaling them with stories of their escapades as youths.  Brian remained quiet only answering when Michael asked him to verify a story he was telling.


David Cameron watched Michael carefully, egging him on to tell more and more about the early life of the Grand Wizard.  Finally Brian stood and said he was tired and wanted to sleep.  He took his blanket and moved it over behind some bushes so that he was partially hidden from view.


The fire began to burn down as the others asked Prince Justin about his life at the royal court.  They were surprised to learn that his life was not so different from theirs in many ways.  He had jobs to do at the castle and spent most of his time being trained by his father for his future position as king.  Justin did not mention the mentors whom his mother employed to help him master the innate magic he possessed.


When the fire was nothing but dying embers they all decided to turn in.  Michael and David moved their blankets under a tree rather too close to each other, Justin thought.  Emmett crawled into his blanket under his cart.  Justin laid out his blanket near Brian, but not too close.  He wanted to be where he could see the man.


He watched Brian toss and turn.  He could not seem to settle and Justin knew he had not slept.  He wished he could sooth the man's troubled heart, but that would have to be done through the choices Brian made over the next few days.  He sighed and closed his eyes.


Suddenly Justin awoke.  He had no idea how long he had been asleep.  He glanced over to where Brian should be, but saw only the empty blanket.


"No!" he whispered to himself and got up.  He wanted to call out to Brian, but he didn't want to wake the others.  He thought they were all in their places still fast asleep.


Justin knew instinctively that Brian was somewhere off to his right and he headed in that direction.  He could see perfectly clearly although the night was dark with barely a half moon providing the only light.


He pushed through some bushes to find Brian seated on a rock outcropping with faeries and sprites dancing and cavorting in front of him.  Brian appeared to be mesmerized by them, but Justin also registered the sadness on the man's face.


The magical creatures laughed and giggled and soft music accompanied their graceful movements.  Little sparks of light sprang from their feet each time they touched the ground.  Their wispy silver bodies sparkled and shimmered.


Justin sat down beside Brian gently touching his arm.  The Grand Wizard looked up as if awakened from some strange reverie.


"They're so beautiful," Brian whispered.


"Why are you so sad in the presence of such beauty?" Justin asked brushing his fingers along the side of Brian's face.  He felt the man shiver.


"I never thought I'd see them again.  I had forgotten all that I have lost over the years."


"But you can find it again," Justin promised softly.


"Can I?" Brian asked.  "I think it's too late."

"It's never too late, but you have to want to change.  I will help you, but I can't do it without your willing acceptance."


Brian's arm wrapped around Justin's back and pressed the young prince against him.  Their lips collided in a kiss that spanned the centuries leaving them both breathless and frightened by its intensity.


"I want you," Brian groaned, his voice a deep rumble filled with all the longing and loneliness he had ever known.


"And you shall have me," Justin promised.


"What is the meaning of this?" David Cameron demanded, forcing his way into the clearing.  "Prince Justin, has this man bewitched you?"


"David, calm yourself, I …" Justin began.


"No, my liege, he is evil.  He cannot be trusted!"  He drew his sword and advanced on Brian.


Brian drew his wand and ordered David to stay back.  The man was beyond reason and raised his sword to strike at Brian.  Without thinking Brian chanted a protection spell followed by a stroke of his wand that threw David Cameron off his feet.  He staggered back and Brian struck him with another jolt of power.


Justin gasped, "No!" but it was too late.


David flew off his feet and fell into a group of spites who had been watching the developing scene in front of them.  David landed among the sprites scattering some and crushing others beneath his senseless body.


"Oh, no," Justin groaned.


Brian turned to look at him just as the sky erupted in bright light and everything around them changed.  Gone was the tranquil glade.  They found themselves in a narrow channel with thorny bushes all along the sides.  Gone were the faeries and sprites.  The five traveling companions stood together, except for David who still lay unconscious on the ground.  Gone were the flickering lights.  All was darkness.


"I warned you," an ominous voice echoed through the gloom.


“What happened?” Michael asked looking down at David and back at Brian and Justin.


“Where are we?” Emmett asked he shivered in the damp cold that began to seep through his brightly colored nightshirt.


“Gather close – I’ll see to my knight first and answer your questions later.” Prince Justin knelt by the side of the unconscious man. He quickly used his magic to scan the quiet body – other than being rendered senseless from the hard contact with the ground – there was nothing wrong – David would wake soon – hopefully less belligerent than when he was tossed to the ground with such force.


Justin stood – his heart heavy – this wasn’t what he planned – and he was sure that who ever had put the curse on the Green Forest fairy road – had not intended that magic used to protect – however dark – or not – that this magic would invoke the curse of the maze.


