Love Will Light the Way

- 1 -


Brian walked along the dark street.  He didn't know exactly where he was going, and it didn't matter.  He was restless and he knew he would find what he needed.

The cobblestones under his feet were rough and irregular but he walked with confidence, head held high in his arrogant style.  People stepped back as he passed.  He heard some doors close as he went by, people blocking him out, seeking safety in their own homes.  They were afraid of him, and that was fine with him.

His eyes flickered over the men he passed, those that didn't slink away from him.  Some were too filthy to consider.  Some were too ugly or fat.  Some were too timid.  Then he saw him, a young man in a leather vest, not too dirty, who stared back at him.  Obviously he didn't know who Brian was, but he knew what Brian was, at least part of it.

Brian gave a flick of his head and stepped into an alley off the street.  It was dirty and foul, smelling like most alleys in Ireland in the 18th century.  Chamber pots were emptied into the gutters and waste of all kind littered the cobbles.  Brian held his hand to his face to repel some of the stench.  He turned as the young man appeared beside him.

Brian glanced around seeing only dark windows and doors.  Nobody was about.  He placed his hands on the man's shoulders and shoved him to his knees.  The man began to unlace the ties on Brian's pants.  He pushed them open and Brian's aching cock slipped free.  He had been craving release for hours, and didn't want to resort to masturbation, this time.

He felt the mouth of the young man engulf his throbbing rod.  He glanced at the top of his head before he swirled his cloak out to cover what they were doing.  Brian leaned back against the brick wall, allowing the man to work his magic.  Brian snorted at the thought and he felt the man hesitate.  He placed his hand on the head beneath his cloak and urged it back and forth along his cock.  The man got the idea and resumed his ministrations.

Soon Brian felt that ringing in his ears and the delicious warmth that flooded through his body.  He felt a gasp escape his lips and his seed filled the mouth of the man in front of him.  And then it was over.  He threw his cloak aside and the man stood up, a stupid grin on his face.  Brian quickly stuffed himself back into his clothes, nodded imperceptibly to the man who had just serviced him and stalked out of the alley.

It had been good, for thirty seconds.  Why was it never enough?  Why did he find no real satisfaction from these encounters?  He headed sadly for his home.

His resolute stride and unsmiling visage made everyone scurry out of his way more than usual.  He turned into the street housing his apartments.  A man collided heavily with him and they both fell back at the impact.

"Sorry, sorry, sir," the man said quickly.

"Why don't you watch where you're going, you imbecile," Brian responded.  His hand had gone unconsciously to his wand under the cloak.

"I didn't see you," the man tried to explain.

Brian glowered at him and he saw the fear in the eyes that dared to look back at him.

"Da," a little voice said.

Brian looked down and saw a wee girl whose hand was firmly grasped in that of the man who must be her father.  She had been behind him obscured from Brian's sight.  She smiled up at Brian and his anger receded.

"Be more careful in the future," Brian said imperiously.

"Yes, Master Brian," the man said bowing his head and not looking at the man, as Brian swept past him.

Brian entered his building climbing the flight of stairs to his apartment on the second floor.  He owned the building but rented out the first floor to augment his income.  His own apartment was above some of the stench below and received soft breezes through the windows.  He much preferred it to ground level and all the noise and bustle that went with that.

He glanced around looking at his rather luxurious surroundings.  He had done well for himself over the years.  His books and scrolls and manuscripts were neatly stored, safe and sound.  They were the source of his wealth.  He had studied the dark arts for many years and was now considered a master of them.  People came from all around to consult him about things that could not be solved in the usual manner.  He cured diseases, cast spells on enemies and helped shopkeepers increase their custom.  And he was well paid for his efforts.  This house had been payment for curing the first and only son of a local lord.

He smiled in satisfaction.  He could do anything he wanted, because no one dared to oppose him.  Suddenly his smile faded.  He knew there was something he needed, wanted, craved, but he didn't know what it was.  It was a deep longing in the pit of his stomach.  It was an ache that pressed around his heart.  He had no words to say what it was, but he knew he yearned for it.

He should be feeling good after his encounter with the young man on the street, but he felt empty inside.  He removed his clothes, drank a goblet of wine and flopped naked on his bed.  The moonlight shone dully through the open window.  He wished he knew what he wanted.  He had studied his manuscripts again and again.  He was always buying more trying to find the answer to his longing, but he had so far failed.

He sighed and closed his eyes.  Just before he fell asleep he thought he heard a voice softly call, "Where are you?"



“No, no, no, no, no, GOD” the sound faded and he fell back into the darkness. Justin knew nothing of the anguish of the man holding him, nothing of the ambulance ride and the promises whispered into his ear by the tearful man beside him. He knew nothing of the pain that had lodged deep within the very soul of the man who loved him.