He looked at Brian  - and was shocked at the stricken look of hopelessness that he saw on the once handsome features that were now ravaged with worry.


Before Justin began – he knew he had to protect Brian from the despair that could take over the last vestige of goodness in his heart. Slowly he walked over to the older man and stood close beside him. He slipped his warm hand into the cold one, linking his fingers through Brian’s. He let his mind and his heart, together with the warmth of his body, instill peace and calm through the proud man.


“The Grand Wizard was put in the position of defending his Prince – for reasons not yet known – Sir David attacked – it was unfortunate that the wizard – in his zealousness to defend me used a bit more force than was necessary – resulting in some injury to David and to the keepers of the Green Forest.” Justin squeezed Brian’s hand and Brian felt his heart lighten and some of the cold that had been slowly taking over his body began to leave him.


‘How could this good and kind man defend him?’ he wondered. ‘It was his fault they were in this sorry mess and yet Justin was sharing the blame. – Could it be true – is it possible – could Justin feel something for him – was the gentle warming of his heart the beginnings of love?’


“But, but – the beautiful forest – it’s gone” Emmett was bewildered.


“No – it’s still here – but it’s hidden – and only if we are good and true – if we stand together – with love and hope – only then will the Green Forest return and we will find our way to the north.”


“If you had stayed in your own bedroll instead of looking for trouble – Brian wouldn’t have had to defend you.” Michael spat out. “This is all your fault.”


Brian stepped forward, his hand still twined with Justin’s. He pulled himself to his full height – the shadows swirling around and behind him. Brian’s eyes flashed hazel turning to black and Justin was reminded of a few moments ago when Brian stood to defend himself against Sir David. “Enough foolish talk Michael.” He said – and his voice was deep and cold – Emmett and Michael looked at their friend with something akin to fear. Never before had he spoken to them in this tone. Justin remained calm, for Brian’s hand had stayed with his and he could feel the older man draining love and hope into his own body.


“Prince Justin may be the leader of this quest – but he is at all times under my protection. I will swear by all that is good to protect him with my very life.” He looked pointedly at Michael. “That – my old and dear friend – includes protecting him from listening to slurs on his character or actions.”


“But Brian” Michael began to whine.


Emmett put his hand on Michael’s arm. “Let it go – you don’t understand the connection Brian has with this young Prince.”


“Oh – and you do?” Michael shook Emmett’s hand off of his arm and stalked away down the dark path.


“Please Michael,” Justin called. “We need to stick together. The forest is alive with perils.”


“There hasn’t been any problem up to now. The way I look at it – the biggest problem is you. And Brian if you can’t see that, then I suppose you’ll have to learn it on your own.” He turned and continued to walk away. “I’m going back to the village. The walk may be long, but it’s better than staying here.” The black mists swirled around him hiding Michael from their sight. Soon even his footsteps went unheard.


Emmett had been ministering to David Cameron, he’d placed a cloth wet from his water pouch on the downed man’s head and slowly Sir David began to come around. He opened his eyes to see Brian and Justin, still holding hands and Emmett staring down at him. “What happened?” he asked. He struggled to sit up – his head aching. He looked up at Brian and Justin again and the memories of what happened flooded through his brain. He turned deathly white. “My Lord, I apologize. I don’t know what came over me. One minute I was fast asleep – the next I was about to murder the Grand Wizard, it was like I was possessed.”


Brian looked down at Justin and asked. “Could your knight have received an unwelcome spell cast by someone who wishes us harm on our quest?”


Justin’s face flushed. He’d ignored all the signs that this could happen; he was so sure that Brian was the one he’d have to watch carefully. He’d even ignored his good friend the Lord of the Wood Sprites and now all of them were going to pay for his stupidity. He let his eyes wander the bleak landscape – the thorny hedge seemed to move in even closer and grow taller until only the tops of the tallest trees could be seen over the thick hedge.


Justin feared for the horses and for their supplies, though he dared not mention this right now to all of them. Brian gave a reassuring squeeze to his hand and Justin realized he wasn’t alone – and that Brian too knew his thoughts. The knowledge of this allowed him some peace and he felt a tiny part of Brian’s heart that he’d kept for so long leave and settle back where it belonged. He watched the face of the man he loved – a radiant look of wonder washed over it and Justin knew that the healing had begun – for this he was satisfied no matter what was about to happen.


All of a sudden, a muffled voice could be heard  Help, help—somebody help me.”


“It’s Michael” cried Justin. He let go of Brian’s hand and raced into the shadows unheeding the danger – Michael was in trouble and Justin had to do something now.