Suddenly Justin found himself standing in a room full of shadows. He felt deep inside him a feeling of loss and sorrow because Brian wasn’t with him. The shadowed mist swirled around him and a soft voice of no particular gender began to speak.


“A true and perfect love transcends time and space - but no one is perfect, not even the gods - though they do like to think they are - mistakes are made and the very essence of someone that is good and kind is damaged - we seldom have the opportunity these days to rectify any little slip ups that may have taken place - Justin Taylor - you recognized your soul mate the moment you saw him - you have proven yourself loyal and true to him through many trials - We grant you the opportunity of healing his heart and soul in the lifetime that it was damaged. If you are successful - this healing will follow him through all his lifelines including this one.”


Justin was startled by the words, but in the surreal room that he stood in - the thought of being able to help Brian feel and accept love, perhaps even improve the childhood he had, was mesmerizing. Justin had always been one to accept challenges and this one was new and exciting.


He blinked and suddenly he knew that he was in another location, in another time. Justin looked down at himself and noticed that he was wearing a leather jerkin and high boots. A thick cape lined in a soft fur was draped over his shoulder. In his hand he held the reins of a horse, burnished black as coal. He looked over his shoulder at his companion who looked back at him, worry in his eyes. “Prince Justin, the wizard is nowhere to be found. He really isn’t the one you should be seeking. I have heard far too many stories about the man and I don’t think he can be trusted.”


“He can’t be that bad if even half the stories that I have heard are true.” Justin smirked at his companion.


“I hardly think that a man, wizard or not, who is as promiscuous as this one is, would be a suitable companion for you on your journey.”


“My dear David, my father the King, requires that I travel through a land filled with pixies and sprites, leprechauns and fairies, what better companion could I have but a wizard of Brian Kinney’s caliber?”


“You might try selecting one that has a heart that beats instead of the cracked stone that Brian Kinney has laying heavy in his chest. Not to mention one that likes women instead of the perversions that Kinney practices.” David Cameron not only looked like a pompous ass, but he sounded like one as well.


“How this wizard relieves his tension is no business of yours David.” Justin shot a hard glance at his companion. “I would think that someone such as yourself, who doesn’t touch woman or man, who leaves me to speculate on how YOU relieve tension, is hardly one to talk.”


Justin got back onto his horse and continued down the road heading for the lights of the town. He didn’t look back; he knew David would follow, after all the man was in the employ of his father as a companion as well as a spy.




Brian stared into the crystal ball.  Why couldn't he see?  Why couldn't he make it clear? A fog swirled and danced inside the sphere effectively blocking the light of his vision.  He had tried all of his tricks, the words, the wave of his hand, the tap of his wand, but nothing worked.  He thought for a moment he had conjured a fleeting vision of a man riding a sleek black horse, but it had vanished before he could even be sure what he
had seen.

He pushed the sparkling globe aside and rubbed his fingers around his temples.  His head throbbed from the effort and concentration, yet he had nothing to show for it.  He knew he was a powerful wizard.  Usually he could command the ball to show him what he needed to know.  Why not this time he wondered?  What was wrong?

A timid knocking at his door brought him out of his reverie.

"Enter," he commanded.

The door opened and Emmett Honeycutt, the local sissy boy as everyone called him, entered.  He quietly shut the door behind him and advanced slowly toward Brian.  His garish clothes covering his tall, slim frame reflected the full spectrum of the rainbow and further added to Brian's headache.

"Master Brian," the man said softly.

"What is it?" Brian asked brusquely having no patience for the man after his exhausting morning.

"My employer at the fabric shop has sent me to request your presence," Emmett said.

"In regards to what?" Brian demanded rather testily.

"He has received word that a competitor is going to open another fabric shop across the street from his store.  He wishes to hire you to prevent this from happening."

Brian rose from his chair.  He had wasted his morning trying to learn the source of the voice that called to him from some other place or some other time.  Now he needed to earn his living.  "Lead on," he said grabbing his cloak as he followed Emmett out the door.

An hour later having negotiated his price, Brian uttered the words that would ensure the shopkeeper held on to his customers.  The man bowed to Brian and gushed his thanks, secure in the knowledge that the power that Master Brian had brought to bear would protect his fortune and shop into the foreseeable future.

Brian accepted the pouch of coins and turned to leave without further discussion.  As he stepped through the doorway, he felt something draw his eyes to a bucket of water that someone had set beside the door.  Light glinted off the surface.  The water seemed to swirl as if a current ran through the pail.  Brian blinked and for a fleeting second in the swirl of the water he saw a young, blond man riding a black horse.  He knew he was riding toward him, as surely as he knew his own name.  He would be there the following day.

Brian felt a constriction around his heart.  He grabbed the doorframe for support and closed his eyes against the pain.

Suddenly Emmett's arms were around his waist supporting him and preventing him from falling.  "Master Brian," Emmett said softly, "what is wrong?"

"Nothing!  Nothing at all!" Brian protested trying to get his feet under him and his equilibrium back.

"Come next door to Mistress Debbie's inn.  Methinks you need a drink."

"Perhaps you're right," Brian agreed knowing that he needed to sit down.

Emmett supported him as they walked the few steps to the inn next door. Emmett was much stronger than he appeared and managed to get Brian safely seated in a chair inside the inn.  He called Debbie over and ordered two tankards of wine.

When Debbie returned with them, she looked at Brian with concern.  "You are very pale, Brian," she said.  "Has something happened?"

Brian had known Debbie and her son, Michael, for most of his life.  They were as close to a family as he was going to get.  "No," he responded tersely.

Debbie stared at Brian and shook her head.  "Don't shit me!  I can plainly see that something is wrong."

"I … I've been working on something intensely," Brian finally admitted. "I … I thought I had a vision outside the fabric shop."  Brian's voice fell away, he didn't want to admit or believe what had happened.

"I know you'll never tell me what you saw," Debbie stated matter-of-factly, "but listen to it, listen to your heart."  Her kind smile bored into Brian's closed and locked soul.

"I don't know what it means," Brian said quietly.

"You'll know when the time is right," Debbie said.

Brian raised his eyes and somehow knew she was right.  Something important was going to happen.  He felt the zing of anticipation shoot up his spine. Who was the man on horseback?  What did he mean to Brian?  Brian grabbed the tankard and took a long drink of the wine.  Tomorrow would come soon enough and he hoped he was ready for it.



Prince Justin and his companion rode late into the day. He was anxious to reach the small town where Brian Kinney called home before nightfall. He ignored the tittering of sprites, and the occasional snare they had set out to trip the horses, preferring to wave his own hand unobtrusively with a few words and incantations silently spoken, removing all obstacles.


He was glad his father’s spy David Cameron rode behind him and was as unobservant as a block of wood. Justin smiled up at the fairies that had accompanied them ever since the two had left the shelter of the green woods that surrounded his father’s castle. They too had whispered warnings into his ears about Brian Kinney, who had rightly earned a reputation for straying to the darker side of magic.


But Prince Justin had been attracted to the man from the moment Lady Lindsay had come back to the grand hall, content to raise her child with her companion Melanie, the daughter of a local scribe. The mysterious father of the child had provided considerable speculation among the courtiers and it was only that Lady Lindsay was a favorite of Queen Jennifer - or heads would have rolled when she was discovered to be with child and refused to name the father.


King Craig allowed the two women access to a crofter’s cottage deep in the green woods, where they were content to await the birth of the child. He was also kind enough to allow Lady Lindsay to accept the small allowance that her father had gifted her. Justin had placed a spell around the cottage to ensure the occupants safety and happiness. It was not much, but all he could do without giving his secret away.


Prince Justin was a natural magician; the ways of magic, the ability to communicate with sprites, fairies, leprechauns, truly all of the little people had been passed to him at birth by his grandmother. She had cautioned him from the start to keep his abilities well hidden and he had. The ability to communicate with animals was something that had been long forgotten, so seldom was this gift passed on. It was something that Prince Justin hadn’t learned yet. He knew he was able to sense most things about the animals he encountered in his everyday life, but until he became a man; until he allowed his body to be joined as one with another, this communication with the animals would remain dormant.


Lady Lindsay was really the one responsible for Prince Justin’s quest to seek out Brian Kinney. Or perhaps it was the child she carried that turned the tide in favor of this quest.



Not that long ago deep in the green forest

Prince Justin rode his favorite black horse along side the heavy wagon. Melanie sat up on the seat beside the wagon master; glancing back often to assure herself that her Lady Lindsay was faring well. Lady Lindsay, lay on a pallet among the trunks and furniture that would help fill their small cottage. Her face was pale with the jostling ride though the narrow road way through the woods was kept clear of debris by those who scavenged for firewood; it still left a lot to be desired.


“Sire, sire,” Justin heard a small voice deep inside his head. He looked around thinking perhaps a fairy or leprechaun desired to speak with him.


“Sire please. My mother is ill; can you not do a simple spell to make her discomfort less?”


Justin laughed to himself. “Well now little one, you are not born, yet you make requests of me already.”


“You are a good and kind Prince.” The small voice said.


Chuckling, Justin had to agree. It was something he prided himself on. He fell back until his horse was walking by the wagon bed and with a rapid movement and three small words in fairy, the Lady Lindsay floated less than an inch off her pallet, not enough to cause notice by anyone, but enough to allow her relief from the jostling.