Justin burst through – almost with an audible pop into a clearing – the horses stood still tied to the tree. The wagon remained untouched. Bright moonlight from the full moon lit the small clearing; it was the Green Forest of before. Sitting on a large rock was a Net Troll – the worst kind of troll there was  -- one who took on a persona that was soon loved only to have everyone discover that under the pretty personality hid the Net Troll. “Michael?” Justin asked. It didn’t seem possible that Brian’s friend was a Net Troll.


“You can call me Michael if you wish, or Gage or Gracie or any of a dozen names,” said the green misshapen mess that was the Net Troll. The Net Troll began to pick its teeth with one of Emmett’s kitchen knives. I love those juicy apples boy.” It burped “We should have brought more.”


“What did you do with Brian’s friend?” Justin wasn’t going to be misled by this misfit.


“Oh, he’s wandering the forest paths – wondering where everyone disappeared to and why they didn’t wait for him. He slept in you see” the Net Troll chuckled – if you could call the phlegmy noise a chuckle. “Of course he had a bit of help” the Net Troll pulled out one of Brian’s wands from a fold of flesh and proceeded to polish the ebony on its multi textured thigh.


Justin kept his eyes on the wand – he wasn’t sure how much this Net Troll knew about the use of it – perhaps only enough to have Michael sleep in – or perhaps much, much more. “What do you want?” Prince Justin demanded. “I have nothing for you and neither do my friends.”


“Friends – you call that group friends” The Net Troll rolled off the big rock with a plop and tumbled over and over with mirth. “Why – a spy from your father – who hates all wizards and magic – such a good friend. A rainbow dressed fool of a man who is frightened of his own shadow – and – and – this is the best of all – It could hardly get the words out – The Grand Wizard of Ireland – a practitioner of  the dark arts when it suits him – a man with barely a heart – and what he had is as cold and hard as a rock. Amazing merry band of misfits you have there Prince Justin”   the words said with a sneer. “Going to stop the Sheriff are you?” The Net Troll grinned at him. It took all of Justin’s self control not to wince at the abomination of what its open mouth looked like.


“Now that you’ve had your little bit of amusement” Justin began. “I’ll return to my friends.”


“Not so fast my pretty little luv” The Net Troll began. “I’m not allowing you to leave without extracting some form of penance.”


“It isn’t enough that you have separated Brian from his oldest friend and made him doubt that friend with your little performance back there.” Justin indicated the swirling mist behind him.


“Nope – lovely thought – but no – I’m afraid that you and your friends would never survive without your horses and your supplies and perhaps even Michael, should I decide to let him return.” The Net Troll giggled again. “I must have you my handsome lad – you don’t have your great protector with all his magic or your fierce knight and his sword. There’s only you and I and this lovely wagon that would make a fitting bed for a romp.”


Justin looked at the Net Troll – “Inside all that ugly – you are a teeny tiny little person –“ Justin began. He watched the Net Troll lift Brian’s wand – the anger in its eyes apparent.

Without a moments hesitation Justin muttered “helopsi welln goshini return” and with a flick of his head and two quick movements with his right hand, the Net Troll was reduced to its true self – a creature barely an inch tall. Justin caught Brian’s wand before it hit the ground as the ugly creature reduced its size. “Now go back and play with all your little Net buddies in the dark and dank rooms where you live – watch through your ‘windows’ and live through other’s lives – just don’t assume them – it really isn’t a nice thing to do – and it makes me very angry when one of you is found out.” Justin lifted the tiny creature up in his hand – careful not to hurt it – with a whisper of wind spell – he sent the Net Troll back to its own kind.


“Well Prince Justin” a voice was heard by his head. Justin turned to see the Queen of all Fairies sitting on a branch of a flowering dogwood. “Nicely done.” She looked at the small Net Troll. “You have a choice now of course, of moving past the evil. I can see you on the far side none the worse for wear. I’m sure with your skills; you could win this quest and return to your father’s court within the month.”


“There is no choice for me.” Justin said. “I won’t allow my friends to run the maze without my skills. Return me to my friends, but allow me to take the horses and the wagon of supplies.” He thought for a moment “If you could have the maze unfold perhaps by a day or two – I would much appreciate it.”


“And Michael – that hapless fool who is even now wandering the Green Forest looking for his friends who he feels abandoned him?” she asked gently.


Justin sighed. If he had Michael returned to the village with a forgetful spell – he would be safe – but he would forever miss the adventure with his long time friend – and Justin knew that Michael needed to see Brian happy and fulfilled before he too could move on with his life. And Brian needed Michael as well – for he counted few as friend. On the other hand Michael irritated him all to hell.