“There now young one” Justin mentally spoke to the mound that was the child, safe in its warm and cozy womb. “Will there be anything else?” he asked in more in jest than anything else.


There is one more thing Sire.” The small voice stated, confident that his wishes would be carried out.


“You require a pot of gold perhaps, unlimited wealth, and good health?” Justin was getting pissy with the child.


“I need you to save my father from the demons of hell. His heart has only one small part left of goodness and kindness. The heavy walls he has erected are almost complete and I fear that he will be forever trapped inside unless his true love can tear down these walls.”


“And who might his true love be? I suppose I have to hunt that person down.”


“Why Sire, I thought you knew. You are his true love. You and he have loved since the beginning of time. Evil has entered its ugliness in your lives and now you must work hard to fight this evil and reclaim what is yours. For surely goodness will triumph over evil.”


“You are very wise for one so young.” Justin laughed. “How do I know what you say is even partially true?”


“Look into your heart; you have a small piece of Father’s heart that was given to you many lifetimes ago - you have kept it safe with your love. If he accepts this as a gift you freely give - The love you have for him and have always had will spread out and destroy all that is bad and evil and cold in his heart for this lifetime and for future lifetimes. You stole that small piece of his heart when the Great Evil washed over the land - it was all you could do at the time - now has come the moment in time to right the wrongs that were done those many years ago. ”


“And your father, does he have a name.” Prince Justin was intrigued.


“Brian Kinney, sire, the grand wizard of Ireland.”


The wagon had reached the clearing where the small crofter’s cottage stood in a pool of sunlight. Seven rose bushes, each a different color, spread their magnificence over the cottage walls. The heady scent in the air made the area seem alive with radiant glory.


“We have arrived safely my ladies.” Prince Justin began. “I will have the teamster unload the wagon and assist you in preparing the cottage. If you require anything, anything at all(,) send a signal by throwing this red powder into your cook fire. It will color the smoke and someone from the castle will arrive forthwith.”


He was about to leave when he turned around. “Your child, Lady Lindsay. His name is Augustus - the exalted one. Please grant my wish and name him that.”


Justin could feel Gus’ pleasure at his new name and he kicked out triumphantly. “He appears to like that name.” Lindsay observed. “Of course it will be my pleasure to call my son Augustus, perhaps Gus as his ‘love’ name?” she ventured.


“Gus is a fine name. Tough and manly.” Justin agreed and he turned and rode his horse back down the narrow road heading for the castle. Perhaps he would take his father, the King, up on the quest he had been bothering about. He could enlist the services of the grand wizard of Ireland and see if Gus was right. After all, the name Brian Kinney stirred a passion inside of him he couldn’t explain, it would be good to discover why.




"Shut up!" Brian willed the annoyingly calm and exceedingly boring voice to stop, desist, and disappear.


"So you see," Theodore continued, "you have enough ready cash to buy that farm on the outskirts of the village.  I will bargain for you if you wish.  The family who presently owns it will take a lower sum.  They are in great need.  In fact, if you do not wish to live there, they could be hired to keep the farm producing and that would augment your income even more."  Theodore continued to drone on.


"Enough," Brian replied.  "Do it, but leave me now."

"What?" Theodore demanded not used to being dismissed so casually.  Brian was one of his oldest friends, although perhaps friend was too generous a word.  They had known each other since childhood and Theodore prided himself on keeping Brian's finances ever growing.  He also took great pride in associating with the Grand Wizard, as Brian had become known over the years.  Not many people dared to call Brian friend or even acquaintance.


"I asked you to leave, as in get out, and go away."

"But we should work out the details of the transaction," Theodore protested.


Brian gritted his teeth.  "Make the fucking deal!  Do the best you can.  Now go!  Leave me alone."

Theodore knew better than to question Brian again.  He had seen the wrath of the man too many times.  He quickly gathered up the papers and coins they had been dealing with and quietly slipped out.


Brian let out a long breath of relief.  His head pounded.  He knew intuitively that today would bring the beautiful blond man on the black horse to him.  What he didn't know was why?  He had not been able to discern that.  Nor could he explain the combination of anticipation and dread that the man's imminent arrival evoked in him.


He rested his forehead on his arms placed across the manuscript he had been trying to read before Theodore arrived.  He closed his eyes and willed the knowledge to come to him.  Who was this blond man and what did he want of Brian?  Why was he so torn about finally meeting the man on the black horse?


Suddenly he heard a disturbance outside in the street below his window.  He sat up, then stood and moved to the window that overlooked the street.  A wave of uncertainty, unlike anything he had ever felt before, swept through him as his eyes rested on the blond man on a black horse that trotted up the street.  The man was so beautiful that Brian closed his eyes involuntarily, like his being could not stand to look at this creature of sunlight and goodness.


Brian backed away from the window and peered around the frame to catch a more surreptitious view.  People moved out of the way and he heard some say, "Welcome, Prince Justin" or "Good morning, Your Highness."

"Prince," Brian thought.  "Why has the prince come here?  Why am I so afraid?"

He gathered all of his strength and stepped back into the window in clear view of the man below, if he chose to look up.  Brian hated fear.  He made others afraid; they did not do this to him.  He drew himself up to his full height and glared down at the blond man.


Suddenly Brian felt the man's eyes lift, scan the windows and come to rest on him.  Prince Justin stared for a moment and then he smiled.  The glory of that smile struck at Brian's very being.  He staggered back out of the direct rays of that sunshine smile, but he could not take his eyes away from the face.  He felt a pain constrict his heart once again and then the past, present and future seemed to collide with immense intensity inside his head.  He gasped and dropped to the floor unconscious.


Brian heard pounding on his door.  He realized he was lying on the floor of his apartment.  He struggled to sit up and regain his faculties.  What had happened when he looked into the eyes of Prince Justin?


"Master Wizard," a voice called from the other side of the door.  "Are you there?  Prince Justin wishes to speak to you."

Brian groaned and forced himself to his feet.  Somehow he knew his fate awaited him on the other side of that door.


He moved slowly at first, his mind whirling with questions that he couldn’t answer and didn’t dare ask of Prince Justin. Of course the reputation of the Prince was well known throughout Ireland. His acts of goodness and kindness were legendary, though there had been of late, a rumbling undercurrent that Prince Justin was gifted with magic. Not learned wizardry - but real and true magic as is gifted to only those pure of soul and heart. As Grand Wizard of the land - he had better cast a cloaking spell over his activities - some of which would not perhaps stand the scrutiny of someone such as Prince Justin. Of course the Prince may not have powers, it may be just a rumor, but it was better to be safe than sorry.


Brian opened his door. “As Grand Wizard, my hours are exceedingly busy - why do you seek to interrupt me at my work?” He stared down the knight, animosity flashing in both of their eyes.


“David Cameron here in the King’s service, my sire, Prince Justin wishes to speak with you.” David’s lips couldn’t help but curl at the sight of the Grand Wizard in his long robes, his face handsome in the light that filtered through the small windows. It was a shame that someone as handsome as this wizard was such a rake.


“I can perhaps grant your Prince a few minutes of my time next Tuesday, early in the morning.” Brian began to close the door.


A sturdy boot made from the finest calfskin inserted itself in the door. “Perhaps sir, you could find the time today.” The voice was smooth and full of laughter. The door began to reopen of its own accord revealing the Prince standing there in his dusty travel clothes, his sapphire blue eyes shining with mirth, his smile revealing perfect teeth and lips that demanded to be kissed.


Brian shook the thought of kissing those sweet lips from his head, but not before Prince Justin read them there. His smile became even more dazzling. “I have a proposition for you wizard - a proposition directly from the King. There is unrest in the northern regions, Sheriff Stockwell, feels he should sit on the throne of Ireland, though father is the rightful King. Father has requested that you and I travel to this region and quell the unrest, uniting our country once again.”


“What is in it for me?” Brian turned and paced deep into the shadows of his apartment. He turned when he realized the further into the vast room Prince Justin came, the more the shadows receded until he stood bathed in a pool of sunlight, the likes of which had not graced the room for a dozen years. ‘What manner of man was this?’ he asked himself.


Prince Justin had followed the wizard inside, dismissing David to wait outside with the horses. He walked over to the taller man and reached up to brush away a fleck of darkness that had begun to show on the handsome face, banishing the dark from the fine features forever.


Brian jumped back, stung by the heat of the smaller man’s hand. A twist of Justin’s wrist held Brian in place, though he didn’t realize the magic that was at work, so supple in the moves was the Prince. “Stay my beautiful wizard” Justin said softly as he ran the back of his hand down the contours of Brian’s cheek, as if memorizing every inch.


 Justin had known from the instant his hand touched the man in front of him that everything Brian’s son Gus had told him was true. That small piece of Brian’s heart that was safely tucked away in his, reached out for its rightful place. Justin consciously calmed it, now was not the time. Out loud he said. “You need not be frightened to accompany me to the north dear wizard. My knight David Cameron will protect us from highwaymen and traitors to the King.”


Brian wrenched himself free from the magical hold this Prince seemed to have trapped him in. “Your knight does not instill in me any form of safety. I feel he has another agenda that perhaps you should investigate.”