“Have Michael brought to the wagon – we will allow him to sleep – he will remember his journey here though he did not make it – I’m sure the Net Troll won’t mind if we borrow its memories.”


The Queen of Fairies flew up and kissed Justin’s cheek. He’d always been a favorite of hers and she didn’t approve of these tests one little bit. But they were necessary if he was to be King some day – she wished she could tell him but knew she couldn’t. “So be it my Prince.” She whispered.




Brian and Emmett stood with Sir David between them – Justin had barely disappeared into the swirling fog. “Emmett, stay with David – I need to find Justin --- the words were barely uttered when out of the fog came Justin on Emmett’s wagon, the horses tied to the rear. Michael was sleeping peacefully on the wagon bed. “I thought these might come in handy he called to his friends.” He looked back at Michael “He changed his mind – he wanted to stay with his best friend.” Justin grinned at Brian lighting up the narrow passageway – even the thorn hedge retreated under the onslaught of his smile.


"Let's get David into the wagon and then we must decide what to do," Brian stated.


They woke up a confused Michael who didn't quite understand what had happened to him or any of them.  He agreed to stay on the wagon with David while the other three moved away to talk.


"Where did the Green Forest go?" asked Emmett fearfully.  "Are we doomed?"

"No, Emmett," Justin said kindly, "we are not doomed, but we must stick together and remain pure of purpose.  There are dangers and challenges ahead of us."

"But where are we?" Emmett persisted.


"We're together and I will lead the way," Justin said.  "Have faith."

"All right," Emmett said reluctantly, because he did trust Prince Justin.  He had already seen a little piece of his magic.  "I'm going to brew us some tea and make sure the other two don't get into more trouble."


"Thanks Emmett," Justin said as the rainbow clad man moved over to the wagon leaving Brian and Justin to talk.


"This is all my fault," Brian began.  "I should not have used such a strong and harmful spell.  The protection spell would have been enough."


"He caught us by surprise," Justin replied.  "We had to defend ourselves and very suddenly."

It was not lost on Brian that Justin had said 'we' each time.  He was not going to let Brian take all the blame.  "Where are we?  What happened when I used that spell?  And don't tell me the kind of drivel you were spewing to Emmett."


"What I told Emmett was true.  I just didn't tell him all of it."

"So tell me."

"We are in a maze that contains dangers and tests that we must defeat before we can reach the other side."

"Do you know the way?"

"I can discern it, and I will be able to help with some of the tests."




"There are some things that are blocked from me.  You will be required to make some difficult decisions."

"How will I know what to do?" Brian asked his brow wrinkled with worry.


"Follow your heart," Justin said simply.


"I don't understand what my heart is telling me," Brian protested.


"You will.  Remember how you felt just before I went to find Michael.  You felt warm and well.  Keep that feeling in your heart and head and your decisions will always be the right ones."

"I'll try," Brian said.


"You will do it, Brian, for me, for all of us."


He squeezed Brian's hand and the Grand Wizard felt the light and warmth that Prince Justin radiated.  He knew he would always hold on to that feeling.


"Tea's ready," Emmett called.


They moved over to the wagon and each accepted a cup of the brew.  Michael and David still sat atop the wagon and sipped their tea there.


"Do we know what way to go?" Michael asked.


"That way."  Justin pointed down the tunnel of thorns. 


Dawn was beginning although it was more like the lessening of gloom than the rising of the sun.  The height and cruelty of the thorn trees that lined their path shocked them all.  No one could hope to break through them.  No one should get too near them or their clothes and certainly their skin would be ripped to shreds.


"It's time," Justin said standing and emptying the last drops from his cup.  Brian followed suit and they all prepared to venture forth.


"I think you should drive the wagon Michael, and stay with David who can ride in the back," Brian said.


"I'm fine," David protested and tried to sit up.  He immediately grabbed his head and laid back down groaning.


"The effects of my spell will take most of the day to wear off," Brian explained.  "Stay put and allow Michael to tend to you," Brian ordered.  "Emmett, you can ride a horse, can't you."

"Of course I can.  I'm quite good actually.  I just choose not to," Emmett said with a flounce.


"Take Michael's pony and ride with us.  Justin and I will scout ahead as we proceed, but we need you to stay in a position where you can look back and see the wagon and look ahead and see us.  Can you do that?"

"I will do so," Emmett said confidently, liking his new role and the position of importance he had been assigned.


"Then we are ready," Brian said.


"Let's go," Justin agreed mounting his horse.

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