“Yes, I know he is not true to the King or me. But better the enemy you know than one you don’t. I can watch him and I will on our journey.” Justin turned away from the hazel eyes that were trying to burn into his soul. ‘Not now my darling wizard’ he thought. ‘There will be time enough for looking deep inside one another.’


“You have come at a time that is my busiest,” Brian began. “I have spells that have been paid for and people here who depend upon me to keep their lives in order.”


“If we don’t stop Sheriff Stockwell, you will have nothing.” Justin began. “He hates wizardry and magic and vows to burn all that practice such. He has already invaded the Great Hall and jailed or burned all who were there at the time.”


“I have heard nothing of this.” Brian strode over to his skrying bowl.


“Ahhhh, that of course is part of the evil of Sheriff Stockwell. Like many who protest too much - he too resorts to the art of magic, though he weaves it with the dark side.”


Brian looked abashed. He often skirted the dark side and lately it had been harder and harder to remain on the very edge of the magical realms, neither dark, nor white. The older he became, the harder it was. Perhaps this vision of beauty and light, this younger man who stood before him in all his Princely wonder and purity, perhaps he could somehow ease his mind away from the call of the dark.




Brian made his way through the busy streets.  He needed to talk to Mistress Debbie.  She had told him to listen to his heart, and for the first time in his life he wanted to.  One look into the radiant face and pure soul of Prince Justin had thrown every belief and precept that he lived by into chaos.


Justin, yes his Justin, had asked him to accompany him on a great mission to reunite their country.  He had agreed to go and that fact had him greatly worried.  He did not mix in politics.  It was a waste of time as far as he was concerned.  But he could not refuse the beautiful blond man anything.  If his Justin had asked him to cut off his right hand he believed he might have done so.


Feelings unlike anything he had ever experienced coursed through his body.  He felt so out of control.  Perhaps Debbie could make him understand what was happening to him.  She was always so blunt and matter of fact, and yes, wise.  She understood people in a way that Brian never would.  Feelings and actions that mystified him were somehow clear as day to her.


He entered the inn and saw Debbie talking to her son Michael and the rainbow clad Emmett.  He slid onto the bench at the same table.  They looked at him in surprise, for he rarely joined them anymore.


"Brian, what are you doing here?" Michael asked with a look of pleasure and longing on his face.


"Can't I visit my friends and family?" Brian asked with a smirk.


"Of course you can, sweetie," Debbie replied.


Emmett smiled at Debbie's choice of words.  He was sure no one else dared to call the Grand Wizard sweetie.


"Emmett's sick of his job at the fabric shop.  He wants to design and make clothes of his own to sell," Michael said by way of explanation.  "We were trying to think of ways he could get money and a place to do that."


Brian stared at them and a plan began to formulate.  "How would you two like an adventure before you settle down to shop keeping?" Brian asked.  Both men looked at Brian quizzically waiting for an explanation.  "I have just talked with Prince Justin who has asked me to accompany him to the north to quell the activities of Sheriff Stockwell.  I am sure he would reward you handsomely if you chose to join us and help in our quest."


"But what could I do to help?" Emmett asked.  "I'm no fighter."

"You may not need to fight, but you can provide companionship."  Brian had decided that he didn't want to be alone with Justin yet and he wanted some of his own people with them, people he could trust.  "And you'll be the most colorfully dressed," Brian added as an afterthought.  Emmett smiled at the thought.


"And me?" Michael asked wondering what he had to offer that the Grand Wizard might need.  He knew what he wanted Brian to say, but he feared those words would never be spoken to him.


"You are an old and trusted friend.  We have always looked out for each other.  I want you to do that on this trip."

Michael smiled wryly.  That was all he could hope for.  "Of course I'll accompany you, Brian."

"Me too!" Emmett gushed.  "How exciting!"


The two men got up to go get organized for tomorrow morning.  As they left, Brian let out a sigh.  Debbie observed him openly.


"What?" Brian asked.


"Tell me why you are really here," she said.


Brian sighed again.  She knew him too well.  "The other day you told me to listen to my heart, but I don't know how to do that."

"Of course you do.  Whatever feels right to do is what your heart is telling you."

Brian didn't want to admit that long ago he had stopped listening to his feelings.  They merely got in his way or caused him problems.  "I agreed to go with Prince Justin, but I didn't want to.  I don't know why I said I would."


"Because it's the right thing to do," Debbie stated.  "You are a good man, Brian.  Deep inside you are a good man."

"I don't know," Brian replied shaking his head.


"I do, and I'm telling you that you should follow your heart on this one, before it’s too late."

Brian stared at her as she made that statement.  He wasn't sure he wanted to know what she meant by it.  "I'm so confused by this man, this Prince Justin," Brian admitted.


"Oh?" Debbie said with a smile.  "How so?"

"He looks at me and I see sunlight.  He speaks and I obey.  I … I wanted to kiss him," Brian said with a scowl.


Debbie laughed softly not wanting to offend Brian.  "I think you're in love."



"You heard me.  It's one of the consequences of following your heart that I forgot to mention."


Brian scowled at her again and got up to leave.  Suddenly he turned and kissed her gently on the cheek.


"You'll be fine," she called after him.  "Love isn't fatal."


‘It might as well be’ thought the Grand Wizard of Ireland as he left the tavern. ‘I can’t concentrate on the matters at hand with my head in a fog and my heart in turmoil.’




“Emmett Honeycutt?” the man who spoke stood in the doorway of the fabric shop with the late afternoon sun behind him. The brightness of his smile helped to light the small shop and Emmett felt an immediately kinship with the slightly younger man.


“Yes, that would be me dear boy, but I am soon leaving this shop. Is there something I can do for you?” Emmett smoothed the folds of the bolt of velvet he held. He loved the feel of velvet beneath his hands. Looking at the young blond now standing in front of him, he cold only imagine the wondrous tunic the midnight black velvet would make for the man standing there.


“That fabric would look good with my coloring.” Justin agreed though Emmett hadn’t said anything out loud. “Perhaps you could design something special.” His blue eyes looked deep into Emmett’s. “You are a good and loyal friend Emmett Honeycutt. Even Grand Wizards need friends, though they seldom will admit to such a thing.” He paused for a moment looking deep inside the colorful man’s heart and soul. “Princes too are in need of loyal friends. Perhaps more so because they are Princes,” Justin’s voice was soft and he hesitated for a moment. “The quest that I have been sent on will prove arduous and the unquestioned loyalty of a true friend will prove often necessary. I know that you are a friend, pure of heart, an admirable trait Emmett Honeycutt. When we return triumphant and Ireland is once again free from the few with hearts as black as coal, who wish harm to those that don’t meet the standards of our good Sheriff Stockwell; I will see that you have your dreams fulfilled, perhaps as personal clothier to the royal court.”


It was then that Prince Justin held out his hand in a gesture of peace “Prince Justin at your service, Emmett Honeycutt.” He smiled his sunshine smile. “I look forward to having you join our small band of travelers, though none of us are fighters with broadsword or arrow. We can fight evil with goodness and loyalty to one another.”


“My Prince, I didn’t know” Emmett fell to one knee, afraid that he had insulted the Prince by not recognizing him and offering his fealty immediately.


“Rise Emmett, for together we will go into battle with darkness, you and your rainbow attire will be a pleasure - something pleasant in an otherwise dismal quest.” He continued to smile and Emmett realized that Prince Justin was just a young man, with needs and desires the same as any other.


“Sir, the Grand Wizard, Brian Kinney” Emmett began. He loved Brian dearly as only an old friend could, but he also had witnessed countless hearts broken by the auburn haired wizard as he cut a swath through those men of the land who caught his fancy. And the Prince, while blond and comely, also had that special twinkle in his eye that said he preferred the company of men to that of women. Brian preferred dark haired men, but he wouldn’t be averse to tasting this tender morsel and Emmett feared for Justin’s heart.


“Please Emmett, don’t fear for me. I know this man who is your friend. I’ve known him since the beginning of time - it’s only now that I’ve come to reclaim what is rightfully mine.” He laughed pleasantly. “We will let that bit of information be our little secret.”


“You and Brian?” Emmett wasn’t sure he’d heard right.


“I love him, always have and always will. He loves me too, but time has washed that from his mind. It’s up to me to bring it back to him. I tell you this because you are an honest and good man. A man I would treasure to be my friend.” He smiled “Rest assured, dear Emmett, I mean no harm to Brian Kinney on this quest or any other.”


“Well, honey, if anyone can capture his heart, I expect it would be you.” Emmett smiled. “I would be pleased to be your friend as well as Brian’s. I wish you well in this love quest. But I must warn you of another of our traveling band. Michael, Brian’s friend from childhood, he feels he and he alone has the rights to the Grand Wizard’s heart. Please be careful.”


“I know of this Michael, perhaps we can interest him in David Cameron, the knight my father the King sent along as protection.” He grinned at Emmett. “Now dear friend, I can see that you are still thinking of that cloak you had in mind when you picked up the bolt of velvet. Do you have charcoal handy - - perhaps you could quickly sketch it.”


“I can do that, but Prince Justin, it would take the better part of a week to sew - the velvet should be lined with just the right color silk, perhaps blue like your eyes, and I don’t have the seamstress to work on it.”


An intricate movement of Justin’s hand and some quietly whispered words and Justin showed Emmett the trio of small Brownies who had appeared from behind the screens at the back of the store. “I don’t often have them work for me, for they do get into much mischief.” He looked at the trio sternly. “But you boys owe me from the last time, so help Emmett out here. I expect the cloak delivered to the inn before morning.” His smile was blindingly bright. “I want to look my best for the Grand Wizard.”


Emmett’s eyes had all but bugged out when the trio of Brownies had appeared. He watched astounded as they studied his hastily scrawled drawing. Looking at Justin he asked. “I really do have a few special requests for these little guys - will they listen to me?”


“Of course” another movement involving the fingers of his right hand and suddenly Emmett could understand the strange language the three were speaking as they began to lay out the velvet in preparation for cutting. “Don’t worry Emmett, they do know my measurements, and they know better than to make a mistake. One hundred years of cleaning the stable latrines is a fitting punishment, don’t you think?” He laughed at their discomfiture, even though he knew his threat was empty and so did they.


Justin left the shop to find his room at the local inn, content that he had found a friend in Emmett. He had to smile as he listened for a moment to the brightly clad man giving instructions for secret pockets to be inserted into the cloak - yes Emmett would prove to be invaluable as a friend.



The following morning the small group of travelers assembled outside Debbie's inn.  They had decided to move as unobtrusively as possible on their route north.  Each had a horse except for Emmett who rode in a small wagon containing food and cooking utensils.  They would camp out rather than use inns which might alert their adversary that they were coming.  Surprise would be their friend when they finally confronted Sheriff Stockwell.


Debbie kissed her son and admonished him to be careful and take care of himself.  Theodore had arrived to see them off.  He desperately wanted to accompany the small band, but not being much of a horseman, Brian had instead charged him with looking after his holdings while he was gone.


Prince Justin looked especially dashing and handsome in his black velvet cloak and riding gear.  Debbie wished him well, but looked warily at David Cameron who seemed to have great interest in her son.


Brian had arrived at the inn all dressed in leather, soft and brown and cut to fit his slim body like a glove.  He moved with ease, but Debbie noticed black circles around his eyes.  He seemed distracted and she wondered if he had slept at all.  His brown traveling clock was around his shoulders.  It was made of softest wool in the same color as his clothes.  She knew he would have the tools of his trade hidden in pockets inside the cloak.


"Brian," she said drawing near and whispering in his ear.  "Be careful, but trust Prince Justin.  I can feel the goodness that flows from him."

Brian snorted, indicating he would take her advice with a grain of salt.  He already knew what flowed from Prince Justin, a complex series of conflicting emotions and signals that left Brian confused and agitated.


Finally the small band was ready to depart.  They waved at Debbie and Theodore as they made their way down the street and out of the town.


Brian sat atop his roan lost in thought.  Suddenly Prince Justin was by his side saying something.  He tried to focus.


"I want to thank you for agreeing to accompany us on this quest," Justin was saying to him.  "Your help will be invaluable."


Brian stared at this young man who caused him such inner turmoil.  "I hope I have made the right decision in coming with you."

"You have," Justin said confidently and gave Brian one of his radiant smiles.


Brian blinked at the sight, but somehow it wasn't painful today.  In fact he could feel the warmth radiating from the smiling face.  He also felt a stirring in his groin that caused him to seek a new position in his saddle.


Prince Justin glanced ever so fleetingly at the area of Brian's crotch and then looked away with a little grin.  Brian was sure his cheeks must be crimson and Justin's appeared to match.


"I estimate it will take three days to arrive at the town of Armagh where Sheriff Stockwell has his headquarters.  We will camp in the forest each night."


Brian nodded.  He could feel the magic that surrounded the prince.  His own magic paled in comparison.  He had knowledge and learned skills in the art of magic.  Justin possessed innate abilities and power that Brian could only dream of.  Yet he knew that although Justin was powerful he had not been corrupted by that power.  He could control it and not let it control him.


Brian glanced around.  The others were ahead of them involved in their own thoughts and discussions.  "Will you call upon the faeries to protect us in the forest?" he asked the young prince.


"I don't have to call upon them," Justin replied.  "They will be there.  I see your powers have discerned my secret."

"That you possess great magic?" Brian asked.  "I knew that instantly."


Justin smiled slightly.  "You also have great power in your own way.  Have you decided how you will use it?"

"What do you mean?" Brian asked.


"I know you have been tempted to the dark side," Justin replied softly.


Brian started.  How could he know that?  "I make my own choices," he said haughtily.


"Of course you do.  I am grateful that you have chosen this path with me.  It is the right decision."

Brian did not answer.  He wondered that he had agreed to this, but somehow he knew his fate was tied to this man.  This voyage would be a turning point for him, one way or the other.  Now if he could only kiss those lips.

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